冀教版(三起)四下Unit 4 My Favourites-Lesson 21 My Favourite Food-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:e00b6).zip

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冀教版冀教版小学英语小学英语三年级起始版三年级起始版Grade4 Book 2 Lesson 21 My Favourite Food 2. Lets review(复习)复习)! yum! yum!yum! eggs chicken milk noodles bread fish rice dumplings soup vegetables juice hamburger hot dog fruit donut ice cream cook Word Game Word circling(单词大转盘) 3. Lets learn! Whats your avourite food? My favourite food is _(and_ ). 或或 I like _and_. Food tower main food vegetables fruit milk,eggs,meat 4. Lets look,say and write! junk food 5. Lets listen to a song! 1. Which meal ? 2. What food ? Lunch Dumplins and rice 1. How many meals do you have in a day ? 2. What are they? Three breakfast in the morning lunch at noon supper/dinner in the evening seven oclock twelve oclock six thirty 8.Write and draw I have _ at 7:00 in the morning. I like_ and _. I have _ at 12:30 . I like_ and _. I have _ at 6:30 in the evening. I like_ and _. breakfast lunch dinner 6. Lets listen and answer! 1.Which meal do they have? 2. What time? 3. What is Jennys favourite food? 4. What is Dannys favourite food? Lunch At twelve oclock. Hamburgers hamburgersmilkvegetablesfruitchickensoupnoodlesdumplingshot dogs. . Danny is a foodie! 7. Lets read! 1J 1D 2D 2J 3D 4J 5D J=Jenny D=Danny 9. Lets summarise! 1. A: Whats your favourite food for B: My favourite food is fruit and dumplings. 或或 I like soup and hamburgers . 2. Phrases(短语)短语) have breakfast in the morning have lunch at 12 oclock have dinner in the evening breakfast ? lunch ? dinner ? 10. Homework 2.Ask your parents(父母)父母)Whats their favourite food, and try cooking(做饭做饭 ) for them. . 3.Read and Act(读和表演)读和表演) Read and act the dialogue between Danny and Jenny. 1.Review(复习)复习)the food words. Save the food!(节约食物节约食物) Father of hybrid rice 袁隆平袁隆平 1,000,000,000(10亿)in hunger; die:100,000,000; (1亿) children2,000,000(200万) 1 冀教版小学英语三年级起始版冀教版小学英语三年级起始版 Grade4Grade4 BookBook 2 2 LessonLesson 2121 MyMy FavouriteFavourite FoodFood 教学设计教学设计 知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标: 1.能够运用词汇: hamburger,noodles, dumplings,bread,等食物词汇; breakfast,lunch,dinner 三餐词汇 2.能够用句型 -Whats your favourite food? -My favourite food is _./I like _.进行交流; 3.借助图片、歌曲、小游戏、对话表演等灵活有趣的形式,在轻松愉快的氛围中,激 发学生的学习兴趣和热情,培养学生学习的主动性和创造性,使学生产生成就感,并积 极地参与英语语言活动。 情感态度目标情感态度目标: 通过本课的英语教学活动,使学生喜欢学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流。并 通过设计多种英语趣味活动,提高学生学习英语的积极性,激发学生的学习英语的兴 趣,使学生在愉快的氛围中用英语简单地交流。学生通过和同伴互相游戏和对话增强 了合作能力。最后通过袁隆平院士和非洲孩子的图片,来呼吁学生节约粮食。 学习策略目标学习策略目标: 通过让学生交流、小组讨论、表演、游戏、唱歌等方式培养学生英语思维和互动学习 英语的学习氛围。 教学重点教学重点: hamburger,noodles, dumplings,bread,等食物词汇; breakfast,lunch,dinner 三餐词汇 能够熟练运用句型-Whats your favourite food? -My favourite food is _./I like _.进行交流。 教学难点:教学难点: 用句型-Whats your favourite food? -My favourite food is _./I like _.进行交流。 教学准备教学准备:自制 PPT、音频、视频、交互式电子白板和图片等。 