教科EEC版六年级下册Unit7 A Letter from Jenny-Class 2 Textbook p.65-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-部级优课-(编号:80e11).zip

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教科版小学英语六年级下册 Unit7 A Letter from Jenny QQ WeChat Assessment QQ and WeChat , which do you like better? 对于QQ和微信中的功能,你更喜欢QQ还是微信?回答问题的同学就可以参与调查,并为本组得分。调查完后写回信。 文字聊天 语音聊天 视频聊天 说说/朋友圈 游戏 人数 9 10 12 8 11 14 Team1Team 2 VS Team1 Team2 大家好,我是腾讯公司总裁马化腾。 请帮我们公司做份QQ和微信的调查。 If you answer a question and you get a point. 回答问题的同学就可以为本组得一分。 QQ WeChat Assessment QQ and WeChat , which do you like better? 对于QQ和微信中的功能,你更喜欢QQ还是微信呢?回答问题的同学就可以参与调查并为本组得分。做完调查写回信! 文字聊天语音聊天视频聊天 说说/朋友圈游戏 人数 12 8 9 14 Team1*Team2 Team1 Team2 19 11 Game! Pass the ball and find the words partner. 球停到谁手里,谁找出该单词的过去式。 a m is wa s have ha d pla y played get got go wen t sin g san g danc e dance d help helpe d Game! May January December 1st 2nd 3rd June 4th April 12th July 20th August 21st March 23rd October 30th Which one is missing? 请拿到球的同学读出被吃掉的单词。 computer 电脑 WeChat 微信 111dfdfrqsss全身 700 B.C. 700 B.C.公元前 700年1878 19461973 18781946 1973 The beacon tower 烽火台 carrier pigeon 信鸽 post -horse 驿马 post office 邮局 19992011 19992011 QQ cellphone 手机 2017 年 20 17 History! 通信历史 October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Your friend, Jenny Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. At the party, I played the guitar, my dad played the piano very well, my mom is a good dancer and singer. My family got together and had turkey dinner. Thank you for helping me. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. What does the passage talke about? A. Its a diary(日记) about Jenny. B. Its a letter from Lily. C. Its a letter from Jenny. Task 1: Please read silently and answer . 默读课文,回答问题。 Your friend Jenny I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. At the party, I played the guitar, my dad played the piano very well, my mom is a good dancer and singer. My family got together and had turkey dinner. Thank you for helping me. 写在信头右上角。 日期结构: 月 日,年(或:日 月 年) , , , Task 2: Date date 日期 October 9th 2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. At the party, I played the guitar, my dad played the piano very well, my mom is a good dancer and singer. My family got together and had turkey dinner. Thank you for helping me. 写在信头右上角。 靠左顶格 写 , , , Task 3: Salutation date 日期 salutation 称呼 body 正文 October 9th 2012 靠左顶格写 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao Your friend Jenny Dear friend, Dear mom, Dear Task 4: Body part -1 Your friend, Jenny October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? Whats the weather like in Ottawa ? Its Read and think!读一读,谈论了什么内容。 body 正文 Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. At the party, I played the guitar, my dad played the piano very well, my mom is a good dancer and singer. My family got together and had turkey dinner. Thank you for helping me. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Task 5: Body part -2 It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. At the party, I played the guitar, my dad played the piano very well, my mom is a good dancer and singer. My family got together and had turkey dinner. Thank you for helping me. give 给予 inggivThanks 感恩节 Day Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. At the party, I played the guitar, my dad played the piano very well, my mom is a good dancer and singer. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. when what why It was on October 8th. how B.Read and answer how and why. 请请默读课读课 文,根据关键词键词 找出答 案。 Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? A.听音说说出 what 和 when的答 案。 I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. body 正文 You must have some people or things to thank! Lets say! 在你成长过程中,一定有要感谢的人或事,来说一说吧! yesterday last Sunday two years ago Childrens Day 温馨提示 Tip: went to the park went on a picnic played soccer cleaned the classroom had a talent show helped me took care of taught us English/math/ I cant forget I want to thank Thank sb. for doing sth. yesterday last Sunday two years ago Childrens Day 温馨提示 Tip: go to the park go on a picnic play soccer clean the classroom have a talent show help me take care of teach us English/math/ I cant forget I want to thank Thank sb. for doing sth. Task 5 : C. Lets write! 请写下来! Your friend, Jenny October 9th,2012 Task 6: Body part - 3 I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Why not visit me during the vacation? Welcome to . I hope to hear from your letter. 我希望收到你的来信。 Please write the third part . 请写完信的正文第三部分内容。 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Please read loudly .请朗读短文。 I love you. You are kind Thank you for helping me. body 正文 I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. At the party, I played the guitar, my dad played the piano very well, my mom is a good dancer and singer. My family got together and had turkey dinner. Thank you for helping me. 写在信头右上角。 靠左顶格 写 右下角 , , , Attention! 请注意三个逗号的位置! Task 7: Letter format 书信格式complimentary close; signature. date 日期 salutation称呼 body 正文 complimentary close Signature 结束语;署名 October 9th 2012 靠左顶格写 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao Your friend Jenny Your son, Your daughter, Your Task 8: Please read your letter.