冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 1 Sports-Lesson 4 Did You Have Fun -教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:202cc).doc

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1、Lesson 4 Did You Have Hun? 教学设计 一.教学目标 1. 知识与技能目标: 1.Students will be able to aurally understand ,orally use, recognize and spell the following vocabulary: thought, bought, thought, learn, buy, teach, think .Students will be able to recognize, understand and use this question: Did you have fun? What

2、 did you do ? 2. 过程与方法: Through the game, songs, creating situations, students will use the past tense to describe his done. 3. 情感态度价值观: Arouse the students interest in learning English, to cultivate students dare to say. 二、学情分析 对于小学六年级的学生来说,有了一定的词汇量的积累,能用英 语进行简单的交流,但是因为缺乏语言环境,能开口说英语还只是停 留在课堂上,课下用英语

3、交流的机会很少。本课内容主要是用一般过 去时描述自己做过的事情, 所以同学们可以结合自己的实际情况进行 描述,是锻炼口语表达的好机会。在本课的教学中,结合我们学生的 实际情况,设计了读单词找朋友、看图说句子,角色朗读课文、根据 课文回答问答,描述自己的周末等环节,为学生提供表达的机会。 三、重点、难点 1.重点:Students will be able to aurally understand ,orally use, recognize and spell the following vocabulary: thought, bought, thought, 2.难点:Students

4、will use the past tense to describe his done. 四、教学过程 Step1. Class Opening 1.Greeting 2.Listen a song: What did you do ? Lets chant: What did you do ? What did you do ? I went a little shop. What did you do ? What did you do ? Ibought a new heavy ball. What did you do ? What did you do ? We taught ea

5、ch other a sport. 设计意图:歌曲、歌谣导入激发学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,同时复 习动词的过去式,引出本课的主要内容。 Step2.New Concept 1. Listen twice, show some pictures about Li Ming ,Jenny, Danny ,then answer these questions: What did Li Ming do? Li Ming _. What did Jenny do ?Jenny_. What did Danny do ?Danny _. 设计意图:通过听录音、分角色读,理解对话内容,找出符合要求的 句子

6、和单词, 培养学生结合图片运用寻读方法快速找到关键词及重要 语句的能力。 2. Read the text,then answer questions: Looking for students to read the text aloud role, answer the following questions : Where did Jenny and Li Ming go? What did Li Ming buy? What sport did Li Ming teach Jenny? What sport did Jenny teach Li Ming? Did Danny lear

7、n to play basketball?What happened to Danny? 设计意图:为学生创设班内朗读、交流的机会,提高口语表达能 力,增强对对话的理解能力。 3. Show six pictures,According to the text content, sorting for the picture. Use a sentence to describe image content. 设计意图:结合课文内容,为图片排序,进一步加深对课文的理解, 同时让同学描述图片内容,也是引导学生用一般过去时来说句子。培 养口头表达能力。 4.Read the past-tense

8、verbs,understand the composition of the two different forms. 设计意图:归纳本课出现的动词过去式,知道在什么时候使用,为下 面的看图说话做准备。 5.Practice: What did you do yesterday? Show some pictures. Use a sentence to describe image content. Finish writing words. Write: Page 9, No. 4 Lets do it . Fill in the blanks. 设计意图:通过看图说一句话,激发学生敢于

9、表达的勇气,使学生 获得用英语口头表达的成就感。通过课后练习,学会使用正确的 动词过去式进行书写。 Step3. Summary 1. Accumulation of past tense of irregular verbs 2. Will ask in English :What did you do yesterday / last Sunday ? Did you have fun? Step4:Homework 1. Copying irregular verbs past tense. 2. Use the past tense to describe what you have to do at the weekend


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