冀教版(三起)四下Unit 1 Hello Again!-Lesson 5 Where Is Danny -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:f16ed).zip

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冀教版冀教版 四年级英语下册四年级英语下册 Welcome to myclass Where is the pen ? Its the box. on Its _ the box. under Wheres the pen? Wheres the cat? It s_ the box. in Where is the doll? The doll is the box.beside The book is _ the two boxes.between Where is the book? Lesson 5 Where is Danny? 丹尼在哪儿?丹尼在哪儿? Li Ming is the tree. in front of 在在前面前面 李明在树的前面。李明在树的前面。 Part 1. Li Ming is the tree.behind 在在.后面后面 李明在树的后面。李明在树的后面。 Li Ming is in front of the tree. Li Ming is behind the tree . 相相对对句句 In front of behind 反义词反义词 Oh Magic Eye! under behind behind beside under on in front of in betweenbehind (看见词语闪过,马上说出来,看见(看见词语闪过,马上说出来,看见 就就 拍手拍手 。)。) in front of beside Where is Danny? Hes in the classroom. Hes in front of Steven . Hes reading a book. Where is Jenny ? She is on the playground . She is behind Danny. They re playing a game. Pair work: Where is Danny? Where is Danny? He is the box. beside Where is Danny? He is the box. in front of Where is Danny? He is the box. behind Where is Danny? He is the box. under Where is Danny? He is the box. in Where is Danny? He is the box. on Where is Danny? He is the box. between Consolidate(巩固巩固) 一、方位介词及主要单词:in, on, under, beside, between, in front of, behind; classroom, playground. 二、主要句型: Hes in the classroom. (1)Where is Danny? Hes in front of Steven. Shes on the playground. (2)Where is Jenny? Shes behind Danny. (3)Li Ming is in front of the tree. Li Ming is behind the tree. 相相对对句句 (4)现在进行时句型:)现在进行时句型: Hes reading a book. Theyre playing a game. 三、其它三、其它: in front of(反义词反义词)behind read(现在分词现在分词) reading play(现在分词现在分词) playing in the classroom(在教室里在教室里) read a book (看书看书) on the playground(在操场上在操场上) play a game(做游戏做游戏) H Homeworkomework 1、Read the words after class. 2、Draw a picture of your classroom. Talk about it with your friends. Thanks!Thanks! Lesson 5 Where Is Danny? 教学设计教学设计 教学分析教学分析 1、学生分析 经过一年多的学习,四年级的学生已经掌握了一些基本的英语词汇,特别是 经过三年级下册及本单元第三课的语言学习,学生已经接触并掌握了一些方位 介词,这些为本课的英语学习做好了铺垫。 2、教材分析 本课是冀教版小学英语四年级下册第一单元的第五课,介绍了谈论某人或 某物位置的词汇和句型,同时向学生渗透了字母组合 ea,oo 的发音。学生通过 学习课文文本,理解和掌握方位介词的含义和使用方法。 教学目标教学目标 1、知识与技能目标 能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:he, she, behind 能听懂、会说并认读介词短语:in front of、behind 能认读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构: - Where is he/she? - He/She is 能了解字母组合 ea 和 oo 在单词中的发音及规则 教学重难点教学重难点 1、教学重点: 能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:he, she, behind 能听懂、会说并认读介词短语:in front of 能认读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构: - Where is he/she? - He/She is 2、教学难点: 能够理解并灵活运用句型 Where is he/she?及所学过的方位介词来描述物体 所处的位置。 教学准备教学准备 多媒体、文具、 教学过程教学过程 教学步骤教学步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Warming-up (3 minutes) Greetings and Revision 1.Greeting: Hello! Nice to meet you! How are you? 2.Sing an English song: Where is Danny? 问候:Hello! Im fine! 学生跟唱歌曲。 通过师生问候, 使学生自然地进 入英语学习状态, 唱英文歌曲能激 发学生参与课堂 的兴趣,为学习 新的方位词做铺 垫。 Presentation and Practice (25minutes ) 1、Talk about the pictures 教师利用图片复习学过的 方位介词,然后呈现文本 第一部分的图片来讲授新 知。 T: Li Ming is playing a game with Danny. They are playing hide and seek. T: Where is Li Ming? T: Is Li Ming in front of the tree now? 2、Drill 组织学生练习 in front of 和 behind T: Look! This is the blackboard. Where is Miss Yu? Where is the blackboard? 3、Watch and Describe 教师呈现第二部分文本图 片并询问: T: Where is Danny now? Can you guess? T: What can you see in the classroom? T: Where is Danny? T: Whats he doing? 呈现第二幅图 学生通过看书,理解并 学习 in front of 和 behind. S1: Li Ming is in front of the tree. Where is Li Ming? 学生进行链式问答。 S2: No! 学生尝试回答: He is behind the tree. 学生小组问答 Where is she/he? She/He is _. (in front of,behind , beside ,between) 学生猜测 Danny 位置: S: Danny is in the classroom. (library, playground, gym) 学生观察图片并进行描 述: S: I can see _. S:Danny is in front of Steven. S:Hes reading a book. 师生问答练习后小组讨 论: 通过呈现图片创 设情境,帮助学 生在具体的语篇 语境中学习语言, 之后再通过文字 的出现巩固语言 知识。 调动学生的参与 热情,更好地理 解和运用新知。 学生观察文本图 片并进行描述, 以师生问答的形 式进一步巩固所 学知识。 对新知进行巩固 的基础上通过合 作完成操练,加 Whos in this picture?Where is he/she? He/She is _. 强学生对方位词 的 Part V Homework (2 minutes) 1、Read the words after class. 2、Draw a picture of your classroom. Talk about it with your friends. 学生理解并记忆作业。 以口头和笔头两 种形式进行布置, 充分运用今天所 学知识描述人物 所处位置及正在 进行的动作,再 次巩固方位词。 Blackboard Design Lesson 5 Where Is Danny? Where is he/she? He/She is in front of the tree. behind
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