冀教版(三起)四下Unit 1 Hello Again!-Lesson 6 Little Zeke-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:b0044).zip

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    • Little Zeke.mp4
    • Little Zeke.ppt--点击预览
    • 习题.doc--点击预览
    • 微课.mp4
    • 教案b0044.doc--点击预览
    • 音乐.mp3


义务教育教科书冀教版小学英语义务教育教科书冀教版小学英语 四年级下册第一单元四年级下册第一单元 Find a friend 1 What does Little Zeke do? Emma,Im hungry and thirsty. I want to eat an apple. Emma, is this your apple? Emma, would you like an apple? ListenListen andand circlecircle 1. Tess hides in her books. Yes. No. 2. Little Zeke wants to help Emma. Yes. No. 3. Tess finds Little Zeke in her mouth. Yes. No. ListenListen andand circlecircle 2. Little Zeke wants to help Tess. Yes. No. ListenListen andand circlecircle 3.Tess finds Little Zeke in her mouth. Yes. No. Listen to the story, try to find the answers below. Is Zeke a boy or a girl? Who is Emma? How many friends does Emma have? How many friends does Zeke have? Where does Zeke hide(藏)? LetsLets havehave a a rolerole play!play! Emma Little Zeke Tess Mrs. Jones What do you learn from the story? What is a true friend? When(当) you are sad, a friend will stay with you(陪着你); When you are happy, a friend will be happy, too. When you are in trouble, a friend will help you. help Sometimes(有时候), a friend will give you an apple, just want you to be happy. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 1. Listen and read the story after class. 2. Try to retell the story to your classmates. 1, Listen to the story, try to find the answers below. Is Zeke a boy or a girl? Who is Emma? How many friends does Emma have? How many friends does Zeke have? Where does Zeke hide(藏)? 2, Circle(圈出)(圈出) the correct answer. 1. Tess hides in her books. Yes. No. 2. Little Zeke wants to help Emma. Yes. No. 3. Tess finds Little Zeke in her mouth. Yes. No. 课 题 Lesson6 Little Zeke 课型故事课教师 知识目标1.学生能听懂和理解这一简单的故事。 2.学生能就故事进行提问和回答。 3.学生能用自己的语言分角色表演故事。 能力目标在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话 教 学 目 标 情感目标1.培养对英语的兴趣和学习英语的好奇心。 2.分角色演绎小故事,通过组队合作方式进行练习,培养学生的团体合作精神。 3.在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。 重 点 学生能听懂和理解这一简单的故事,学生能就故事进行提问和回答。 难 点 学生能用自己的语言分角色表演故事。 教 具 教学光盘、本课课件、卡片。 教 学 过 程 1,问候 Greeting 2,热身 Sing a song: Find a friend 引出本课的主题,Little Zeke。 3,Story time : Little Zeke 一、读前活动:给学生几分钟时间看图片,猜测每幅图发生了什么。 二、阅读活动: 1.讨论图片:每幅图给出问题,讨论回答。 Panel 1: What can you see? Who is standing on Emmas hand? Panel 2: Can you see Emma? Whats the boys name? Where is Emma? Panel 3: Where is Zeke? Panel 4: Whats Emma looking for? Who helps her find the pencil? Panel 5: Whats the teacher holding? Do you know who gives the teacher apple? Panel 6: Whats the new girl doing? Why do you think she is hiding? Panel 7: Whats Zeke doing? Panel8: Where is Zeke? Panel 9: Who is in the picture? Where is Zeke standing? 2.回归课本大声朗读: 第一遍老师慢慢领读,加手势激趣。再读,注意语音语调。 3.听录音跟读:先听一遍,再跟读。 4.小组阅读:尽量给阅读能力较差的同学多的机会读,注意指导。 三、读后活动 1. 角色扮演: 4 人小组活动,1 人旁白,其余扮演 Zeke, Emma, Tess. 做小卷上的练习题。 结束课堂教学 Class closing: Great work, class! See you next time! 教 学 反 思 注重细节,通过以学生为主体的 问答方式将阅读课进行讲解,利 用形象的头饰让学生表演小故事, 大大激发了学生的学习兴趣。 板 书 设 计
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