冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 2 Good Health to You!-Lesson 8 Always Brush Your Teeth!-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:d03c8).zip

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Lesson 8: Always Brush Your Teeth! 冀教版冀教版 英语英语 六年级下六年级下 AlwaysAlways BrushBrush youryour teethteeth ! ! Why ? Because its good for you ! be good for sb 对某人有益 When does Li Ming brush his teeth ? 6:55 7:00 7:05 breakfast Li Ming has breakfast at 7:00 . Before breakfast, he washes his hands. After breakfast, he brushes his teeth. before breakfast after breakfast How often does Danny brush his teeth ? be bad for sb 对某人无益 be good for sb 对某人有益 bad 有害的 Answer these questions: 1.How often does she go to school? She goes to school five times a week. 2.What does Jenny do at 7:00 in the morning? 3.Does she brush her teeth before or after breakfast? She brushes her teeth before breakfast. She gets up at 7:00 in the morning. Jenny goes to school five times a week, from Monday to Friday. She gets up at 7:00 in the morning. She washes her hands and face. she brushes her teeth Next , she has breakfast. After breakfast, She goes to school. She works hard at school.Saturday and Sunday are different. Jenny doesnt go to school on those days. JennysJennys weekweek 一般现在时态第三人称单数要变化,动词后面要加一般现在时态第三人称单数要变化,动词后面要加s s或或eses, 否定形式用否定形式用doesnt+doesnt+动词原形。动词原形。 一起来找一找动词单三的形式一起来找一找动词单三的形式 Choose: 1.How often does Jenny go to school? _a week. (A: once B: five C: Five times) 2.She _ her hands and face . ( A: washes B: brushes C: combs ) 3.She brushes her _ and brushes her hair. ( A: tooth B: a tooth C: teeth ) 4.She works _ at school. ( A: hard B: hardly C: a hard ) 5.Saturday and Sunday _ different. ( A: is B: am C: are ) 6:Jenny doesnt _ to school _ those days. ( A: go , on B: go , in C: went , on ) C: Five times A: washes C: teeth A: hard C: are A: go , on Look and speak Do you want to be strong and healthy ? We can always _ . Why ? Because its good for you ! What else can we do for strong and healthy body? How to be strong and healthy ? eat breakfast For example (例如):Always brush your teeth ! Do some sports . Often eat fruit and vegetable Lesson 8 Always brush your teeth ! Homework 同学们每天早上都是怎么安排的呢?每天早上同学们每天早上都是怎么安排的呢?每天早上 都会做些什么呢?假如让你来向大家介绍一下自都会做些什么呢?假如让你来向大家介绍一下自 己的早晨生活,你会如何介绍呢?用英语描述一己的早晨生活,你会如何介绍呢?用英语描述一 下吧!不少于五句话。下吧!不少于五句话。 写作: Thanks For Listening Lesson 8 Always Brush Your Teeth! 一、一、 教学目标教学目标 A.知识目标知识目标 1、能听说读写 after ,before , teeth, face, brush 并能熟练运用 How often 进行交际。 2、能够掌握 before ,after 的用法。 B.能力目标能力目标 1、学生能够正确运用短语 brushteeth,washface,并知道人称 的变化;能简单地运用英语讲述自己的一天。 2、通过学习,学生能对本课内容产生兴趣,主动参与教学活动, 认真理解短文内容,并养成讲究卫生的好习惯。 教学重点:教学重点: 1、能听说读写 after ,before , teeth, face, brush,并能熟练运用 How often 进行交际。 2、培养学生良好的卫生习惯天天刷牙。 教学难点:教学难点: 学生能够正确运用短语 brushteeth,washface,并知道人称的变 化;能简单地运用英语讲述自己的一天。 教具应用:多媒体教具应用:多媒体 教学过程教学过程: Step 1:Class opening and review 1.Greeting :Good morning ,class!How are you ? 2.Listen to a song. Step 2:New Concepts. 1、学习单词 teeth, face, brush 学生对单词 teeth, face, brush, comb 并不陌生,他们已经见到并 且使用过这些单词,就在刚刚唱过的儿歌中也出现过这些单词。教 师用自己的牙齿和脸来演示 teeth, face.教师做出刷牙的动作让学生理 解 brush 【设计意图】:用实际动作演练介绍单词,学生既爱学,又学用实际动作演练介绍单词,学生既爱学,又学 的快,理解的容易。的快,理解的容易。 2、 学习单词 before, after Step 3:学习课文第一部分学习课文第一部分 学生听句子后自读课文第一部分,理解课文内容并回答问题。 When does Li Ming brush his teeth ? Li Ming has breakfast at 7:00. Before breakfast, he washes his hands. After breakfast, he brushes his teeth. 【设计意图】: 在听的过程中为孩子预留了任务,符合英语课 标中提倡的任务型教学,并且能引导学生注意听得重点内容,为他 的学习提供了方向。 Step 4: 学习课文第二部分学习课文第二部分 1 Listen and answer these questions: 1)How often does she go to school? 2)What does Jenny do at 7:00 in the morning? 3)Does she brush her teeth before or after breakfast? 2、Read the text with the tape . 3.读课文找出句子中动词的单三形式。 Step5:Look and Speak. 学生根据幻灯片上的图画提示两人一组用英语谈谈图中人物的 活动。找几个接受快的学生当堂读一读。 【设计意图】:通过出示图片,创设情境,让学生在意义的、 生动有趣的情景中接触所学的新内容。通过小组中的互相练说,克 服学生一个人怕说错的思想,在集思广义中说出自己能想到的句子, 同时不限定于一个句型,培养学生的发散思维。在小组练习中,提 高了学生发言的积极性,说的机会也增多了,加上教师或基础好的 学生的及时指导,学生的表达能力也会有所提高。 Step 6:课堂练习:课堂练习: 1.Choose: 1)How often does Jenny go to school? _a week. (A: once B: five C: Five times) 2)She _ her hands and face . ( A: washes B: brushes C: combs ) 3)She brushes her _ and brushes her hair. ( A: tooth B: a tooth C: teeth ) 4)She works _ at school. ( A: hard B: hardly C: a hard ) 5)Saturday and Sunday _ different. ( A: is B: am C: are ) 6)Jenny doesnt _ to school _ those days. ( A: go , on B: go , in C: went , on ) 布置作业布置作业 1、写作:、写作: 同学们每天早上都是怎么安排的呢?每天早上都会做些什么呢?同学们每天早上都是怎么安排的呢?每天早上都会做些什么呢? 假如让你来向大家介绍一下自己的早晨生活,你会如何介绍呢?用假如让你来向大家介绍一下自己的早晨生活,你会如何介绍呢?用 英语描述一下吧英语描述一下吧? 2、Finish the exercises . 板书设计:板书设计: Lesson 8 Always Brush Your Teeth! brush your teeth be good for - be bad for after -before tooth- teeth
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