冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 2 Good Health to You!-Lesson 8 Always Brush Your Teeth!-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:8003f).zip

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WelcomeWelcome toto ourour EnglishEnglish class!class! Guess and say! get up wash face brush teeth comb hair have breakfast go to school gets up washes face brushes teeth combs hair has breakfast goes to school Lesson 8 Always Brush Your Teeth 冀教版冀教版六年级下六年级下 北极小学北极小学 党昭祎党昭祎 Language points 1.Before breakfast, he washes his hands and brushes his teeth. 早餐之前,他刷牙洗脸。早餐之前,他刷牙洗脸。 例例:早餐前,我在公园里散步。早餐前,我在公园里散步。 Before breakfast,I walk in the park。 2. After breakfast, he goes to school. 早餐过后,他去上学。早餐过后,他去上学。 例例:放学后我步行回家。放学后我步行回家。 I walk home after school。 after breakfastbefore breakfast breakfast Li Ming _ before breakfast. washes his hands and brushes his teeth Li Ming _after breakfast.goes to school Danny _after dinner.never brushes his teeth Thats bad for his teeth. be bad for sb/sth 对某人/某物有害 eg.Eat too much candy, it is bad for your teeth. 吃太多糖, 有害你的牙齿。 Language points After math class, Steven has Chinese class. 数学课后,史蒂文上节语文课。数学课后,史蒂文上节语文课。 表示表示某人上什么课某人上什么课,通常用:,通常用: 主语主语 + have/has + a/an 科目科目 + class 这个句型这个句型 。 例例:我今天下午有节英语课。我今天下午有节英语课。 I have an English class this afternoon. Listen ,read and answer . 1、What does Jenny do before breakfast? 2、Before school ,what does Jenny do? She brushes her teeth and washes her face . She has breakfast. 3、How many times does Jenny go to shool a week? 4、Does Jenny work hard at school? Jenny goes to school five times a week. Yes, she does. She works hard at school. Why does Jenny brush her teeth before breakfast? Because she wants strong, healthy teeth. 2. Look and write Jenny gets up at 7:00. First, she _and _.washes her facebrushes her teeth Next, she _. Then she _.goes to school has breakfast Home work 1、Read the text five times. 2、Use first,next,then to talk about what you often do in the morning. 3、Finish lesson 8 in the big exercise book. Thank you for listening! Lesson 8 Always Brush Your Teeth! 一、教学目标: 知识目标: 1.掌握并运用四会单词:after, before , next, bad及短语:brush your teeth/wash your face .be bad for. 2. 熟练运用句型:What do you do before / after _? 能力目标: 1.学生能够正确运用短语:brushteeth , washface ,并知道人称的变化。 2.能够掌握before ,after 的用法。 情感目标: 通过学习,学生能对本课内容产生兴趣,主动参与教学活动,认真理解短 文内容,并养成讲究卫生的好习惯。 二、教学重点、难点:after , before , next的理解和运用 三、教学用具:多媒体、课件、音响。 四、教学过程: Step1、Class opening and review 1. Greetings 2. Lets guess and say. (复习动词短语:have breakfast / watch TV / fly a kite /wash clothes / brush teeth / go to the store / take a shower ,教师可以让学生认读这些短语之后,进行下面的操练) T: Now I do you guess and say. 3复习句型:How often do you _? _ times a _. T: Did you have breakfast this morning ? S1: Yes , I always have breakfast. T: How often do you have breakfast in a week ? S1: _ T: How often do you brush your teeth in a day ? S1:_. T: Do you want healthy and strong teeth? How can we get strong and healthy teeth? First, always brush your teeth twice a day! Thats good for your teeth. If you dont brush your teeth, its bad for you. Lets learn Lesson 8 Always brush your teeth! (设计意图:这几个环节的设置既复习了动词短语和How often 句型,又为后面的教学做了铺垫。) Step2、New Concepts 1.单词: before, after 的教学。 (教师出示下面的表格,并介绍) brush teeth (6:10 ) wash face (6:15 ) comb hair (6:20 ) eat breakfast (6:30 ) go to school ( 7:00 ) I T: Look , its 6:10 in the morning , I often brush my teeth Then , I wash my face and comb my hair. (设计意图:教师用动作演练并介绍单词,学生既爱学,又学的快,理解的容易 。) 2.单词:before / after 的理解和运用。 T: At 6:30 , I have breakfast ,After I have breakfast , I go to school. Before I have breakfast , I comb my hair . (设计意图:通过出示表格,创设情境,让学生在意义操练的情景中接触所学的 新内容。) T: Lets repeat ,before and after . T: Now would you tell me what do you do every morning ? Using the words “ before / after ”,Practice in groups then show it to us. (设计意图:通过小组中的互相练说,克服学生一个人怕说错的思想,在集思广 义中说出自己能想到的句子,同时不限定于一个句型,培养学生的发散思维。 在小组练习中,提高了学生发言的积极性,说的机会也增多了,加上教师或基 础好的学生的及时指导,学生的表达能力也会有所提高.) (学生展示,在这个过程中教师指导学生注意:go to school/ wake up/ wash face / comb hair / brush teeth / do homework 等短语的第三人称的变化,教师也可以适时地引导学生说。) T: What does she/he do ? S: He/ She _. 3. Lets listen to part 1, then answer the questions. T: What does Li Ming do before /after breakfast? Li Ming _before breakfast. Li Ming _after breakfast. T: Did Danny brush his teeth after dinner? No,_. Danny never brushes his teeth after dinner? T: Thats bad for his teeth!(板书,师做牙痛状并带学生读句子。) be bad for sth/sb 生读例句,并造两个句子。 (1)、看太多电视,有害于你的眼睛。 (2)、吸烟有害健康。 4Lets do it(part 1). T: We know Li Ming and Danny do something in the morning,lets look at Stevens Monday morning, lets read together! Please use before/after to talk about Stevens Monday morning with your deskmates. Who wants to show your sentences about Steven? Ask 3 students to show. Step3、学习课文第2部分。 Do you want to know what Jenny do in the morning? Lets listen to part 2 and answer questions.(Listen to the text twice, then answer the questions.) (设计意图: 在听的过程中为孩子预留了任务,符合英语课标中提倡的任 务型教学,并且能引导学生注意听的重点内容,为他们的学习提供了方向。) 1、 What does Jenny do before breakfast? She brushes her teeth and washes her face . 2、Before school ,what does Jenny do? She has breakfast. 3、How many times does Jenny go to shool a week? Jenny goes to school five times a week. 4、Does Jenny work hard at school? Yes, she does. She works hard at school. T: Why does Jenny brush her teeth before breakfast? S: Because she wants strong, healthy teeth. T: Lets read the text together. Step4 Lets do it part 2. Lets look at the pictures,then finish the sentences on your books. Lets check your answers. Step5、Retell the text. 1、Please look at the pictures and talk about Jennys morning and your morning with your deskmates. 2、Who can talk about what you do in the morning? Step6、Summary. T:Why does Jenny brush her teeth before breakfast? S: Because she wants strong, healthy teeth. T: Do you want healthy and strong teeth? S: Yes, I do. T: First, always brush your teeth twice a day! Next,dont eat too much candy, thats bad for your teeth.Then ,you should rins your teeth after each meal! Step7、 Homework. 1、Read the text five times. 2、Use first,next,then to talk about what you often do in the morning. 3、Finish lesson 8 in the big exercise book. 五、板书设计: Lesson 8 Always Brush Your Teeth ! before after next What does Li Ming do before /after breakfast? Li Ming brush his teeth before breakfast. Li Ming goes to school after breakfast. Thats bad for his teeth!
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