冀教版(三起)四下Unit 4 My Favourites-Lesson 24 The Diffos-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:510c7).zip

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a. How many people are there? b. What colour are their clothes? Their clothes are blue Mrs. DiffoMr.Diffo David Diffo Debbie Diffo Diffo Dog P1-2 Listen and check. Read and check.(判断)判断) Their favourite colour is green. ( ) They like to wear caps. ( ) Mr. Diffo wears caps on his head. ( ) Debbie Diffo wears caps on her nose . ( ) They like to wear . P1-2 Their favourite colour is . blue caps What do they like for breakfast ? Whats their favourite dinner ? P3-4 They like hot dogs for breakfast. They like fish with ice cream. for dinner. Followandanswer What do they like to do ? P5-8 Whatdotheyliketodo?(lookandmatch,看图连线) flykites readbooks playwithDiffoDog singsongs P5-8 1. David Diffo likes to_. 2 . Debbie Diffo likes to_in the _. 3. They like to _in the_. 4. People always get _at the _. house play with his dog . fly kites Fill in the blanks. sing songslibrary angry Diffos P5-8 The Diffos favouritecolouris_. The Diffos liketowear_. The Diffos like_forbreakfast. The Diffos like_fordinner. David Diffo Debbie Diffo likesto_hisdog. likesto_inthe _. David and Debbie Diffo Liketo_songsinthe _. Retell the story. Everyoneisdifferent! 每个人都与众不同! Letsworkhardandbemoreexcellent,but wemusttrytodisturbothers. 让我们努力学习作更加优秀的自己,但我们也做到不打扰 别人。 Homework n ame Fa vourite colour Fav ourite clot hes Fav ourite foo d Fav ourite sub ject Fav ourite Sch oolwork D anny gre en shor ts don uts scie nce play games 2.Makeasurvey. 1.retellthestorytoyourclassmate ( )The Diffos are different. ( )Their favourite colour is green. ( )They like hot dogs for dinner. ( )David and Debbie Diffo like to sing songs in the library. Read and check. T F F T blue breakfast (正确T错误F) The Diffos favouritecolouris_. The Diffos liketowear_. The Diffos like_forbreakfast. The Diffos like_for dinner. David Diffo Debbie Diffo likesto_. likesto_inthe _. David and Debbie Diffo liketo_songsinthe _. Retell the story. blue caps hotdogs fishwithicecream playwithhisdog flykiteshouse sing library Book4 教学设计教学设计 Lesson 24 The Diffos 教材分析:教材分析: 本单元学生学习了如何表达自己和朋友最喜欢的颜色,衣服,食物,学科,学 校生活。通过这些学习学生能够描述自己和家人的信息。本节课是一节故事课, 故事的内容围绕本单元话题从几个方面讲了 The Diffos 一家的爱好,是对本单 元所学内容的复习。 学情分析:学情分析: 学生有了本单元的学习基础,能够明白 The Diffos 一家的爱好,但 get angry at 的读音和理解有困难,所以我采用找生词引出并帮助学生解决困难。根据四年 级学生的年龄特点,他们喜欢故事,喜欢这些古怪的人物形象,学习兴趣浓厚,很 愿意参与到课堂活动中,所以学生对本课所授内容接受不困难。 教学目标:教学目标: 1.1.知识与技能目标知识与技能目标: : 学生能够听懂和理解这个简单的故事。能够问和回答关于这个故事的问题。 能够复述故事,能用英语谈论有关喜好的话题。 2.2.学习策略目标学习策略目标: : 通过任务型活动,引导学生学会用语言表达事情,完成交际任务。采用以小 组为单位的评价方式增强学生的自信心和自我调控意识。 3.3.情感态度目标情感态度目标: : (1)通过小组竞赛的教学形式来激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的参与意识 和协作精神。 (2)通过展示、调查等形式使学生体验学习过程的快乐和成就感,从而能够 增强学习的信心。 教学重点:教学重点: 学生能够运用多种阅读策略理解故事内容,并能用正确的语音、语调朗读课文。 教学难点教学难点: : 学生能在板书、ppt 图片及故事关键词帮助下复述故事 教学准备:教学准备: PPT 课件,图片,词卡,录音机等。 教学过程:教学过程: 一、一、 Class opening and review 1. Greeting. 2. Sing a songs.(PPT) 二、二、 New concepts Story time(PPT) 1. Introduce the Diffos. How many people are there? They are- What colour are their clothes?(为第一幅图作铺垫) 2. Listen and check.(P1-2) 1).Their favourite colour is green. ( ) 2).They like to wear caps. ( ) 3).Mr. Diffo wears caps on his head. ( ) 4).Debbie Diffo wears caps on her nose . ( ) (通过判断,边线等,同时也处理了课后的有关问题) 3. Follow and answer .(P3-4) What do they like for breakfast? Whats their favourite dinner for dinner ? 4. 小结复述 P1-4(看着板书) 5. P5-8 1) Read silently and do. a.Find out the new word. b.Are the Diffos different?(首先处理 different) 2)Listen and answer. What do they like to do?(连线) 2) 小结复述 P5-8(看着板书) 6. Read the story and fill in the blanks in groups. 7. show time. 8. Look the blackboard and Retell th story . (复述故事不仅能加深 学生对故事的理解、巩固和积累,还有利于提高学生的想象能力、 记忆能力、思维能力及系统、连贯的语言能力,有利于培养学生 的创新意识 ) 9.情感教育。 Everyone is different ! 每个人都与众不同! Lets work hard and be more excellent ,but we must try to disturb others. 让我们努力学习作更加优秀的自己,但我们也做到不打扰别人。 三、Class closing. Homework 1.Retell the story to your classmate. 2.Make a survey. name Favourite colour Favourite clothes Favourite food Favourite subject Favourite School work Dannygreenshortsdonutsscience play games 板书设计:板书设计:Lesson 24 The Diffos Blue caps hot dogs ice cream for breakfast for dinner P5P6P7P8 Play with fly kites sing songs angry library P1P2P3P4
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