教科版四下-Module 1 People-Unit 1 He looks like a cook-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:00271).zip

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义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 四年级下册 Module 4 Activities Period 1 歌曲:利用歌曲调动孩 子们上课的气氛,同时 唤醒孩子对动词的回忆。 歌曲有链接,但是点击 看不了,重新打包在文 件中。 * activity 活动 快速读出所指的短语 由歌曲的动词,引 入到动词短语,这 些呈现的活动短语 都是前面u4 u5 u6 学过的内容,图片 提醒是为了帮助后 进生加强这些动词 短语的热身。这一 环节重要在复习动 词短语。 A: What do you do on Sunday? B: I usually / always / often . * free We have free time. 空闲的 我们有空 当你有空的时候,你做什么? What do you do when you have free time ? What do you do when you have free time? I I usually_usually_ whenwhen I I havehave freefree time.time. go to the park visit my friends do some reading 读点书 I I _ whenwhen I I havehave freefree time.time. WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo whenwhen youyou havehave freefree time?time? . * What do you do when you have free time ? I always _ . watch cartoons cartoon 卡通 Monkey King interesting 有趣的 猴王 * Lets chant What do you do when you have free time? What do you do when you have free time? I watch TV when I have free time. I do some reading when I have free time. I sea a film when I have free time. I watch cartoons when I have free time. I go shopping when I have free time. * Tim Ann I feel bored 感觉烦闷的 我也是 Me too . Shall we ? 我们好吗? What do they do? T or F ( ) 1 Its Sunday today. ( ) 2 Jiamin is reading an interesting book. ( ) 3 Janet likes reading. ( ) 4 They are going to watch a cartoon. * Read the dialgue * Lets sum up 当你有空的时候,你做什么? 1、What do you do when you have free time ? I usually/often/sometimes 2、相关的短语 Homework: 1 Copy the words we learn today 2 Read the words and the dialogue * * * WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo _ ? ? I_I_ whenwhen I I havehave freefree time.time. email my friends 发电子邮件 when you have free time * WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo _?_? I_I_ whenwhen I I havehave freefree time.time. go shopping * What _? I_. listen to music 听 * What _? I_. have a picnic 野餐 * * Lets chant What do you do when you have free time? What do you do when you have free time? I watch TV when I have free time. I do some reading when I have free time. I go the park when I have free time. I go the park when I have free time. I go shopping when I have free time. * activity 活动 * I feel very happy today. But my brother and my sister feel bored. 感觉 烦闷 Me too 我也是 * Shall we watch a cartoon? We feel bored! 我们好吗? Monkey King Cartoon 通过I sometimes watch a cartoon with my child when Im free. 引出cartoon一词。 同时利用图片询问what cartoon is it? 学习 Monkey King。 卡通猴王 Cartoon is interesting ! 有趣的 Shall we . this afternoon? Great!Lets Lets practice Listen and answer: WhatWhat dodo theythey dodo whenwhen thethe havehave freefree time?time? T or F ( ) 1 Its Sunday today. ( ) 2 Jiamin is reading an interesting book. ( ) 3 Janet likes reading. ( ) 4 They are going to watch a cartoon. Its Sunday and I feel bored. Me too.What do you do when you have free time? I dont like that. I usually watch cartoons. I often do some reading. Look, Im reading an interesting book. Shall we watch a cartoon? Great! Lets watch the Monkey King. Lets fill Lets try to repeat A:Its _ and I feel _. B:_too . What _ you _ when you have _ time. A:I often _. Look, Im reading an_ book. B:I dont like that. I _ watch _. _ we watch a cartoon? A:Great! Lets watch the _. Sunday bored Medo do free do some reading interesting usually cartoons Shall Monkey King Homework: 1.Listen and read Unit 7 . 2.Copy the words we learn today. * 本课时目标:本课时目标: 1. 1. 学生能使用问句学生能使用问句WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo whenwhen youyou havehave freefree timetime?