教科版四下-Module 1 People-Unit 2 Unit 2 She is very kind-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:e2fc7).zip

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    • U2 She is very kind
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      • Lets talk.swf
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    • Unit 2 She is very kind.mp4
    • Unit 2 She is very kind.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案e2fc7.doc--点击预览


ai n r tr as scl gleskft aw dr h lk air h f kind inlikeveryhas what small new very kind chant I am kind. He/She is shy. Lets be friends and have a good time. Lets chant. Period 2 执教者:执教者: 刘碧翠刘碧翠 广州市黄埔区新庄小学广州市黄埔区新庄小学 义务教育广州版小学英语教材四年级下册 Module 1 People 本课时学习目标: 1.复习巩固下列单词: kind,shy,round,friendly 2.能够熟练运用句型: (1) Whats .like? 及其答语:He/She has. (2) He/She is. 3.理解课文意思,并能流利地朗读课文。 kind a round face heavy short lovely shy friendly tall thin big eyes long hair big nose small mouth What is.like ? She/He has (a/an). Free talk She/He is. Good news! Is this teacher a lady or a man? Is this teacher _ or _? tallshort What is the new teacher like? I think the new teacher is _.(tall/ short) I think the new teacher has _. (big eyes/ small eyes) I think the new teacher is in _.( jeans/ a skirt) Is the new teacher really a lady? Is the new teacher really tall? Is the new teacher really young? A: She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very kind . Q: What is she like ? This is the new teacher . She is very young and shy. Look at these people. Who are they? A: Which is the new teacher? What is she like? B: The one _is Xiaolings new teacher. with short hairhas two big eyesin red sweater True or False ( )1. The new teacher is in the classroom. ( ) 2. She has blue eyes and a small mouth. ( ) 3.The new teacher is not old. ( ) 4.She is shy and lovely. F F T F teachers room green not old = young kind Lets practice. Work in groups.(小组活动) 2.Read in roles(分角色读)。 1.Read in groups(小组齐读)。 3.Act out the dialogue(演读对话)。 1.Read in groups(小组齐读)。 2.Read in roles(分角色读)。 3.Act out the dialogue(演读对话), aunt cool sister, friendly brother kind cousin shy A:Look at that lady. She is _. B: What is she like ? A: She _ B: She looks _. Make a new dialogue. my aunt has short hair and glasses. cool aunt cool sister, friendly brother kind cousin shy A:Look at that boy. He is _. B: What is he like ? A: He _ B: He looks _. Make a new dialogue. has short hair and big eyes kind my brother aunt cool sister, friendly brother kind cousin shy A:Look at that boy. He is _. B: What is he like ? A: He _ B: He looks _. Make a new dialogue. has short hair and glasses shy my cousin aunt cool sister friendly brother kind cousin shy A:Look at that girl. She is _. B: What is she like ? A: She _ B: She looks _. Make a new dialogue. my sister long short hair and big eyes. friendly Homework: 1,听录音,仿读课文。 2,和同学互相介绍自己好朋友的外貌特征。 教材内容分 析 新教材以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生 运用英语完成有实际目的的语言任务。本模块的话题是“人”,两篇课文都 选取了学生比较熟悉的内容,如 Unit 1 谈论的是 He looks like a cook. 而 Unit 2 则是 U1 内容的一个扩展,讨论的是 The new teacher is very kind。 教学对象分 析 四年级学生处于 9 到 10 岁的年龄,性格活泼好动,学习积极性高。但 他们的注意不稳定、不持久,难于长时间地注意同一件事物,容易为一些 新奇刺激的事物所吸引。根据学生的年龄特点,在本课的教学中,特别插 入了歌曲、游戏等环节,激发学生的学习兴趣。 教学目标(一)语言知识目标 1. 