冀教版(三起)四下Unit 2 Days and Months-Lesson 8 First, Second, Third-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:6009e).zip

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First, Second, Third Lesson8 EnjoyEnjoy Sports Day This is a race. Race Who is the first? Li Ming is the first. Listen and Listen and AnswerAnswer Look and Look and AnswerAnswer 1. The girl is the _. 2. The boy in red shorts is the_. second third Listen Listen and and RepeatRepeat Read by YourselfRead by Yourself Work in pairs to introduce Work in pairs to introduce this picture.this picture. Race Race Race Race Race Line up Listen and Repeat Line up Hit me! Whac-A-MoleWhac-A-Mole Ready, go!Ready, go! Hit me! Hit me! Whac-A-MoleWhac-A-Mole two Whac-A-MoleWhac-A-Mole two five Whac-A-MoleWhac-A-Mole one five Whac-A-MoleWhac-A-Mole oneeleven Whac-A-MoleWhac-A-Mole three eleven Whac-A-MoleWhac-A-Mole three twelve Whac-A-MoleWhac-A-Mole six twelve Whac-A-MoleWhac-A-Mole ten six Whac-A-MoleWhac-A-Mole eight ten Good Job!Good Job! Are they in the right order?Are they in the right order? Work in groupsWork in groups Animals Race 123456789101112 Stand in line What have you learnt today? Summary Which group is the first? Homework 1. Exercise book. 2. Read the story: Year Animals. Say the order of animals to your friends. EnjoyEnjoy Good-bye ! 教学设计教学设计 名称Lesson 8 First, Second, Third 执教者课时1 课时基本信息基本信息 所属教材目录冀教版小学英语四年级下册第 2 单元 第 8 课 教材分析教材分析 本课是冀教版小学英语三年级起点四年级下册第二单元第 8 课。本单元话 题为“Days and Months” ,贴近学生生活。本节课主要使学生熟练掌握 1-12 序 数词,并根据正确的顺序排列冠亚季军和第一到第十二月份。这与学生的生活 息息相关。此外,本课重在句型的运用及综合语言能力的发展。 学情分析学情分析 四年级的学生对新鲜事物与游戏充满了好奇心,他们愿意和自己的伙伴、 团队一起参与活动,展示自己的能力并分享自己的学习体会。本班学生已有一 些知识积累,具有一定的语言基础和理解运用能力。但这个阶段的学生缺乏耐 心与持久力,自信心不足,学生们希望得到老师和同学们的鼓励和表扬,有些 学生因基础薄弱,两极分化逐渐开始显现。 知识与技能 目标 1.在赛跑、排队情景的帮助下,学生能听懂、会说、认读这些序数 词: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth。 2.学生能识别、理解并根据正确的顺序排列第一到第十二月份。 情感态度 目标 1.通过赛跑视频、打地鼠等游戏,使学生能体会到英语学习的乐趣。 2.通过同桌互相介绍图片,小组同学接句子等活动,使学生能与其 他同学积极配合和合作,乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。 教学目标教学目标 学习策略 目标 1.通过听音模仿、师生和生生的交流,使学生在课堂互动中注意倾 听,积极思考。 2.通过歌谣、动物比赛等活动,使学生积极使用所学英语进行表达 和交流。 重点 1.在运动会、排队情景的帮助下,学生能听懂、会说、认读这些序 数词: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth。 2.学生能识别、理解并根据正确的顺序排列第一到第十二月份。 教学教学 重难点重难点 难点学生能灵活运用、并根据正确的顺序排列冠亚季军以及第一到第十 二月份。 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节(注(注 明每个环节预设明每个环节预设 的时间)的时间) 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 1. Greetings: T:Hello, boys and girls. T: Today, I will divide you into three groups. Each group has a medal. If you do a good job, you can stick a star on it. So, try your best OK? Before our class, lets sing a song! Ss: Hello, Kitty. Ss: Yes! Ss: OK! Ss: Sing a song! 歌曲热身,激 发学生学习兴 趣,同时复习 了 1-12 月份。 Class Opening (5min) 2. Review: T: How many months in a year? T: Whats your favorite month? T: My favorite month is April. Because there is an interesting thing in April. Now, lets listen. What is it? T: Yes! Our sports day is coming. T: What can we do on the Sports Day? Ss: Twelve! Ss: My favorite month is. Ss: 运动会! Ss: Run! Jump! 复习旧知,引 出比赛场景。 New concepts (13 min) 3. T: Look at this picture, these girls run so fast. So this is a race. Please read after me: race! T: Do you like race? T: Now, lets look at your race. T: Who is he? T: Please come here, you can stand here. You are the first. First, first. T: Who is he? T: Please come here, you can stand here. You are the second. Second, second. T: Who is he? T: Please come here, you can stand Ss: Run. Ss: Race! Race! Ss: Yes! Ss: Watch a video. Ss: Answer. Ss: First, first. is the first. Ss: Second, second. is the second. Ss: Third, third. is the third. Ss: is the first. is the second. is the third. 