教科版四下-Module 6 Celebrations-Unit 12 Christmas is coming-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:a0419).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 6 Celebrations_Unit 12 Christmas is coming_Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:a0419)
    • 2015-5-27四年级下 Unit 12 第一课时.ppt--点击预览
    • unit 12 Christmas is coming 练习.doc--点击预览
    • 教案a0419.doc--点击预览


1. Mon. Childrens Day 儿童节 watchashow seeafilm makesomecards forfriends inJune getlots of presents haveabigdinner A:When is Childrens Day? B:is in June. A:What do you like doing for? B:I like V动词动词+ing. making cards for teachers/friends/your mother. lotsof 许多的 HeHe isis a a fatfat oldold manman WhoWho nevernever feelsfeels sad.sad. HeHe isis alwaysalways inin redred WithWith a a nicenice beautifulbeautiful bag.bag. HeHe hashas longlong whitewhite beard.beard. AndAnd rideride manymany deer.deer. WhenWhen ChristmasChristmas comes,comes, HeHe bringsbrings lotslots ofof fun.fun. come together come together come together Some people like dressing up as Father Christmas. What does he like doing? He likes dressing up as Father Christmas. What does she/he like doing? 1. 2. 3.4. He/She likes dressing up as . What does he like doing? He likes dressing up as an elephant. What does he like doing? He likes dressing up as a monkey. What does she like doing? She likes dressing up as a chicken. What does she like doing? She likes dressing up as a nurse/doctor. Christmas is in December. It is an important(重要的重要的) holiday for people in many countries. They like having a big family dinner with lots of great food. Some people like dressing up as Father Christmas. Some teachers also like dressing up as Father Christmas. Children like making Christmas cards for their friends. They are very happy on this day. ( ) having a big family dinner ( ) buying some flowers ( ) dressing up as Father Christmas ( ) helping mum with housework ( ) making cards for friends ( ) wearing new clothes ( ) having a big family dinner ( ) buying some flowers ( ) dressing up as Father Christmas ( ) helping mum with housework ( ) making cards for friends ( ) wearing new clothes ( ) having a big family dinner ( ) buying some flowers ( ) dressing up as Father Christmas ( ) helping mum with housework ( ) making cards for friends ( ) wearing new clothes Letslearn havingdinner havingabigdinner havingabigfamily dinner havingabigfamilydinner withlots of greatfood 1. Mon.Christmas 圣诞节圣诞节 dressingup asFather Christmas puttingup Christmastrees making Christmas cards inDecember gettinglotsof Christmas presents havingabig familydinner A:When is Christmas? B:is in December. A:What do you like doing for? B:I like V动词动词+ing.And my mum likes V动词动词+ing What do they like doing for Christmas? Who are they? 二、听录音,根据课文内容连线。二、听录音,根据课文内容连线。 