及回答。?及回答。 2. 2. 学生能初步理解表达建议:学生能初步理解表达建议:shallshall we?we? 3. 3. 学生能听说读以下新词:学生能听说读以下新词:free,feel,bored,free,feel,bored, dodo somesome reading,reading, interesting,interesting, cartoon,cartoon, shall,shall, ShallShall we?we? king,king, MonkeyMonkey King.King. * 引出课题(请学生大声朗读课题 ) 全班分成两个大组,一 问一答,尽量让大部分 孩子参与。以一分钟时 间为限,参与多的人数 多为胜。 What do you do when you have free time? I when I have free time. Lets compete 这里链接 了一个计 时器 * WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo whenwhen youyou havehave freefree time?time? I_ when I have free time. 这个环节主要使用两两 操练,把新学的句型上 口。一个学生问,另一 人答,然后角色交换。 * Shall we watch a cartoon? We feel bored! Great! Lets watch Monkey King! 我们好吗? * I_ when I have free time. WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo whenwhen youyou havehave freefree time?time? 小组接力比赛,那 组完成的时间快、 好为胜。 * Lets talk A: What do you usually do on Sunday? B: I usually / always / often . Lets talk A: What do you do on Sunday? B: I usually / always / often . My week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday busy prepare the lessons Visit my friends take exercise See a film go shopping go to the park free 请学生问自己,利用 图表告诉学生你一周 都很忙,但是周日就 相对free。同时学习 新单词 free。为引出 课题做铺垫。 空闲 What do you do when you have free time? I I usually_usually_ whenwhen I I havehave freefree time.time. go to the park visit my friends do some reading 读点书 . * WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo whenwhen youyou havehave freefree timetime? I_ when I have free time. draw pictures 利用句型引出 新的短语。 * WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo whenwhen youyou havehave freefree timetime? I often _ . 使用同一句型 引出新的短语。 take photos 拍照 A: What do you do on Sunday? B: I usually / always / often . Unit7Whatdoyoudowhenyouhavefreetime? 教案 教学目标(一)语言知识目标 1、能听、说、读和初步拼写以下单词: activity, free , feel, bored, listen, listen to , email, cartoon, picnic,shall. 2、能听说读以下词组: have a picnic, listen to music, take photos, do some reading, watch cartoons, email my friends, draw a picture, go shopping. 3、能听说读写以及在活动中理解和运用以下句型: What do you do when you have free time? I usually/often. Shall we? 肯定回答 Great. 否定回答 I am sorry. 4、能根据老师提供的例子简单的谈论自己的周末安排 (二)语言技能目标 1、能认读并初步拼写以上新单词。 2、能认读和运用本节课将要学习的短语。 3、能运用新学句型进行交流。 4、能运用新学的知识介绍自己周末的安排。 (三)学习策略目标 1、运用基本的语音知识拼读单词,提高拼写能力。 2、能积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 (四)情感态度目标 通过参与本节课的学习,培养学生参与课堂教学活动的兴趣和积极 性,培养学生的交际能力和增强他们的学习自信心,以及教育孩子 们要懂得合理安排时间,劳逸结合,以提高学习的效率。 学情分析四年级学生已有一定的英语学习基础,能够运用所学句型 进行交流。此前,已经学过一些关于活动的短语,所以为今天要学 习新的关于活动的短语作了铺垫。但四年级学生注意力集中时间不 长, 因此本节课教师要创设情景,运用图片、课件、游戏等教学形 式,发挥学生的主动性,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 重点难点教学重点 1、关于活动短语的表达。 2、如何询问别人的课余生活及回答;如何作出邀请及回答。 What do you do when you have free time? I usually/often. Shall we? 肯定回答 Great. 否定回答 I am sorry. 教学难点 1、理解句型 What do you do when you have free time? I usually/often. 2、谈论关于课余活动用语的深入拓展运用(介绍自己的周末安排) 。 教学过程 4.1 教学活动【导入】Unit7Whatdoyoudo whenyouhavefreetime(一)Warming-up Sing a song Wheres my papa? 设计意图:歌曲不但可以活跃课堂气氛,而且通过此歌曲吸引孩子 的注意力并利用此歌曲自然引入到将要学习的情境中。 (二)Presentation and Practice 1、介绍歌曲里面的人物。 Cindy, Tiantian, Angela, Shitou and Kimi. 设计意图:通过孩子们熟悉并且喜欢的小朋友,激发孩子们的兴趣。 2、谈论关于这几个孩子现如今的生活。 T: We dont see them on TV for a long time, do you know where do they go? Ps: At home, go to Changlong? Ts: They go to school now, so they are very busy like you, they want to relax when they have free time. Can you guess what do they do when they have free time? Ps: 引导孩子们利用已经学过的关于活动的短语作答。 设计意图:引导学生回顾学过的关于活动的短语。 3、头脑风暴复习学过的关于活动的短语。 设计意图:复习旧知,为下一步学习新知作好铺垫。 4、听一段小故事,了解“爸爸去哪儿”中那五个小朋友周末做了什么? 在听故事前,提醒学生带着老师设置的两个问题去听故事。 设计意图:在情景中呈现新知。 5、记忆大拷问:你们还记得那五个孩子各自做了什么吗? 老师和学生一起边回忆边学习新知。 设计意图:在情境中学习活动短语。 