冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 2 Good Health to You!-Lesson 7 Always Have Breakfast!-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:7002a).zip

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冀教版冀教版 六年级下册六年级下册 Lesson 7 Always Have Breakfast! 1 . Answer questions How tall is WuYichen ? She is _ metres tall . Whats her weight ? She is _kilograms. What does she like for breakfast? She likes _and _for breakfast . How often does she eat vegetables ? _ 2.Fill in the blanks ZhangChuhan is _metres tall and _kilograms.She is_and strong._is her favourite sport . She swims for_hours everyweek._helps make her body healthy and strong. 1 . Answer questions How tall is WuYichen ? She is _ metres tall . Whats her weight ? She is _kilograms. What does she like for breakfast? She likes _and _for breakfast . How often does she eat vegetables ? _ 2.Fill in the blanks ZhangChuhan is _metres tall and _kilograms.She is_and strong._is her favourite sport . She runs for_minutes every morning._helps make her body healthy and strong. 1.43 37 breadmilk Twice a day 1.643 healthy Running twentyExercise How to be healthy and strong? Get up early and go to bed early When do you get up from Monday to Friday ? Wash hands before meals How often did you wash your hands yesterday ? Keep my hair and body clean . How often do you wash your hair in a week ? Whats your favourite fruit? My favourite fruit is _ Whats your mothers favourite fruit ? Her favourite fruit is _ How often do you eat fruit in a week? _a week. Whats your favourite vegetable ? My favourite vegetable is _ Do you like to eat vegetables or meat ? I like to eat _ How often do you eat vegetables a day ? I eat vegetables _a day Eating more vegetables is good for you . What sports do you play ? I play_ What do you wear to play sports ? I wear_to play sports. How often do you exercise in a week ? _a week . How many minutes do you exercise each time (每次)? About _minutes/hours Exercise helps make our body healthy and strong. When did you have breakfast yesterday? How often did you have breakfast last week? How often did Kim have breakfast last week? Six times. 1.( ) Danny had breakfast twice last week. 2.( ) Danny had hamburgers for breakfast. 3.( ) Danny had breakfast at 6:15 on Tuesday morning. 4.( ) Li Ming has breakfast every day. Read and Judge Fonce 1.( ) Danny had breakfast twice last week. 2.( ) Danny had hambuergers for breakfast. 3.( ) Danny had breakfast at 6:15 on Tuesday morning. 4.( ) Li Ming has breakfast every day. Read and Judge Fonce eggs, bread and milkF 1.( ) Danny had breakfast twice last week. 2.( ) Danny had hambuergers for breakfast. 3.( ) Danny had breakfast at 6:15 on Tuesday morning. 4.( ) Li Ming has breakfast every day. Read and Judge Fonce eggs, bread and milkF 7:30F 1.( ) Danny had breakfast twice last week. 2.( ) Danny had hambuergers for breakfast. 3.( ) Danny had breakfast at 6:15 on Tuesday morning. 4.( ) Li Ming has breakfast every day. Read and Judge Fonce eggs, bread and milkF 7:30 F T Healthy Eating Group our food! 食物分类食物分类 The is sweet. Sweets & fats (脂肪脂肪) family chocolate lollipop Grain(谷物)(谷物) family Protein(蛋白质蛋白质) family Dairy(奶制品)(奶制品) family yogurt grain vegetables & fruits dairy protein fats & sweets a little some a lot of food pyramid 饮食金字 塔 Make our healthy meal 制作健康餐 Healthy eating is good for us . Dont be picky(挑食) about food . Homework 给自己制定一个健康的、科学的一周早餐食谱 M onday Tu esday Wed nesday Th ursday F riday S aturday Su nday time what Lesson7 教学反思 本单元的题目是“Good Healthy to You”,重点讲授有关健康及如何保持健 康的话题。单元围绕着 Mr. Wood 与 Li Ming, Danny 和 Jenny 谈论他们的生活 习惯展开。 本课是单元的第一课,在设计本课时我进行了整合复习和拓展。在以谈论饮 食习惯及健康饮食为背景的情境下,使学生了解健康饮食的重要性,要求学生 能运用 I have_for lunch .I like to eat _How often do you eat.? Eating _is good for me .结合日常生活制作一顿健康的午餐并进行交流, 使所学语言交际化。 在学习本课之前学生已经掌握一定的用频率副词进行提问的语言知识,以 及有关蔬菜、水果的词汇和相关的表达喜好的语言知识,具备了一定的听说读 写能力,学生能够巩固以往语言点的同时掌握对健康饮食的频率问答。同时我 进行了第二单元健康话题的复习,通过两位同学的视频设置听力问题,由于音 频设备声音较小、孩子语速较快等问题,部分同学没有完整地补充完听力小卷 设置的问题。