教科EEC版六年级下册Unit7 A Letter from Jenny-Class 2 Textbook p.65-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:a0189).zip

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LearningLearning CardCard ClassClass NameNameScoreScore CollectingCollecting andand organizingorganizingWriteWrite a a letterletter toto JennyJenny MonthMonth January OrdinalOrdinal numeralnumeral first WeatherWeather windy FestivalFestival Womens Day help my mom cook . DoDo somethingsomething Evaluation method 一二三,特殊记; first second third th 从四起;fourth sixth ve要用f替;fifth twelfth 八加h,九去e;eighth ninth 几十几,只把各位基 变序。 twenty-seventh thirty-first ty变成tie;twentieth thirtieth Unit7 A Letter from Jenny Grade Six Zheng Xibo October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny Questions: When does Jenny write the letter? October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny In China : 年月日 如:2019年3月22日 the western countries: 月日年 如:March 22nd, 2019 thousand 一 千 2012=two thousand and twelve two thousand and eighteen two thousand and nineteen two thousand and twenty-two 2018 = 2019 = 2022 = 2012 ? October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny Questions: How is the weather in Ottawa? October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny Whats the weather like there? Hows the weather there ? October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny Salutation(称呼,问候语) (weather) How are you ?How is it going? Its me, XX . How is everything. October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny Questions: What festival was it yesterday? October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny Questions: When did they have a big party? October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny . last week month year Monday holiday October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny Questions: What did they have for dinner? October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny turkey October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny was-ishad-havegot-get October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny Text Part(正文部分)(Thanksgiving Day) It was_yesterday. We _last_. My family _ _. PracticePractice moremore( (我会改编)我会改编) my birthday had a big partynight got together and had a birthday cake. I was very happy Text Part(正文部分)(Thanksgiving Day) PracticePractice moremore ( (我会改编)我会改编) It was_(festival). (I / We/Myfamily.)_. (What did you do?/ Where did you go?/How did you feel?) Childrens Day Mothers Day Spring Festival October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny Questions: Does Jenny miss her friends? October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Why not visit me during the vacation? holiday October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny The epilogue of the letter(结束语) . Why dont you write to me? Please write to me soon. Take care! October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny Questions: From Jennys letter,can you say the letter format?(信的格式) October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny date (日期) salutation (称呼,问候语 ) text part(正文部分) signature (署名) the epilogue of the letter(结束语) October 9th,2012 Dear Xiaoxiao and Qiaoqiao, Its a little windy in Ottawa. Whats the weather like there? It was Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We had a big party last night. My family got together and had turkey dinner. I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? Ill be waiting for your letter. Your friend, Jenny date (日期) salutation (称呼,问候语 ) text part(正文部分) signature (署名) the epilogue of the letter(结束语) Jenny Jack WriteWrite a a letterletter andand sendsend itit toto youryour friendsfriends oror someonesomeone else.else. NO Homework 共需课时数(共需课时数(5 ) 课题课题 Unit7:A Letter from Jenny 课型课型新授新授 第(第(3)课时)课时 教教 学学 目目 标标 1.了解写信的格式。了解写信的格式。 2.通过本节课能够学会给朋友写信。通过本节课能够学会给朋友写信。 教学教学 重点重点 日期的表达,写信的格式。日期的表达,写信的格式。 教具教具 准备准备 多媒体多媒体 录音机录音机 卡片卡片 教学教学 难点难点 Write a letter to someone. 学具学具 准备准备 Learning Cards 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 7 :A Letter from Jenny Date Satulation Text part Epilogue signature 典典 型型 习习 题题 Write a letter to your friend. 