教科版四下-Module 4 Activities-Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:c21e2).zip

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Module4 Activities Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time ? PeriodPeriod 2 2 听说课听说课 From Monday to Friday Mon. Tue. Wed.Thur.Fri. Morning have lessons Afternoon have lessons Evening do homework Sat. Sun. freefree busybusy We have free time now! Sharp eyes What do you do when you have free time? Brainstorming Activities (活动活动) We feel boredbored Interesting activities? Hi,I m Daxiong.(大雄大雄). Its Saturday. I feel bored. Lets chat with my friends.(和我的朋友聊天和我的朋友聊天) What do you do when you have free time? I often listen to music and play ball games. But I never do housework. ili en s ent listen What do you do when you have free time? car Sorry, Im busy. I always watch cartoons and draw cartoons. oon toon cartoons What do you do when you have free time? I often take photos. What do you do when you have free time? Sorry. I sometimes go shopping with my mum. What do you do when you have free time? I often email my friends. email my friends Wow, so interesting! Come out and play, guys. i i pic nic picnic Great! I can help. Lets have a picnic? B: I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes /never and . A:What do you do when you have free time? A: Hi, . B: Hello. B:Oh, great! / Ok! / Good idea! Pair work A:I feel bored. Shall we ? Hello! My name is Rainbow. I am a teacher. Im 24 years old. I love singing. When I have free time, I often sing songs. I like running too. I usually go running with my friends. Its good for us. But I never play computer games. I dont like that. I feel happy when I have free time. What about you ? My free time Hello! My name is _ . Im _years old. I like _, so I often _when I have free time. I love_, so I usually _when I have free time. But I dont like_. I never_ when I have free time. I feel _(happy, bored, interesting) when I have free time. Homework Design a dream weekend for yourself ,then write it down. 为自己设计一个理想的周末生活,并仿照范为自己设计一个理想的周末生活,并仿照范 文记录下来。文记录下来。 义务教育教科书英语小学四年级下册(三年级起点)Module 4 Activities Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time? 听说课教学设计(第二课时) 一、教学内容分析 本模块的话题是课余活动。本课是 Module4,Unit7 的第二课时。以课余生活为主题的 听说课。基于第一课时,学生已经基本掌握短语:take photos, go shopping, listen to music, draw a picture, email my friends, have a picnic 等。 在 Unit6 中,已经初步学会 运用五个频率词:always, usually, often, sometimes, never. 本课时主要以听说任务为主, 教授句型:“What do you do when you have free time?”,此句型可以从 Unit6 的“What do you usually do on ”进行迁移学习。以及教授答句:”I usually/often/sometimes/never”。还有运用句型:“Shall we.”征求他人的意见。本课 经过“歌曲-情景-唱小诗 -对话-课文-交际-口头演讲”几个阶段,在听、说的不 断输入、内化、输出中,学习本课课文,以及提升学生听力、口语能力。培养良好的生活爱 好和习惯。 二、教学对象分析 本节课学生为四年级学生,对英语学习兴趣较浓。本班的学生性格活泼、思维活跃, 爱好听故事、做游戏。同时,在老师创设的情景中,常常能投入,并积极与老师、同学交流。 但是学生口语表达不够丰富、词汇量不够。 三、教学目标 1、语言知识技能目标 (1) 能用以下句型交际: I feel bored/happy. What do you do when you have free time? I usually/often/sometimes/never/always Shall we? (2) 学习词汇:interesting,bored,free 2、能力技能目标 (1) 能在情境中运用新句型与人交流。 (2) 能表达自己的空余时间,并以口头演讲的形式表达语言。 四、情感态度目标 (1) 形成一个良好的课余生活习惯、培养有意义的兴趣爱好。 (2) 通过情境、歌曲、游戏、小组合作等方式,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,养成 认真聆听、大胆表达、乐于分享的好习惯。 五、学习策略目标 (1) 同桌合作、小组合作学习。 (2) 通过聆听、模仿,掌握新知。 六、教学重难点 重点:运用句型问答他人的课余生活 What do you do when you have free time? I usually/often/. 难点:区分五个频率词,并正确使用。 (always,often,usually,sometimes,never) 七、教学策略 参考“番禺区研学后教(升级版) ” 、 “小学英语 IIO 课堂教学模式” 、以及本 校英语科组十三五课题立项课题:农村小学英语听说课教学模式研究等理念, 结合歌曲、游戏、情景等教学。同时,运用新技术:E-world 软件,制作教学课件。 八、教学媒体:E-world 课件,自制视频、音频、多媒体电脑等。 九、教学过程 (一)Preparation. 1) Sing a song. 2) Free talk. 3) Review: Brainstorming. Sharp eyes. 【设计意图:通过歌曲,活跃气氛,回忆有关星期的说法。通过头脑风暴,让学生快速 回忆已学的活动类词汇,为下面能更丰富地输出做铺垫。 】 (二)Input-Internalization.-Output 1) Watch a video: Tonys weekend. (Round 1) 【设计意图:通过呈现一位学生周末空余时间的活动,教授:词汇 free,interesting ,句型 I feel bored. 让学生转而思考,什么样的课余生活更有趣有趣。 】 2) Setting a situation Its Saturday, Daxiong feels bored,so he chats with his friends by Wechat. He wants to know his friends s free time. Then they decide to have a picnic at weekend. 【设计意图:通过设置大雄和他的好朋友在微信中聊天的情景,引出 What do you do when you have free time 句型的学习,以及运用新的短语回答。让学生在情境 中理解语言,激发学习兴趣。 】 3) Chant. 【设计意图:通过吟唱小诗,让学生快速掌握短语在句型中的用法。 】 (三)Input-internalization-output(Round 2) 1)Think and Guess. 2)Watch the video. 3)Read and Imitate. 4)Pair work. 【设计意图:通过两人合作,在恰当语境中操练两个重点句型。 】 7) Miss Weis Free time. 【设计意图:老师以小演讲的形式展示自己的课余生活,图文并茂,让学生聆 听、感知、模仿,激发学生分享自己的课余生活的欲望。 】 8) Make a speech. 【设计意图:根据课件中给的素材提示,学生在四人小组中分享自己的课余生 活,做小演讲。让学生把问答交际转换成更丰富的输出:口头小作文。提高学 生口头表达能力】 (四)Development . Watch a video about foreign weekend. (五)Homework (六)设计一个理想的周末生活,并仿照范文把内容记录下来。 十、板书设计 Module 4 Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time? I feel bored. I feel happy take photos go shopping listen to music watch cartoons email my friends have a picnic What do you do when you have free time? I always/usually/often/sometimes/never Shall we? Great!/No,sorry. Interesting activities
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