6、通过以旧带新和 phonics 学习新词,并通过个人开火车、两人开 火车、四人小组开火车、剪刀石头布等游戏操练和巩固新词和新短 语。 7、在学习短语的过程中呈现重点句型 What do you do when you have free time?及其 I usually/often. 由于句子很长,所以我用了一个波浪形活动帮助孩子断句来操 练,what do you dowhen you havefree time- What do you do when you have free time? 设计意图:以活动的方式帮助孩子降低读长句的难度。 7、Practice the sentence with partners. What do you do when you have free time? I usually/often. 设计意图:创设条件让孩子们尽可能多的开口练习并运用所学知识。 8、在学完长句后很自然地可以呈现并操练另一个句型:Shall we.? Great . / I am sorry. 设计意图:创设条件让孩子们尽可能多的开口练习并运用所学知识。 9、巩固和操练 8 个短语。 Play a game: Do actions ,guess and match the phrases and the pictures. (三)Development 1、创设情景 My album:Miss Lin, on schools I am very busy and hard- working, so I want to relax( have fun) when I have free time. What do I do on Sundays? Ask pupils to guess what do I do when I have free time? And then show my pictures. 设计意图:从孩子们熟悉的电视人物过渡到孩子身边的人,更加加 强了生活性,使孩子们更自然地在生活中运用语言。 2、This is my Sunday. Show the short passage about my Sunday. Pupils read it. 设计意图:让学生在了解如何描述自己的周末生活。 3、Do the exercise. Fill in the blanks and share “My Sunday” with us. 设计意图:让学生了解如何描述自己的周末生活。 4、Check the answers and ask pupils to share with us. 设计意图:提供机会让孩子在大家面前表现自己,开口说英语并让 其他同学们分享自己的 Sunday。 (四)Sum up:提问学生今天所学习的新知识。 设计意图:对本课时学习的知识进行总结、回顾。 (五)情感教育 教育孩子要合理安排时间,注意做到劳逸结合,这样才能使我们的 学习更加有效率。 (六)Homework 1、Copy the new words and phrases. 2、Listen and read Unit7. 3、Tell “My Sunday” to your parents or friends. Unit7Whatdoyoudowhenyouhave freetime? 课时设计 课堂实录 Unit7Whatdoyoudowhenyou havefreetime? 第一学时教学活动【导入】Unit7Whatdoyoudowhen youhavefreetime(一)Warming-up Sing a song Wheres my papa? 设计意图:歌曲不但可以活跃课堂气氛,而且通过此歌曲吸引孩子 的注意力并利用此歌曲自然引入到将要学习的情境中。 (二)Presentation and Practice 1、介绍歌曲里面的人物。 Cindy, Tiantian, Angela, Shitou and Kimi. 设计意图:通过孩子们熟悉并且喜欢的小朋友,激发孩子们的兴趣。 2、谈论关于这几个孩子现如今的生活。 T: We dont see them on TV for a long time, do you know where do they go? Ps: At home, go to Changlong? Ts: They go to school now, so they are very busy like you, they want to relax when they have free time. Can you guess what do they do when they have free time? Ps: 引导孩子们利用已经学过的关于活动的短语作答。 设计意图:引导学生回顾学过的关于活动的短语。 3、头脑风暴复习学过的关于活动的短语。 设计意图:复习旧知,为下一步学习新知作好铺垫。 4、听一段小故事,了解“爸爸去哪儿”中那五个小朋友周末做了什么? 在听故事前,提醒学生带着老师设置的两个问题去听故事。 设计意图:在情景中呈现新知。 5、记忆大拷问:你们还记得那五个孩子各自做了什么吗? 老师和学生一起边回忆边学习新知。 设计意图:在情境中学习活动短语。 6、通过以旧带新和 phonics 学习新词,并通过个人开火车、两人开 火车、四人小组开火车、剪刀石头布等游戏操练和巩固新词和新短 语。 7、在学习短语的过程中呈现重点句型 What do you do when you have free time?及其 I usually/often. 由于句子很长,所以我用了一个波浪形活动帮助孩子断句来操 练,what do you dowhen you havefree time- What do you do when you have free time? 设计意图:以活动的方式帮助孩子降低读长句的难度。 7、Practice the sentence with partners. What do you do when you have free time? I usually/often. 设计意图:创设条件让孩子们尽可能多的开口练习并运用所学知识。 8、在学完长句后很自然地可以呈现并操练另一个句型:Shall we.? Great . / I am sorry. 设计意图:创设条件让孩子们尽可能多的开口练习并运用所学知识。 9、巩固和操练 8 个短语。 Play a game: Do actions ,guess and match the phrases and the pictures. (三)Development 1、创设情景 My album:Miss Lin, on schools I am very busy and hard- working, so I want to relax( have fun) when I have free time. What do I do on Sundays? Ask pupils to guess what do I do when I have free time? And then show my pictures. 设计意图:从孩子们熟悉的电视人物过渡到孩子身边的人,更加加 强了生活性,使孩子们更自然地在生活中运用语言。 2、This is my Sunday. Show the short passage about my Sunday. Pupils read it. 设计意图:让学生在了解如何描述自己的周末生活。 3、Do the exercise. Fill in the blanks and share “My Sunday” with us. 设计意图:让学生了解如何描述自己的周末生活。 4、Check the answers and ask pupils to share with us. 设计意图:提供机会让孩子在大家面前表现自己,开口说英语并让 其他同学们分享自己的 Sunday。 (四)Sum up:提问学生今天所学习的新知识。 设计意图:对本课时学习的知识进行总结、回顾。 (五)情感教育 教育孩子要合理安排时间,注意做到劳逸结合,这样才能使我们的 学习更加有效率。 (六)Homework 1、Copy the new words and phrases. 2、Listen and read Unit7. 3、Tell “My Sunday” to your parents or friends.
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