教学过程:教学过程: Step1.Step1. ClassClass openingopening andand reviewingreviewing 2 1. Warm-up Greetings to the students. (开课前,老师与学生之间进行语言交流,找一些学生感兴趣的话题导入,激发学生 学习英语的兴趣。) 2.Revision Review the food words that the students have learned before.Present the pictures and words to make the students review the words about the food. (通过复习和食物有关的词汇,为下面进行的教学环节做好铺垫。让学生可以熟练地 运用已经学过的词汇进行下一环节的句型练习。) Step2Step2. PresentationPresentation T: Today we are going to learn my favourite food. Present: Whats your favourite food? (领读句型.) My favourite food is _./I like _. T:展示食物的图片 T:Whats your favourite food?(问一个学生) S:My favourite food is _. T:老师在黑板上指出对应的的实物图片。 (在新授环节,用新句型来复习词汇。同时让学生指出对应的食物图片。以此吸引学 生注意力,反复练习所学句型。) Step3Step3. PracticePractice activitiesactivities Ask and answer 让一个学生随意提问一个同学,并指出同学所说的实物图片,来练 习句型和词汇加深对所学单词和新句型的认知。 Pair work 学生进行完上一练习后,给学生节奏点,让学生两人一组踩点练习句型。 (通过以上两种练习形式,使学生在开心愉快的氛围中练习英语句子。从而能更好的 掌握所学句型。) Step4Step4. ListenListen toto a a songsong andand answeranswer Let the students listen to a song ,and answer the questions: Which meal? What food? (让学生听 Lunch 歌,并回答问题。提醒学生可以跟唱。这首歌节奏和词简单易学, 可以引起学生学习的热情,也帮助复习并引出三餐词汇。) Step5Step5. ReadRead andand writewrite Let the students read the meal words and practice.One student says:In the morning .Other students say:Breakfast .Practice like this one by 3 one. Breakfast in the morning Lunch at noon Dinner in the evening (反复练习来加深学生对三餐词汇的掌握和运用。以灵活的方法引起学生学习的热情。 ) Write the sentences on the students book .and then ask some students to read their answers. Step6Step6. Listen,answerListen,answer andand readread Listen to the tape of the dialogue in Part 1.Answer the questions: 1.Which meal do they have? 2. What time? 3. What is Jennys favourite food? 4. What is Dannys favourite food? After listen to the tape ,let the students answer the questions.(练习学生的 听力,让学生带着问题去听,掌握听力练习的方法,同时了解对话内容。) Read the dialogue Read the dialogue after the tape.Then read after the teacher .(通过跟读 让学生模仿英语的语气和语调。让学生讲有英语味的英语口语。) Step7Step7. ActAct outout thethe dialoguedialogue 1 Let the students read the dialogue in pairs,then act it out in front of others. Divide the students into two parts .Group 1 is Danny.Group 2 is Jenny. (通过分角色表演,既练习了英语口语,又锻炼了学生的胆量。) Step8Step8.PracticePractice Practice Whats your favourite food (for breakfast/lunch/dinner)? (强调该句型是在 Whats your favourite food?句型后加上 for breakfast/lunch/dinner。来询问一日三餐最喜爱的食物。) Step9Step9. SummarySummary Sum up what we have learned this lesson. Step10Step10.HomeworkHomework 1. Review(复习)the food words. 2.Ask your parents(父母)Whats their favourite food, and try cooking(做饭) for them. 4 3.Read and Act(读和表演) Read and act the dialogue between Danny and Jenny. Step11Step11.ExtensionExtension Call on the students:Save the food. 板书设计板书设计 LessonLesson 2121 MyMy FavouriteFavourite FoodFood - Whats your favourite food?(for breakfast/lunch/dinner?) -My favourite food is and ./I like and .
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