请读一读你的信吧。 The letter is personal privacy. But if you want to share with us, please read it. 信是我们的个人隐私,你如果想和我们分享,就请读一读吧! Please post your letter. 如果你是给给同学写的信,那么现现在把它送给给同学。 Homework One Please write a letter to Tencent CEO. 请给腾讯的总裁写封信,表达下你对QQ或微信的喜爱,感谢给我们 沟通带来的便利和快乐。你是否对QQ和微信还有更好的建议呢? TWO Please write a letter to others. 请给你要感谢的朋友、亲人、老师或者其他人写一封信。 We should be a thankful person. 我们应该做一个懂得感恩的人! May April July March Octobe r 1st 7th 22nd 23rd 19th 2017 2022 2018 2012 1949 Please read the date. 请读出时间日期。Pease read! 读一读! Teaching Plan Unit 7 A Letter from Jenny (Grade 6,Book 8) 教科版小学英语六年级下册教科版小学英语六年级下册 TitleUnit 7 A Letter from JennyTypeNew Teaching Aims 1.1. KnowledgeKnowledge objectsobjects a. Enable the Ss to know about the letter format: b. Get the Ss to understand the meaning of the letter. 2.2. AbilityAbility objectsobjects a. The students can write a letter by themselves. b. Develop the Ss skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 3.3. MoralMoral objectsobjects a. Arouse their interest in learning English; b. Enable students to build self-confidence in learning English. c. Be a thankful person. Teaching Method In this lesson with the PWP model. Ill mainly use the communicative teaching method, the group-cooperate teaching method, the game teaching method and the task-based teaching method to cultivate and develop students interests of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Learning Method Through my lesson, the Ss will improve their English skills. Theyll use the summarizing method, the observing method, audio visual method and the exchanging method, which helps the Ss form good habits of English learning. Key Point The letter format. Difficult Point How to write a letter and express their emotions。 Teaching Tools PPT ball 教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图 .Warm up 1.Greeting. 2 Introduce the assessment and divide Ss into two teams. 3.Review. Verb past tense. Month,ordinal number,and date. 4.Lead4.Lead in:in: LearnLearn thethe year.year. AndAnd thethe communicationcommunication history.history. Hello, boys and girls. Today, we will learn “Unit 7 A letter from Jenny.” Let the Ss know about the assessment. Play the game, please find the words partner. Play the game and read “Which one is missing?” Learn the year. Know more about Hello, Miss Zhang Look at the screen And know the rule of competition. Pass the ball and find the wordspartner. Call others name and read the missing words. Read the year. 和学生打招呼熟悉。 Assessment Team 1 Team 2 哪组得到的分数多哪组获胜。 同时参与 QQ 和微信的调 查。获胜者将给腾讯公司 写信。 复习动词过去式,为后面 写作做铺垫。 为后面日期的学习做铺垫 和热身。 通过学习年份和了解通信 历史来导入新课引出信。 了解通信发展史,拓展学 生视野,体现学科间的融 合。 E-mail.E-mail. . Pre-reading. Task 1:What does the letter talk about? .While reading :Learn and write. TaskTask 2 2: The letter format- date. Task3Task3: Salutation.Salutation. TaskTask 4:4: BodyBody partpart one.one. Task5:Task5: BodyBody partpart two.two. A. 1.listen and think. What and when. 2.Liten and find the answer. the communication history. Show the letter. Date. Writing format. Dear mom, Dear friend, Dear Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? 1.What does it talk about? 2.When was the Thanksgiving Day? The Ss read silently and answer. Say some dates and play a game about date. Read and answer the question. Write it down. Read and find the answer. Write the Zhangjiakous weather. Thanksgiving Day. It was on 8th. Find the key words and phrases. She wanted to 通篇了解文本内容,明确 题目。 学习信的书写格式,日期。 通过游戏攻克日期的表达 方式。 学习称呼的用法和写法。 学习信的第一部分,关于 天气。再写一写张家口的 天气。 通过听力训练和关键词提 示来找出答案具体了解文 本内容思想。 文本核心部分采用默读的 方式来找出关键词的答案。 加深理解。 How and why. BWatch the video. Thanksgiving Day. Talk about! Task5:Task5: C CLetsLets write.write. Task6:Task6: WriteWrite thethe bodybody partpart three.three. Task7:Task7: ComplementaryComplementary closeclose andand signature.signature. .Post-reading.Post-reading. Summaries the letter. Feedback information. . Summaries the Assessment. 1.How did they celebrate the Thanksgiving Day? 2.Why did Jenny write a letter to Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao. You must have some people and things to thank. Tell them what should they write. Show some examples. Your friend, Your son, Post the letter to their classmates. Read the letter. Each one has thank her friend. Say somethings about the thankful. Finish the body part two. Read the sentences. Write it down. Finish the letter. Post the letter. Read the letter. Different team has its different homework. 让学生了解感恩节的历史 由来和现况。 顺着感恩节的话题来让学 生说一说让自己难忘和感 恩的事情。也借此机会让 即将毕业的学生们进行情 感的交流。 通过老师启发学生情感, 让学生自己口头表达,然 后再写到纸上,降低难度。 讲解结束语的几种表达方 式。扩充知识量。 完成信件。 此时在学信的过程中也完 成了写信。老师强调信是 个人隐私,如果愿意和大 家一起交流分享信就来读 一读。 评价调查结果和小组比赛 结果。 .Homework.Homework. . Thank you. its good points. One: Write a letter to Mr. Ma. Two: Write a letter to others. We should be a thankful person. 不同小组设置不同层次作 业。 明确情感目标。 Homework Design Summarise Assessment One Please write a letter to Tencent CEO. 请给腾讯的总裁写封信,表达下你对 QQ 或微信的喜爱,感谢给 我们沟通带来的便利和快乐。你是否对 QQ 和微信还有更好的建议呢? TWO Please write a letter to others. 请给你要感谢的朋友、亲人、老师或者其他人写一封信。 Blackboard Design May 16th,2017 Dear friend, Your friend, Jenny
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