教科版四下-Module 4 Activities-Unit 8 What are you doing -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:10004).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4 Activities_Unit 8 What are you doing _Story time_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:10004)
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1.What day is it today? 2.What is your favorite day? Why? 3. What do you like doing on your favorite day? I likeing. 2021-5-10 Warm up: I say Do You say doing 5/10/2021 Piggy, what are you doing? I am Piggy. I am playing games. Lets play with me! Piggy 5/10/2021 workinglistenning listening makeingsingingcoming making writeinggoingputingrunning writing putting Game 1: 读一读,找出动词ing中的错误。 动词的动词的inging形式,学起来很容易,一般直接加形式,学起来很容易,一般直接加_._. 词尾若有哑音词尾若有哑音_, _, 去去_ _ 加加_ _ 就可以就可以. . oo辅元辅成笑脸,辅元辅成笑脸,_词尾加词尾加_,_, running, swimming, putting, hopping and skipping. do-doing play-playing read-reading sing-singing look-looking listen-listening work- working clean-cleaning go- going draw-drawing help-helping visit-visiting come- coming write-writing make-making have-having run- running swim-swimming hop-hopping put-putting o o o o Find the rules:小组归纳动词ing 形式的变化规律,完成口诀: ing eeing 双写双写 ing 5/10/2021 Game 1: 写出下列词的现在分词。 make sing put draw hop have swim run play clean making singing puttingdrawing hoppinghaving swimmingrunning playingcleaning 5/10/2021 Game 2: 看图,把动词短语补充完整。 watching _ cartoons _ and _ _ a kiteflying _ in the poolswimming _ in the parkfishing singingdancing This is _. Look! He is _. Game 2: dancing This is _. Look! She is _. Game 2: hopping This is _. Look! He is _. Game 2: crying Mr. Bear, Mr. Bear. What are you _? Im _, _, _. Cha, cha, cha. Mr. Monkey, Mr. Monkey. What are you _? Im _, _, _. Boo-hoo-hoo. Miss Rabbit, Miss Rabbit. What are you doing? Im _, _, _. Hop, hop, hop. Mr. Bear, Mr. Bear. What are you _? Im _, _, _. Cha, cha, cha. doing Mr. Monkey, Mr. Monkey. What are you _? Im _, _, _. Boo-hoo-hoo. Miss Rabbit, Miss Rabbit. What are you _? Im _, _, _. Hop, hop, hop. dancingdancingdancing hoppinghoppinghopping doing doing cryingcryingcrying Haha You are all very smart !Now I know some kids in our class. Can you tell me what are they doing now? Game 3: A: Hello, Where is? B: Hes/Shes . A: What is doing? B: Hes/ Shes ing in the . A: . Oh, I see. Talk in pairs Zihan Zhongyao Zongxi park Botao bedroom Pengyao dancing room Xinyue art room Jiacheng dining room playground Game 4:Lets Read Reading 1 At Toms homeReading 2 In the classroom Hello, everyone! Im Tom. Look, this is my family photo. There are six people in my family. My grandpa is 60 years old. He is reading now. He likes reading very much. My father is 35years old. He is a worker. He enjoys listening to music. Now, he is watching TV. His favorite TV show is sports. My mother is an English teacher. She is 33 years old. She has long red hair. Now she is talking with my grandma. My younger sisters name is Jane. She likes singing, dancing and painting. Now I am doing my homework. My favorite subject is maths and English. I want to be a scientist when I grow up. I hope my dream will come true. ( ) 1. There are five people in Toms family. ( ) 2. Toms grandpa is sixty years old. ( ) 3. Toms mother is a worker. ( ) 4. Toms father is listening to music. ( ) 5. Tom is doing his homework now. ( ) 6. Tom wants to be a scientist when he grows up. F T F F T T six an English teacher. watching TV. Its 4:30 in the afternoon. All of the