所以这个环节回答问题的同学人数偏少。应该在今后设置相关能 力练习时先提前解读文本,让孩子们有目的地去听,提高听力环节的效率。随 后我让同学们自己先说一说 How to be healthy and strong ?然后我给出话题, Eating more fruit and vegetables is good for you . Exercise helps make our body healthy and strong . Always keep our body clean 等话题,让孩子们进行生生问答、 师生问答等环节。后面根据提问进入到第七课的课文内容进行自读,通过回答 问题和判断对错等题考查孩子们对本课内容的理解程度。最后通过细化饮食分 类,给孩子们介绍 food pyramid ,老师先介绍一顿 healthy eating,让孩子们小 组讨论制作一顿 healthy lunch .由于时间的问题,最后小组展示 healthy eating 的 环节显得略微有些仓促。应该把前面的复习环节略微压缩一下,让后面的展示 环节时间更充分一些。 冀教版冀教版 六年级下册六年级下册 Lesson 7 Always Have Breakfast! 教学分析教学分析 1、学生分析 本课的教学对象是六年级学生,具备一定的语感和英语学习能力,能够听 懂并且很快的掌握本节课所学的内容。本课生单词不多,但与学生生活息息相 关,所以学生会非常有兴趣学习本课。因此要考虑到在完成教学目标的前提下, 如何设计活动,使学生在巩固以往语言点的同时进行知识拓展,让学生习得更 多语言,明白健康饮食的重要性,使之能正确运用所学知识进行交流。培养学 生学习和使用英语的兴趣和方法。 2、教材分析 本课是冀教版小学英语第六册第二单元的第七课,整个单元都是围绕如何保持 健康展开。通过本课的学习,要求学生学生会表达人物的健康状况,以及通过 语言情境的创设,用语言描述一份健康的午餐。帮助学生明白三餐的重要性, 培养学生健康的饮食习惯。 教学目标教学目标 知识与技能目标知识与技能目标 (1)学生能够听懂、会说、认读词汇 kilogram carrot grapes chocolate yogurt steamed bread mushrrom (2)能够熟练地运用 How often 引导的特殊疑问句及回答与他人健康的生活方 式。 (3)通过多种课堂活动培养学生综合语言运用能力,引导学生通过实践、合 作等学习方式制作一顿健康的午餐并进行表达描述,培养学生合作学习的意识, 提高与他人交往的能力。 情感态度目标情感态度目标 1. 调动学生学习积极性,使学生在不断体验成功的同时,增强学习英语的自信 心。 2. 倡导健康的生活方式,帮助学生明白健康饮食的重要性,培养学生健康的饮 食习惯。 学习策略目标学习策略目标 培养学生通过小组合作学习从而提高学习的效率。让学生在情景中运用本 课的语言点。帮助学生掌握频率副词,指导学生灵活运用这些频率副词进行自 主的交流活动。 教学重难点教学重难点 (1)能听、说、读本课涉及到的词汇。理解 How often ?句型以及正确的回 答方式。能正确理解,掌握对话的内容,并能流利地朗读课文内容。 (2)难点:健康饮食的分类及表达。 教学准备教学准备 Paper,多媒体 教学过程教学过程 一一 Greeting How are you , boys and girls ? 二二 New concepts T: Lets watch two short vedios .Two students talk about their healthy life. Take out your paper .The first time , you watch listen and try to fill in the blanks .The second time ,you complete the paper . 1 . Answer questions How tall is WuYichen ? She is _ metres tall . Whats her weight ? She is _kilograms.(千克) What does she like for breakfast? She likes _and _for breakfast . How often does she eat vegetables ? _ 2.Fill in the blanks ZhangChuhan is _metres tall and _kilograms. She is_ and strong. _is her favourite sport . She runs for_ minutes every morning._ helps make her body healthy and strong. T; How to be healthy and strong ?(让学生自己先说一说) (Show Pictures) Eating more fruit is good for you . Who can read the questions ? (Let the volunteers read them ) Who can answer ? Eating more vegetables makes your body healthy and strong. Boys ask the questions and girls answer . Playing sports is good for our health . Do pair works (the teacher and one student set an example) Always brush teeth before meals Read the red sentences and answer questions Get up early and go to bed early (when do you get up from Monday to Friday ?) Wash hands before meals ( How often did you wash your hands yesterday ?) Keep your hair and body clean ( How often do you wash your hair in a week ?) (Make an investigation : who wash your hair once /twice /three times ? Put up your hands ) Always have breakfast Questions : How often did you have breakfast last Sunday ? When did you have breakfast yesterday ? T: What about Kim and Danny? Open your book ,turn to Lesson 7 and try to answer the questions . What did Kim have breakfast lat week ? True or false 1.( ) Danny had breakfast twice last week. 2.( ) Danny had hamburgers for breakfast. 3.( ) Danny had breakfast at 6:15 on Tuesday morning. 4.( ) Li Ming has breakfast every day Always eat breakfast is good for us ,and healthy eating is also good for us .Lets talk about healthy eating . Pictures cake ice cream chocolate lollipop -The Sweets&fats family Practice the sentence: The _is sweet . noodles bread rice -The Grain family fish meat eggs chicken -The Protein family yogurt milk -The dairy family show the food pyramid and talk about your healthy meal . Lets make healthy lunch Sentences : I have _for lunch . I like to eat _ I eat _ a week . Eating_ is good for me . Conclusion : Healthy eating is good for us . Dont be picky(挑食) about food . Homework 设计一周的健康早餐图表,并能用所学句型进行简单描述.
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