人教版八下-Unit 7 what's the highest mountain in the world -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:c080e).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_八年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 7 whats the highest mountain in the world _Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:c080e)
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堂堂清堂堂清 组号:组号:_ 姓名:姓名:_ 得分:得分:_ 一、写出下列词的比较级和最高级。一、写出下列词的比较级和最高级。 (20 分,每空分,每空 1 分)分) tall _ _ good _ _ early _ _ short _ _ hot _ _ wonderful_ _ old _ _ late _ _ many _ _ quickly _ _ 二走进中考,选择题(二走进中考,选择题(50 分,每题分,每题 5 分)分) ( )1.Shanghai is _ than any other city in China. A .big B .bigger C .the biggest ( )2. Which book is _,this one or that one? A .new B .newer C .the newest ( )3.English isnt so_ as Chinese. A. easy B. easier C. easiest ( )4.Most of the people in Guangdong are getting _. A. rich and rich B. more rich and more rich C. richer and richer ( )5.Lucy is one of _ in our class. A. good student B. best student C. the best students ( )6.Li Mei is more outgoing than _ in her class. A. any girl B. any other girl C. any other girls ( )7.This film is _ interesting than that one. A. more B. much C. very ( )8.This is _ story that I have ever heard. A. the better B. best C. the best ( )9.-The pollution is serious now .We should plant a lot of trees. -Yes._ trees we plant,_ the environment will be. A. The many, the good B. the more ,the better C. the more, the best ( )10.My schoolbag is more beautiful _ yours. A.with B,for C.than 三中英互译(三中英互译(30 分,每题分,每题 10 分)分) 1.上海不如北京漂亮。上海不如北京漂亮。 2. Jim 是我们班最高的学生。是我们班最高的学生。 3.The higher you stand ,the farther you will see. 四阅读填空(用所给词的适当形式填空。选做题四阅读填空(用所给词的适当形式填空。选做题 20 分,每题分,每题 2 分)分) Welcome to Dolphin World Im glad to see(many)1._and 2._people like dolphin .Now let me introduce one friend to you .We know dolphin are(small)3._than whales but they are probably(可能)(可能)(intelligent)4._creature(动物)(动物) in the sea. 5._(big) dolphins can measure(测量)(测量) four meters in length but common(普通的)(普通的) dolphins are usually less than two meters long .Dolphins also have a (good)6._system of communication than other animals .They are (easy)7._of all animals to train and often(popular)8._animals with children around the world. 9._(much)you watch them,10_(well)you will like them. Have a good time! Thank you! 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 复习导学案复习导学案 专题三:形容词和副词的比较等级专题三:形容词和副词的比较等级 复习目标:复习目标: 1.