教科EEC版六年级下册Unit3 You Did Your Best-Class 1 Textbook p.24-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e03b8).zip

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Unit3 You Did Your Best Step 1 Warming up(热身激趣热身激趣,明确目标) feeling 1.Whats your feeling if you won the first prize(获得一等获得一等 奖奖)? happyexcited 2.Talk about the feeling what you have won or didnt win thegame.请说一说你在请说一说你在 参加各种比赛后的获奖或失败感受。参加各种比赛后的获奖或失败感受。 Tug-of-War Rope Skipping Football game Running Race Speech Contest 提示目标 学习目标: 能听懂会说表达祝贺的句子,如: The winner is Betty Smith. Congratulations! You won the prize.等。 四会单词: have to turn winner give a big hand Congratulations won made mistake next time Step 1 Warming up(热身激趣,明确目标明确目标) 看图,猜意 Step II. presentation(启发诱导,呈现新知)看图猜 意 1.Where are they? 2. Who are They? 3. What are they talking about? 读问题,听 BeforeBefore listening,pleaselistening,please readread thethe QestionsQestions: 1 1、WhatWhat diddid QiaoqiaoQiaoqiao askask toto Xiaoxiao?Xiaoxiao? 2 2、WhoWho isis thethe winner?winner? 3 3、WhyWhy diddid QiaoqiaoQiaoqiao cry?cry? 4 4、HowHow diddid JennyJenny consoleconsole(安慰)(安慰)him?him? WhenWhen isis ourour turnturn? ? Betty won the first prize. Qiaoqiao made a mistake. Jenny says: Thats okay. We can do better next time. The winner is Betty Smith. He didnt win. turnturn 1.轮到某人(做某事)轮到某人(做某事) 2.(天气)变得(天气)变得 3.转动、旋转转动、旋转 It turns warm. turn right . turn left turn on turn off turn down turn up 幻灯片 8上一张 play player 请把下列动词动词变成名词(表示此动词执行者的名词) +er writewriter +r dance dancer +r singsinger +er workworker +er runrunner +ner piano pianist art artist tour tourist science scientist violin violinist 名词名词变成执行者 问题8 congratutionsla 祝贺祝贺 问题3 BeforeBefore listening,pleaselistening,please readread thethe QestionsQestions: 1 1、WhatWhat diddid QiaoqiaoQiaoqiao askask toto Xiaoxiao?Xiaoxiao? 2 2、WhoWho isis thethe winner?winner? 3 3、WhyWhy diddid QiaoqiaoQiaoqiao cry?cry? 4 4、HowHow diddid JennyJenny consoleconsole(安慰)(安慰)him?him? WhenWhen isis ourour turnturn? ? Betty won the first prize. Qiaoqiao made a mistake. Jenny says: Thats okay. We can do better next time. The winner is Betty Smith. He didnt win. Step III Practice(趣味操练,巩固新知)4-1 * Step III Practice(趣味操练,巩固新知)4-2 Step III Practice(趣味操练,巩固新知)4-3 Thats okay . We can do it better next time . When is our turn ? Congratulations ! You won the first prize . The winner is Betty Smith! Lets give her a big hand . We are next . Lets go . Sorry , I made a mistake . Step III Practice(趣味操练,巩固新知)4-4 3 1 4 2 5 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _! Congratulations You_ the race(比赛比赛). won The champion(冠军)(冠军)is_. Jim Williams Lets _. give him a big hand Congratulations ! _ You_ (比赛比赛 ). won the game Task1.请你当当主持人请你当当主持人 Look at the pictures. If youre a MC what you would say? Step Iv Conclution(任务交流,发展新知)2-1 race 主要指赛跑、竞走一类的(比速度的体育竞赛); match 常指足球、篮球、棒球等的比赛; contest 也表示“竞赛”,但一般不指体育上的竞赛, 而是其他类的,比如说,演讲比赛; game 与match类似,侧重指球类比赛。 同学们,race、game、contest和match,这四个词都和 比赛有关,但他们之间也存在着小小的区别,请你读一读。 Task2. Whos the winner ? Word Contest(比赛)(比赛) 比赛规则(1)比赛说单词。请三名学生到教室前,其中一个人作为 主持人,另外的两名是参赛者。 (2)教师快速地翻动卡片,参赛者快速的反应并说出单词, 旁边的主持人计数,看谁抢答的又快有准确。 (3)待学生完成以上活动之后,请参与的同学完成如下对话: MC: The winner is S1. Lets give her/him a big hand . S1: Thank you. MC: Congratulations! You won the first prize. S2: (垂头丧气) I made some mistakes. Ss: Thats okay. We can do better next time. Step Iv Conclution(任务交流,发展新知)2-2 Step V. Summary and Homework(小姐与作业,延续新知) 1.