- 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 1 People_Unit 1 He looks like a cook_Sound family_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:d1e7a)
- a-e.mp4
- song Double phonics.flv
- the snake and the drake.ppt--点击预览
- 教案d1e7a.doc--点击预览
Lets sing aisoftoin hemeyougono onecanandbutthe thatsomeletwhatsaid Lets Spell (拼读故事课)(拼读故事课) The Snake and the Drake What is the same ? a_e snake drake cake cane lake cave manedate Rain, rain ,go away Come again another day rain againday away Discuss in pairs: Whats the same? ai,ay rain again day away ai ay ay ai pain wait nailhay grain lay tailbay ok Group work: I can read (小组内拼一拼,读一读) d ay day t ail tail 用自然拼读法拼读下面的单词用自然拼读法拼读下面的单词 d ate date Aa a-e ai ay tail bait wait rain pain maid Work in groups: 小组内用自然拼读法拼读下面的单词小组内用自然拼读法拼读下面的单词 day lay way may hay say cane fate Bay Kay bait nail Jane mane cake lake date mate day lay way may hay say Jane mane cake lake date mate tail bait wait rain pain maid cane fate bay Kay bait nail ok Listen, find and read (找出老师所读的单词或词组并读一读) Find and read One _ day, a snake came to the nest. Let go of my _. _ and dates and raisins. The snake is still _. rainy tail Grapes waiting Are they friends? Can the snake make cake? Who can make cake? Whats in Ravens cake? Who can help the snake get a cake? Why did the snake let the drake go away? THE END Can the snake make cake? Who can make cake? Whats in Ravens cake? Who can help the snake get a cake? Why did the snake let the drake go away? If you meet some new words, try to read them out. (当遇到生词时,可以利用我们学习过的拼读规则,尝试着读下去。) Circle the key words while you are reading. ( 一边读一边用笔圈出目标词,并大声读出来) Tips Read the story in pairs a-e: drake, snake, lake, Raven, cake, make, shame ay: day, way, away, Okay, lay ai: rainy, tail, wait Aa said ok Four in groups, choose your favourite part, two read, two act ( (小组内选择你们喜欢的故事章节进行表演,小组内选择你们喜欢的故事章节进行表演, 两人有感情地朗读,两人有动作地表演)两人有感情地朗读,两人有动作地表演) Tips Group work: What do you think of the drake? (评价一下故事中的鸭爸爸评价一下故事中的鸭爸爸) drake What do you get from the story? (故事给了你什么启示?故事给了你什么启示?) drake Thank you! ame ane ake ate ame ate n l m d sh l 用自然拼读法拼读下面的单词用自然拼读法拼读下面的单词 N ame L ake mane snail tail trail rail n ame name m ake lake 用自然拼读法拼读下面的单词用自然拼读法拼读下面的单词 d ate date ay ai pain train sway drain grain brain play hay Fay a-e name game same shame lame tame Work in groups: 小组内用自然拼读法拼读下面的单词小组内用自然拼读法拼读下面的单词 cake lake make bake sake drake date late mate fate hate gate Jane cane cane plane mane name game same shame lame tame cake lake make bake sake drake Jane cane cane plane mane date late mate fate hate gate Read in lines (开火车读故事,两人读一句。开火车读故事,两人读一句。) A duck and a drake had a nest by a lake. On rainy day, a snake came to the nest. The duck got away but the snake got the drake. Let go of my tail. No, I am going to eat you. Read in lines (开火车读故事,两人读一句。