冀教版(三起)四下Unit 3 All about Me-Lesson 18 Maddy the Monster-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:e01f7).zip

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Lesson18 Maddy the Monsret18 Maddy the Monsret 学生年级:四年级 学科:英语 教材版本:冀教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书 四年级下册 第三单元第18课 Leading-in Do you want to know about it? 18 Maddy the Monsret18 Maddy the Monsret 唐县长古城乡 崔志风 冀教版四年级下册 Listen and Answer Answer What do you know about it? be+cause-because-why monkey-month-monster cloud-mouth-house coat-goat-boat-road then-than(比,超过) basket+ball-basketball New wordsNew words Answer the questions from picture1-4Answer the questions from picture1-4 2.How old is Maddy? 3.How tall is Maddy? 1.Where does Maddy live? She liveShe lives s in a big house. in a big house. She is ninety-nine years old.She is ninety-nine years old. She is five metres tall.She is five metres tall. What questions will you ask about Anna? 1.Where does she live? 2.How old is Anna? 3.How tall is Anna? 1.Anna lives in a house on Park road. 2.Anna is eleven years old. 3.Anna is 1.5 metres tall. 1.What is Maddys address? 3.How does Anna go to school? 2.How does Maddy go to school?Why? Answer the questions from picture 5 Her address is 100 Monster Street.Her address is 100 Monster Street. She goShe goeses to school by monster. to school by monster. She goShe goeses to school by bus.Because to school by bus.Because she liveshe lives s far from the school. far from the school. 2.What does Maddy like to do?Why? 1.Is Maddy a good pupil? 3.Are Maddy and Anna good friends? Answer the questions from picture 6-8Answer the questions from picture 6-8 Yes,she is a good pupil.Yes,she is a good pupil. She likeShe likes s to play basketball. to play basketball. Because she is tall.Because she is tall. Yes,they are good frends.Yes,they are good frends. Listen and write MaddyAnna How old is.? Where does.live? What iss.address? How tall is.? How does . go to school? Fill in the blanks MaddyAnna How old is.? Where does.live? What iss.address? How tall is.? How does . go to school? ninety-nine eleven in a big house with her big family in a house on 100 Monster Street on Park Road five metres tall 1.5 metres tall by bus by monster Let us do it Maddy is a monster .She is 5 metres ( ).She is 99 years old.She ( ) in a house with her family on Monster ( ).Her house is ( )from the school.So she ( ) to school ( ) bus.She ( ) to play basketball. tal l lives Street far goesby likes name Summing-up age height address hobby about my school traffic birthda y HomeworkHomework Please Please introduce Annaintroduce Anna to your family.to your family. Class is over.Class is over.Class is over.Class is over. Good-bye!Good-bye!Good-bye!Good-bye! Lesson 18 Maddy the Monster 一、教材分析 “Maddy the Monster”是冀教版小学英语四年级第三单元 的一节故事课,第三单元的主题是“All about me”, 本单元 围绕年龄、生日、身高、住址、上学方式及喜欢做的事情,与 学生生活紧密联系,真正体现了语言的交际功能,为培养学生 运用英语进行英语交流打下良好的基础。本课围绕 Maddy 和 Anna 的年龄、身高、住址等来创设情境,锻炼学生的阅读能力 和口语交际能力。 二、学生分析 我带的四(1)班学生活泼好动,具有很强的模仿力和求知 欲,他们想象力丰富,对事物充满好奇,乐于参加表演,喜欢 得到别人尤其是老师的肯定。四年级的学生通过一年半的英语 的入门学习,已经积累了一定数量的词汇和语句,可以完成简 单的日常对话,因此在本次教学中要加强对学生的听说读写训 练,提高学生的创新能力和合作能力,着重培养学生的语言交 际能力,加强英语口语训练。 三、教学目标 1.复习本单元重要句型 How old are you? Where do you live? How do you go to school? What do you like to do? 2.学生能够在图文的帮助下理解这个故事。 3.学生能够就故事进行提问和回答。 4.学生能够根据图片和图表复述这个简单的故事。 5.通过学习本课故事,激发学生读英语小故事的兴趣,同时 使学生了解东西方文化的差异。 四、教学重难点 1.重点:A .复习本单元重要句型. B .通过读故事,提高学生的阅读理解能力,培养英 语学习的兴趣。 2.难点:听懂并理解故事内容,并能运用所学知识进行口语 交际。 五、教具准备 多媒体。 六、教学过程 Step1 Greeting Step2 Review T: Before our class , lets have a review . I ask , you answer . How old are you? Where do you live? How do you go to school? What do you like to do? Step 3 Presentation Pre-reading: 谈话导入 T: Hello, boys and girls.Today, we will meet a new friend. Her name is Maddy.(出示 Maddy 的图片)Do you want to know about Maddy ? Now let watch the flash . While-reading A. 观看 flash 动画,让学生整体感知故事。 T: This is Maddy. Who can tell me something about Maddy ?What do you hear ? S1: She is a monster. S2: Her friend is Anna. S3: T: OK ! Very good ! B. New words C. 自读读课文,回答问题 Picture 1-4. a.根据图 1-4 回答问题 Is Maddy a boy or a girl?Where does Maddy live? How old is Maddy? How tall is Maddy? b.尝试根据 Anna 的图片提问题 Where does Anna live? How old is Anna? How tall is Anna ? Picture 5: How does Maddy go to school ? WhatWhat isis MaddysMaddys address?address? How does Anna go to school ? Picture 6-8: Who is Maddy s teacher ? Is Maddy a good pupil ? What does Maddy like to do ?Why? Are Maddy and Anna good friends ? Post- reading: A.Pairs-work ,please complete the list B. Then have a show about the list MaddyAnna How tall ? How old ? How do they go to school? Whats their address? Step 4 Consolidation 1. Lets do it! 教师出示图片和参考句型,简要复述故事。 参考句型: Maddy is a monster . She is _metres tall . She is _ years old . She goes to school _. She lives in _.She likes to_. 2.老师引导学生总结写人的大纲,使学生了解东西方文化差异 Step 5 Homework Please introduce Anna to your family. 七、板书设计 18 Maddy the Monster name age height birthday About my school traffic adress hobby 8、教学反思 1.这节课从整体看有点头重脚轻中,原因在于单词教学的时间 有点过长,以至于让学生复述故事的时候是全班同学共同复述, 而不是小组,后面也没有时间让小组讨论应该从哪些方面来描 述人,而是老师引导的总结,没有达到预期的效果。 2.在这节课中,我的评价用语有点单一,没有起到鼓励学生的 作用,在今后的教学中应从多方面评价学生。 3.在组织教学的过程中,有个别学生没有参与到活动中去,搞 小动作,以后评价学生的时候可以记录到小组中去(可根据学 生的表现加减分) ,激发集体荣誉感,从而使他们积极参与到课 堂活动中来。 4.在最后的板书过程中,老感觉学生不懂,其实可以板书一些 学生学过的简单单词,比板书汉语更有效果。
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