归纳并熟记形容词和副词等级的变化规则。归纳并熟记形容词和副词等级的变化规则。 2.掌握形容词和副词的掌握形容词和副词的原级,比较级以及最高级原级,比较级以及最高级的用法。的用法。 自学指导一:形容词和副词等级的变化规则。自学指导一:形容词和副词等级的变化规则。 Task 1:自我检测,自我检测, 练习一:写出下列词的比较级和最高级。练习一:写出下列词的比较级和最高级。 1.small _ _ 2. nice _ _ 3. busy _ _ 4. big _ _ 5.carefully _ _ 6. good/well _ _ bad/ill _ _ many/much _ _ old _ _ far _ _ little _ _ Task 2:对照上述例题,认真观察对照上述例题,认真观察,小组探究小组探究,归纳等级的,归纳等级的 6 种变化规则。种变化规则。 Task 3:大声朗读并到小师傅处背诵。大声朗读并到小师傅处背诵。 自学指导二:形容词和副词等级的用法。自学指导二:形容词和副词等级的用法。 Task 1: 句子接龙游戏,操练原级结构。句子接龙游戏,操练原级结构。 (1)as +adj./adv 原级原级+as (与与一样一样) (2)not as/so+ adj./adv 原级原级+as (不如不如) Task 2: 比较级的用法。比较级的用法。 (1).仔细默看,熟记下列仔细默看,熟记下列 7 种比较级的用法。种比较级的用法。 1、两者之间的比较,句中有明显的标志词、两者之间的比较,句中有明显的标志词 than 2、Which/Who is + 比较级比较级, A or B ? 3、 is the +比较级比较级 + of the two. 4、比较级、比较级+ and + 比较级比较级 或或 more and more+原级原级 表表“越来越越来越” 5、The + 比较级比较级,the + 比较级比较级 表表“越越.越越.” 6、比较级、比较级+than + any other+单数名词单数名词 = 比较级比较级+than + the other+复数名词复数名词 “.最最” “甲比任何一个人甲比任何一个人/物都物都” (比较级表最高级比较级表最高级) 7、much/a lot/even/far/ a little+比较级比较级 (加强语气加强语气) (2).小组合作探究完成练习二,比一比,哪组最快!小组合作探究完成练习二,比一比,哪组最快! 练习二:典型易错题。练习二:典型易错题。(更正并说出原因更正并说出原因) 1.The more you learn English ,better you will be good at it. 2.He is more taller than Jim. 3.She goes to school early than the other students. 4.No 6 middle school is larger than you. 5. Jim is shorter of the two boys. 6.Nancy is getting more and more fat. 7. Who is happy, Lucy or Lily? 8.Shanghai is larger than any city in China. Task 3:比较图片,完成句子比较图片,完成句子,总结最高级的用法。总结最高级的用法。 Task4:小结小结 堂堂清(见反面)堂堂清(见反面) 日日清日日清 1. 做考标做考标 P23-24(形容词和副词的专题形容词和副词的专题) 2. 小练笔:请以小练笔:请以 My favorite friend 为题,写一篇小短文,必须包含下列提示为题,写一篇小短文,必须包含下列提示 词,不少于词,不少于 80 词。词。friendly, smile , hobbies , better than, the more ,the better, proud, get the first prize in the English speech contest ,one of the best students 课后欣赏课后欣赏“比较比较”出来的英语出来的英语 1. A friend is easier lost than found. 朋友易失不易得。朋友易失不易得。 2. Enough is as good as a feast. 知足常乐。知足常乐。 3. Better to do well than to say well. 说得好不如做得好。说得好不如做得好。 4. An eye finds more truth than two ears. 百闻不如一见。百闻不如一见。 5. Doing is better than saying. 会说不如会做。会说不如会做。 复习课件 形容词形容词副词的副词的 等级等级 DesignedbyNancy WelcomeWelcometo tojoinjoinus!us! Good,better,best, Neverletitrest. Tillgoodisbetter, Andbetter,best. 好上加好,直到最好;好上加好,直到最好; 精益求精,永无止境。精益求精,永无止境。 R hyme Relax yourself! 形容词形容词副词的副词的比较等级比较等级 DesignedbyNancy 专题复习三专题复习三 1.1.归纳并熟记形容词和副词等级的变化规则。归纳并熟记形容词和副词等级的变化规则。 2.2.掌握掌握形容词和副词的形容词和副词的原级原级,比较级比较级以及以及最最 高级高级的用法。的用法。 