冀教版(三起)四下Unit 3 All about Me-Lesson 18 Maddy the Monster-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:506e2).zip

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Wlecome to our class Wlecome to our class Wlecome to our class Wlecome to our class ! Lets do some review. a.How old are you? b.How tall are you? c.Where do you live? d.Whats your address? e.How do you go to school? Pratice:根据故事内容,判断句子正()误() ( )1. Anna is eleven years old. ( )2. Maddy is 1.5 metres tall. ( ) 3. Maddy goes to school by bus. ( ) 4. Maddy is a good pupil. ( ) 5.Anna isnt Maddys best friend. Lesson 18 Maddy the monster 一教学目标: 知识目标:(1)掌握四会单词:monster ,family ,sit ,easy. (2) 学生能够故事进行提问和回答。 (3)能够复述故事。 能力目标:在日常生活中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。 情感目标:培养学生在每天生活中试着模仿和运用英语,鼓励学生大胆自信地运 用英语进行交流。 二教学重,难点: 重点:1.学生能够听懂,会说,认读词汇:monster , family , sit ,easy 等词。 2.学生能够听懂和理解这个故事。 3.学生能够根据图片复述简单的故事。 难点:学生能够根据图片复述简单的故事。 三教学方法:讲解法,自主探究法,小组合作法。 四教学用具:教学光盘 ,多媒体课件 , 五教学过程: Step1. Warm-up 1,Greeting. T:Hello,boys and girls. Ss: Hello, teacher. T:How are you ? Ss: Fine , thanks. And you ? T:Are you ready for English class? Ss:Yes. T:First ,lets sing a song . All the students stand up and sing with the tape.(播放 Lesson16 How do you go to school?) 2.Review: T:Now ,lets do some review.(All the students look at the questions and think . I will ask some students.) 设计意图:通过复习学过句型来铺垫新知。 Step2.Presentation. T: Today we will learn a story about monsters. Do you know monster? I will show you some pictures .Can you guess ,whats a monster? (展示怪兽图) 板书:monster Do you afraid it? Ss: 1.T:(让学生快速浏览一遍故事的图)How many people in this story? Ss: Three. T:Who are they? 设计意图:帮助学生初步了解故事。 2.Listen and answer (pratice in group .) Panel1: What can you see in this picture? Who is Maddy? Is Maddy a boy or a girl? Panel 2: Who is she ? Whats her address? Panel3. How old is Maddy? How old is Anna? Is Maddy young? Panel4. How tall is Maddy? How tall is Anna? Who is tall and who is short ? Panel5.read and ask some questions.(pratice in group.) S1: S2: T: Good job. Panel6.T:look ! Where is Maddy? What is Maddy doing? Is she a good pupil? Panel7.What does Maddy like to do ? Why? Panel8: Does Anna like monster? Who is Maddys best friend? 3.播放教学光盘,让学生跟读。注意语音语调。 4.学生小组合作,自由朗读故事,教师巡视指导。 设计意图:让学生通过仔细听故事,小组讨论回答以上内容。从而进一步掌握故事内容。 5. Listen and ask some questions.(播放故事内容,让学生小组为单位提出问题,集体回 答。) 设计意图:学生不是被动地重复教师刚才所提问题,而是主动地利用以前所学知识, 结合新的句型展开激烈的讨论。 Step3.Listen to the tape. 播放录音,让学生跟读。 设计意图:为学生复述故事做铺垫。 Step4.Retell the story. 根据课文的图片让学生在小组内复述故事,并请自告奋勇的学生复述故事。 设计意图:让学生在一种轻松,活泼,民主,富有创新精神的课堂氛围中学习。 Step5.Summing up and homework. 1.Summing up:根据板书做本课小结。 2.Homework:给父母讲故事。 板书设计: Lesson18 Maddy the monster eleven monster 1.5meters girl by monster Maddy ninety-nine Anna best friend 5meters By bus Good pupil 教学反思:在本课的教学过程中,我首先播放一首已学过的歌曲全班同唱来营造学习 英语的课堂氛围并提高学生学习英语的氛围,接着以展示三个怪兽的图片引导本课并说出 今天要学习关于怪兽的故事来提高学生的学习兴趣 。再次利用教学关盘从图片一开始依次 播放并提出问题,学生在小组内讨论,在回答问题和学生听故事每个小组提出问题和其他 小组回答的形式来学习故事内容。播放光盘领读课文,学生能够读的更准确。在板书方面 我以思维导图来板书并以板书来小结本课内容,全班能够积极参与课堂的每个环节,小组 内也能够积极讨论和回答。但由于新课内容较多,而且时间的把握不准而一些细节及某些 新单词未能板书及教授。
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