教科版四下-Module 1 People-Unit 2 Unit 2 She is very kind-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:61218).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 1 People_Unit 2 Unit 2 She is very kind_Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:61218)
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    • 教案61218.doc--点击预览


广 州 市 小 学 英 语 中 心 组 广 州 市 小 学 英 语 中 心 组 Good news! Is this teacher a lady or a man? Is this teacher _ or _? tallshort What is the new teacher like? I think the new teacher is _.(tall/ short) I think the new teacher has _. (big eyes/ small eyes) I think the new teacher is in _.( jeans/ a skirt) I think the new teacher Is the new teacher really a lady? Is the new teacher really tall? Is the new teacher really young? A: Look at these people. Who are they? Which is _? B: The one _ is Jiamin. The one _ is Xiaoling. The one _ is Ben. A: Which is the new teacher? What is she like? B: The one _ is Xiaolings new teacher. True or False F F T F teachers room green not old = young Lets practice. ( )1) The new teacher is in the classroom. ( ) 2) She has blue eyes and a small mouth. ( ) 3) The new teacher is not old. ( ) 4) She is shy and lovely. kind Do you think the children like the new teacher or not? Why? Lets learn. She looks _. She looks _. behind skysh k Lets chant. chant I am kind. _ is shy. Lets be friends and have a good time. This new teacher is shy. Lets help her meet some other(其 他) teachers. Mr Zhang Miss Li Mr Chen Ms Wang He has short hair. He looks strong. He has a round face. He looks friendly. She is in a yellow dress. She looks kind. She has short hair. She looks short. She has long hair. She looks thin. He is in a yellow sweater. Mr Chen maths teacher round face,big eyes ,big nose,happy A: _ is our _ teacher. B: What is _ like? A: _ has _. _ is _. Ms Wang art teacher brown hair,big nose ,big mouth,strong,kind A: _ is our _ teacher. B: What is _ like? A: _ has _. _ is _. Mr Chen maths teacher round face,big eyes ,big nose,happy A: _ is our _ teacher. B: What is _ like? A: _ has _. _ is _. A: _ is our _ teacher. B: What is _ like? A: _ has _. _ is _. Look, here is a photo of _. B: _ looks _. Mr Chenmaths he He a round face him He happy He in a yellow sweater Module 1 People Unit 2 She is very kind (The first period) 一、教学内容分析 本节课为三年级上册 Module1 People 中 Unit 2 She is very kind 的内容。本单元的教学内容对学生来说不难理解,关键在于如 何牢固掌握“What is she like ?”这个句型的问答和人物外貌描述。 教学时,加入各种有趣的课堂游戏、小诗来激发学生的形象思维。 二、教学目标 1.语言知识目标: 单词:kind shy round friendly 句型:What is like? 2.语言技能目标: 1)能听说认读本课的单词。 2)能理解本课句型并在现实情境中运用。 3.学习策略目标: 1)利用 phonics 自然拼读法教学,提高学生单词拼读认读能力。 2)创设情境呈现新内容,激发兴趣让学生主动大胆说英语。 3)通过各种不同的游戏教学及比赛,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课 堂活动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。 4.情感态度目标: 通过外貌描述,让学生能用英语积极与别人沟通交流。 三、教学重点 1)本课词汇 2)本课句型 四、教学难点 1)能理解本课句型并在现实情境中运用。 2)交流中能正确运用礼貌用语。 五、教学媒体与教学准备 PPT、金太阳软件 六、教学过程 1.Warming up Sing a song 2.Presentation and Practice 1)通过已学形容词引出句型 What is like? 2)通过描述三位同学,复习外貌描述。 3)引出新老师,学习老师的外貌描写。 4 课文学习。 5)练习题。 6).根据问题,学习新单词。 7)读小诗。 8)学习词条。 3.Consolidation and Development 1)练习题。 2)表演课文。 4.Sum up 5.Homework. 七.板书: Unit 2 She is very kind Group assessment New words New sentences
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