冀教版(三起)四下Unit 4 My Favourites-Lesson 20 My Favourite Clothes-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:40c11).zip

相关 举报
  • 全部
    • Boys and girls.jpg--点击预览
    • Clothes pictures.jpg--点击预览
    • Lesson20 My Favourite Clothes.mp4
    • Lesson20 My Favourite Clothes.pptx--点击预览
    • Role play.jpg--点击预览
    • 教案40c11.doc--点击预览
    • 歌曲《He is wearing red trousers》.swf
    • 课文《Favourite clothes》.swf


小学英语冀教版四年级下册第四单元小学英语冀教版四年级下册第四单元 Lesson20 My Favourite Lesson20 My Favourite ClothesClothes Magic BoxMagic BoxMagic BoxMagic Box Game TimeGame Time 1.Whats s favourite clothes? Dannys favourite clothes are _. 2.Whats s favourite clothes? Jennys favourite clothes are _. shorts skirts 3.Whats your favourite clothes? My favourite clothes are _. Role PlayRole Play KimKimJennyJennyDannyDanny StevenSteven T-stage ShowT-stage Show I like _.You like _. We like _. Our favourite clothes are _. She/He likes _.They like _. Their favourite clothes are _. Group Work Homework Research your friends favourite colour and clothes, then fill in the chart and blanks. NameWhats your favourite colour? Whats your favourite clothes? I like _.You like _. We like _. Our favourite clothes are _. She/He likes _.They like _. Their favourite clothes are _. Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You! 学科学科冀教版 英语年级年级四年级下册 教学内容教学内容 Lesson20Lesson20 MyMy FavouriteFavourite ClothesClothes 学情分析学情分析 四年级学生的年龄在十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢 直观形象思维,对探究、合作的活动特别感兴趣。学生学 英语不久,有可能说的不好,有的还不敢说,课堂上要以 表扬为主,注重培养学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说、 积极做、努力唱。 媒体设计思路媒体设计思路 本课出自冀教版四年级下册的第二十课My Favourite Clothes ,四年级的学生还着重于感性认识, 正处于儿童向青少年过渡的关键期,虽然学习能力与情感 认识有所提高,但是注意力仍然易分散,因此,多媒体课 件运用丰富、变幻的色彩来吸引学生注意力。四年级的学 生对于事物开始有自己的看法,要注意尊重学生的看法, 采取柔和委婉的方式进行正确引导。 教学目标教学目标 知识与能力知识与能力:学生能听懂、会说、认读下列词汇: clothes,our,their 过程与方法过程与方法: 理解并运用句型: Our favourite clothes are. Their favourite clothes are. 情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观:在日常生活中可以熟练掌握和应用本 课学习到的英语口语进行交流。增强学生对日常事物的英 语认知,培养学生对英语的喜爱 教学重难点教学重难点 教学重点:熟识句型 教学难点:熟练运用新句型 教学准备教学准备 多媒体设备、教师用卡片和图片、奖励用的贴纸、实物 教学过程教学过程 教学设计教学设计设计意图设计意图 StepStep 1.1. WarmingWarming upup andand leadlead in.in. 1. Sing a song named He is wearing red trousers. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Ren. T: Do you like singing? Lets sing a song together. 2.Greeting:review the clothes words T:Hows the weather today? Ss:Its a sunny day. T:In this sunny day,what are you wearing? Ss: StepStep 2.2. Presentations.Presentations. Last class,we have learned my favourite colour.Today,lets learn about my favourite clothes. 1. Divide pupils into two groups.Boys will be group 1,girls will be group 2.Which group answer the question quickly and correctly will get a star. 2. Play a game: magic box.Show the clothes pictures to review the clothes words. 3. Do practice:match the colours words and clothes words. 4.Watch the animation,follow it and answer questions. 5.Role play:four puplis to act Danny,Jenny,Kim and Steven. Sing a song 能使学生感 到轻松,愉快,满足,产 生兴奋情绪,在明快优美 的旋律中,不仅复习了之 前课程的内容,又调动了 学生的学习兴趣,为下一 步教学做准备。 温馨的问候不仅使学生迅 速融入英语课堂,而且拉近 了师生间的距离,营造了 轻松愉快的教学氛围。 男女生分组竞赛,充分调 动学生积极性,培养学生 团结与竞争意识。 通过游戏让学生对所学单 词的发音更清楚,更准确。 激发兴趣,在玩中学,学 中乐,培养学生的集体荣 誉感。同时也训练学生的 注意力和反应能力。 看动画可以激发学生观看 兴趣,训练学生的英语能 力。 听录音可以纠正学生发音 误区,精读课文,理解课 板书设计:板书设计: Lesson20Lesson20 MyMy FavouriteFavourite ClothesClothes MyMy OurOur His/HerHis/Her favouritefavourite clothesclothes areare _._. TheirTheir StepStep 3.Consolidation.3.Consolidation. 1. Practice the new sentences,fill in the blanks. 2. T-stage Show:show your favourite clothes. 3. Practice the new sentences with groupmates,then share the dialogue to classmates. StepStep 4.Summary4.Summary Review what we have learned. StepStep 5.5. Homework.Homework. 1.Research friends favourite colour and favourite clothes,fill in the chart and blanks. 文。 填空练习,帮助学生巩固 所学知识。 创设仿真情景,培养沟通 与表达能力,引导学生个 性发挥。 回顾本课所学知识,及时 复习,适时巩固。 让学生当小记者采访小伙 伴,在寓教于乐,在讨论 中完成作业。 课后反思课后反思 本节课教学内容和形式丰富,寓教于乐,学生积极性 较高。通过这节课,我引领学生走到真实的情境中,紧紧 抓住学生,坚持以学生为本,面向全体学生,优化课堂教 学,提高学习效率,让学生积极参与到课堂中来,积极利 用音像、多媒体等现代教学资源,使英语学习更好地体现 真实性和交际性特征。通过各种句型操练与表演,大大提 高了学生的语言综合运用能力,有效地培养了英语思维模式, 并对学生学习策略的培养打下了基础。
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