教科版四下-Module 4 Activities-Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:f0a66).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4 Activities_Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time _Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:f0a66)
    • U7 Our colourful life视频.mp4
    • U7 work sheet.doc--点击预览
    • U7 听力文本.doc--点击预览
    • WhatDoYoDoWhenYouHaveFreeTime.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案f0a66.docx--点击预览


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Im Russell.Im a strong and cute boy. Sometimes I feel bored on Saturday.So on Saturday morning,I often take photos with my friends in the park.I always go shopping with my mum when I have free time. I like to watch cartoons.I usually watch cartoons with my brother.Look, I m watching the Lion King. Sunday is a family day.I always listen to music and have a picnic with my family.Sunday is my favourite day.On Sunday evening,I often see a film with my family. How interesting! Module 4 Activities Period 2 Lets review. always always usually often sometimesnever usuallyoftensometimes never Cartoon,cartoon,I love cartoons. Take a look,take a look. Thats great. Monkey King and the Lion King, they are all interesting. Lets watch on Sunday morning. Lets chant. Talk about your activities. What do you usually do on Sunday morning? How do you feel? What do you do when you have free time? Iwhen I have free time. . Lets resite. :Its Sunday and I feel bored. :Me too. What do you do when you have free time? :I often do some reading. Look, Im reading an interesting book. :I dont like that. I usually watch cartoons. Shall we watch a cartoon? :Great! Lets watch the Monkey King. Lets fill in. :Its _ and I feel _. :_too . What _ you _ when you have _ time? :I often _. Look, Im reading an_ . :I dont like that.I _ watch _. _ we watch a cartoon? :Great! Lets watch the Monkey King. Sunday bored Me dodo free do some reading interesting book usually Shall watch cartoons Mandy my wechat Jessie wechat Jessie go to the parkoften :What do you do ? :I _ _ when I have free time. when you have free time Jessie Jessie,shall we go to the park? :Great!Lets go to the Xiangxue Park and meet some friends. :Jessie,shall we go to the park? wechat Xiangxue Park Lets shake and meet some friends. the people in UP(飞 屋屋飞 游游飞 ) Carl Russell Dug Ali What do they do when they have free time? Ali Dug Carl I usually _ when I have free time. What do you do when you have free time? Lets learn. listen to music gardenen st li Im listening Big Big World. I often _and _when I have free time. take photoshave a picnic ph go o pigi to p cnic What do you do when you have free time? I sometimes _ when I have free time. email my friends she taile ail m What do you do when you have free time? 聚会时间、地点的安排 四四3班聚会班聚会 Lets read and stick. listen to music have a picnic take photos email my friends Make a sentence. A:What do you do when you have free time? B:I often/usually/always/sometimes/never_when I have free time. Lets talk. Talk about Russells activities. Listen and tick. watch cartoons email my friendslisten to music go shoppingsee a film have a picnic( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Listen and judge. 1.( )On Saturday ,Russell feels bored. 2.( )Russell never listens to music when he has free time. 3.( )Russell usually sees a film with his brother. T F F watches cartoons often Read,think and fill in . Sunday is a family day. I _ with my family.Sunday is my favourite day.On Sunday evening,I _ with my family. always have a picnic often see a film Im Russell.Im a strong and cute boy. Sometimes I feel bored on Saturday.So I often listen to music when I have free time.I like to watch cartoons.I usually watch cartoons with my brother.Look,I m watching the Lion King. Sunday is a family day.I always have a picnic with my family.Sunday is my favourite day.On Sunday evening,I often see a film with my family. How interesting! Read the text. pronunciation (语音) intonation (语调) Our colourful life! A:What do you do when you have free time? B:I _when I have free time. C:I _when I have free time. D:I _when I have free time. your colourful life free time usually listen to music often take photos usually often Hello,we are group_. I _when I have free time. I _when I have free time. I _when I have free time. I _when I have free time. Look,we are _. How interesting! Lets make a poster. free time never always usually sometimes often activities . . Our life is colourful! Do more activities in your free time! Keep a healthy life. Homework 1.Ask your family “What do you do when you have free time?” 2.Make a poster of your familys activities. Teaching object 教学对象分析教学对象分析 1.