复习巩固下列单词及短语: kind, shy, round, friendly. 2. 能够熟练运用句型: (1) Whats .like? 及其答语:He/she is. (2) has. 3. 理解课文意思,并能流利地朗读课文。 (二)语言技能目标 1. 能理解并流利朗读 Lets talk 中的对话。 2、能介绍自己熟悉的人长得怎样。 (三)学习策略目标 1. 通过思维导图,帮助学生梳理知识点。 2. 学生在情境中熟悉课文内容,提高说的能力。 教学重点 能理解并流利朗读 Lets talk 中的对话。 教学难点能介绍自己身边熟悉的同学或者老师。 教学策略1.以多种形式的多媒体手段激发学生的学习兴趣。 2.通过层层递进的活动,学习、巩固和拓展知识,培养学生的思维能力。 教学媒体及 资源 多媒体平台、PPT 课件、课本等。 教学过程教学活动及具体的活动操作 步骤 学生学习活动设计意图 1. Phonics time: ai, as, aw, air, To learn the sound of the monogram. 通过学习和练习, 让学生掌握部分字 母组合在单词中的 发音。 2. Sight words time1. To review the sight words. 通过练习,巩固 sight words。 1. Warm up 3. Lets chantEnjoy the chant.通过小诗,带动课 堂气氛,复习 kind,shy. 4. Show the title and aim.1. Read the title. 2. Know the aim. 通过介绍课题和教 学目标,让学生清 楚本课时的学习内 容。 1.Game (1) Sharp eyes. (1) To speek the words you have saw. 通过游戏,复习形 容人外表的单词; 同时,激发学生的 学习激情。 2. Free talk1. What is like ? She/He is She/He has 通过 free talk, 复习 句型。 2. pre-task 3. Talk about the new teacher.1.To guess what is the new teacher like . 通过介绍学校来的 新老师,复习人物 外貌的单词及句型, 引出课文的学习。 1. Watch the video and answer the question. Watch the video and answer the question. 通过看课文光盘, 初步感知课文内容。 2. Listen and answer True or False . Listen and answer True or False. 通过听课文录音,判 断正误,让学生初 步理解对话内容。 3. Listen and repeat.Listen and repeat.通过跟录音读对话, 培养学生正确的语 音语调。 3. While-task 4. Group workWork in groups. Choose one way to do. (1) Read together. (2)Read in roles. (3) Act out the dialogue. 通过小组活动,让 学生选择喜欢的方 式进行读、演对话。 4. Post-task:Make a new dialogue.Make a new dialogue with partners. 学生根据提供的图, 编出新的对话,说 出每个人的外貌特 征。培养的学生运 用语言的能力。 5. Sum upLets sum up1. Sum up the language. 2. Count the points. 总结本节课的学习 内容及评比情况。 6. Homework1. 听录音,仿读课文。 2. 和同学互相介绍自己好朋友的外貌特征。 Lets practice. (True or False) ( ) 1. The new teacher is in the classroom. ( ) 2. She has blue eyes and a small mouth. ( ) 3.The new teacher is not old. ( ) 4.She is shy and lovely. 教材内容分 析 新教材以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生 运用英语完成有实际目的的语言任务。本模块的话题是“人”,两篇课文都 选取了学生比较熟悉的内容,如 Unit 1 谈论的是 He looks like a cook. 而 Unit 2 则是 U1 内容的一个扩展,讨论的是 The new teacher is very kind。 教学对象分 析 四年级学生处于 9 到 10 岁的年龄,性格活泼好动,学习积极性高。但 他们的注意不稳定、不持久,难于长时间地注意同一件事物,容易为一些 新奇刺激的事物所吸引。根据学生的年龄特点,在本课的教学中,特别插 入了歌曲、游戏等环节,激发学生的学习兴趣。 教学目标(一)语言知识目标 1. 复习巩固下列单词及短语: kind, shy, round, friendly. 2. 能够熟练运用句型: (1) Whats .like? 及其答语:He/she is. (2) has. 3. 理解课文意思,并能流利地朗读课文。 (二)语言技能目标 1. 能理解并流利朗读 Lets talk 中的对话。 2、能介绍自己熟悉的人长得怎样。 (三)学习策略目标 1. 通过思维导图,帮助学生梳理知识点。 2. 学生在情境中熟悉课文内容,提高说的能力。 教学重点 能理解并流利朗读 Lets talk 中的对话。 教学难点能介绍自己身边熟悉的同学或者老师。 教学策略1.以多种形式的多媒体手段激发学生的学习兴趣。 2.通过层层递进的活动,学习、巩固和拓展知识,培养学生的思维能力。 教学媒体及 资源 多媒体平台、PPT 课件、课本等。 教学过程教学活动及具体的活动操作 步骤 学生学习活动设计意图 1. Phonics time: ai, as, aw, air, To learn the sound of the monogram. 通过学习和练习, 让学生掌握部分字 母组合在单词中的 发音。 2. Sight words time1. To review the sight words. 通过练习,巩固 sight words。 1. Warm up 3. Lets chantEnjoy the chant.通过小诗,带动课 堂气氛,复习 kind,shy. 4. Show the title and aim.1. Read the title. 2. Know the aim. 通过介绍课题和教 学目标,让学生清 楚本课时的学习内 容。 1.Game (1) Sharp eyes. (1) To speek the words you have saw. 通过游戏,复习形 容人外表的单词; 同时,激发学生的 学习激情。 2. Free talk1. What is like ? She/He is She/He has 通过 free talk, 复习 句型。 2. pre-task 3. Talk about the new teacher.1.To guess what is the new teacher like . 通过介绍学校来的 新老师,复习人物 外貌的单词及句型, 引出课文的学习。 