冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer -Unit 3 Review-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:60bc0).zip

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Unit3 Review No homework! Hi,Cynthia! I love winter. I like to play in the snow. I like to make snowman with my friends. Last winter holiday, I went to Harbin with my family. I saw ice houses and ice animals there. I went skating on the ice. It was so fun. This winter, I will see something different. I will go to Hainan and see the beach. It is warm in Hainan in February. There are many beautiful flowers. I will lie on the beach and look at the birds in the sky. I cant wait! Please tell me your holiday! Yours, Peter If I go there , I will-. Write about your holiday to Peter. Make a poster. Homework: Talk about your holiday plan with your parents or show your ad. to them. Compare the poster of travel agency between Chinese and abroad. I will live in_. I will _. It will cost_. I will _. SUMMER HOLIDAY iS COMING! _ _ _ _ 冀教版六年级下册冀教版六年级下册 Unit 3 Review 教材分析:教材分析: 本单元主要讲述李明,詹妮,丹尼即将享受美好夏季的各种活动,并讨论 他们的假期活动。本单元将教授有关夏季的自然,活动等信息词汇和主要句型 “What will you do?” “I will-.” 学情分析:学情分析: 六年级学生已经对季节有了一些知识上的积累,能够用简单的句子描述自 己喜欢的季节,使用词组表述活动。本课时作为复习课时,学生已经学习了关 于使用“What will you do?” “I will-.”来描述自己假期计划的表述,在此基础 上需要训练学生们提取信息的能力。 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1、知识与技能目标: A: 能够正确的认读单词:fan,lake,ship,close,swim,visit,angry,clever. B: 能正确运用用本单元句型:What will you do this summer holiday? I will- - 来交流和讨论自己对未来的计划安排。 2、情感态度目标: 能够积极参与到小组合作与交流中,与他人配合,共同完成学习任务。 3、学习策略目标: 能够通过听,读积极寻找信息,能够主动与他人合作,观察对比中外学生假期 生活。 二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点: 1、复习单词:fan, lake,ship,close,swim,visit, angry,clever. 2、练习使用句子:What will you do this summer holiday? I will- 三、教具、学具:三、教具、学具: 课件,手偶,磁扣。 四、教学过程:四、教学过程: 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 创设情境创设情境 激发兴趣激发兴趣 Class opening Greeting Warm up Greeting T: Hello. Boys and girls. Are you ready for class? Lets sing a song. “ Summer song” S: Sing a song “Summer song” 优美的歌 曲将学生 带入关于 夏季的话 题当中。 头脑风暴头脑风暴 激活思维激活思维 Presentation and practice I T:Summer is coming, what do you think about summer? In summer, there is a holiday. We can have lots of fun. Lets enjoy. Students will talk about summer. Students will review about the activities about summer. 通过 brainstor ming,让 学生发散 思维,从 不同维度 思考关于 夏天的信 息,锻炼 学生运用 所学进行 语言描述 的能力。 给学生提 供大量的 口语练习 机会。 拓展思维拓展思维 交流互动交流互动 Presentation and practice II T: And this summer holiday is special. No homework, what will you do? T-S,S-T,pair work and show2 times. Lets play a game “play tennis”. 通过与学 生的交流, 使用目标 语言进行 练习,表 述自己的 假期计划。 游戏可以 调动学生 的学习热 情,让大 家在竞争 的氛围中 更加主动 积极的参 与. T:Do you remember our friend Li Ming? Please listen find out what he will do this summer holiday? . The students listen to the CD and then find the information about Li Ming. 教师通过 设计听力 的形式锻 炼学生听, 提取信息 的能力, 并且能够 判断出干 扰信息。 层层递进层层递进 巩固提升巩固提升 Reinforcement of learning What will Jenny do? Please open your book and do the match about Jenny. Check it. 通过学生 读图与词 组匹配信 息,检测 学生是否 掌握本单 元目标语 言 T:They have a classmate, Peter. He sent me a letter yesterday. Lets read about it,OK? Students read it and compare his last summer and this summer. Now lets play a game “hot seat”. (One student go to the front and others ask questions about Peter.) 通过学生 提问,学 生回答的 形式,锻 炼学生的 追问能力, 培养他们 的竞争意 识 T:These are Canadians students holiday. Lets see American students holiday. Students watch a video and then tell others about what they will do in summer holiday. 通过观看 美国小学 生的假期 视频,对 比不同 文化对比文化对比 开拓视野开拓视野 Broaden the horizon T:Here is a poster about holidays abroad. Please read it and talk about what do you know from it. Students take out their paper and read, then find out the information and fill in blanks. 通过海报 阅读,让 学生了解 海报广告 文体,感 受不同假 期生活。 同时设计 的 KET 形 式练习, 提升学生 们思考, 提取信息 进行整合 加工的能 力. T: Peter wants know your holiday. What will you do this summer holiday? Task A: write about your holiday to Peter. Task B: Make a poster. 学生所学 运用到实 际生活中, 培养学生 的创造性 思维。 Homework: Talk about your holiday plan with your parents or show your ad. to them. Compare the poster of travel agency between Chinese and abroad. 通过让学 生说一说, 做一做, 巩固所学, 开阔学生 视野。 五板书设计:五板书设计: Unit3:Review What will you do this summer holiday? I will_. T1 T2 反思反思: 本节课是在学习完了第三单元之后的一个复习课时,从知识点上是对本单 元的重点句型“What will you do this summer holiday?”的一个复习巩固, 从能力目标上主要注重培养学生在特定语境下使用目标语言的能力。通过设计 讨论自己假期计划,对比 Li Ming, Jenny, Peter,美国小学生的假期,让学生 对国外同龄人的生活有一个了解,对比,也能够更好地规划自己的假期。同时 提升层设计一个海报,让他们对自己喜欢的地方做一个海报宣传,并在作业中 设计了对比中国旅行社和外国旅行社海报的活动,丰富了他们的语言积累,开 拓了视野,做到了创造性使用语言。 同时,反思自己存在的不足,在设计最后一个输出环节时,如果再让学生先 说一说,两人交流一下再去写难度会降低一些。所以在今后设计环节活动时要 更加关注学生的思维。
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