冀教版(三起)四下Unit 1 Hello Again!-Lesson 1 How Are You -ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:22240).zip

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SchoolSchool LessonLesson 1 1 HowHow AreAre You?You? Play a game. Firecracker Word new old me boy girl Jenny Danny Kim Li Ming new old me boy girl Jenny Danny Kim Li Ming new old me boy girl Jenny Danny Kim Li Ming new old me boy girl Jenny Danny Kim Li Ming new old me boy girl Jenny Danny Kim Li Ming new old me boy girl Jenny Danny Kim Li Ming In this lesson, we will learn how to greet, and how to introduce ourselves and somebody. 在这节课,我们将学习怎样问候他 人,及如何介绍自己与他人。 h he ell llo o h hi i = = Practice in pairs. A: Hello/Hi! B: Hello/Hi! A: How are you? B: Im fine, thanks. And you? A: Fine, thank you. t teaeachcherer threethree teacherteachers s = = Practice. Introduce yourself one by one. Hello/Hi! My name is ./You can call me . Make a dialogue in pairs. Show. A:Hello/Hi! My name is . /You can call me . Whats your name? B:Hello/Hi! My name is . /You can call me . Listen to Part 1. Answer. Mr. Wood. Who is the new teacher? 先生先生伍德(伍德( 人名)人名) Explain :西方国家一般是在男教师的西方国家一般是在男教师的 姓氏前面加姓氏前面加Mr.Mr.来称呼。来称呼。 For example: Mr.Mr. Wood 伍德老师 Mr.Mr. Smith 史密斯老师 Mr.Mr. Black 布莱克老师 Listen and read Part 1 together. He is a pupil. She is a pupil. Are you a pupil? Yes, I am. No, Im not. How many pupils? Four pupils. How many pupils in our classroom? Thirty-seven pupils. 37 WhatsWhats hishis name?name? HisHis namename is is . 他的他的 WhatsWhats _ name?name? _ namename is is hishis HisHis WhatsWhats herher name?name? HerHer namename is is . 她的她的 WhatsWhats _ name?name? _ namename is is . herher HerHer This is my friend. These are my friends. Listen to Part 2. Answer. Who is a new pupil? Steven.Steven. 史蒂文(人名)史蒂文(人名) Listen and read Part 2 together. This is my friend. _ name is Dongdong. _ is a _. _ is good. We are good friends. His pupilHe He This is my friend. _ name is Dongdong. _ is a _. _ is good. We are good friends. This is my friend. _ name is Dongdong. _ is a _. _ is good. We are good friends. His pupilHe He This is my friend. _ name is Yangyang. _ is a _. _ is nice. We are good friends. Her She She pupil This is my friend. _ name is Yangyang. _ is a _. _ is nice. We are good friends. This is my friend. _ name is Yangyang. _ is a _. _ is nice. We are good friends. Her She She pupil Introduce your friends in groups. 小组练习介绍朋友。 This is my _. _ name is _ is a _. _ is good. We are good friends. This is my _. _ name is _ is a _. _ is nice. We are good friends. Part 3 Lets do it! Draw,Draw, saysay andand write.write. MyMy FriendFriend ThisThis is is mymy friend.friend. HerHer namename is is GuoGuo YajingYajing. . SheShe is is a a teacher.teacher. SheShe is is nice.nice. WeWe areare goodgood friends.friends. Summery: What did we learn? 我们学会了什么? Homework: 1.Write the key words three times. Remember.抄写重点单词抄写重点单词3+1。记住。记住。 2. Listen and follow in the tape twice.听读磁带听读磁带2遍。遍。 3. Introduce yourself and your friends to your parents in English.用英用英 语给父母介绍你和朋友。语给父母介绍你和朋友。 Thank you. Good-bye! - 1 - 小学英语冀教版四年级下册 Lesson 1 How Are You? 教学设计 教材分析教材分析: 本节课是冀教版小学英语四年级下册第一单元第 1 课的内容, 在第 1 册到第 3 册中学生已经学过了一些标准的问候语,如 Hello/Hi. Nice to meet you. How are you? 本课旨在使学生掌握 更多的标准问候语。 学情分析:学情分析: 四年级的学生有了一定的认知能力,而且已经掌握了一定量的 词汇和句型,对于课堂用语以及一些日常对话比较熟悉,有极强的 模仿能力和求知欲望。孩子们喜欢模仿、游戏,乐于表达与交流。 本学期我所教授的班级,班容量 37 人,学生对英语学习很感兴趣, 能积极地参与到教学活动中来。但是他们的接受新知的速度不够快, 学习能力有待培养与提高。 教学目标教学目标: 知识与技能目标: 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:you, your, teacher, hello, hi, name, friend, pupil, his, her;2.学生能 听懂、会说、认读并口头运用句子:Whats your/his /her name? My/ His/Her name is_.;3.学生认识到 You can call me 和 My name is是表达同一种事情的两种表达法(介绍自己) 。 情感态度目标:1.学生能够体会到英语学习的乐趣;2.学生能 够积极参与单词游戏、模仿教师语言介绍自己以及自己的朋友等课 - 2 - 堂学习活动,敢于开口、表达中不怕出错误;3 学生能够在运用 “This is my friend. His/Her name is . He/She is a pupil. He/She is good. We are good friends.”