教科版四下-Module 4 Activities-Unit 8 What are you doing -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:e03fc).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4 Activities_Unit 8 What are you doing _Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:e03fc)
    • Unit 8 课件.pptx--点击预览
    • 教学片段.flv
    • 教案e03fc.docx--点击预览
    • 热身歌曲.


singing drawing doing painting going cleaning listening gettingcoming having looking making running working Sharp eyes. Sing and dance. Do the action. What are you doing? I am walking. I am running. Lets talk. A: What do you like doing when you have free time? B: I like doing. Lets talk. Whos this boy? He is Ben. What does he like doing? He likes taking photos. Lets learn. DavidDavid Ben took many photos of his friends. Lets have a look at the photos. What is he doing? He is fishing. fish fishing Where is he fishing? He is fishing in the park. AnnaAnna What is she doing? She is flying a kite shy in the playground. why fly flying TomTom What is he doing? He is watching cartoons in the living room. JackJack What is he doing? He is swimming in the pool. LilyLily What is she doing? She is singing and dancing in the living room. dance dancing 2 21 13 3 4 45 56 6 A: Look! In photo 1, what is the boy doing? B: He is swimming in the pool. Lets pair work. 05/10/2021 Look!In picture1, the boy is swimming. Lets play the bingo game. Ben took many photos of his family, too. Look! He is showing his photos to his father. Lets have a look at the photos. Lets learn. What are Bens family doing? Lets talk. Mum is running in the garden. Grandma is reading in her bedroom. Grandpa is watching TV. Dad is eating in the kitchen. What are you doing, Ben? Im taking photos. Lets read. May I _ at your photos? have a look OK. This one is mum. She is _. running in the garden Oh. Look at this one. Grandma _ Grandpa is watching TV. is reading in her bedroom . And I have _. You are eating in the kitchen! one of you Lets read. 1. Read by yourself loudly(自由朗读自由朗读 ). 2. Role play (分角色朗读)分角色朗读) . 3. Pair work(同位互练同位互练 ). Im _ photos. May I _ _ _ _ your photos? OK. This one _ _. She is _ _ _ _. What _ _ _.Ben? Look at _ _. Grandma is _ _ her _. Grandpa is _ _. And I have _ _ _. You are _ _ _ _. Lets retell. are you doing taking have a look at is mumrunning in the garden this one reading in bedroomwatching TV one of youeating in the kitchen Lets act out. -What are you doing? -I am walking/ running. have a look -What is he doing? fish fishing -He is fishing in the park. fly flying Im taking photos. dance dancing She is running in the garden. Grandma is reading in her bedroom. Grandpa is watching TV. You are eating in the kitchen. Sum up. 现现在进行时结构在进行时结构 =be+doing Homework 1.Copy the new worlds and text of Unit 8(抄单词和课文). 