四年级学生的模仿能力较强,同时他们对英语有着强烈的学习兴趣,他们乐于通过小组合作表演表现自 己,此课主要培养孩子逻辑推理、分析、观图建构知识、归纳总结能力,对第一课时知识进行适扩展延伸, 让学生学会表达自己在空闲时间的活动情况。 2.本课主要借助情景教学和小组合作突破重难点,在词组教授中,通过学生已掌握的音素意识自主解码。 通过听力信息的获取、对话的表达为学生的表达丰富语料,,同时为后续做海报铺垫。 Teaching content 教材内容分析教材内容分析 本模块主要是关于 activity 的表达。本单元的话题是“ What do you do when you have free time?”,关于 活动短语的表达与生活学习息息相关,学生能联合实际说自己的情况和感受,话题具有真实性和趣味性。 Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1.language knowledge 语言知识: Vocabulary:listen,listen to,listen to music,take photos,have a picnic,email my friends Sentences:What do you do whenyou have free time? I usually/often/always/sometimes/never .when I have free time. 2.Language skill 语言技能: 1) 能准确听、说、读本单元新短语 take photos,listen to music,email my friends,have a picnic,复习 已学短语 go shopping,draw a picture 等 2)能准确运用新句型表达空闲时间的活动与自己的感受 3.Learning Strategies 学习策略: 1)自主学习解码,小组合作,大胆思考; 2)听力练习检索信息,观图形成个人观点和流畅的语句表达,培养英语核心素养能力。 Difficulties Analysis 重难点:重难点: 1.活动短语的理解和运用 句型 What do you do when you have free time? I often/usually/never/sometimes/always.的复习和应用 2.课文的理解和复习巩固 3.利用现有词组和句型,小组探讨做海报,能够大胆呈现和流利表达活动结果。 Teaching Aids 课件,视频,图片,板书,worksheet.poster Steps of Teaching Activities 教学活动及具体的活动教学活动及具体的活动 操作步骤操作步骤 Learning strategies 学生学习策略学生学习策略 Purpose 设计意图设计意图 Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 1: Lets review. 2: Lets chant. 3:Free talk. 1.Read the phrases and frequency words. 2.Read the chant. 3-1.What do you do on _? 3-2.How do you feel? 3-3.What do you when you have free time? 通过抢答复习短语和频 率副词 chant 增加课堂味性, 最后出现的 Sunday mornig 用于 free talk. 复习已学句型,根据思 维导图回答句型 What do you do when you have free time? 4:Lets read and recite the dialogue. 5: Chating with my wechat friend Jessie 认读频率词和短语图形 句型的挖空 6: Lets learn. Decoding the words and phrases. 7: Lets read and stick. 8:Lets Make a sentences. 9:Lets talk. 10:Listen and tick. 11:Listen and judge. 12:Read,think and fill in the blanks. 13:Read the text. 14:Our colourful life 15:Lets make a poster. 4-1.Read the dialogue together. 4-2.Role play 5-1.Review the sentence What do you do when you have free time? 5-2.Review the sentence Shall we_? Great!Lets_. 6-1.Decoding the new words:listen,picnic,email 6-2.Decoding the new phrases:listen to music,take photos,have a picnic,email my friends 6-3.Review the sentence Im doing sth. 7-1.Read the phrases together. 7-2.Pick one phrase and read it,stick the phrase in the right place. 8-1.Make a sentence with the four pictures of the phrases. 8-2.Read the sentence together. 9:Work in pairs and show to the whole class. Tick the four phrases students hear in the listenning text. 11.Listen and judge.Try to correct the mistake. 12.Circle the key phrases first,then fill in the blanks. 13.Read the text emotionally,fluentylly,confidently. 14.Watch a video Our colourr life 15-1.Ask studentss groupmates, stick the frequency words and phrases.Show to the class. 课文对话挖空和角色扮 演,回顾复习 在情境中复习课文出现 的句型,能通过图形检 索已学频率副词和短语, 填空读句 学习新词汇,通过音素 教学,拆分字母组读音, 学生自主解码读词和操 练 在贴板书前总体读词汇 一次,巩固复习,再通 过词汇板书和图片配对, 再次巩固新授词汇。 形成分析和自主思考能 力。再通过小组讨论读 词汇,读音纠错。 两人互问答巩固句型和 词汇,形成合作能力 自编听力练习,全文听 力,勾选词汇,训练学 生抓取信息能力 利用听力文本第一段, 做判断对错题,考察频 率副词和短语 先通过圈出关键短语, 做填空题的练习,训练 信息配对能力 有感情的朗读听力文本 视频引导学生说说自己 的课余活动情况 小组合作,先问答,后 贴频率副词和短语,做 海报展示。 Homework 作业布置作业布置 1.Ask your family “What do you do when you have free time?” 2.Make a poster of your familys activities. 3. Designing on the board: 板书板书 Module 4 Activities Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time? listen listen to picnic email What do you do when you have free time? I usually/always/sometimes/often/never_when I have free time.
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