认真读课文,并能复述下来。认真读课文,并能复述下来。 2.完成课后练习卷。完成课后练习卷。 3.请同学们每人收集至少请同学们每人收集至少2条有关鼓条有关鼓 励的英语谚语。励的英语谚语。 1.Dont1.Dont loselose heart,heart, whateverwhatever happens.happens. TryTry again.again. 不管发生什么都不要气馁,再试一试看。不管发生什么都不要气馁,再试一试看。 2.Never2.Never saysay die.die. 永不放弃。永不放弃。 GoGo forfor it!it! = = JustJust dodo it!it! 加油!向前冲!做了再说!加油!向前冲!做了再说! Unit3Unit3 YouYou DidDid YourYour BestBest 第一课时第一课时 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析: 本课内容为 EEC 小学英语六年级下册Unit3 You Did Your Best第一课时。本单元课文讲述了学生在日常的学习活动中参加 学校组织的才艺表演的励志故事,岑透了鼓励儿童做任何事情都要 不为名、不为利,重在锻炼、贵在参与的价值观。在知识方面,学 生将学会如何用动词的过去时形式表述过去发生的动作或者结果。 二、教学目标: 本节课,我们将学会能够听懂并能够表达祝贺。 三、教学重难点: 能听懂会说表达祝贺的句子,如 The winner is Betty Smith./Congratulations!/You won the prize.等。 四会单词: have to/turn/winner/ congratulations/won/made/mistake/next time/give a big hand 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up(谈话复习,明确目标) 1、教师和学生看图片交流有关我们课本 talent show 的相关话 题,复习就知,导入新知。 T:The school talent show is coming soon. Do you want to join the talent show? S:Yes, of course. T: Whats your feeling if you won the first prize? S:Happy/Exciting(用自己的语言表达) 2、大家谈论一下自己在参加各种比赛后的获奖或失败的感受, 尽可能用简单的英语来表达。Today lets going into the talent show ,to learn how to express congrtalation and console.今天我们走进才艺表演现场,学习如何对获奖者表示祝贺 的安慰别人。因为重在锻炼、贵在参与,只要努力了,你就会做得 更好。 (导入新课,出示学习目标) Step II. presentation(情景再现,听读现行,学练结合) 1、看图,猜一猜,说一说故事的内容。 T:Where are they? Who are They? What are they talking about? 2、带着问题,有目的的听录音。 Qestions:1、What did Qiaoqiao ask to Xiaoxiao? 2、Who won the first prize? 3、Why did Qiaoqiao cry? 4、How did Jenny console him? 3、在情境中,解决问题,学习新知。 1)T:Qestion1.What did Qiaoqiao ask to Xiaoxiao? S:When is our turn? 知识点:单词 1.turn 轮到某人,做某事 T: Its your turn. Please read it. (请四名学生到教师前 面来,让一名读单词) S1:Turn.Its my turn.(依次让前三个学生这样说) T:S2,When is your turn? S2:Im next. 复习有关 turn 旋转的短语,让这四个学生依次做动作:turn right/turn left/turn up/turn down/turn on/turn off. 2) T:Qestion2:Who won the first prize? S:Betty won the first prize./ The winner is Betty Smith.(板书这两个句子) T:请大家对 Betty 表示祝贺“Lets give her a big hand .Congratulations” 。 知识点:单词 win /winner /won /prize/givea big hand 句子:Betty won the first prize. The winner is Betty Smith. Congratulations! T:这里哪些动词可以变成动作的执行者的名词。请变一变(观 看 CAI)每变对一个词,老师说:Lets give a big hand .请 大家一起说:Congratulations!(班级后黑板上的小粘贴) 3) T:Qestions3:Why did Qiaoqiao cry? S:Qiaoqiao made a mistake. 知识点:单词:made(make 的过去式)/mistake 4)T:Qestions4:Qiaoqiao was very sad.How did Jenny console him? S:Jenny says: Thats okay. We can do better next time. 知识点:单词:next time(鼓励犯错误不可怕) 4、Read the knowledge on the blackboard. 5.Listen and speak 1)Listen and repeat 2)Read by yourself. 3)Read in groups. 4)Read in a role. Step III Practice(趣味操练,巩固拓展) Task1、Look at the pictures.If you are a MC, what would you say?s(百词比赛 one hundred words game,跳绳比赛 Skipping game 足球比赛 football game,图片) Task 2、选词填空,完成对话。 (内容是书中第 26 页) Task 3、Whos the winner? 活动目的:通过练习操练课文中的重点句型。 活动方法: (1)比赛说单词(前两课的单词卡片,最后升级到本课的单词 卡片) 。请三到四名学生到教室前,其中一个人作为主持人,另外的 是参赛者。 (2)教师快速地翻动卡片,参赛者快速的反应并说出单词,旁 边的主持人计数,看谁抢答的又快有准确。 (3)待学生完成以上活动之后,作如下对话: MC: The winner is S1. Lets give a big hand . S1: Thank you. MC: Congratulations! You won the first prize. S2:(垂头丧气)I made some mistakes. Ss: Thats okay. We can do it better next time. Task 4、Number the sentences. Step IV Conclusion(达标测试,反馈目标) Step V Summary and Homework(知识小结,布置作业)
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