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1、六年级英语试题 第 1页(共 2 页) 六年级第二学期英语阶段性检测 PARTA听力部分 I. Listen and choose. 选选出出听听到到的的单单词词, 并并将将其其前前面面的的字字母母标标号号填填在在题题前前的的括括号号里里。 (15%) ()1. A. readB. riceC. restD. right ()2. A. sugarB. soupC. soonD. soda ()3. A. rainB. rightC. rainingD. roll ()4. A. carefulB. beautifulC. wonderfulD. powerful ()5. A. yourB.

2、 ourC. weD. us ()6. A. whatsB. wheresC. whosD. whens ()7. A. dancingB. singingC. buyingD. eating ()8. A. theyB. theirC. themD. there ()9. A. asleepB. aboutC. aroundD. arrive ()10. A. saysB. saidB. seesD. saw II. Listen and tick. 根根据据录录音音内内容容, 在在相相应应图图片片下下面面的的括括号号里里划划 “” 表表示示。 (10%) 1.2. ()()()() 3.4

3、. ()()()(). III. Listen and choose. 听听问问句句,选选答答语语。 (15%) () 1.A.Im going to make a model spaceship.() 2.A. Its in spring. B. Im making a model spaceship.B. No, its in June. C. I made a model spaceship.C. Happy birthday, mum! () 3.A. No, they werent.() 4.A. Its sunny. B. Yes, they are.B. It was snowy

4、. C. Yes, we will.C. Its going to be windy. () 5.A.Yes, she was. B. No, I was angry. C. No, they wont. IV. Listen and judge. 听听短短文文,判判断断句句子子是是否否符符合合短短文文意意思思,符符合合的的用用“”表表示示, 不不符符合合的的用用“”表表示示。 (15%) ()1. Some pigs are sleeping under a tree. ()2. .People are not carrying umbrellas. ()3. Some children a

5、re jumping in the water. ()4.Aman is wearing a small hat and a raincoat. ()5. Now the train arrives at the station. Part B 笔笔答答部部分分 VI. Read and choose. 读读一一读读,选选出出最最佳佳答答案案,将将其其前前面面的的字字母母标标号号填填在在题题前前的的括括 号号里里。 (10%) () 1.I want that T-shirt. It_ good. A. looksB. lookingC. lookedD. look () 2. Hes ver

6、y interested _Art because he loves _ Ain, paintingB. on, paint C. of, paintingD. about, paint () 3. Come _, Simon. We need your help. A. ofB. forC. afterD. on () 4. -Who can help me? -Sorry, I cant. I _ the apples. A. washingB. am washing C. washesD. going to wash 成绩 学校姓名班级考场号考号 密封线 六年级英语试题 第 2页(共 2

7、 页) () 5. Daming is playing his trumpet, but then the dog _. A. runningB. run inC. runs inD. run to VII.Look and write. 请根据图意和汉语提示补全句子,每空填一个单词请根据图意和汉语提示补全句子,每空填一个单词。 (10%) 1. All the balloons are _ _. 2. I _ some _. 3.Its _ _ twelve now. 4.I cant _ all these things. Who can_ me? (提,拿)(帮助) -Sorry, I

8、cant. 5.Hes _ the suona, but the telephone _. VIII. Read and write.连词成句连词成句。 (10%) 1. a birthday party / Daming / is having 2. please / want / I / a hot dog 3. are / when / going to / we / eat . .Listen and choose. 读短文,选择读短文,选择正确正确答案,将其前面的字母标号填在答案,将其前面的字母标号填在题前题前 的括号里的括号里。 (10%) Daming is very worri

9、ed these days. His cousin Simon is coming for his birthday party. But he wasnt ready for it. Simon sent Daming a book about America. But Daming didnt read it. So they couldnt talk about the book. Daming wanted to make a dragon kite for Simon. But he had a lot of homework to do, he didnt finish it. A

10、nd Damings dog made a mess in his bedroom, Daming didnt tidy it. Daming looked out of the window. Look! The sun is shining. The birds are singing! What a beautiful day! Everything is not late. Do It Now! Daming is tidying his bedroom and he is going to make his kite in the afternoon. He will read hi

11、s American book this weekend. Daming is not worried now. He has his plan, he knows what to do. And you, my friends? () 1.Simon is coming for Damings _. A. tripB. showC. concertD. birthday party () 2. Which one is True according to(根据) the passage? A. Daming sent Simon anAmerican book. B. Daming will

12、 give Simon a Chinese kite. C. Damings bedroom was tidy. D. It isnt sunny. () 3. _ made a mess in Damings bedroom. A. Damings dogB. Damings cousin C. DamingD. Damings mother () 4. The way(方式) to solve(解决) Damings problem(问题)is _. A. to be worriedB. falling asleep C. Do It Now!D. asking for help from

13、 his mother () 5. Daming isnt worried now because _. A. he is tidying his bedroom B. he is going to make his kite in the afternoon C. he will read his American book this weekend D. All above. (A, B and C) . . Composition. 写作(5%) 上一个周末你是怎么度过的?请描述你上个周末的经历。如:那天天气怎样,去 了哪里,吃了什么,看见了什么,做过什么,玩了什么要求:内容充实,语 句连贯并适当谈出感想并适当谈出感想,不少于不少于 45 词词。 _ _ _ _


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