复习目标:复习目标: Guideone (自学指导一自学指导一): 形容词和副词形容词和副词等级的变化规则等级的变化规则 (8分钟)分钟) 1.small smaller smallest 2.nice nicernicest 3.happy happier happiest 4.big biggerbiggest 5.carefullyadv. morecarefully mostcarefully 6.good/well betterbest bad/ill worseworst many/much moremost littlelessleast far farther/further farthest/furthest Task1.自我检测自我检测:Exerciseone,核对答案,核对答案.(3mins) Task2.观察习题,小组探究观察习题,小组探究,归纳其归纳其6种种变化规则变化规则。(3) 1. 一般情况下加一般情况下加-er或或est 2.以以-e结尾的形容词,加结尾的形容词,加r或或st 3.只有一个辅音结尾的重读闭音节,只有一个辅音结尾的重读闭音节,双写双写末尾辅音加末尾辅音加er或或est. 4.以以“辅音辅音y”结尾的双音节词,改结尾的双音节词,改“y”为为“i”,再加,再加er或或est. 5.部分双音节词,多音节词或分词前面加部分双音节词,多音节词或分词前面加more,most 6.不规则变化不规则变化.好坏多少远好坏多少远(牢记:牢记:见学案)见学案) Task3.到小师傅处背诵到小师傅处背诵变化规则变化规则。(。(2分钟)分钟) 点拨:点拨: 规则规则3:中考常考的中考常考的8个个双写末尾辅音双写末尾辅音的形容词的形容词 big,hot,fat,wet,thin,red,sad,glad 巧记:巧记:大热大热天,天,胖胖子子湿湿了,了,瘦瘦子子红红脸了,脸了, 他(她)他(她)伤心伤心了,我了,我乐乐了。了。 GuideTwo (自学指导二自学指导二): 形容词和副词形容词和副词等级的用法等级的用法。 Task1:句子接龙游戏,操练原级结构。(句子接龙游戏,操练原级结构。(3mins) 原级句型结构:原级句型结构: (1)as+adj./adv原级原级+as(与与一样一样) (2)notas/so+adj./adv原级原级+as(不如不如) A:Iamastallasyou. B:JimdoesntrunasquicklyasBob. C:Myhairisnotsolongasyours. D: Task2:比较级的用法。比较级的用法。 1 1.仔细默看仔细默看,熟记导学案上比较级熟记导学案上比较级7种种的用法。的用法。(3分钟分钟) 2 2.小组合作探究完成练习二,小组合作探究完成练习二,更正并探究原因更正并探究原因(4分钟)分钟) 1.ThemoreyoulearnEnglish,betteryouwillbegoodatit. 2.HeismoretallerthanJim. 3.Shegoestoschoolearlythantheotherstudents. 4.No6.middleschoolislargerthanyou. 5.Jimisshorterofthetwoboys. 6.Nancyisgettingmoreandmorefat 7.Whoishappy,LucyorLily? 8.Shanghaiislargerthan anycityinChina. the better earlier yours fatter and fatter happier 典型易错题典型易错题。(更正并探究原因更正并探究原因) the shorter any other city 点拨点拨:使用比较级几个注意点使用比较级几个注意点 1.比较级的标志词比较级的标志词:than(第第3题题) 2.比较应在比较应在同类事物同类事物中进行中进行.(第第4题题) 3.避免避免双重比较双重比较.(第第2题题) 4.the+比较级比较级+ofthetwo 比较图片,完成句子比较图片,完成句子,灵活运用灵活运用 最高级结构最高级结构(3分钟)分钟) Task3 cuter cutest Themouseisvery_. Thecatismuch_thanthemouse. Themonkeyis_ofthethree. cute cute cuter thecutest cuter thecutest Cheng Long is one of _ in China. the most famous actors famous 1515kg 400kg 7000kg Whichanimalis_,(heavy)the dog,thetigerortheelephant? theheaviest 拓展拓展:Whois_,Jim,LilyorLucy? A.goodB.thebestC.better B TheYellowRiverTheChangjiangRiver TheYellowRiveris_ (第二长的第二长的)riverinChina. thesecondlongest Task3:总结最高级的用法。总结最高级的用法。 1.the+最高级最高级+of/in(三者及以上范围三者及以上范围) 2.oneofthe+最高级最高级+复数名词复数名词+in/of 3.Which/Whoisthe+最高级最高级,A,BorC? 4.the+序数词序数词+最高级最高级+单数名词单数名词+in/of Good,better,best, Neverletitrest. Tillgoodisbetter, Andbetter,best. 好上加好,直到最好;好上加好,直到最好; 精益求精,永无止境。精益求精,永无止境。 R hyme Relax yourself! 