冀教版(三起)四下Unit 2 Days and Months-Lesson 8 First, Second, Third-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:90219).zip

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Lesson 8 First , Second, Third 第一, 第二, 第三 学习目标学习目标学习目标学习目标 1 1 1 1、学学学学生能生能生能生能够够够够听听听听懂懂懂懂、会会会会说说说说、认读认读认读认读下列下列下列下列词汇词汇词汇词汇: first,second,third,fourthfirst,second,third,fourthfirst,second,third,fourthfirst,second,third,fourth, , , , fifth,sixthfifth,sixthfifth,sixthfifth,sixth , , , ,seventh,eighthseventh,eighthseventh,eighthseventh,eighth, , , , ninth,tenthninth,tenthninth,tenthninth,tenth , , , ,eleventh,twelftheleventh,twelftheleventh,twelftheleventh,twelfth 2 2 2 2、学学学学生能根据正确的生能根据正确的生能根据正确的生能根据正确的顺顺顺顺序排列第一到十二月序排列第一到十二月序排列第一到十二月序排列第一到十二月份份份份。 Twelve Months January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Twelve months make a year. 规律:规律: 基变序,有规律,末尾加上基变序,有规律,末尾加上 “th”“th”。 first,second,third,first,second,third,单独记。单独记。 末尾字母末尾字母“t” ,“d” ,“d” “t” ,“d” ,“d” 。 8 8减减“t “t “ 9 9减减”e”,”e”, “f”“f”来把来把”ve”ve”替替, , 字母字母”ty”ty”作结尾,作结尾,“ty”“ty”变成变成 ”tie”tie”, , 若是遇上几十几,只变个位就若是遇上几十几,只变个位就 可以可以。 Lets say them Lets say them together!together! one one firstfirst two two secondsecond three three thirdthird four fourfour fourthth five fifive fif fthth six sixsix sixthth seven seven seven seventhth eight eigh eight eighthth nine nin nine ninthth ten tenten tenthth eleven eleveneleven eleventhth twelve tweltwelve twelf fthth 游戏规则: 同学们根据图片提示,说出其对应 的序数词,答对者即可得到一个漂亮的 小笑脸,比一比,看谁答对的多,得到 的笑脸最多。 first secondsecondthirdfourth fifth sixth seventheighth ninth tentheleventhtwelfth 月份序数词+month January sixthJanuary sixth February firstFebruary first March secondMarch second April fourthApril fourth May ninthMay ninth June thirdJune third July eleventhJuly eleventh August eighthAugust eighth September twelfthSeptember twelfth October seventh Npvember tenthNpvember tenth December fifthDecember fifth 课堂小结 亲爱的孩子们: 1、你们会读1-12的序数词 了吗? 2、你们会用序数词说十二个 月份了吗? Homework 1、抄写本课新单词(序数词1-12) 2、熟读本课的Part1的句子 Lesson 8: First,Second,Third教学设计 一教学目标: 1.知识目标:学生能听、说、读、写序数词. 2.能力目标: 使学生掌握本课所学序数词,并能用序数词进行 实际运用。 3.情感、态度、价值观:关注学生的喜好、需求,营造宽松、民 主、和谐的课堂氛围。通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴 趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语课堂中不断体验成功,感受乐趣, 树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。 二教学重、难点:单词的读音及序数词的实际运用。 三教具、学具: 教学课件。 四教学过程: (一)Class Opening and Review: 1Greeting: T:Hello,everyone. How are you? Ss: Fine, thank you.How are you? T: Im fine ,thanks. Nice to see you again. Ss: Glad to see you again. 2.Review: Lets sing song twelve months 。 January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Twelve months make a year. 二)New Concepts: 1、教师出示 part1 的图片,让学生练习读 This is a race.Li Ming is the first.The girl is the second 讲授 first,second,third 三个序数词, 2、lets say them together. 出示 1-12 的基数词和序数词。教师给学生讲述序数词的变化 规律。 3、教师准备 PPT 十二生肖的动物图片,讲十二生肖动物开运动 会的故事。然后请学生来给它们排序。 (玩一个游戏,让学生和教师 互动)学生能流利说出十二生肖所对应的序数词。Mouse is the first. Cow is the second. Tiger is the third. Rabbit is the fourth. Dragon is the fifth. Snake is the sixth. Horse is the seventh. Sheep is the eighth. Monkey is the ninth. Cock is the tenth. Dog is the eleventh. Pig is the twelfth. 4、让学生练说序数词。 5、lets do it . 讲授句型 月份序数词+month 学生在课件上做一个练习,教师指导并纠正。 6、再次放音乐,学生休息并唱歌twelve months 。 。 三)课堂小结: 1、你们会读 1-12 的序数词了吗? 2、你们会用序数词说十二个月份了吗? 四)Homework 1、抄写本课新单词(序数词 1-12) 2、熟读本课的 Part1 的句子 五板书: Lesson 8 :First,Second,Third First second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelft
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