教科EEC版六年级下册Unit1 The Talent Show Is Coming Soon-Class 3Textbook p.6-7-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:2005a).zip

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EEC English Grade Six Unit1 The Talent Show Is Coming Soon Revision guitar drums I am a teacher, Im good at teaching. A: You are good at _.(+V.ing) Why dont you_?/ Why not _? (+V.) B: _. (I dont want to do it by myself./ I dont want to do it right now./ I dont like it. ) A: How about _ ? (+V.ing) B: That sounds like fun./ Thats a good idea!. sing play paint dance write run swim drum violin pian art cook ererer rr nermermer isto istist talent show A: We need a / one more _. (singer, ) Whos the best _? (singer, ) B: XXX is the best _. A: Oh, I see. XXX _ the best. (XXX sings the best. ) A:The school talent show is coming soon. What will you do? B:I dont know yet. I want to do something exciting. C:I am a good violinist, but I dont want to participate in the show by myself. B:I am good at singing. A:How about making a band? BC:That sounds like fun. A:Whos the best drummer? B:XXX plays the best. C:Oh, perfect timing! Here she comes. 用所给单词的正确形式填空:用所给单词的正确形式填空: A: Mothers Day is _(come) soon. What will you do? B: I dont know yet. I want _( do ) something interesting. A: You are a good cook. Why dont you _(make) a birthday cake for your mother. B: I dont want to do it by _(I). A: You are good at _(sing). How about _(sing) a song? B: That _(sound) like fun. I need a guitar player.Whos the _(good) guitar player? A: Jenny _(play) the guitar the best. Oh, perfect timing! Here she _(come). coming to do make myself singing singin g sounds best plays comes Read and answer. 1.When is the school talent show coming? 2.What are LiYizhe and HeQuansen good at? 3.Who is a good drummer? 4.But they think he is too old to be in the band. “tooto” Whats meaning? The school talent show is coming next month. We are preparing for it. WangJiayi is good at singing. LiYizhe and HeQuansen are good at playing the guitars. SongXiao plays the piano well. ZhengZhanpeng is a good drum player. He wants to join. But they think he is too old to be in the band. But with a drummer, their band will sound better. Read and answer. 1.When is the school talent show coming? The school talent show is coming next month. 2.What are LiYizhe and HeQuansen good at? They are good at playing the guitars. 3.Who is a good drummer? ZhengZhanpeng is a good drum player. 4.But they think he is too old to be in the band. “tooto” Whats meaning? 太而不能 A Write down these words: talent show, pianist , drummer, guitar, play the guitar, guitar player, singer, runner, swimmer,band, make a band B Write down a passage: 结合今天所复习的内容,结合今天所复习的内容, 创编一篇自己的短文。创编一篇自己的短文。 Topic(课题) Unit1 The Talent Show Is Coming Soon Part(3 课时) Teaching Aims (教学目标) The Knowledge Aims(知识目标): Words : one more runner /need/fastest Sentences : 1.Why dont you play the guitar? 2.I dont want to do it. 3.We need a singer.Who is the best singer ? The Ability Aims(能力目标): 1. To bring up the abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing . 2 .To use“Why dont you ”to suggest sb. The Emotion Aims(情感目标): 培养学生争做最好、最棒、最优秀的小学生。 Important Points (教学重点) Words : one more runner /need/fastest Sentences : 1.Why dont you play the guitar? 2.I dont want to do it. 3.We need a singer.Who is the best singer Difficult Points (教学难点) Why dont you. ? Whos the best+名 词? Teaching Methods (教学方法) the task-based teaching method 任务型教学 法 The replacement exercise method 替换练习法 情境教学法 Instruments(教具)tape-recorder tape a small blackboard and PPT Teaching Steps(教学步骤) .The Teaching Leading(教学导入):(3 分钟) 1.Greetings(打招呼): T:Good morning , class .How are you today ? 2.Warm up sing a song 3.The Leading Words(导语): T:Do you know what Xiaoxiao is good at ? Ok.Today lets learn lesson1. .The Teaching Presentation(教学展开):(35 分钟) 1. Brainstorm read the oneself words and point. 2. Look at the ppt and do the exercise 3. Speak quickly Boys and girls have a PK. Who speak quickly who can get one point. 4. Listen to the story again. Then answer the questions. 5.Expanding:Who is the best runner/dancer/writer/painter ? The Practicing Part :Work in pairs 5 1)Practice the dialog. 2) Ask students to act out the dialog . 6.The Acting Part : 4 A:Good morning,Lily. B: Good morning,Jack. A:The talent show is coming soon.What will you do ? B:Im good at playing the guitar.You are good at playing the drums .How about making a band ? A:Good idea ! B:We need a singer .Who is the best singer ? A:Jim sings the best .Lets ask him for help . B:Ok.Lets go ! 7. The Writing Part : 6 .Sum Up(总结):(2 分钟) T:Ok,so much for today.What have you learned today ? Homework : 1.Listen and read the dialog 2.Write a dialog about the talent show. Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson1.The Talent Show Is Coming Soon Why dont you. ? I dont want to do it . Whos the best singer ? . sings the best . Thinking After Class(课后反思) 在本节课,学生们学到了许多拓展知识,了解了由动 词变成相关名词的规则,能够把倒装句变成正确的语序, 更进一步的理解 Why dont you 的用法,在小组练习中, 大部分学生有合作的精神。同时让学生有了更强的竞争意 识。但是对于人称对应的 be 动词掌握的不好,还应该继续 练习,而且必须牢记。
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