2.Listen and read the text and new words for three times(听读单词和课文 三次). 3.Talk about the activities in your family photos with your parents(和家 人分享家庭相册中的活动). ThankThank you!you! 点 击 添 加 标 题点 击 添 加 标 题 单击此处添加段落文本单击此处添加段落文本单击此处 添加段落文本单击此处添加段落文本单击此处添加段落 文本单击此处添加段落文本 1 义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学英语学科(教科版)义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学英语学科(教科版) 四年级上册四年级上册 ModuleModule 4 4 ActivitiesActivities UnitUnit 8 8 WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? PeriodPeriod 1 1 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析及整体设计思路一、教材分析及整体设计思路 本模块学习的话题是ActivitiesActivities,本课时是 Unit 8 What are you doing? 第一课时。主要涉及的词汇有:have a look, fish, fly, dance 以及现在进 行时的活动短语。本节课话题比较贴近生活,主要使用现在进行时谈论照片中 当下的活动。设置情境谈论空闲时喜欢做的事(What do you like doing when you have free time?),谈到其中一个爱好是 taking photos。由此开始展示 照片中各种活动,并用现在进行时谈论照片中的活动。情境真实自然,有利于 激发学生的学习兴趣与积极性,使英语与生活实际相联系,提供学生运用英语 的机会,充分体现学生 learning by thinking、learning by talking 和 learning by doing 的学习方式。 本课时的设计思路是先通过游戏复习动词的现在分词形式,再通过热身运 动引入课题和 What are you doing 句型问答的学习。然后和孩子们进行 free talk,讨论 What do you like doing when you have free time?再呈现出 Ben 的形象,询问学生 Ben 的爱好(taking photos) ,由此开始呈现 Ben 的相册, 谈论照片中的 Ben 的朋友们在做什么。由此导入 What is he/she doing?这个 问句以及 He/ She is doing 答语的学习。再继续由 Ben 的相册引出他家人的照 片,顺着这个话题可以引入课文的学习。 二、教学内容二、教学内容 Unit 8 What are you doing? Period 1 三、教学对象分析三、教学对象分析 本节课的授课对象是四年级的学生,在正式学习英语一年半以后,已经形 成了一定的学习习惯,也正是对英语学习兴趣浓厚的时期。教学中采用多种学 习策略,调动学生学习的积极性。学生在教师的情景教学指引下,充分融入情 景学习的氛围,积极开口说英语,同时能运用所学英语进行简单交流,从而提 高学生运用语言的能力。通过活动的设计和练习,最后有效地完成教学目标。 四、教学目标四、教学目标 (一)语言能力目标 1、语言知识目标 (1)四会掌握以下短语和单词: have a look, fish, fly, dance (2)能够听说认读短语:watching cartoons in the living room, fishing in the park, swimming in the pool, flying a kite in the playground, singing and dancing in the living room。 ( 3 )理解,认读和运用下列句型: What are/is you/he(she) doing? 及其回答 I am/ He(she) is May I have a look at? 及其回答。 2、语言技能目标 2 (1)能在听说读写的语言活动中理解和运用本单元单词和词组; (2)能使用现在进行时谈论一些活动。 (二)学习能力目标 1、能在创设的英语情境中正确运用所学的语言知识; 2、能在游戏和活动中自主参与学习。 (三)思维品质目标 让学生能快速反应、并利用所学进行问答;培养学生积极思考,善于观察 和独立的良好品质。 (四)情感态度目标 (1)在学习过程中学会与同学相互协作,友好相处; (2)通过学习本课内容鼓励学生做一个爱好广泛的人。 (五)文化意识目标 通过课文的学习,培养学生健康积极地兴趣爱好,做一个热爱生活的人。 五、学校研训成果及个人教学特色五、学校研训成果及个人教学特色 近几年,学校多层次多方位进行教学教研活动。例如,开展有关绘本阅读, phonics 的教学研究;参与 steam 课程学习;利用一体机和平板机等信息化技术 辅助教学;借力海珠实验集团学校的交流平台,与海珠区实验小学、海珠区第 三实验小学多次开展联合教研,探究有效的教学策略,进一步完善学科建设, 促进发展。通过校本研训,老师们受益匪浅,收获了丰硕的个人成果,老师门 的微课、平板课在“一优一师课”晒课活动,获得不同层次的奖项,各年级学 生的学习质量也取得不同程度的进步。以生为本,寓教于乐,逐渐形成了“围 绕情景主线开展教学,强化语言训练”的风格,善于运用 phonics 语音教学和 多媒体信息技术融合教学,调动学生学习的积极性,提高学生的学习效益。张 杰雅老师深受学生喜爱,所任教班级教学质量成绩优异。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 (一)教学重点(一)教学重点 1.四会掌握本课的新单词; 2.能理解、认读和运用本课的句型。 (二)教学难点(二)教学难点 1. 现在进行时的使用。 五、教学策略五、教学策略 1 通过歌曲和游戏等的活动激发学生学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,也便于学生 理解和运用语言; 2.设计情景主题,贯穿整个教学设计,连接各个教学环节,让学生在完整的 情景中学习英语; 3. 