教科版四下-Module 4 Activities-Unit 8 What are you doing -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:90761).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4 Activities_Unit 8 What are you doing _Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:90761)
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* 本课时主要学习Unit 8词条。 shyflyy ishfi andce A: What are you doing? B: Im _ . reading read ing doing some readingI am read A: What are you doing? B: Im _ . listening to music listenlistening A: What are you doing? B: Im _ . running runrunning A: What are you doing? B: Im _ . dancing danc e dancing * Read and compare. 归纳现在分词的构成,并学 习词条的新词组。 singing in the living room singsinging * 归纳现在分词的构成。 cleancleaning Read and compare. cleaning the room * Read and compare. 让学生看图学习词组flying a kite in the playground,并 进行现在分词的分类。 flying a kite in the playground flyflying * Read and compare. 让学生看图学习词组fishing in the park,并进行现在分词 的分类。 fishing in the park fishfishing * Read and compare. 让学生看图学习词组 watching cartoons in the living room,并进行现在分 词的分类。 watching cartoons in the living room watchwatching * Read and compare. 让学生看图学习词组 watching cartoons in the living room,并进行现在分 词的分类。 eating in the kitchen eateating * Read and compare. 让学生看图学习词组 swimming in the pool,并进 行现在分词的分类。 swimming in the pool swimswimming * Read and compare. 让学生看图学习词组 watching cartoons in the living room,并进行现在分 词的分类。 taking photos take taking taking exercise Talk and Play. A: What are you doing? B: Im _ . 动词动词ing listening to music taking photos singing and dancing flying a kite fishing taking exercise watching cartoons running swimming drawing a picture doing my homework WangJunkai is singing and dancing in the room. Cindy is swimming in the swimming pool. WangYuan is doing some reading in the classroom. Kimi is flying a kite in the park. _ is ing in the _. JianXiaochun is dancing in the music room. YeZifeng is drawing a picture in the classroom. GuoZiqing is cleaning the classroom. TanYongxin is emailing her friends. LiYongsi is doing her homework. ZhouBowen is reading in the classroom. * 截取课文插图,引导学生看 插图,初步谈论课文,运用 句型sb. is doing in the . 1.第4句“This one is mum.” 第5句“Look at this one” 第6句 “And I have one of you.”中的one分别指什么? What are you_, Ben? Im _ photos. May I _ at your photos? OK. This _ is mum. She is running in the garden. Oh. Look at this one. Grandma _reading in her bedroom. Grandpa is watching TV. And I have one of you. You are _ in the kitchen. 课文挖空复述,帮学生进 一步熟悉课文,共有两个 层次的挖空练习。 * 变化句型,丰富语言交际活 动。 Ben is running in the playground. Jiamin is reading under the tree. Xiaoling is playing sports in the playground. Janet is swimming in the swimming pool. Im_. Homework:Homework: 1. 跟读跟读U8单词课文各单词课文各3次。次。 2. 背诵背诵U8。 3.家听家听U8单词。单词。 4.继续完成画图写句子练习。继续完成画图写句子练习。 1 义务教育教科书英语四年级下册义务教育教科书英语四年级下册 Module4Module4 UnitUnit 8 8 WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? LetsLets talktalk ( ( periodperiod 1 1 ) ) 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析:本课是 Module4 Activities 的第二个 unit。