人教版八下-Unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:104ab).zip

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Unit5Whatwereyoudoing whentherainstormcame? SectionA3a-3c 玉州区五中玉州区五中Ms.Lin Byreadingtraining,masterthe pastprogressivetensebetterand learnhowtotalkaboutpastevents. Letshelpeachother,thenwe willbeclosertogether! Masterthenewwordsandphrases likestorm,wind,light,report,area, wood,feellike,fallasleep,makesure, inamess,diedown,andsoon. Whatsoundcanyouhear? Astormisverybadweather,with heavyrain,strongwinds,andoften thunder(雷)雷)andlightning(闪电)(闪电). stormn.暴风雨暴风雨 windn.风风 lightn.光,光线光,光线 reportv.n.报道,公布报道,公布 arean.地域,地区地域,地区 woodn.木,木头木,木头 windown.窗,窗户窗,窗户 flashlightn.手电筒手电筒 matchn.火柴火柴 beatv.敲打,打败敲打,打败 againstprep.倚,碰倚,碰 asleepadj.睡着睡着 fallasleep睡着睡着 diedown逐渐变弱逐渐变弱/消失消失 risev.n.升起,增加升起,增加 fallenadj.倒下倒下/落下的落下的 apartadv.分离,分开分离,分开 Stand up and say quickly ReadingReadingtip:tip: PayPayattentionattentiontotothethetitletitle, ,thethe beginningbeginningororthetheending.ending. T Th he emme e (主题(主题 ) Firstsight(第一眼第一眼)Whats the main idea ? TheStormBroughtPeopleCloser Together Skim and match (略读并连线)(略读并连线) A.beforethestorm (暴风雨前)(暴风雨前) E.afterthestorm (暴风雨后)(暴风雨后) C.environment (环境描写)(环境描写) B.duringthestorm (暴风雨中)(暴风雨中) Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 D.theme (主题升华)(主题升华) Fastreading P Pa ar ra ag gr rp ph h1 1(第一段)(第一段) ReadingReadingtip:tip:PayPayattentionattentiontotothethekeykeywordswords andandsentencessentences. . Whatwastheweatherlikebeforethe heavyrainstarted? Carefulreading strongstrongwindwind StormStorm blackblackcloudsclouds nonolightlightoutsideoutside BenBencouldcouldhearhearstrongstrong windwindoutside.outside. BlackBlackcloudscloudswereweremakingmaking thetheskyskyveryverydark.dark. WithWithnonolightlightoutside,outside, it itfeltfeltlikelikemidnight.midnight. CompletetheMind-map P Pa ar ra ag gr rp ph h2 2(第二段)(第二段) Before WhatdidBensfatherandmotherdo beforethestormstarted? WhatdidBensfatherandmotherdobefore thestormstarted? EveryoneEveryone waswas busybusy BensBens daddad BensBens mommom _ _ _ _ SheShe alsoalso _ _ wasputtingpiecesof woodoverthewindows. wasmakingsuretheflashlights andradiowereworking putsomecandles andmatchesonthetable whilewhile P Pa ar ra ag gr rp ph h3 3(第三段)(第三段) During AnswerAnswer thethe questionsquestions 1.WhatwasBendoingwhenthestorm started? 2.Weretheyhappywhentheywere playingacardgame?Why? WhatwasBendoingwhenthestorm started? Weretheyhappywhentheywereplaying acardgame?Why? Hewashelpinghismommakedinner. No,theywerent. Becauseitwashardtohavefunwitha seriousstormhappeningoutside. P Pa ar ra ag gr rp ph h4 4(第四段)(第四段) After 1.Ben1.Benfellfellasleepasleepwhenwhenthethewindwindwaswas blowingblowing.( .() ) 2.After2.Afterthetherainstorm,rainstorm, BenBenandandhishisfamilyfamilyfoundfound thetheneighborhoodneighborhood in ina amess.(mess.() ) 3.They3.Theydidntdidntcleancleanupupthetheneighborhoodneighborhood withwith theirtheirneighbors.(neighbors.( ) ) TrueorFalse. 1.Ben1.Benfellfellasleepasleepwhenwhenthethewindwindwaswas blowingblowingstronglystrongly. .( () ) 2.After2.Afterthetherainstorm,rainstorm, BenBenandandhishisfamilyfamily foundfoundthetheneighborhoodneighborhood in ina amess.mess.( () ) 3.They3.Theydidntdidntcleancleanupupthetheneighborhoodneighborhood withwiththeirtheirneighbors.neighbors. ( () ) F F T T F F dyingdyingdowndown 3bCompletethesentencesusing informationfromthepassage. 1.WhenthenewsonTVwasreported, strongwinds_outside. 2.WhileBensmomwasmakingsurethe radiowasworking,hisdad _ _. wasputtingpiecesofwoodoverthe windows wereblowing 3.Ben_ whentheheavyrainfinallystarted. 4.WhenBen_at3:00a.m., thewind_. washelpinghismommakedinner fellasleep wasdyingdown 1.1.感觉像感觉像 _ 2.2.一片,一块一片,一块_ 3.3.玩纸牌游戏玩纸牌游戏_ 4.4.起初,首先起初,首先_ 5.5.睡着,入睡睡着,入睡_ 6.6.逐渐变弱逐渐变弱 / / 消失消失 _ 7.7.乱七八糟乱七八糟 _ 8.8.