教教 学学 反反 思思 引用引用 课外课外 资源资源 多媒体多媒体 网络资料网络资料 新授环节新授环节回顾环节回顾环节 . Greetings: T:Good morning ,class .Nice to meet you. Are you ready for our class? Ss: Good morning, teacher. Nice to meet you,too. Yes, we are ready. T:Have you finished your learning card before class? There are so many stars on the paper. In this class you should try to answer my questions as more as you can , try to get more stars.And the winner in your group can get my surprise prize.Ok? T: Now lets do some activities. First, lets play a game. Please quickly stand up and read the words loudly. Great.Now lets chant together. Clap your hands.Cool.Everyone can get a star. II. Come to the new text . T: Look at the picture. Who are they? Ss:They are Xiaoxiao, Qiaoqiao,Jim and Jenny. T:They are good friends,right? In Unit6 we know that Jenny went back to her country Canada,right? But she misses her friends very much. So she writes a letter to them. Today lets learn Unit7 A Letter from Jenny 1. Greet 2. Play a game 3. Chant together 1.Listen to the letter. T:Now lets listen and read Jennys letter,then answer my questions.Ok? When does Jenny write the letter? Ss:October9th,2012 T:Can you say the differences between China and the western countries? Ss:In China we write 年月日。But in western countries, they write 月日年。T:Great, get a star. Ok, how to read 2012?lets learn a new way to read 2012. Show thousand. Practice2018,2019,2022. Play a game.撕名牌。Try to read the birthday of the students. How was the weather in Ottawa? Ss: It was a little windy in Ottawa. T: Can you make a sentence? Can you say some weather words? Practice windy, cloudy. Whats the weather like there? Can you say the same meaning sentence? Can you make a sentence? T:Ok, in the first paragraph, its about salutation, Jenny writes about weather. When we write a letter ,what else can we write? Ss:how are you?how is it going?. What festival was it yesterday? 2.Answer the teachers questions. Studying way: Play a game to practice to say the date. 回头练:let the students make sentences. See a short video. Ss: It was Thanksgiving Day. Read the word, and see a short video about Thanks giving Day. T:Do you know any other festivals of western countries? Show Christmas , Halloween , April Fools Day. Can you make a sentence? When did they have a big party? Ss: They had a big party last night. T:Can you use last to make some short phrases? Ss: last week, last weekend, last year. T:Can you make a new sentence? Ss:. What did they have for dinner? Ss: They had turkey dinner. Learn new word turkey. T:They eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. Its just like we eat dumplings on Spring Festival.Ok? T:Now ,lets know more about Thanksgiving Day. See a short video. T:In the second paragraph how many past tense of the verb can you find? What are they? Can you say. T: In the second paragraph its about the text part, Jenny writes about Thanksgiving Day. I Know about Thanksgiving Day. Let the students make some new sentences. See a short video. Try to write more to practice the second paragraph. can change this paragraph like this, It was my birthday yesterday, my family got together and had a birthday cake, I was very happy. Can you describe like this? Please try to say . It was Childrens Day/Mothers Day/ Spring Festival.I/We/My family .T:Any thing else? Ss:. Does Jenny miss her friends? Why? Ss: I miss you guys. Why dont you visit me during the vacation? T: Can you say the same meaning sentence? Ss: why not visit me during the vacation? Vacation means holiday. The last sentence Ill be waiting for your letter. T: be waiting for means Jenny will wait for their letters all the time ,right? So Jenny misses her friends. Right? T:OK, in the third paragraph its about the epilogue of the letter, What else can we write as the epilogue? Ss: Why dont you write to me? Please write to me soon. Take care!. T: Ok, this is the letter from Jenny. Please read it by yourself. The last question, from Jennys letter , can you say the Answer the teachers questions. 回头练:1.Work in pairs . 2. Choose True or False. 3. Write a letter to Jenny. letter format? Ss:. teacher 板书。 .Practice more T:Can you write a letter now? Ss: yes.T: really? Lets work in pairs, complete the parts of a letter with your partners. T:Check up. Read the letter, and choose True or False. T:Check up. Read a letter, and try to write a reply letter to Jenny. T:Have you finished? Ok, if you finished, put your letter into your envelope. T:Pass me your letter now. I will choose some letters to read. T: Ok, this is a letter from XiXi, can you read your letter for us. (choose two students letters, and let them read it for us.)T:Other letters,After class,I will read your letters instead of Jenny. OK? . Homework. T: todays homework is to write a letter and send it to your friend or someone else. .Count your stars. Who is the winner in your group, stand up? Wow, congratulations. You get my surprise prize. Lets give them a big hand. Others come on, next class. Ok? 4.Let the students share their letters with us. Homework :Write a letter and send it. 学以致用 .Say good-bye. T:Ok, so much for today. Class is over. Good- bye ,class. Unit7 A Letter from Jenny (教学设计)(教学设计) Grade Six Gao Miao Elementary School Zheng Xibo
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