科普版四年级下册Lesson 5What are these -教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:9302e).docx

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1、Popular Science Press Grade Four Book 4 Lesson 5 What are these? (Lets talk) Lesson 5 What are these? Lets talk (Period 2) 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 能够通过多媒体课件创设不同种类的商店情境,运用购物的常用 语,小组合作进行角色表演,初步形成用英语购物的表达能力。 2. 能够正确听说读写单词 tiger,walk 和 jump,理解和运用购物常 用语 Can I help you? Yes, I/we want.等;能够用句型 Look! The panda can wa

2、lk and jump. What fun! I want one.简单描 述玩具的特点和表达对玩具的喜爱,并能在实际购物情景中熟练 地进行对话交流。 3. 在小组合作中,注意倾听,积极思考,并运用所学知识在活动中 交流和感受用英语购物的乐趣。 学情分析:学情分析: 四年级的学生对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣, 活泼好动, 表现欲强, 学生对于玩具、水果、服装、学习用品的词汇有一定的知识积累,能 积极参与到课堂教学活动中。 在第一课时中学生已经对单复数的变化 以及 What are these/those?Theyre Are these/those toy? 等关键句型有了很好的学习。 在本课中,

3、我着重创设不同种类商店 的情境,发散学生思维,激发学习兴趣, 在共同参与、体验活动和合 作交流中,巩固语言知识,提升学生的综合语言运用能力和自主学习 能力。 教学重难点教学重难点: : 重点:能够借助玩具店的板书设计和多媒体课件创设的真实情景,学 会用英语购物,小组合作进行角色表演。 难点:能够正确理解语言知识并运用在实际的购物情境中。 教学过程:教学过程: Step1. Warming up 1. Greeting Good morning,class! 2. Sing a song What are these? 3. Match and read Let students match t

4、he words with the right shop,and then read these words. Divide students into four groups, if they will do a good job, they can get a toy. 【设计意图】【设计意图】 通通过过flasflash h动画唱英文歌曲不仅能够复习第一课时所学的知识动画唱英文歌曲不仅能够复习第一课时所学的知识, 还能调动学生的情绪,动感的画面能让学生在轻松地环境下进入还能调动学生的情绪,动感的画面能让学生在轻松地环境下进入 最佳的学习状态。以小组竞赛的激励评价方式让孩子们把有关玩最佳的

5、学习状态。以小组竞赛的激励评价方式让孩子们把有关玩 具,水果,服饰,学习用品的名词复数进行归类,培养学生的英具,水果,服饰,学习用品的名词复数进行归类,培养学生的英 语素养,引导学生了解购买不同的物品要选择不同的商店,为教语素养,引导学生了解购买不同的物品要选择不同的商店,为教 学新课和课堂的延伸做好铺垫。学新课和课堂的延伸做好铺垫。 Step2. New presentation 1. Play a guessing game and learn the words “tiger ,walk and jump” Teacher covers the part of pictures and

6、let students guess what this is. T: Whats this? S: Its a bear/panda. What are these?Theyre bears/pandas. T: Whats that? Is it a cat? S: No. T: Is it a tiger? S: Yes, its a tiger. T:Are they tigers? S: Yes, theyre tigers. ( learn “tiger” & “tigers”) Teacher shows a picture and says: T: Look! The pand

7、a can walk. Look at me. I can walk. (say and do the action) Which animal can walk? -al al /:/ /:/ walk walkThe panda/bear/hen can walk. Teacher shows the other picture: T: Look! The panda can jump. I can jump. (say out the sentence and do the action) Who can jump? S: I can jump. ( say out the senten

8、ce and do the action) T:u u- / / jump jump S: The panda/monkey/kangaroo/rabbit can jump. T: Look! The panda can walk. The panda can jump. So we can say “The panda can walk and jump.”(learn the sentence) Which animal can walk and jump? 【设计意图】【设计意图】 通过多媒体课件呈现被遮挡的图片,让学生玩猜谜游戏,有通过多媒体课件呈现被遮挡的图片,让学生玩猜谜游戏,有

9、 效的激发了学生的好奇心,让学生在真实的语境中感知英语,体效的激发了学生的好奇心,让学生在真实的语境中感知英语,体 验英语,并发散思维。验英语,并发散思维。 2. Show and describe toys What fun! Teacher shows and describes a toy frog to students, and then let students show and describe their own toys. T: Look! Its green. The toy frog can jump! What fun! T: Look! So many toys! I