开火车读故事,两人读一句。) Will you eat me with some cake? That is the best way to eat drake. I cant make cake. But Raven can make cake. Ravens cake is yummy. Read in lines (开火车读故事,两人读一句。开火车读故事,两人读一句。) He makes it every day. Yum, yum. What a shame! I cant fly to Ravens nest. What is in Ravens cake? Grapes and dates and raisins. Read in lines (开火车读故事,两人读一句。开火车读故事,两人读一句。) But I can fly. If you wait, I can get you some of Ravens yummy cake. He let the drake get away. Okay, I will wait. Snake lay and waited. But the drake did not come back. He waited all day. Snake is still waiting. Drake: Let go of my tail. Snake: No, I am going to eat you. Drake: Will you eat me with some cake? That is the best way to eat drake. Snake: I cant make cake. Drake: But Raven can make cake. Ravens cake is yummy. He makes it every day.” Snake: Yum, yum. What a shame. I cant fly to Ravens nest. Drake: But I can fly. If you wait, I can get you some of Ravens yummy cake. Snake: Okay, I will wait. Read and act. Tips: 1. Work in pairs. (同桌合作同桌合作)2. Act the story. (表演故事表演故事) ok Using the key words to make sentences (小组内随意随意摆一摆,读一读 用Key words造句,看看哪一小组用的key words多) Tips Group work: a-e: drake, snake, lake, cake, make, Raven, shame ay: day, way, away, Okay air: rainy, tail, wait Aa The Snake and the Drake 拼读故事课教学设计拼读故事课教学设计 一、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课是 2011 教科版小学英语四年级下册 Module1 的 Sound Family 的课外拓展课,是一 节拼读故事课。重点学习字母组合 a-e, ai 和 ay 的在单词中的发音规律,并运用这些规律进一 步练习拼读新词和朗读的能力。课本仅提供含 ai,ay 的单词,缺乏 a-e,ai,ay 在单词后面的发音 练习和音图练习,因此本课将进一步补充相关单词、小诗和故事等进行拼读练习。本课故事 选自外研社丽声拼读故事会第四级的 the Snake and the Drake,以蛇和鸭爸爸为主线,让 孩子们在情景中以小组合作的形式运用自然拼读规律去拼读故事,通过听、说、读、写等学 习活动,层层递进地展开主题知识。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 四年级的学生活泼好动,好奇心强,他们喜欢新奇有趣的事物和挑战的活动,乐于参与 课堂,以形象直观思维为主,抽象思维正逐步发展;具有小组研学能力,他们能通过自主、 合作、探究的学习方法去互帮互学中解决问题。在知识能力方面,学生有了一定的英语语感 和语音知识,能主动拼读简单的符合规律的词汇,能朗读、阅读一些简单的句子和文章。由 于学生在二、三年级已经初步学习辅音字母在单词中的发音、元音字母的开闭音节的发音。 本学期也学习了 oo, or, ee 和 ea 等字母组合的发音规律,学生初步认识按字母组合记忆单 词的方式。本课是以此为基础,会加大学生语言的输入量,让学生运用拼读去朗读故事,通 过游戏、歌谣和故事等活动提高学生见词读音、听音辩词等技能,进一步丰富学生的语音知 识和提高朗读技能,帮助学生形成良好的语音素养,为词汇学习和阅读能力的培养打基础。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)语言能力目标 1.知识与技能目标 1)学生能在故事中综合运用以下词汇: (1)核心拼读单词: rainy, tail, raisins, wait, waited, waiting, drake, lake, snake, came, cake, make, Raven, makes, Grapes, dates, shame, day, away, way, Okay, lay (2)其他单词: one, to, the, said, you, some, every, what, come 2)语音:核心拼读字母组合和 rainy 中 ai 发音一致的字母组合:ai, a-e, ay 3)学生能在故事中运用以下句型: “I cant make cake, said the snake. But Raven can make cake, said the drake. Okay. I will wait, said the snake, and he let the drake get away. Snake lay and waited. 2.语用目标: 1) 学生能注意及掌握含 a-e, ai, ay 字母组合的发音规律,建立新旧单词的联系,运用拼读法 自学新单词及朗读歌谣、故事。 2) 学生能够在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂简单的故事绘本。 (二)学习能力目标 1. 