将将拆散拆散/ / 分开分开_ WritedownthephrasesinEnglish feellike apieceof playacardgame atfirst fallasleep diedown inamess breaksth.apart Trytoretell storm Beforethe storm Duringthe storm Afterthe storm Bensdad_ _piecesof woodoverthe windowswhile hismom _ _the flashlightsand radiowere working. Ben _ hismom makedinner whenitbegan torain.And hisfamily _ playacard game. Bensfamily joinedthe neighborsto help_ _ the neighborhood. washelping wastryingto cleanup wasputting wasmakingsure GGr rououp pwwo or rk k(4(4人小组人小组) )AnAnInterviewInterview Reporter:Hello,everyone.Thestormhasjustpassed. Everyonewasbusybeforethestorm.Whatwereyou doing atthattime? Dad:wasputtingover Mom:wasmakingsure Reporter:Whenthestormcame,whatwereyoudoing,Ben? Ben:washelpingmum Dad:afterdinner,playacardgame Mom: Reporter:Whenthewindwasdyingdown,whatwereyou doing,Ben? Ben:fallasleep;wakeup;gooutandfind;cleanup Reporter:Whatdoyouthinkofthestorm? . Thestormbroughtpeopleclosertogether. Weshouldhelpeachother. Whatdoesthewriterwanttotellusinthispassage? Discussthequestions.(2人小组)人小组) 2.Howcanwehelpeachotherintimesofdifficulty? 3c3c “Althoughthestormbrokemanythingsapart,it broughtfamiliesandneighborsclosertogether.” 1.Whatotherthingscanbringpeopleclosertogether? earthquakeflood洪水snowstorm fire Cheerthemup giveaway Raisemoney PairPairwwo or rk k 1. 感觉像 2. 首先 3. 入睡 4. 逐渐变弱 5. 确信 6. 醒来 7. 一团糟 8. 清洁 9. 互相帮助 10. 在困难时期 feel like at first fall asleep die down make sure wake up in a mess clean up help each other in time of difficulty 课文短语课文短语 Whathavewelearnttoday? Reading skills Before During After Storm key points Keywordsandsentences chartormind-map TaskReading Homework /ibul/埃博拉病毒 概况 课题:Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section A (3a-3c) 授课人:林伟娣 班级:八年级 156 班 课时:一课时 课型:要素组合 日期:2017-3-20 双目标 大目标:1. 培养学生使用阅读技巧寻找、获取、处理信息的能力。 2. 培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。 3. 培养学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。 4. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 小目标:1. 掌握单词:storm, wind, light, report, area, wood, window, match, flashlight, beat, against, asleep, fall asleep, die down, rise, fallen, apart. 2. 掌握词组:feel like, fall asleep, make sure, in a mess, die down, beat heavily against the windows, break many things apart. 3. 掌握语法:过去进行时 反思评价内容提要T关键项、方法&策略反思评价 Step Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. 听声音回答问题(热身) 3. 出示本节课的课题:Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section A (3a-3c) 4. 出示目标。 Step Pre-reading 阅读前活动: 3 分 钟 Step 1. Greetings: T: Good morning. Whats the weather like today? Ss: Good morning. Its StepLead in 1. Listen to the sound and ask questions: (1)What sound can you hear ? (2)What is the rainstorm like? 2. Show the students what they will learn today. 板书课题: Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section A (3a-3c) 3. ppt 出示目标。 Step Pre-reading 1. Learn the new words of this lesson.(4 分钟) 1-1 学生看单词表,自己根据音标拼读新单 词。跟录音读。 1-2 师随意检测 2-3 个同学拼读新单词的情 况。(防泡沫) Step While- reading 阅读中活动: 1.快速阅读。 2.仔细阅读。 12 分 钟 1-3 Play a word game. Step IV While- reading 1. Fastreadingandmatch Get the students to read fast then match each paragraph with the process of storm: before the storm, during the storm, after the storm. 1-2. 随机指明 2 名学生回答问题。(防假+防 敌) 2. Careful reading 2-1 Beforethestorm Get students to read para1and 2 quickly and answer questions: 2-2 Duringthestorm Get students to read para3 quickly and answer questions: 1.What was Ben doing when the storm started? 2.Were they happy when they were playing a card game? Why? 3. 自查式阅读。 Step Post-reading 阅读后活动: 1.找短语 2.复述课文 Step 归纳总结,布置课后作业。 21 分 钟 2-3 Afterthestorm Read Paragraph 4 and judge true or false: 1.Ben fell asleep when the wind was blowing .( ) 2.After the rainstorm, Ben and his family found the neighborhood in a mess.( ) 3.They didnt clean up the neighborhood with their neighbors.( ) 2-4 Read the passage again and do 3b Check Step Post-reading 1.Write down the phrases in English Check and read. Explain some phrases.(教师精讲补救) 2. Try to retell the passage StepVI Groupwork (4 人小组) An Interview Work in groups of 4. Show their works. 小组代表发言,展示成果。(预设:3 个小组 发言) Step VII 3c Pairwork: 8 分 钟 1 分 钟 Discuss the questions.(2 人小组) 1. What other things can bring people closer together? 2. How can we help each other in times of difficulty? StepVIII Summary and homework 1.Ask students to summary what they have learned today. 2. Homework: Finish the exercises in the exercise book. 注释或说明:
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