10、 want a robot. The robot can walk. What fun! What toy do you want? S: I want. 【设计意图】【设计意图】 通过呈现会跳的玩具青蛙激发学生自主表达的欲望,鼓励学通过呈现会跳的玩具青蛙激发学生自主表达的欲望,鼓励学 生运用所学语言交流彼此的玩具,让学生在学中玩,玩中学,寓生运用所学语言交流彼此的玩具,让学生在学中玩,玩中学,寓 教于乐,并培养其初步运用英语进行交际的能力。教于乐,并培养其初步运用英语进行交际的能力。 3. Lets talk T: Look! Qiqi and Tom want some toys, too

11、. Lets go to the toy shop. A: Look, ask and answer T:Who is she? What does the woman say? B: Listen and answer What toy does Qiqi want? Atoy bear? Afootball? C: Read by themselves and think about a question “why does Qiqi want a toy panda?” D: Listen and read. Pay more attention to the pronunciation

12、. 【设计意图】【设计意图】 通过看图初步了解文本信息,然后让学生在听录音时有所侧重通过看图初步了解文本信息,然后让学生在听录音时有所侧重, 培养学生认真倾听和捕捉关键信息的能力培养学生认真倾听和捕捉关键信息的能力。 通过多媒体课件逐句跟读,通过多媒体课件逐句跟读, 注重朗读指导注重朗读指导, 培养学生具备一定的语感和良好的培养学生具备一定的语感和良好的语音语音、 语调语调基础基础。 】 Step 3 Practice 1.Have a role play in groups A: First, Teacher draws a toy shop on the blackboard, and t

13、hen has a role play with students. Teacher acts to be the woman (shop assistant) and chose 3 students to play Tom, Qiqi and the waiter. The waiter can say “Welcome to our shop” and “Goodbye.” B: Discuss in groups. C: Group show Ill give a toy to the better group. 【设计意图】【设计意图】 通过师生的示范通过师生的示范,明确各个小组成员

14、的角色分配明确各个小组成员的角色分配,让学生可以让学生可以 利用板书的关键词和图片提示,完成对话表演,进而降低了初学利用板书的关键词和图片提示,完成对话表演,进而降低了初学 知识的难度,让学生易于接受和使用新知进行交流。知识的难度,让学生易于接受和使用新知进行交流。 Step 4 Consolidation T: If you want some toys, you will go to the toy shop. If you want some bananas and apples, you will go to the fruit shop. If you go to the stati

15、onary shop, you can buy some pens, pencils and. If you go to the clothes shop, you can buy new dress, shirt and . 1.Watch a short VCR and try to write a shopping list T: Look! Theyre making a shopping list. Theyll buy some school things. So theyll go to the stationary shop. Lets watch a short VCR. T

16、: Four students in one group, First make a shopping list please,and then talk about your new dialogue in your groups. 2. Make a dialogue about shopping in groups Teacher shows them four different shops: toy shop, stationary shop, fruit shop and clothes shop. Four students in one group, each group ca

17、n choose a kind of shop and talk with partners. 3. Have a talk show 【设计意图】【设计意图】 通过观看一段视频通过观看一段视频, 真实的购物对话场景能有效的激发学生的表真实的购物对话场景能有效的激发学生的表 达欲望达欲望, 丰富学生的想象力丰富学生的想象力, 让学生身临其境让学生身临其境, 并尝试制作购物清单并尝试制作购物清单, 创编出自己的对话创编出自己的对话, 然后进行小组展示然后进行小组展示, 此活动旨在培养学生的自主此活动旨在培养学生的自主 合作学习能力和语言交际能力合作学习能力和语言交际能力。 】 4. Sum-up

18、 T:I like shopping. Do you like shopping? You can buy something what you need in different shops. Also you can go shopping in the supermarket, shopping mall or shopping online. Shopping makes us happy and makes our life comfortable. Lets enjoy shopping,OK? Step 5: Homework 1. Read a picture book Maisy goes shopping or Shelly loves shopping 【设计意图】设计意图】 选择与本课主题购物相关的原版英语绘本,通过一起作业的网络选择与本课主题购物相关的原版英语绘本,通过一起作业的网络 学习平台,让学生在课外能够阅读形象生动,色彩鲜明的有声绘本学习平台,让学生在课外能够阅读形象生动,色彩鲜明的有声绘本, 加深所学知识的记忆加深所学知识的记忆, 拓展知识的储备量拓展知识的储备量, 培养孩子们的英语思维能培养孩子们的英语思维能 力和跨文化交际意识。力和跨文化交际意识。


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