冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer -Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:a09ee).doc

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冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer -Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:a09ee).doc_第1页
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冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer -Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:a09ee).doc_第2页
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冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer -Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:a09ee).doc_第3页
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冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer -Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:a09ee).doc_第4页
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1、义务教育教科书冀教版小学英语六年级下册第三单元义务教育教科书冀教版小学英语六年级下册第三单元 Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play. 一、教学分析教学分析 1、 学生分析 在学习本节课内容之前,六年级学生已经掌握了一般现在时,学习了一般过去时,能够 基本会运用两种时态进行句式练习。 2、教材分析 第三单元,李明、詹尼和丹尼将尽情享受夏季的各种活动,并讨论他们的暑假计划。本 单元将讲授描述自然和夏季活动的词汇,还要讲授 will 构成的时态。本课通过 Jenny 和 Danny 谈论关于“明天”的出行计划为学生引出一般将来时概念和 will 的运用,帮助学生 提高英语的

2、运用能力,以达到“知识来源于生活,并且运用于生活的目的” 。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、 知识与技能目标 (1)Students will be able to aurally understand, orally use, recognize and spell the following vocabulary : close, angry,pick. (2)Students will be able to recognize, understand and use the following expression: I I willwill,I I willwill notnot 2、

3、 情感态度目标 根据小学生的年龄特点,引导他们在宽松和谐的气氛中学习英语,调动他们学习的积极 性、主动性,发挥创造性,使学生乐于学习英语。 通过让学生比赛、组内配合等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式,增强合作意识。 学习本课,学生可以有机会为学生树立环境保护意识和正确的价值观。 3. 学习策略目标 通过课堂学习,培养学生参与课堂的主动性和热情;激发并保持对英语的学习兴趣,进 而形成有效的学习方法;最终提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 三、教学重点和难点三、教学重点和难点 1、 教学重点: 能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇:close, angry. 2、 教学难点: 学生能够将 I I will

4、will,I I willwill notnot 等句型进行回话练习并运用到生活实际。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 图片、多媒体 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1 Greetings and warming-up(5 minutes) T: Good morning, everyone! S: Good morning, teacher! T: Nice to meet you,. S: Nice to meet you, too. T: What are you going to do tomorrow? S1: I am going to (教师板书) T: I am going to

5、 We can also say , “I”will”(教师把黑板上的 be going to 用 will 代替, 学 生重复), T: What are you going to do tomorrow? S2: I am going to T: I am going to We can also say ,“I”will”(教师把黑板上的 be going to 用 will 代替, 学生重复), T: Now Lets see Danny and Jennys tomorrow. 【设计意图】通过 Free Talk 的形式,引起学生 will 的注意,为新授环节打下基础。 Step

6、2 Presentation and Practice (25 minutes) 1.Listen and answer T: Please listen carefully and answer the questions: (1) What day is tomorrow?Tomorrow is Saturday. (2) Where will they go tomorrow? (出示will的图片,学习will这个单词) They will go to the park (出示视频文件。进行板书) 【设计意图】直接导入文本人物 Jenny 和 Danny,并通过课件自然创设去公园的情境

7、,以 Danny 为主线,将第一部分文本内容引入,从学生熟悉的场景进入新知的教与学。 2. Listen by dividing 2 sections and answer T: very good! Now we know tomorrow is Saturday, Jenny and Danny will go to the park. In the park, Will Danny fly a kite tomorrow? (出示视频文件。学习 will not,出示 I will not fly a kite 的句子。进行板书) 1.What will you do tomorrow?

8、 S: No, he will not. Danny will not fly a kite. T:Yes, Danny doesnt like to fly a kite. Why? S:(出示 Danny 在北京放风筝摔倒的图片) T: What will Danny do tomorrow?(出示 Danny 在公园里看花的图片) S:Danny will look at the beautiful flowers.(学生跟读) 【设计意图】听力能够使学生集中精力,全神贯注地投入,符合学生的认知特点,并且设 置了两个予以提示的问题, 降低学习难度, 能激发学生的学习积极性, 开课之初就进

9、入重点。 T: Danny will be looking at the beautiful flowers , please look at Jenny. How does Jenny feel? (出示课件,显示正确答案,出示 pick 和 close 的情景图片,学生用这两个词汇造句。) T: (听音结束) ,How does Jenny feel?(出示 Jenny 生气的图片) S: Jenny is angry. T: Well done! How is the baby/the girl/ the boy feel? S: T: Why is she angry? (出示带有 a

10、ngry 表情的图片,学习 angry 这个的单词) S: Because Danny will pick some flowers for her mother。 (出示音频,学生模仿。 ) T: If you loves your mother, what will you do for your mother? S: I will(学生回答之后,为开拓思维,教师提供肌肤图片。 T: Danny cant pick the flowers,But Danny can pick some flowers in the field.(出示田野里 摘花的图片) T: Danny will pic

11、k some flowers for her mother, what does Jenny say? (出示 Danny will pick some flowers for her mother.的图片。之后出现 Jenny 的表情图片.) S: Danny, you cant pick the flowers! Thats wrong! (出示音频,学生模仿。 ) T:Now Danny will pick some flowers in the park, then what will he do? S: He will run home and close the door. T:W

12、hy? S: T:Yes, he is afraid. He is wrong. T: Now Jenny is angry, and then what does Danny say? S:(学生回答并有感情地听音跟读。) 【设计意】借助图片对 I will 进行英文阐述,进一步加深学生对一般将来时的吸收,达到 知识巩固的目的,培养学生的亲情感,树立正确的价值观。 【设计意图】 将文本分成 2 部分听音, 学生第二次接触文本, 对新知部分的学习进行了巩固, 对文本信息进行了提取,自然进入新知 pick,close 和 angry 单词的深度学习。同时涉及的 对话练习,能够帮助学生完成之后的练

13、习。起到承上启下的作用。 3. Listen and read T: This is Jenny and Dannys story. Please listen and read emotionally. 【设计意图】让学生模仿录音读对话,可以充分感知英语语音、语调对人物语言的渲染力, 为下面的角色表演打基础。 Step 3 Production (9 minutes) T: Ok,please have a role play with 2 groups. (教师给出导图) T: Ok,please find your partner to make the dialogue. (学生看导图

14、练习) 【设计意图】学生组内练习,角色表演的形式让学生在字里行间对文本知识进行第四次完 整输入,巩固所学知识,同时紧扣文本课题。 (1) T : Today,Danny can say “will”and “will not” ,can you? Please do the exercise. (2) T: Please look at the chart, what will Jenny do this Saturday? T: Yes. what will Li Ming do this Saturday and this Sunday? what will you do this Sat

15、urday and this Sunday? Please fill the chart. Homework (1minutes) Make 2 sentences about “Tomorrow I will ” and Make 2 sentences about “Tomorrow I will not” 【设计意图】强化知识的同时完成对课堂的延伸,达到巩固和强化的目的。 板书设计: Lesson 14Tomorrow We Will Play JennyWhat will you do tomorrow? Danny: I will (look at)I will not (fly a kite). (pick)(do it). (run home and close) 2.Lets do it.


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