运用自然拼读等方法,来帮助学生学习和记忆单词。 六、教学媒体六、教学媒体 PPT,板书词条,课本,黑板 七、教学过程七、教学过程 . WarmingWarming up(up(热身热身) ) 1. Play the game of sharp eyes T:First of all, lets play the game of sharp eyes. 2. Sing and dance (问候之后先跟着音乐唱跳一次,再在没有音乐的情况下 3 跳一次,在 walking 和 running 的时候大声询问 What are you doing?) T:Lets sing and dance with the music. T:Now please look at the picture and do the action.(walking)What are you doing? S:I am walking. T: (Running)What are you doing? S:I am running. T: Today we are going to learn Unit 8 What are you doing? 3. Free talk T: What day is it today? S:Its Thursday. T: Weekend is coming soon, what do you like doing on weekends? S: I like 【设计意图:用游戏的形式复习巩固动词的现在分词形式,通过歌曲和舞蹈引设计意图:用游戏的形式复习巩固动词的现在分词形式,通过歌曲和舞蹈引 出课题,并且学习出课题,并且学习 WhatWhat areare youyou doingdoing?句型的问答。再通过谈论周末活动调?句型的问答。再通过谈论周末活动调 动孩子们的积极性,引出本课的主人公动孩子们的积极性,引出本课的主人公 BenBen 以及相册这条主线。以及相册这条主线。 】 .Presentation 1. 承接 free talk 内容,呈现出 Ben 的形象,猜测 What does Ben like doing when he has free time?和孩子们一起看 Ben 的相册,学习短语 have a look,再通过 Ben 的相册中呈现的 watching cartoons in the living room, fishing in the park, swimming in the pool, flying a kite in the playground, singing and dancing in the living room 等活动,学习句型 What is he/ she doing?及其回答 He/ She is doing。为了增加趣味性,三个已学的词条请一位同学看图并且表演, 让其他学生猜测照片中 Ben 的朋友的活动。两个新授词条直接呈现。 T:We have talked about what we like doing when we have free time, what about Ben? Can you guess? S:Ben likes taking photos.(呈现 Ben 回答的对话框) T:Yes, lets have a look at the photos.(操练 have a look 以 及 have 的现在分词形式 having) Look, this is David. What is he doing?(出现板书并且操练) S:He is fishing in the park.(出现板书并操练) T:This is a photo of Anna. What is she doing?(出现板书并且操 练) S:She is flying a kite in the playground.(学习 fly 及其现在分 词形式,出现板书并操练) T:Do you know what Jack is doing? Eyes on me, Ill show you(做动作让学生猜,可以用 Where 引导学生说出地点) S:He is swimming (in the pool). T: Do you know what Lily is doing? I have a picture for you, who want to come to have a look and show the action to us.(邀 请学生看照片并且做动作让其他同学猜) 2. Pair work。 4 3. 通过 Bingo games 巩固句型。 【设计意图:通过设置真实的主题情景,能使学生更快地融入教学情景的氛围设计意图:通过设置真实的主题情景,能使学生更快地融入教学情景的氛围 中,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性,使教学活动更有效地进行。设置多种游戏,中,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性,使教学活动更有效地进行。设置多种游戏, 让学生在有趣的氛围中学习和巩固已学知识。让学生在有趣的氛围中学习和巩固已学知识。 】 PracticePractice andand consolidationconsolidation 1. 呈现课文主题情境图片,告诉学生 Ben 还拍摄了家人照片。让学生看视 频回答在 Ben 的照片中他的家人在做什么。 2. 跟读课文,自读课文。 3. 分角色朗读课文,同桌互练。 3. 角色扮演。 4. 全班尝试背诵。 (出词条) 【设计意图:通过完成以上练习来操练本课的课文内容。设计意图:通过完成以上练习来操练本课的课文内容。 】 .Summary.Summary 1. 总结本节课所学的单词和句型: . HomeworkHomework 1.Copy the new worlds and phrases of Unit 8(抄单词和词组). 2.Listen and read the text and new words for three times(听读单词和课 文三次). 3.和家人分享家庭相册中的活动。 【教学板书教学板书】 Unit 8 What are you doing?
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