pupils are going home, but the pupils of Group two arent going home. They are cleaning the classroom. Look, Zhang Hong is carrying water. Jiamin is cleaning the doors. Xiaoling is sweeping the windows. Janet and Ben are mopping the floor. Yongxian and Mike are putting the desks and chairs away. Their teacher Miss Liang is helping them. All of them are working hard. ( ) 1. Its in the afternoon. A. half past four B. half past five C. a quarter to five ( ) 2. The pupils of arent going home. A. Group 1 B. Group 2 C. Group 3 ( ) 3. Jiamin is . A. sweeping the windows B. carrying water C. cleaning the doors ( ) 4. Janet and Ben are . A. mopping the floor B. putting the desks and chairs away C. cleaning the doors ( ) 5. Are they working hard? A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they arent. A B C A B Game 5:Lets talk and write At homeAt school On playlandAt the zoo Its 8:30. There is a boy/ in the living room. Hes /Shes old/. Hes/shes wearing. Hes/Shes doing/. He/She likes watching TV/. They are having a good time. Its a school day. There are some children on the playground. Look! This is. Hes /Shes tall/. Hes/shes wearing. Hes/Shes running/. He/She likes running/. They are having a good time. Its Sunday. The children are playing on the playland. There is a girl/ over there./ Hes /Shes happy/. Hes/shes wearing. Hes/Shes playing with a doll/. He/She likes playing dolls/. They are having a good time/. This is Guangzhou Zoo. I can see .in the zoo. There is/ are. They are yellow/. It has/ They have a long tail/. Look! Its/ Theyre running/. It/ They can run fast/. I love. You all did a very good job today! I love playing with you all. MuaMua See you next time! Homework: Choose a topic, then write a short passage.(选择练习纸上的一个 话题写一篇小短文。) 教学内容分析教学内容分析: 本节课是根据广州版 Success with English 小学英语五年级下册 Module 3 Invitations 知识点进行整合而开展的一节综合活动课例。主要任务是继续学习和巩固如 何邀请别人参加 party,并通过设计一场 party,深入了解国外 party 的模式。为了让学 生更好地理解和灵活运用语言,本课采用由浅入深的教学模式,通过设计任人物主线,使 学生在不同的任务中感知、理解和运用语言。在落实课标学习的基础上,进一步拓展学习, 丰富学生的语言知识,提升学生的阅读能力,实现学生语言能力的螺旋式上升。 教学目标分析:教学目标分析: 1.1. 语言知识目标和技能目标:语言知识目标和技能目标: 能熟练掌握并使用句型”Would you like to?/Id like to.”; 能正确描述本课关于设计派对的用语,如:We will . The party will be at. 能运用本课知识点进行整体说。 2.过程与方法过程与方法: 本节课通过完成小组讨论、同桌谈话、平板听读等教学活动,把邀请用语这一知识点迁移 至真实生活中。让学生充分了解邀请用语的正确运用及表达,在以后的现实生活中可以流 畅的运用。 3.思想情感目标:思想情感目标: 通过本课学习,丰富学生的视野,让孩子们充分感受到 party 的乐趣以及如何设计一场 party。 学习者特征分析:学习者特征分析: 1.学生经过前面学习已接触到了关于 Invitations 的简单表达以及如何写邀请信; 2.通过前期每个单元的学习学生已积累了一定的故事阅读能力及平板操作能力。 教学过程教学过程: 教学步骤教学步骤教学活动教学活动设计意图设计意图 ( (一一) ) 课前热身、课前热身、 复习旧知复习旧知 1、歌曲热身。、歌曲热身。 2、师生对话,引入主题。、师生对话,引入主题。 3、复习旧知。、复习旧知。 通过热身游戏,营造轻松活泼的通过热身游戏,营造轻松活泼的 学习氛围;通过师生对话和布置学习氛围;通过师生对话和布置 任务,复习旧知和唤醒学生开口任务,复习旧知和唤醒学生开口 的欲望的欲望,同时也为下文的说话训练同时也为下文的说话训练 做好热身准备。做好热身准备。 (二)(二) 新知学习、新知学习、 巩固句型巩固句型 1、情境展示,内容铺垫。、情境展示,内容铺垫。 2、平板听读,了解新知。、平板听读,了解新知。 3、投票选择,定下派对主题。、投票选择,定下派对主题。 4、小组互换交流。、小组互换交流。 通过师生说的形式,自然地引出通过师生说的形式,自然地引出 本课句型,再通过任务本课句型,再通过任务 2 和任务和任务 3 巩固所学的句型。巩固所学的句型。 (三)(三) 巩固学习,巩固学习, 拓展运用拓展运用 1、综合概括派对所需的准备的内容。、综合概括派对所需的准备的内容。 (概念图)(概念图) 2、写邀请信。、写邀请信。 让学生自主阅读资料,丰富学生让学生自主阅读资料,丰富学生 的词句,为下一步综合说打好基的词句,为下一步综合说打好基 础。础。 3、小组展示。、小组展示。 (四)(四) 知识梳理知识梳理 情感延伸情感延伸 1、小组装饰教室。、小组装饰教室。 2、举行真实派对。、举行真实派对。 利用四幅不同场景的图片并提供利用四幅不同场景的图片并提供 关键词为学生搭建关键词为学生搭建“脚手架脚手架” , 帮助学生结合新旧知识介绍自己帮助学生结合新旧知识介绍自己 想谈论的图片想谈论的图片,实现学生语言能,实现学生语言能 力的螺旋式上升。力的螺旋式上升。 (五)(五) 布置作业布置作业 课后巩固课后巩固 根据老师给的话题,选择一个话题写根据老师给的话题,选择一个话题写 一篇小作文。一篇小作文。 板书设计板书设计 Unit 8 What are you doing? period 3 What is doing? He/She ising.
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