教科EEC版六年级下册Unit5 Let's Eat Dumplings-Class 3 Textbook p.46-47-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:4036c).zip

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Unit 5 Lets eat dumplings. Period 1 EEC Primary English for Grade 6 Fruit Shop A:What kind of fruit do you want? B: Grapes, please. kin d sof fruits Cake Shop kin d sof cake + + fruit cake = + + chocolate cake= + + cheese cake= chocolate cheese lunch catch much childre n /t/ A: What kind of cake do you want? B: Chocolate cake, please. fruit cake chocolate cake cheese cake dumplings 1 23 1.Lets eat dumplings for dinner. 2.Lets make dumplings together( 一起一起). 3.Lets boil(煮煮) our dumplings. A: What kind of dumplings do they want? B: _. meat filling dumplings seafood filling dumplings vegetables filling dumplings Meat dumplings P44 They look great! A:How long will it take to boil the dumplings? B:It takes about 10 minutes. bake cakes steame d rice finish the homework walk to the park 30 minutes 10minut es an hour 40minut es 1. Listen to the tape and follow. 2. Act the dialogue in your groups. 1._ fruit do you want? -Watermelons, please. A.What color B.What kind of C.What size 2. _will it take to get here? -About 30 minutes. A.How long B.How much C.How many 1.3. It _about 10 minutes. A.take B.takes C.taking 4. How about_dumplings together? 1. A.making B.make C.makes 1. She wants a cheese pizza. _ _ _ pizza does she want? 2. It will take about 2 hours to get there. _ _ will it take to get there? What kind of How long Dont waste food. Homework: 1. Write the following words twice: meat dumplings, boil 2. Make two sentences with: A: Less eat dumpling for dinner. B: All right. A: What kind of ? B: I want a /an . (你可以任意选择一项。你可以任意选择一项。) 1 EEC 小学英语六年级下册 Unit 5 lets Eat Dumplings.Dumplings. (Period One) 教学设计教学设计 2 EEC 六年级下册六年级下册 Unit 5 lets Eat Dumplings.Dumplings. 1本单元设计意图:对第四单元 How about a pizza?的一个延伸。学生通过学习怎 样订餐, 熟悉订餐的步骤,了解在订餐或购物时怎样询问食物或物品的种类,食物的口 味,大小,数量等。 教师鼓励学生在生活中能运用这些内容,更好的体现语言的交际性。 2本单元学习目标 语言知识目标:学生能熟悉英语订餐内容,能从听、说、读,写四个方面掌握对食 物或物品口味,大小,数量的问答,以及对时间段的问答和时间表达法。 语言技能目标:教师创设情境,学生在和实际生活相联系的情境中学语言,学生能 运用所学的语言进行交际的能力。 情感态度目标:激发他们学习的主动性,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生参与 合作的意识,通过学习和交流, 提高学生的实际生活能力。 学习策略目标:培养学生的判断力,观察力,激发学生积极思考问题,通过情境活 动,激发学习英语的兴趣,引导全体学生在任务中积极运用所学英语进行表达。 3 Unit 5 lets Eat Dumplings.Dumplings. Period 1 一、Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge Aims: Ss can listen, speak, read and write: large, cheese pizza, size. Ss can listen, speak and read : medium. Ss can listen and speak: cardigan 句子:What kind of .?/What size do you ? 音标: t 2. Ability Aims: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Learn about ordering expression. . 2. Use structures like “What kind of . ?”, “What size do you .?” to talk about the type, size of food and other things in real situation. 3. Get to know the meaning of “large, cheese pizza, size” both in spoken and written forms, pronounce them clearly and use them correctly. 3. Focus of the lesson: 学生能够运用以下句型对食物或物品的种类、大小进行问答交流。 What kind of . ? What size do you .? 4. Predicted area of difficulty: 1. Students can distinguish “large , small, medium” and use them correctly . 2. The pronunciation of “large, cardigan, medium, size 6.5”. 二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, Situational language teaching, 三、Teaching aids: Pictures of pizza, clothes and shoes, word cards, CAI 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Warming up and revision. 1. ( ppt) Show some covered pictures of food, clothes, books, fruit and drinks. Ss guess the words. T: Look at these cards. If you can say please stand up and say them quickly and clearly. (Food: pizza, sandwiches, fish, bread Clothes: shirt, skirt, shoes, pants, sweater Books: English book, story book, Chinese book, music book, Fruit: apple, strawberry, watermelon, orange Drinks: juice, milk, water, pop and so on. (Dont show the pictures in order.) T: We need ten students to play this game. (Guess the words) Five boys PK five girls. (该复习环节对活动设计的描述不够清晰,前面要求会说的学生快速站起来说,后面又 4 要求男女生进行 PK,且如何 PK 也并未进行说明。