教科版四下-Module 2 Daily routine-Unit 4 When do you have class -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a0526).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 2 Daily routine_Unit 4 When do you have class _Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:a0526)
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1 23 1. 整点:.oclock 2. : past 3. : to a quarter past. half past. ( a quarter to.) The girl with glasses is Nini. 2021-5-9 . . Its half past 6 in the morning. Its time to get up. 2021-5-9 Its half past 7 in the morning. Its time to have breakfast. 2021-5-9 . Its 8 oclock in the morning. Its time to go to school. 2021-5-9 Its a quarter past 12. Its time to have lunch. 2021-5-9 Its 6:30. Its time to get up. Its 7:30. Its time to have breakfast. Its 8:00. Its time to go to school. Its 12:15. Its time for lunch. 5:00 7:00 to for for to 6:30 9:45 Seven, seven, seven, seven, Time for breakfast, time for breakfast, Time to have breakfast. Seven, seven, seven,seven, Time for dinner, time for dinner, Time to have dinner. Seven, seven, seven, seven, Time for homework, time for homework, Time to do homework. A: What time is it? B: Its .+时间 Its time to + 动词 for +名词 A: What time/When do you usually.? B: At+时间. /From.to.take exercise go running go swimming do homework sleep/ go to bed . get up have breakfast have lunch have dinner go to school have class go home 1. What _ is it? Its four oclock. A.day B.time C.colour 2.Its time _ go home. A.to B.for C.from 3.Its 12:00. Its time _ lunch. A.to B.for C.from 4._ do you usually sleep? A.What B. What colour C. When B A B C 单项选择 A: What_is it now, Janet. B: Its half _ seven. It s time _ go to school. A: _ do you have class? B: I have classes _ 8:00 in the morning to 4:00 in the afternon. A:Do you have lunch at school? B:No, I _. 选词填空:past from to dont time When time past to When from dont Look at the picture. The boy/girl in/with _ is me. I am _ and _. On school days, I usually _ at _ . And I usually _ at _ . a dress kind friendly get up6:00 sleep10:00 Time flies 光阴似箭,日月如梭 1.读U3-4及Show time。 2.家听U3-4单词。 1 Module 2 Daily Routine 教学设计教学设计 一、教学背景分析一、教学背景分析 【教材内容】Module 2 Daily Routine 【课标要求】根据课标要求和目标,英语的教学要达到这些目标必须要牢固掌 握知识点,构建知识体系,努力将听说读写多方面结合起来,而 复习课更要注重方法的指导和乐趣的激发。复习课要激活热情, 突出趣味性。其次要合理引导,突出系统性,在这个过程注意不 能灌输太多的知识点让学生倍感吃力。方法得当,复习课容易陷 入枯燥无味的讲解中,因此更要讲究合理的复习方法,比如设计 课堂抢答,课堂游戏,师生互动,小组合作等,引导学生主动参 与课堂。 【教材分析】本模块话题是“日常生活” ,以时间来谈论作息习惯为主要话题。 本模块共有两个单元,Unit3 主要谈及时间与作息,涉及的主要 句型是: What time is it?和 Its time tofor.,Unt4 的课文是谈论 Ben 的日常活动,涉及的主要句型是: WhenWhat time do you usually.?I usuallyat.fromto学生 对两种时间的英文表达已经有所了解,但对于“非整点时间表达” 中的“ topast”的用法仍比较容易混淆。对于重点句型 When What time?的回答学生掌握的还不牢固,需要在本课时 以多种方式继续加以操练和现固。 【学情分析】四年级大部分学生活泼好动,对英语学习有着较浓厚教学的兴趣, 有用英语表达的欲望,但缺少实际运用语言的机会。