BensfamilymakingChristmascardsforfriends XiaolingsdaddressingupasFatherChristmas Jiaminhavingabigdinnerwithlotsofgreatfood Ben: Its December already. Christmas is coming soon. Xiaoling: What do you like doing for Christmas, Ben? Ben: In my home we like having a big family dinner with lots of great food. Xiaoling: My Dad likes dressing up as Father Christmas. What about you, Jiamin? Jiamin: I like making Christmas cards for my friends. Heres one for you. Xiaoling: Thanks, Jiamin. Ben: Its December already. Christmas is coming soon. Xiaoling: What do you like doing for Christmas, Ben? Ben: In my home we like having a big family dinner with lots of great food. Xiaoling: My Dad likes dressing up as Father Christmas. What about you, Jiamin? Jiamin: I like making Christmas cards for my friends. Heres one for you. Xiaoling: Thanks, Jiamin. Ben: Its December already. Christmas is coming soon. Xiaoling: What do you like doing for Christmas, Ben? Ben: In my home we like having a big family dinner with lots of great food. Xiaoling: My Dad likes dressing up as Father Christmas. What about you, Jiamin? Jiamin: I like making Christmas cards for my friends. Heres one for you. Xiaoling: Thanks, Jiamin. Festivals Christmas Itis in Ilike+Ving MothersDay ItisinMay. Ilike+Ving TeachersDay ItisinSeptember. Ilike+Ving Itis in Ilike+Ving A:When is ? B:is in . A:What do you like doing for? B:I like V动词动词+ing.And my mum likes V动词动词+ing 1.Finish the exercise paper. 2.Read the dialogue for 15. Unit 12 Christmas is coming 第一课时第一课时 一、听录音看图片,根据录音内容一、听录音看图片,根据录音内容出你选择的答案(多项选出你选择的答案(多项选 择)择) 。 二、听录音,根据课文内容连线。 Bens family making Christmas cards for friends Xiaolings dad dressing up as Father Christmas Jiamin having a big dinner with lots of great food 三、四人一组,小组合作问答,根据回答完成下面的调查表。三、四人一组,小组合作问答,根据回答完成下面的调查表。 A: What do you like doing for Christmas? B: I like ing I like. Name having a big family dinner with lots of great food dressing up as Father Christmas making Christmas cards Jiamin Report: _ likes 四、根据课文内容,补全下面的对话,在方框内写出所缺的单 词。 Ben: Its _already. _ is coming soon. Xiaoling: What do you like doing for _, Ben? Ben: In my home we like having a _ family dinner with _ _ great food. Xiaoling: My Dad likes _ _ as Father Christmas. What about you, Jiamin? Jiamin: I like making Christmas _for my friends. Heres one for you. Xiaoling: Thanks, Jiamin. 五、 Homework: 1、Read the dialogue for 15. 2、Finish the exercise paper. 【教学内容教学内容】 这是广州市小学英语四年级下册 Module 6 Celebrations Unit12 Christmas is coming 的第一 课时,是一节常态的英语课。其中,需“四会”掌握的词汇有: Christmas、December、already、soon、 lot、dress、 as 和词组 lots of 、Father Christmas。句子是关于“什么节日喜欢做什么是”用语,如:What do you like doing for Christmas? I like making cards. 通过学习,学生能结合相片、提供的图片或 key languages 进行俩俩说;学生通过掌 握课标内容,能结合所学的语言知识和生活实际进行交流;学生在老师创设的各种学习活 动和情景下,能自然地在进行听、说和读的训练。学生通过话题 Chinese Festivals,联系 生活实际进行拓展,进而扩大视野和知识面,丰富语言表达。同时,结合这些节日,激发 学生的情感, 为家人、朋友或同学表达节日的问候和祝福。 【设计理念设计理念】 本课以信息时代的教育创新网络环境下的基础教育跨越式发展创新试验研究的 目标与内容为指导思想,其中, “儿童思维发展新论”提到: “以语言应用为中心”是 儿童快速学习语言的根本途径与方法。无师自通地熟练掌握本民族的口头语言,除了人类 具有天生的言语中枢这一遗传因素以外,还因为儿童是在与人交际和沟通的过程中,即在 语言的应用过程中学习语言。这对我们教学的启示就是千万不要脱离开语境去孤立地记单 词、背句型;而不能用“语法分析为中心”的方法去教语言和学语言。儿童学习语言的过 程和学习的方法是以“语言应用为中心”的,学习为了应用,学了就立即用,而且力图在 一定的语境中去用。 【教学目标教学目标】 1能 “四会”掌握对话中的词汇:Christmas、December、already、soon、 lot、dress、 as 和词组 lots of 、Father Chritmas。What do you like doing for Christmas? I like making cards。 2. 能四会掌握以下重点句子: What do you like doing for Christmas? I like making cards. My dad likes dressing up as Father Christmas. 