堂堂清堂堂清 堂堂清的检测:堂堂清的检测: 1.学生独立完成,教师抽样批 改,师生核对,并改分。 2.小组合作探讨错题处,分析 错误,解释原因。 中英互译 1. .上海不如北京漂亮。上海不如北京漂亮。 Shanghai is not as beautiful as Beijing. Shanghai is not so beautiful as Beijing. 2.Jim 是我们班最高的学生。 Jim is the tallest student in our class. Jim is taller than any other student in our class. Jim is taller than the other students in our class. 教案教案 课时 27:形容词和副词的比较等级 复习目标: 1.归纳并熟记形容词和副词等级的变化规则。 2.掌握形容词和副词的原级,比较级以及最高级的用法。 自学指导一:形容词和副词等级的变化规则。 Task 1:自我检测, 练习一:写出下列词的比较级和最高级。 1.small _ _ 2. nice _ _ 3. shy _ _ 4. big _ _ 5. carefully _ _ 6. good/well _ _ bad/badly _ _ many/much _ _ old _ _ far _ _ little _ _ Task 2:对照上述例题,认真观察,小组探究,归纳等级的 6 种变化规则。 Task 3:大声朗读并到小师傅处背诵。 自学指导二:形容词和副词等级的用法。 Task 1:句子接龙游戏,操练原级结构。 (1)as +adj./adv 原级+as (与一样) (2)not as/so+ adj./adv 原级+as (不如) Task 2: 比较级的用法。 (1).仔细默看,熟记下列 7 种比较级的用法。 1、两者之间的比较,句中有明显的标志词 than 2、Which/Who is + 比较级, A or B ? 3、 is the +比较级 + of the two. 4、比较级+ and + 比较级, /more and more+原级 “越来越” 5、The + 比较级,the + 比较级 “越.越.” 6、比较级+than + any other+单数名词 = 比较级+than + the other+复数名词 “. 最” “甲比任何一个人/物都” (比较级表最高级) 7、much/a lot/even/far/ a little+比较级 (加强语气) (2).小组合作探究完成练习二,比一比,哪组最快! 练习二:典型易错题。(更正并说出原因) 1.The more you learn English ,better you will be good at it. 2.He is more taller than Jim. 3.She goes to school early than the other students. 4.This box is very heavier than that one. 5.Their school is larger than us. 6.Our school is becoming more beautiful and more beautiful. 7. Jim is shorter of the two boys. 8. Who is fat, Lucy or Lily? 9. He is stronger than any other students in his class. 10.Shanghai is larger than any city in Africa. Task 3:比较图片,完成句子,总结最高级的用法。 Task4:小结 堂堂清 教学反思:我对本节课的反思有以下几点:一,紧扣中考,针对 这项语法有可能考到的内容,我都全面复习到了,而且加了中考题 型加以落实,学生最大收获就是清楚掌握并熟记了形容词和副词的 变化规则和用法。二,如果说有亮点,我自己认为有三个地方:首 先,引入部分,轻松新颖。其次,重读闭音节,双写末尾辅音的形 容词点拨且归纳简洁,趣味性强。第三,以平等课堂的教学模式, 学生的课堂主导地位充分体现,师生互动,生生互动轻松自然。课 堂气氛活跃。 但我也反思了本节课的不足的地方,如果本堂课以某一个话题或者 情景故事贯穿始终,以交际的形式进行综合性的听说读写全面训练, 相信教学效果会更好! 日日清 1. 做考标 P23-24(形容词和副词的专题) 2. 小练笔: 请以 My favorite friend 为题,写一篇小短文,必须包含下列提示词,不少于 80 词。friendly, smile , hobbies , better than, the more ,the better, proud, get the first prize in the English speech contest ,one of the best students 课后欣赏“比较”出来的英语 1. A friend is easier lost than found. 朋友易失不易得。 2. Enough is as good as a feast. 知足常乐。 3. Better to do well than to say well. 说得好不如做得好。 4. An eye finds more truth than two ears. 百闻不如一见。 5. Doing is better than saying. 会说不如会做。
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