修改建议:以上两种要求任选其一。 如果选择 PK 形式的话,给男女生两组各分配十个词,全说对的组获胜。 ) 2. Classify the words by volunteers. Then Ss read them for revision. (设计意图:复习环节所涉及到的单词均是为本课的教学目标服务,能够为学生学习本课 新知做好语料的准备与铺垫。猜单词游戏的活动形式可以在上课伊始将学生带入轻松活 跃的英语课堂气氛中。) StepII : Presentation 1. T points to the ppt of food and says: What kind of food do you like? S1, 2,3: I like _. T: I like pizza best. I want to buy some pizza. Lets go to the restaurant, OK? Ss: OK 2. PPT: Provide the situation of a fast food restaurant. There are many kinds of pizza: cheese pizza, fruit pizza, vegetable pizza, chocolate pizza, sausage pizza, fish pizza. T: Therere many kinds of pizza. What kind of pizza do you want? Today we are going to learn Lesson 5. What kind of pizza do you want? Write the title on the BB and read. 3. Look at the ppt. Learn to read the words of pizza: cheese pizza, fruit pizza, vegetable pizza, chocolate pizza, sausage pizza, fish pizza. Focus on the new word “cheese” and the pronunciation of “ch”t . Let volunteers give some old words with “ch”. T: Who can say a word with “ch”? S: China; chair; chicken; Chinese; cheap; watch, catch. T sums up on ppt. Ss read. 4. T: I want a chocolate pizza. What kind of pizza do you want? Bb: What kind of pizza do you want? A _ pizza, please. Ss learn to read “kind” and then the sentence. (设计意图:创设情境,借助 PPT 营造快餐店的氛围,作为贯穿全课的情境主线,让 学生能够始终在真实的情境中感知语言并进而运用英语进行交流。) StepIII: Practice 1. Ask and answer questions. T- S1, T- S2. Then the students practice in pairs. 2. (ppt). Ss look at the pictures of food, clothes, books, fruit and drinks. Ask and answer questions in pairs. Then let some pairs show. A: What kind of food/clothes/shoes/fruit/books/drinks do you want? B: _, please. 3. Let some pairs show their dialogues. When the last pair is talking, T points to the things they 5 are talking about and asks a question to lead in the next concept: S1: What kind of clothes do you want? S2: A shirt, please. T: (Show three pictures of shirts) What size do you want, large, medium or small? S2: _. 4. Point to the words on the shirts and learn to read: large, medium, small. Show the short forms of them: L, M, S. 5. Write the questions and the answers on the Bb: What size do you want? Large/ Medium/ Small, please. Read in pairs. 6. Change to the ppt of three cardigans. Ss: What kind of clothes do you want? T: A cardigan, please. Ss: What size do you want? T: Medium, please. Learn the new word “cardigan”. car-di-gan. All the Ss read and spell. Then individuals. 7. Make a dialogue in pairs, using the four sentences above. Ss can first talk about the clothes, then talk about other things of different sizes. ( ppt for help) 8. The last ppt of Step 7 shows some shoes: boots, sandals, slippers, running shoes, dancing shoes. Lead in the new expression of size. Show the sizes of the shoes: Size 7, Size 6.5, Size 6, Size 5. Tell the Ss how to read the numbers: 6.5, 7.5, 8.5: Size six point five.= Size six and a half.Ss practice the new dialogue about shoes freely. Then check some pairs. (设计意图:运用课件创设情境,为学生提供大量的语言材料,让学生有语言支撑,能 够大胆地自信地主动运用英语进行交流。教学活动由易到难,从一组问答对话过渡到两 组问答组成的一段对话,学生能力在不知不觉中逐渐得到培养和提高。) StepIV: Consolidation. 1. Play the tape. Ss listen and fill in the blanks according to what they hear. What kindWhat size pizza clothes 6 shoes (设计意图:任务型教学模式。让学生带着任务去听,引导学生把握关键信息,指导听 力技巧,提高听力技能。) 2. Listen and read the text. 3. Exercise 1) Listening part: Listen twice and circle what they want. 2) Match. StepV: Homework 五、五、Blackboard design 六、六、Teaching reflection
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