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What Will Be, Will Be 冀教版英语六年级下册 He had many nice horses. Read picture2-3 silently(默默读读) and underline the answers. 1.What happened to the big black horse? 2.What did the old man say and do? One night, a big black horse ran away from the farm. His friends came to say how sorry they were. The only thing the old man said was”What will be,will be.”And he/ went on with /his work. Months later, the black horse came home with two white horse. The old man said quietly,”What will be, will be.” And he /went on with/ his work. Read quickly! What is the good news? His son wanted to learn to ride. Read picture 5-6 and“” or” During the lesson, he fell from the horse and broke his leg. He couldnt walk well. He was sad. The old man just said, ”What will be, will be.” And he/ went on with /his work. Read it by yourself. The king asked all the boys to catch fish in the cold river water. The boys worked so hard. Did his son have to catch fish in the cold river? Why? What did the old man say and do? No. His son broke his leg and couldnt walk well. What will be, will be.And he went on with his work. Read picture7-8 and answer. Read the story and number (排序排序) in groups ( )The old mans son couldnt walk,so he didnt have to catch fish. ( )One night, a black horse ran away from the farm. ( )The king asked the boys to catch fish. ( )His son fell from the black horse and broke his leg. ( )The black horse came back with two white horses. (1)Long long ago, an old farmer has many nice horses. ( )Everytime the old man said”What will be, will be.” 2 3 4 5 6 7 Every coin has two sides. 每个事物都可以一分为二 Things at worst will mend. 否极泰来 Let by gones be by gones. 过去的就让他过去吧 Thing always change. 事物一直在发展 Things at worst will mend. 否极泰来 What will be, will be, what is gone is gone. 未未来来不迎,既不迎,既过过不恋。不恋。 Dont give up. Study hard. 1.Share(分享) your bookmarks with your friends, collect more wisdom words(名言警句) and make bookmarks by yourself. 2. Read more similar(相似的) fable stories. http:/ 冀教版冀教版小学英语小学英语 (三起)六年级下册拓展故事课(三起)六年级下册拓展故事课 What Will be, will be 教学设计教学设计 一、设计思路 1.引导学生预测故事发展,发挥学生想象,激活学生已有知 识,提高学生语言运用能力,激发学生的阅读兴趣和动机。 引导学生运用略读、寻读等阅读策略,学生通过图片猜测 词意,培养学生良好的阅读习惯,有益于提高学生的阅读 能力。 2.学生体会故事角色情感,理解故事寓意,并根据自己的理 解去指导他们今后的生活。 二、教材分析 本课是冀教版小学英语教材三年级起始版,六年 级下册 Reading for Fun 部分的一节故事课,是作为教科书 的补充阅读材料出现的。这个故事情节曲折、内容丰富、 内涵寓意深刻,非常能够激发孩子们的阅读兴趣,但故事 的篇幅相比课内故事来说要长且难,因此,在阅读过程中, 要设置合适的、有梯度的阅读任务来帮助孩子们理解故事, 同时,也要注意阅读策略的渗透和良好阅读习惯的培养。 三、学情分析: 本课的教学对象是六年级下学期的学生。这些学生从 小学三年级开始学习英语,已经掌握了一些英语基础知识, 并且具备了一定的语言组织能力,但由于是六下的教材, 所以在阅读策略的运用上、在故事寓意的理解上都还需要 老师的引导和帮助。为了最大限度地发挥学生的主观能动 性,我还设计了一系列让学生参与表达自己观点的活动。 4、教学目标 1. 学生能在老师帮助下理解 What will be, will be 等核心语 句的意思。 2. 学生能借助图片等读懂故事,感知故事寓意。 3. 通过寻读等策略快速获取信息,尝试按照意群去阅读。 4. 初步感知辩证思维,以发展的眼光看待问题。 五、教学重难点 重点:学生能借助图片等读懂故事,感知故事寓意。 难点:初步感知辩证思维,以发展的眼光看待问题。 六、教学准备 PPT、人物头像、板书条、书签 七、教学过程 StepI. Greeting and Lead- in 1.Greeting. 2.Play a guessing game. (设计意图:充分挖掘学生自身资源,通过小游戏猜寓言故 事,利用学生已有的认知水平激发学生兴趣,为下一步教 学活动做好铺垫。) StepII. Pre-reading Show Picture1-8 :Do you know the story? (动态播放,依次出 示文本图片) (设计意图:利用图片激活学生的背景知识,初步感知故 事大意并猜出故事名称。 ) StepIII. While-reading 1.Look! What can you see? Look at his clothes,is he in our time?What animals can you see?(出示第一幅图片) (设计意图:学生通过观察图片,了解故事相关的背景,激 发学生对新语言点的阅读兴趣。) 2.Read picture2-3 silently and underline the answers. What happened to the horse? What did the old man say and do? (设计意图:学生运用默读、寻读等策略读懂文本,通过个 人思考引出新句型,了解故事情节的发展。 ) 3.Read picture 4 quickly and find out: What is the good news? What did the old man do and say? (设计意图:通过猜测,引导学生进入文本,在边读边思的 过程中关注细节信息。通过朗读并揣摩角色说话时的心理 和语气,发挥学生的主观能动性,加深对“What will be,will be”的理解和认识,同时为提炼故事寓意奠定基础。 ) Why was the boy sad?How about the old man? (问题的设置是为了训练学生先读问题再根据问题中的关键 词有针对性地从文中寻找答案的阅读技巧,提高阅读速度 和理解水平。问题的设置,还有助于引导学生体会人物情 感,保持阅读兴趣。) 4.Read picture 5-6 by themselves. (设计意图:学生通过自己尝试阅读,锻炼学生根据注释或 联系上下文猜测词义的能力,) 5.Read picture7-8 Did the old mans son go to the river to catch the fish?Why? What did the old man do and say? (设计意图:设置问题引发学生进一步思考。) StepIV. Post-reading Order the sentences, then read them. (学生通过对句子排序,再次梳理故事脉络,理解故事大 意。 )