1. Watch the video and answer the question. Watch the video and answer the question. 通过看课文光盘, 初步感知课文内容。 2. Listen and answer True or False . Listen and answer True or False. 通过听课文录音,判 断正误,让学生初 步理解对话内容。 3. Listen and repeat.Listen and repeat.通过跟录音读对话, 培养学生正确的语 音语调。 3. While-task 4. Group workWork in groups. Choose one way to do. (1) Read together. (2)Read in roles. (3) Act out the dialogue. 通过小组活动,让 学生选择喜欢的方 式进行读、演对话。 4. Post-task:Make a new dialogue.Make a new dialogue with partners. 学生根据提供的图, 编出新的对话,说 出每个人的外貌特 征。培养的学生运 用语言的能力。 5. Sum upLets sum up1. Sum up the language. 2. Count the points. 总结本节课的学习 内容及评比情况。 6. Homework1. 听录音,仿读课文。 2. 和同学互相介绍自己好朋友的外貌特征。 ai n r tr as scl gleskft aw dr h lk air h f kind inlikeveryhas what small new very kind chant I am kind. He/She is shy. Lets be friends and have a good time. Lets chant. Period 2 义务教育广州版小学英语教材四年级下册 Module 1 People 本课时学习目标: 1.复习巩固下列单词: kind,shy,round,friendly 2.能够熟练运用句型: (1) Whats .like? 及其答语:He/She has. (2) He/She is. 3.理解课文意思,并能流利地朗读课文。 kind a round face heavy short lovely shy friendly tall thin big eyes long hair big nose small mouth What is.like ? She/He has (a/an). Free talk She/He is. Good news! Is this teacher a lady or a man? Is this teacher _ or _? tallshort What is the new teacher like? I think the new teacher is _.(tall/ short) I think the new teacher has _. (big eyes/ small eyes) I think the new teacher is in _.( jeans/ a skirt) Is the new teacher really a lady? Is the new teacher really tall? Is the new teacher really young? A: She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very kind . Q: What is she like ? This is the new teacher . She is very young and shy. Look at these people. Who are they? A: Which is the new teacher? What is she like? B: The one _is Xiaolings new teacher. with short hairhas two big eyesin red sweater True or False ( )1. The new teacher is in the classroom. ( ) 2. She has blue eyes and a small mouth. ( ) 3.The new teacher is not old. ( ) 4.She is shy and lovely. F F T F teachers room green not old = young kind Lets practice. Work in groups.(小组活动) 2.Read in roles(分角色读)。 1.Read in groups(小组齐读)。 3.Act out the dialogue(演读对话)。 1.Read in groups(小组齐读)。 2.Read in roles(分角色读)。 3.Act out the dialogue(演读对话), aunt cool sister, friendly brother kind cousin shy A:Look at that lady. She is _. B: What is she like ? A: She _ B: She looks _. Make a new dialogue. my aunt has short hair and glasses. cool aunt cool sister, friendly brother kind cousin shy A:Look at that boy. He is _. B: What is he like ? A: He _ B: He looks _. Make a new dialogue. has short hair and big eyes kind my brother aunt cool sister, friendly brother kind cousin shy A:Look at that boy. He is _. B: What is he like ? A: He _ B: He looks _. Make a new dialogue. has short hair and glasses shy my cousin aunt cool sister friendly brother kind cousin shy A:Look at that girl. She is _. B: What is she like ? A: She _ B: She looks _. Make a new dialogue. my sister long short hair and big eyes. friendly Homework: 1,听录音,仿读课文。 2,和同学互相介绍自己好朋友的外貌特征。 small mouth big nose Unit 2 She is very kind heavy kind friendly a round face big eyes She/He is She/He has What is.like ? long hair short thin shy lovely tall
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