Unit7 学习 的是一般现在时,而从 unit8 开始学生正式学习现在进行时。本课时是学习现 在行进时的第一课时。教学内容是 Lets talk。在二年级第一学期的教学内 容中已让学生感知现在进行时,本课中教师通过创设情境、游戏、小组合作等 方式,从听、说、读方面学习现在进行时,并让学生初步学写简单的现在进行 时句子。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 四年级的学生活泼好动,善于模仿,对英语学习兴趣浓厚,形象思维好。 喜欢通过唱歌,玩游戏,TPR,合作讨论等学习方式进行英语学习。本课的学习 内容贴近学生生活实际。在语言基础上,经过两年的英语口语学习和一年三年 级的英语学习,学生积累了一定的词汇短语,养成了一定的连贯说话的能力, 能简单地用英语与人交流。而学生在二年级的学习中已初步感知现在进行时。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一) 语言知识目标 1. 四会掌握单词:fish ,fly,dance;短语 have a look。 2、三会掌握 P45 动词 ing 短语。 3. 三会掌握句型:What are you doing ? I am Grandma is reading in her bedroom. Grandpa is watching TV. She is running in the garden. May I have a look at.? OK. (二)语言技能目标 1. 能听说读单词、短语以及部分动词 ing 短语。 2、能运用现在进行时询问:“你正在做什么?”并回答。 3. 能运用现在进行时描述某人正在做什么。 (三) 学习策略目标 1. 在学习过程中提高有效注意力,在学习交流活动中注意倾听、积极思考, 2 勇于表达。 2. 积极参与小组合作学习,乐意与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 (四) 情感态度目标 1. 通过多种形式的学习活动,培养学生英语学习兴趣,增强英语学习的自信 心。 2. 帮助学生养成良好的英语学习习惯乐于模仿、勇于开口,积极参与, 主动请教。 3. 在语言训练活动中,让学生体验英语学习的乐趣,享受学习的快乐与成就。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 (一) 教学重点 1. 四会掌握单词表中本模块的所有词汇和短语; 2. 能在情景中运用下列功能用语: (1)能够正确运用现在进行时描述某人正在进行的动作: What are you doing ? I am is ing. (2)理解和运用下列日常交际用语: May I have a look at ? OK . (二) 教学难点 1. 结合二年级学习现在进行时句型,进一步在真实的情境中运用现在进行时。 五、教学策略五、教学策略 1. 开展丰富多样的学习活动形式。如唱歌、TPR、小组合作讨论、游戏、对话 等活动,以最大限度地吸引、激发及满足不同学习风格的学生,同时也期望通 过语言的学习,促进学生综合素质的发展。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Sept 1.Revision and new words learning. 1. Lets sing . 2. Free talk. 3 3.快闪认读短语以及学习新词 fly,fly a kite;fish,dance. Sept2. Presentation 1. 学习 What are you doing ?Im ing. (1)通过 TPR 玩 stop game,引出 What are you doing?,引导学生用 Im ing.回答。并学习句型。 (2)PPT 呈现现在分词短语,学生通过认读感知句型结构 Im后加动词 ing 表 示正在做。并学习 ing 的发音。 (3)学生通过动作游戏操练 What are you doing? Iming. 2.学习is ing in the. (1)教师在学生动作游戏中,指着做动作的一名同学问其他同学 What is he/she doing?引导学生用 He/She/ is ing .让学生感知句型。 (2)教师创设“taking photos”的情境。T:What is Miss Luo doing?引导学 生用 Miss Luo is taking photos.回答。T:Do you want to have a look at the photos?引导学生用 May I have a look at the photos?来请求,教短语 have a look. (3)教师通过 PPT 展示所拍摄的照片,教授句型is ing in the . (4)Memory games.视屏呈现班上六位同学所做的动作,让学生记下,并小组讨 论。再请学生用ising in the .来回忆视屏内容。 3.Lets talk 对话学习。 (1) 教师引出 Ben 也在拍照,播放金太阳,学生做听力联线练习。 (2)Check the answers.请学生用 Grandma is reading in the bedroom.这句 型模式描述照片中的人物各自正在进行的动作。解释三个 one 指代的内容。 (3)Reading after the tape. Then read in the whole class.And then read in groups. At last check them. (4)Recite the dialogue.通过学生自主抽空的比赛进行背诵练习。 Sept3 Extention. 学生给小组合作完成的画配上描述画中人物正在进行的活动的句子。 Sept4 Homework. 1. Read the new words and the dialogue three times. 4 2. Copy the the dialogue and translate it into Chinese. And copy the phrases of P45. 3. Finish the writing for the pictures. 板书: Unit 8 What are you doing? fly flying What are you doing? fish fishing Im fishing. dance dancing Cindy is swimming in the swimming pool. have a look May I have a look at the photos.
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