冀教版(三起)四下Unit 3 All about Me-Lesson 16 How Do You Go to School -ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频)-公开课-(编号:20705).zip

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冀教版冀教版 四年级下册四年级下册 Lets listen to the song! play Lets look at some pictures and guess what they are! bus car bikeby bike taxi walk I go to school on foot. I walk to school. on foot foot Do you walk to school? Yes./No. I_ . to school I ride my bike. ride a bike bike drive me My dad drives me. drive Pair work. Ask and answer. How do you go to school? I go to _by _. Do you walk to school? Yes./No. Guide One Try to read Part1“Do you walk to school?” Circle the words or the sentences that you cant understand. Listen to the audiotape carefully and try to understand the text! play Read Part 1 again. Do the exercises and write down your answers. 1. How do you go to school, Kim? 2. How do you go to school, Jenny? 3. How do you go to school, Danny? 4. How do you go to school, Steven? I go to school_. I go to school_. I go to school_. I go to school_. on foot by bus by car by bike Listen to Part 2 “Lets chant!” and try to follow along! Guide Two: play Homework: 1. Read the text. 2.Talk with your partner: How do you go to _? I go to school _ . Do you walk to school ? Yes./No. 3. Do the activity book. Do you know the knowledge today? Are you happy today? 教学设计教学设计 名称Lesson16 How Do You Go to School? 执教者课时第一课时基本信息基本信息 所属教材目录冀教版小学四年级英语下册第三单元 教材分析教材分析 How Do You Go to School?是冀教版四年级英语下册第三单元 第 16 课的内容。本课在本教材中起着非常重要的作用。 本单元学生开始使用能够帮助他们谈论关于他们自己的一些单词和 句子,内容与学生的生活联系紧密,符合学生的兴趣需要。本课以人物 活动为主线,以对话的表现形式,讲述了如何去上学,符合生活实际的 情景。 学情分析学情分析 本节课是新授课,内容是针对四年级的学生,四年级的学生有了一 定的英语学习基础,他们积极好动、学习英语兴趣浓厚、表现欲望强烈。 另外本课内容与学生日常生活息息相关,学生易于接受和理解,只是他 们在说句子时有的同学还不能完全独立,还需要老师的点拨和指导。 知识与能力 目标 A.Words: foot onfoot by bus/car/bike B.Sentences: a. How do you go to school ? I go to school by _. b. Do you _to school ? Yes/No,.I go to school by . c.My dad drives me. 过程与方法 目标 通过本课学习,能够用英语说出交通工具,并可以跟 同学/老师/家长进行简单的对话。 教学目标教学目标 情感态度与 价值观目标 使学生自觉遵守交通规则。 重点 掌握本课词汇及句型,能够用英语说出交通工具,并 可以跟同学/老师/家长进行简单的对话。(重点的依据是 只有掌握,才能理解和掌握。) 教学重难点教学重难点 难点 可以跟同学/老师/家长进行简单的对话。(难点的依 据是较抽象,学生没有这方面的基础知识或这方面基础较 薄弱。) 教学策略与教学策略与 设计说明设计说明 本节课学习有图片、视频、PPT 等辅助,让学生眼动、手动、口动、 心动,充分调动学生的各种感官,学生学得较快,学生积极参与。 采用 pair-work 和 group work 及师生互动说唱的形式,学生之间能 够很好得互相合作。老师教的过程轻松,学生参与热情高涨。 本课以分组合作、师生互动等活动形式引导学生学习,体现学生自主 探究学习。 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节 (注明每(注明每 个环节预个环节预 设的时间)设的时间) 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step1Step1:ClCl assass opening.opening. 1.Greeting.1.Greeting. (2minutes)(2minutes) 2 2:LeadLead in.in. (2minutes)(2minutes) Step2Step2:NeNe w w concept.concept. 1.Show1.Show “Learning“Learning Aims”toAims”to thethe students.students. (2minutes)(2minutes) 2.Let2.Let thethe studentsstudents Step1Step1:ClassClass openingopening。 1.Greeting.1.Greeting. (2minutes)(2minutes) T:Class begins.Good morning,class. Ss:Good morning,teacher.“Come on! Come on! Go! Go! Go!”(班级口号) T:Sit down,please! Ss:Thank you! 2 2:LeadLead in.in. (4minutes)(4minutes) Lets the students listen to the song “The wheels on the bus”. T:Today, we will learn the new lesso Lesson 16 How Do You Go to School?