学生能拼读含有字母组合 a-e, ai, ay 的单词; 2. 学生能根据老师的读音辨识相应单词; 3. 学生能读出含有 a-e, ai, ay 这些字母组合的新单词,并能读出相关歌谣和故事; 4. 学生能在小组活动中提高合作能力和综合运用语言的能力。 (三)思维品质目标 1. 通过玩游戏、小诗和歌谣、故事等教学活动,培养学生的学习兴趣。 2. 通过小组合作完成任务,培养学生的合作意识。 (四)文化品格目标 通过绘本故事引导学生要在生活中提高安全意识,遇到危险要沉着冷静,勇敢面对,用 智慧战胜对手。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1. 教学重点:1). 掌握含 a-e, ai, ay 字母组合的发音规律; 2). 运用拼读法自学新单词及朗读歌谣、故事。 2. 教学难点:a-e, ai, ay 音图的记忆以及运用拼读法朗读故事 五、教学理念及策略五、教学理念及策略 语音教学主要着力于语言技能的训练,包括发音练习、音-形相对应的记忆和朗读训练, 以及见词读音、听音写词技能的训练,这些教学内容都相对枯燥,学生的注意力容易分散。 为了解决这一问题,整节课以“SPP”和 IIO 课堂教学模式,采用游戏、歌曲、歌谣和故事等活 动形式,整体输入、内化、操练新知,有目的、有针对性地帮助学生接受、内化新单词,提 高学习内容和学习方式的趣味性让学生在情境中感知语言、内化语言和运用语言。 六、六、教学过程教学过程 I Preparation &Revision 1. Song: Double Phonics 2. Sightwords time 3. Game: guessing game (Whats in my bag? ) Divide two teams: Snake & Drake 【设计意图:通过歌曲,活跃课堂气氛;让学生快速认读 Sightwords, 在 guessing game 中引 出 snake, drake,cake,为整节课作铺垫。 】 II Input &Internalization 1. Present “a-e” and practice (1) Show the words: “snake” “cake” “drake” (2) Find the same: a-e Aa (3)Watch a video and repeat: a-e Aa (4) Try to read: Use the phonics and the pictures to learn the new words 【设计意图:在老师引导下用归纳法总结字母的发音,同时利用图片,让学生运用自然拼读 学习本课的核心词汇,初步感知目标音的单词,为下面的故事作铺垫。 】 2. Present “ai” “ay” and practice (1) Watch a video: rain rain go away, come again another day (2) Discuss in pairs: Whats the same (3) Work in groups: Use the phonics and the pictures to learn the new words: 【设计意图:通过小组合作,归纳总结字母的发音;利用图片,让学生运用自然拼读学习本 课的核心词汇,初步感知目标音的单词,为下面的故事作铺垫。 】 3. Practice “a-e” “ai” “ay” (1) Spell the words in groups (2) Game1: 小组单词拼读比赛 (3) Game2: Listen, find and read 【设计意图:帮助学生建立字母的音形对应关系, 训练学生拼读新词的能力,内化语音知识; 渗透部分在故事中将要出现的含有目标音的单词和词组,为后面的语言输出作好准备。 】 4. Listen and fill 【设计意图: 将后面故事中出现的单词、句子以听写的形式融入,并让学生认读,使学生对 新单词、句子的意思有初步的感知,也为后面的故事学习做铺垫。 】 III OutputStory time 1. Show the cover of the book:Imagine and imitate What can you see on the cover? Are they friends in the story? What happened between the snake and the drake? 【设计意图: 让学生就故事封面进行讨论,回答教师的问题,初步感知故事主人,引起学生 的阅读欲望,带着好奇心的学生可以更专注的投入课堂。 】 2. Listen and answer the questions Can the snake make cake? Who can make cake? Whats in Ravens cake? Who can help the snake get a cake? Will the snake get a cake? Why? 3. Read the story in pairs: 两人一组,尝试着读一读这个故事 【设计意图: 学生运用 Phonics 技能来朗读单词和句子,并通过故事中的插图来理解故事。 】 4. Act the story in groups 【设计意图:指导学生在四人小组内操练并形象地演绎出故事情节, 引导学生综合运用所学 到的知识。 】 5. Discuss and answer Question: What do you think of the drake? Do you like the snake in the story? What do you get from the story? 【设计意图: 帮助学生提炼并理解故事寓意, 体会在遇到危险时,要沉着冷静,用智慧去战 胜对手。 】 IV Summary 1. Read the words and sentences they learn in this class. 2. Introduce some story books to the students. 【设计意图:通过黑板板书的蛋糕,引导学生再回忆和整体把握本节课的内容。 】 V V 作业布置作业布置 1. Read the story with emotion. 2. Play letter games with your friends. 七、板书设置七、板书设置 The Snake and the Drake