通过赛跑的情 景,让学生初 步感知单词: race, first, second, third 学 生通过自己视 频,加深对单 词的理解与运 用。 here. You are the third. Third, third. T: So, in this race, is the first. is the second. is the third. 4. T: This is your race. Now, lets look at your friend Li Mings race. T: Listen and answer: Who is the first? T: Great! Look at this picture, the girl is _. The boy in red shorts is _. Ss: Li Ming is the first. Ss: The girl is the second. The boy in red shorts is the third. 第一遍让学生 带着问题盲听, 训练学生获取 信息的能力。 接着让学生看 图回答问题, 使学生熟练掌 握 first, second, third 5. Listen and imitate.Students listen and imitate. 培养学生正确 的语音语调。 6. Read by yourself. After reading, you can work in pairs to introduce this picture. Students read and introduce. 读文本,巩固 所学。 7. Introduce the picture to others.Students retell the text. 看图介绍,加 深印象。 8. Lets look at your race again. This time, I hope you can introduce it to us. Ss: Introduce. 通过介绍自己 比赛成绩,激 发兴趣,巩固 所学句型。 Practice (14 min) 9.T: We know he is the first, he is the second, he is the third, how about this girl? She is the fourth. Fourth, fourth. T: When we come to our school, we should line up. She is the first. He is theHow about this girl? T: five and th right? T: How to spell it? Ss: Fourth, fourth. SS: He is the second. He is the third. She is fourth. Ss: She is the fifth. Ss: No. Ss: F I F T H fifth! 通过比赛视频 引出 fourth.看 路队进校门的 图片,新授 4- 12 序数词。使 学生了解生活 中序数词的使 用。学生更容 易接受。 10. T: Look at this picture, can you find something? T: Yes, they all have “th”. But some words are different. Can you find them? T: Pay attention to these words. Ss: “th”. Ss: fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth. 11. Listen and imitate.Students Listen and imitate. 培养学生正确 的语音语调。 12. Look at this picture again. Lets say it together. Ss: Say. 通过学生排队 图片,练习 1- 12 个序数词。 13. Play a game: Whac-A-MoleStudents play the game. 通过游戏,练 习 1-12 序数词, 激发兴趣。 14.T: Look at these months. Are they in right order? T: Can you show me the right order? T: Now, please do the match. T: You can work in groups to check your answer. T: Who want to help me put these months in the right place? Ss: No. Ss: Yes! Ss: Do the match. Ss: Work in groups. Ss: Show. 课本内的拓展 练习,使学生 正确对应月份 与数字。 15. Say a chant. Ss: First, first, January is the first. Second, second, February is the second . 歌谣帮助学生 巩固所学单词、 句型。 16.Watch a race. T: This is the order of the month. In China, animals also have the order. Now, lets look at animals race. T: Who is the first? T: How about the pig? T: Now, lets say it together. T: Good job! Ss: Look and say. Ss: The rat is the first. Ss: The pig is the twelfth. Ss: Say. 通过 12 生肖的 比赛巩固序数 词的应用。 Extension (5 min) 17.T: The class is nearly over, when you go back to your class, you should stand in line like this. Ss: is the first. is the second. 通过提醒下课 回班要排队的 情景,让学生 再次进行序数 词在生活中的 应用。 Class closing: (2 min) 1. What have you learnt today? 2. Lets see which group is the first? Homework: (1) 1. Exercise book. 2.Read the story: Year Animals. Say the order of animals to your friends. 板书设计板书设计 Lesson8 First, Second, Third first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth JanuaryFebruaryMarchMayAprilJune JanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuary
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