介绍朋友的小组活动 中与其他同学积极配合和合作。 学习策略目标:1. 在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考;2. 在学习中集中注意力;3. 积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 文化意识目标:学生能够理解并使用正确的方式称呼他们的教 师,西方国家一般是在男教师的姓前面加 Mr.来称呼。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 教学重点:1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:you, your, teacher, hello, hi, name, friend, pupil, his, her;2.学生能听懂、 会说、认读并口头运用句子:Whats your/his /her name? My/ His/Her name is_.;3.学生认识到 You can call me 和 My name is是表达同一种事情的两种表达法(介绍自己) 。 教学难点:学生能听懂、会说、认读并口头运用句子:What s his /her name? His/Her name is_. 教学时间:教学时间:1 课时 教学准备:教学准备:PPT,卡片,磁带,小奖品等。 教学过程:教学过程: 一、一、Class Opening and Review 1. Greeting. 2. Play “Firecracker Word” game. Review the vocabulary: new, old, me, boy, girl, Jenny, Danny, - 3 - Kim, Li Ming. 二、New Concepts (一)Part 1 1. Demonstrate “hello”、 “hi” and “teacher” with pictures. Then write them on the blackboard. 2. Demonstrate the basic sentence constructions: Whats your name? My name is _. / You can call me _. (1)Use the teachers name to learn the new sentences: Whats your name? My name is _. Write “your” 、 “name” and “Zhou Hanhan” on the blackboard. (2)Teach the new sentence “You can call me _.”. Let the students recognize that “You can call me _.” And “My name is _.”are two ways to express the same thing. (3) Practice. Use “Hello/Hi! My name is You can call me ” to introduce yourselves. (4)Practice in pairs. Then show. For example: A: Hello/Hi! My name is ./You can call me . Whats your name? B: Hello/Hi! My name is ./You can call me . 3. Learn Part 1: A new teacher. (1)Lesson hook. Teacher: In this new semester, a new teacher comes. Do - 4 - you want to meet him? Class: Yes! Teacher: Okay. Lets Listen to Part 1.Remember: just listen! Then answer a question “Who is the new teacher?” Okay? Class: Okay. (2)Listen quietly. Then answer the question.解释:西方国 家一般是在男教师的姓前面加 Mr.来称呼。 (3)Listen and follow the tape. (二)Part 2 1. Demonstrate “pupil” and “pupils” with pictures and real pupils. Then write them on the blackboard. 2. Show the new sentence structure “Whats his name? His name is ”.Demonstrate the new word “his”. 3. Practice the structure with the pictures of people. 4. Practice again. 将“Whats his name? His name is ”中 的“his/His”留白, 重点练习。 5. Teach the new sentence structure “Whats her name? Her name is ”.Demonstrate the new word “her”. 6. Practice the structure with the pictures of people. 7. Practice again. 将“Whats her name? Her name is ”中 的“her/Her”留白, 重点练习。 8. Demonstrate “friend” and “friends” with pictures. - 5 - Then write them on the blackboard. 9. Learn Part 2 (1) Listen quietly. Then answer the question “Who is a new pupil?” Explain “Steven”. (2)Listen and follow the tape. 10. Practice how to introduce your friend. (1) 教师示范如何介绍自己的男生朋友。For example: This is my friend. His name is Dongdong. He is a pupil. He is good. We are good friends. (2) Practice. 将上面句型中的重点单词“friend, His, He, pupil, He”留白, 帮助学生区分易混淆的单词。 (3) 巩固练习。补白,齐读句子。 (4) 教师示范如何介绍自己的女生朋友。For example: This is my friend. Her name is Yangyang. She is a pupil. She is good. We are good friends. (5) Practice. 将上面句型中的重点单词“friend, Her, She, pupil, She”留白, 帮助学生区分易混淆的单词。 (6) 巩固练习。补白,齐读句子。 (7) Practice in groups. (8) Ask some volunteers to show. (三)Part 3 1. Ask the students to look at part 3 and go through it explaining what you want them to do. - 6 - 2. Teacher introduces own friendGuo Yajing. 3. Try to write. 4. The students show their friend. 三、Class Closing 1. Summary. 2. Homework: (1)Write the key words three times. Remember.抄写重点单词 3+1。记住。 (2) Listen and follow in the tape twice.听读磁带 2 遍。 (3)Introduce yourself and your friends to your parents in English.用英语给父母介绍你和朋 友。 板书设计:板书设计: Lesson 1 How Are You? hello hi Whats your name? teacher My name is . /You can call me . pupil pupils his her Whats his/her name? friend friends His/Her name is
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