【学情分析学情分析】 1学生已掌握部分月,如:1 月份到六月份,八月份和十一月等。 2学生已掌握部分有关生日话题的用语,如 make birthday cards 等。 3学生能运用 I like doing sth 表达喜欢做的事情。 4学生知道第三人称单数后面的动词加 s,My dad likes如:。 5学生能在老师的引导下,不同程度地掌握语言知识或拓展语言。 【教学策略教学策略】 1借助 free talk 让学生回忆已学的月份和星期。 2借助“儿童节”话题帮助学生回忆有关节日的用语和 I like doing sth 的句型运用。 3. 借助 Father Christmas 作为本课的主人公,贯穿整节课。 4借助相片或图片进行描述人的表达或交流,加深学生对语言的理解、记忆与运用。 5借助思维导图,帮助学生梳理知识内容,从浅入深,从旧知到新知再到新旧知的 结合。 6利用多种形式的激励方式激励学生的学习积极性,提高学习效益。 【资源准备资源准备】 1教师用的资源:网页课件 2供学生说的图片和练习纸 【教学过程教学过程】 一一Warming-up and revision: 1.Free talk: 通过师生自由谈话进行热身,边做动作边唱歌,为下面的学习做好准备 T: What day is it? Ps: Its T: Whats the date today? Ps: Its (呈现 already, soon) 2. Lets talk about: 通过谈论“儿童节喜欢做什么”的话题引起学生兴趣,并复习旧知: making cards for friends,seeing a film ,watching a show,etc. (1)Free talk: Childrens Day is coming? When is Childrens Day? What do you like doing? (呈现 lots of ) (2)Lets share: When is Childrens Day? Its in What do you like doing for Childrens Day? I like +Ving. 3.介绍本课的主人公,贯穿整过程 过渡语 TT: Today, we have a special guest. Who is he? Please read the rhyme and guess. 通过猜小诗里的人物介绍出本课的主人公Father Christmas 二二Presentation: T:Do you know him? What will happen at Christmas? Please listen and enjoy the film. 通过小短片介绍圣诞节,初步感知圣诞节时人们会做什么? 1.Teacher starts to show the film. 通过小短片介绍圣诞节,初步感知圣诞节时人们会做什 么? (1) T: What can you see? What do these people like doing for Christmas? (呈现 dress up as; I like dressing up as) (2)Look at the picture and talk: What does he/she like doing? He/She likes+V 动 ing 2.Know more about ChristmasLearn through the mocro lesson:通过微课,学习更多关于圣 诞节的内容 (1) Look, listen and watch: (2) Choose the right information 3. Watch the vedio of our text, know more something about Ben、Jiamin and Xiaolings Christmas 三Practice : 1.Lets finish the exercise: Draw lines 2 .learn about the text: (1) Read after the video (2) Role play in groups (3) Show time 老师通过谈论“儿童节喜欢做什么”的话题引起学生兴趣,并复习旧知通过,进行交 流;通过猜小诗里的人物介绍出本课的主人公Father Christmas,并设置情境,为 接下来的语言学习和运用做线索。通过谈论“儿童节喜欢做什么”的话题,为接下来 “圣诞节喜欢做什么”的话题而作好铺垫。 首先,老师通过小短片向学生介绍圣诞节初步感知圣诞节时人们会做什么?接着,老 师通过微课,让学生学习更多有关圣诞节的内容;最后,进入课文的学习。这样,一 步步,逐步递进,减轻学生学习的负担,降低学生学习的难度。 3. 思维导图:Lets talk about: Language focus: When is Christmas? Its in What do you like doing for Christmas? I like +Ving. 四四Sum-up and Development. (过渡语: Children, today you know something about Christmas. And now, Father Christmas wants you to tell him some Chinese Festivals. Can you do that? A:When is ? B:is in . A:What do you like doing for? B:I like V 动词+ing. A:What about you mum? B: And my mum likes V 动词+ing 通过听短文,完成连线、跟读模仿、角色扮演等手段加强学生对课文的理解;通过思 维导图,梳理学生对圣诞节的印象;最后通过俩俩说,形成交流。 老师帮助学生梳理描述一个“Chinese Festtival”可以从哪些方面进行描述,让学生能整理 本节课所学知识并进行拓展。 2. Lets do it : (1)Pair Work: 同位互相说 (2)Report 五五Feedback & Homework: 1Choose the group winner and make the self assessment for oneself 2Homework for today : (1)Read the dialogue for 15. (2)Finish the exercise paper. 【板书设计】 Module 6 Celebrations Unit12 Christmas is coming What do you like doing for ? already I like V 动 ing. soon He/She likes V 动 ing. December Father Christmas dress up as lots of
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