但是,随着 年级的升高,学生发言的积极性有所下降,尤其是中下生,随着 知识难度的增加,英语学习的信心和兴趣都受到不同程度的影响, 这就要求教师在教学过程中要多为中下生着想,为他们创设一些 真实的语言学习情境,为他们提供表达的机会,让他们重拾英语 学习的信心和兴趣,慢慢提高他们运用语言的能力。 2、目标目标 【教学目标】1、语言目标: (1)复习与时间表达相关的单词:o clock, quarter,past, to,half past (2)复习与日常活动相关的短语,如:getup, have break fastlunchdinner, have class, take exercise, go back home, do my 2 homework, watch TV, go to bed/sleep 等。 (3)复习并能准确运用以下重点句型: What time is it? Its. Its time to/for. When/What time do you usually.? I usually.at/from.to. 2语言技能目标: (1)能对时间的顺读,逆读进行正确表达。 (2)能准确运用What time.”和When.”句型问答时间和他人的作息 安 排,并能运用于日常交际中。 3情感态度目标: (1)积极参与课堂活动和小组合作,大胆表达,増强学习英语的信心。 (2)学会倾听,能对他人发表的意见进行评价。 (3)能合理安排好自已的课余时间,珍惜时间,做时间小主人。 【教学程序】Warm up- Practice-Consolitation -Summary-Homework 【教学重点】1、时间短语中 past/to 的正确区分及运用。 2、句型 What time is it? Its. Its time to/for. When/What time do you usually.? I usually.at/from.to.的正确运用。 【教学难点】1、时间逆读表达法中.to.的正确表达。 2、句型的灵活运用。 【教学策略】1、通过歌曲、游戏、竞赛调动学生的积极性。 2、创设情景等活动让学生在情景中学习。 3、小组合作提高学生自主学习的能力。 【课前准备】PPT,单词卡,图片 【课的类型】复习课 【课时安排】第 1 学时 三、教学活动三、教学活动 教学活动设计 教学环节 教师活动学生活动 设计意图 3 1.Warm- up 1、Greet and sing along. 2、Read out the time and sum up. 3、Magic box:What time is it?It s. 1.Greet and sing a song. 2.Read out the time and sum up. 3.Read ou the time 1.学生演唱歌曲, 活跃课堂气氛。 。 2.以游戏的形式 复习时间表达 法并检测学生 时间表达法的 掌握程度。 2.Practice 1. 创设情景,复习句型:Its. Its time to/for. 2. 操练短语以及句型。 3. Lets chant. 4、Sum-up: Its time to/for.的区 别及用法。 5、创设情景,复习句型: When/What time do you usually.? I usually.at/from.to. 6、Group work:Lets talk. 1. 在情景中学 习句型。 2. 玩一玩,复 习单词及短语。 3.唱一唱,记 一记。操练巩 固句型。 4.区分 past 和 to 的用法。 5.说一说,巩 固句型。 6.练一练,运 用句型。 1.创设情景,学 习句型,激发 学生的学习兴 趣, 2.情景中巩固学 习。 3.巩固单词短语, 活跃课堂气氛。 4、学生归纳知 识点。 5 通过情景,展 开重点句型的 巩固学习。 6.让组内每个学 生都有表现的 机会。 3.Deve -lopment And Consoli -dation 1. Do the exercises. 2. Show time: 写写说说自己在一天 不同的时间里所做的事情。 1. 完成练习。 2. 利用图片, 组内讨论自己在 一天不同的时间 里所做的事情。 巩固知识点, 实现语言的输出。 4.Sum -mary 小结本节课所学内容回顾已学知识 4 5.Home- work 1.Read the words and dialogue of M2. 2.Dictate the words of M2. 板书设板书设 计计 Module2 oclock A: What time is it? past a quarter past half past B: Its . Its time to+动词 to a quarter to for+名词 A:What time/When do you.? B: I usually.at/from.to. 四、教学反思四、教学反思 _ _ _ Exercise 一、Choose the right answers. 1. What _ is it? Its four oclock. A.day B.time C.colour 2.Its time _ go home. A.to B.for C.from 3.Its 12:00. Its time _ lunch. A.to B.for C.from 4._ do you usually sleep?At 10:00. A.What B. What colour C. When 二、Complete the dialogue.( past from to dont time When ) A: What_is it now, Janet. B: Its half _ seven. It s time _ go to school. A: _ do you have class? B: I have classes _ 8:00 in the morning to four in the afternoon. A:Do you have lunch at school? B:No, I _. 3、talk about yourself. 5 Look at the picture. The boy/girl in/with _ is me. I am _ and _. On school days, I usually _ at _ . And I usually _ at _ .
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