(教师板书标题) Step2Step2:NewNew concept.concept. 1.Show1.Show “Learning“Learning Aims”toAims”to thethe students.students. TheThe studentsstudents greetgreet thethe teacher.teacher. TheThe studentsstudents listenlisten toto thethe songsong “The“The wheelswheels onon thethe bus”.bus”. TheThe studentsstudents knowknow aboutabout “Learning“Learning Aims”.Aims”. (通过问候, 增进师生间 的感情 ;学 生喊出班级 口号,能提 高学生学习 的积极性。 ) (导入简洁、 轻松;教师 板书标题能 让学生明白 要学习的内 容,并加深 印象。 ) (出示学习 目标目标与 重难点,能 让学生更清 楚本课要学 习的内容。 ) (通过图片 looklook atat somesome picturespictures andand guessguess whatwhat theythey are!are! (5minutes)(5minutes) 3.3. LetLet thethe studentsstudents trytry toto readread Part1“DoPart1“Do youyou walkwalk toto school?”school?” CircleCircle thethe wordswords oror thethe sentencessentences thatthat theythey cantcant understand.understand. (2minutes)(2minutes) 4.Let4.Let thethe studentsstudents listenlisten toto thethe audiotapeaudiotape carefullycarefully andand trytry toto understandunderstand thethe text!text! (4minutes)(4minutes) 5.The5.The stuedensstuedens readread PartPart 1 1 2.Let2.Let thethe studentsstudents looklook atat somesome picturespictures andand guessguess whatwhat theythey are!are! LetsLets thethe studentsstudents learnlearn “bus/car/bike/taxi-by“bus/car/bike/taxi-by bus/car/bike/taxibus/car/bike/taxi I I gogo toto schoolschool byby bus/car/bike/taxi.”throughbus/car/bike/taxi.”through thethe pictures.pictures. 3.3. GuideGuide OneOne : : LetLet thethe studentsstudents trytry toto readread Part1“DoPart1“Do youyou walkwalk toto school?”school?” CircleCircle thethe wordswords oror thethe sentencessentences thatthat theythey cantcant understand.understand. 4.Let4.Let thethe studentsstudents listenlisten toto thethe audiotapeaudiotape carefullycarefully andand trytry toto understandunderstand thethe text!text! 5.Let5.Let hehe stuedentsstuedents readread PartPart 1 1 again.again. DoDo thethe exercisesexercises andand writewrite downdown thethe answers.answers. a. How do you go to school, Kim? Thehe studentsstudents looklook atat somesome picturespictures andand guessguess whatwhat theythey are!are! TheThe studentsstudents trytry toto readread Part1“DoPart1“Do youyou walkwalk toto school?”school?” CircleCircle thethe wordswords oror thethe sentencessentences thatthat theythey cantcant understand.understand. TheThe studentsstudents listenlisten toto thethe audiotapeaudiotape carefullycarefully andand trytry toto 让学生学习 单词-短语- 句子,能够 做到举一反 三。) (学生试读 第一部分能 够让学生了 解课文内容。 ) (通过录音, 让学生再次 熟悉课文内 容。) (通过“找答 案”的形式, 让学生更快 的了解本课 内容。) again.again. DoDo thethe exercisesexercises andand writewrite downdown youryour answers.answers. (4minutes)(4minutes) 6.The6.The studentsstudents dodo thethe exercisesexercises andand answer.answer. (3minutes)(3minutes) 7.7. GuideGuide Two:Two: LetLet thethe studentsstudents listenlisten toto PartPart 2 2 “Lets“Lets chant!”chant!” (3minutes)(3minutes) 8.Let8.Let thethe studentsstudents listenlisten toto PartPart 2 2 againagain andand followfollow along.along. (3minutes)(3minutes) I go to school _ . b. How do you go to school, Jenny? I go to school _ . c.How do you go to school, Danny? I go to school _ . d.How do you go to school, Steven? I go to school _ . 6.Let6.Let thethe studentsstudents dodo thethe exercisesexercises andand answer.answer. 7.7. GuideGuide Two:Two: LetLet thethe studentsstudents listenlisten toto PartPart 2 2 “Lets“Lets chant!”chant!” 8.Let8.Let thethe studentsstudents listenlisten toto PartPart 2 2 againagain andand followfollow along.along. 9.Review9.Review thethe knowledgeknowledge thisthis time:time: a.How do you go to school ? I go to school by bike/bus/car. b. Do you walk to school ? Yes./No. I go to school _ . understandunderstand thethe text!text! TheThe stuedentsstuedents readread PartPart 1 1 again.again. DoDo thethe exercisesexercises andand writewrite downdown thethe answers.answers. TheThe studentsstudents dodo thethe exercisesexercises andand answer.answer. Thehe studentsstudents listenlisten toto PartPart 2 2 “Lets“Lets chant!”chant!” TheThe studentsstudents (此内容既能 巩固、拓展 本课的知识, 也能锻炼学 生的口语表 达能力,还 为书写奠定 基础。) (展示成果, 能让学生体 会学习的成 就感。) (听录音, 初步掌握说 唱内容。) (通过再次 听录音和 跟唱,能 够锻炼学 生的听和 说唱能力。 ) (通过再次 读与写, 能让学生 9.Review9.Review thethe knowledgeknowledge thisthis time.time. (3minutes)(3minutes) 10.10. TheThe teacherteacher andand thethe studentsstudents talk.talk. (3minutes)(3minutes) 11.11. HomeworkHomework。 (1minutes)(1minutes) Step3Step3:ClaCla ssingssing closingclosing! (2minutes)(2minutes) c.My dad drives me. 10.10. TheThe teacherteacher andand thethe studentsstudents talk.talk. T:Do you know the knowledge today? Ss:Yes. T:Are you happy today? Ss:Yes, I am happy! T:I am happy, too. Keep smiling everyday! 11.11. Homework:Homework: a. Read the text. b.Talk with your partner: How do you go to school ? I go to school _ . Do you walk to school ? Yes./No. c. Do the activity book. Step3Step3:ClassingClassing closingclosing! T:This lesson is over. Ss:Good-bye, teacher! T: Good-bye,class! listenlisten toto PartPart 2 2 againagain andand followfollow along.along. ReviewReview thethe knowledgeknowledge thisthis timetime . . KnowKnow aboutabout homework.homework. TheThe studentsstudents andand thethe teacherteacher talk.talk. GreetGreet thethe teacherteacher。 更全面地 理解课文。 ) (师生交谈 巩固本课内 容。) (家庭作业 是为了对课 堂内容更好 地巩固。) (师生互相问 候轻松、愉 快地结束本 课内容。) 课堂小结 3 分钟 学生总结本课的内容,教师补充。学生总结本课的内容,教师补充。 本节课,我学到了 ;我的不足是 。 (通过学生自己总结,了解自己的优点与不足;再次巩固本课内容。) 布置作业 1 分钟 HomeworkHomework: a. Read the text. b.Talk with your partner: How do you go to school ? I go to school _ . Do you walk to school ? Yes./No. c. Do the activity book. 板书设计板书设计 LessonLesson 1616 HowHow dodo youyou gogo toto schoolschool ? ? A.WordsA.Words: foot onfoot by bus/car/bike B.SentencesB.Sentences: a. How do you go to school ? I go to school by _. b. Do you _to school ? Yes/No,.I go to school by . c.My dad drives me. 教学反思教学反思 成功之处:成功之处: 1.本节课师生配合融洽,课堂气氛轻松、活跃,让学生在“学”体验快乐! 2.尊重每个学生,积极鼓励他们大胆地尝试。 3.对于底子薄的学生,以鼓励为主,让他们体会学习的成就感。 4.鼓励学生互相帮助,互相学习,互相鼓励。 5.学生能够掌握本课的知识,体会到了北京的伟大;培养了学生热爱祖国、 热爱首都的情怀! 不足之处:不足之处:个别学生不自信;表现不积极;个别句子说不好。 采取措施:采取措施:加强听、说、读、写等各方面的训练。
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