教科版(广州)六下Module 1 Stories-Unit 2 Waiting for another hare-Did you know& Self-assessment-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:707b4).doc

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1、1 SUCCESS WITH ENGLISH BOOK 8 Module 4 Stories and Fables Reading and Writing 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本模块的话题是故事和寓言,主要内容是谈论中外著名的故事和寓言。广州 版小学英语教材的学习材料主要以对话形式呈现,而这一模块是故事体裁,以篇 章形式形式出现,打破教材中 “对话”的呈现方式,这对学习篇章的阅读能力有 更高的要求,体现编者对即将毕业小学生英语技能提升的理念。故事、寓言是小 学生非常感兴趣的话题,他们从牙牙学语时就开始接触,对于一些著名的故事他 们更是耳熟能详了。教学内容趣味性较

2、强,又具有一定的教育意义。故事和寓言 的教学中还可让学生充分发挥想象力,借此训练学生的写作能力。 本课是一节拓展阅读课,建立在学生已学完本模块的基础上进行的。根据我 班学生的学习基础和能力,我大胆选取了一本课外书作为本课的阅读材料美 籍日本作家庆子凯萨兹的绘本狼大叔的红焖鸡。作品突破了传统观念里大 灰狼的形象,主要描写了大灰狼从想吃红焖鸡到最后没有吃到红焖鸡,反而给小 鸡们做了许多好吃的东西,受到大家欢迎和爱戴,内心发生转变的故事情节。我 把这本绘本改编成英文进行教学。我选取这个内容的原因有二:一是因为我在平 时的教学中非常注重学生读、写能力的培养,学生已经有了一定的读、写能力, 特别经过本模

3、块的学习后,学生已不再满足阅读短短的一篇小故事了,因此完全 可以尝试让学生阅读一些英文课外书;二是我感觉这个绘本很有创意,故事的趣 味性、悬念性和教育性强,作为培养学生综合人文素养是很好的材料。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 到了六年级下学期学生的年龄和身心已接近初中生的水平, 有自主的思维和 行为方式,他们比较喜欢自主和有思维挑战性的学习;他们善于利用自己的想象 力学习和使用语言,老师要提供更多可发挥想象的情境和空间,给予他们自主学 习和探索的机会,才能真正引起和保持学生对英语的兴趣,提高学习的效率;他 们已经基本养成了较好的学习习惯,乐于和同学分享自己的学习经验和方法,而 2 且对英语

4、科有比较浓厚的兴趣,他们喜欢和老师一起去学习,共同解决学习上的 难题。 在学习能力上,学生已积累了相当丰富的词汇量,具备初步的运用英语进行 听、说、读、写的能力,形成一定的阅读策略,具备初步的写作能力。在模块内 容上,学生在六年级上学期 Module 5 和本学期前面的三个模块已系统地学习了 一般过去时,掌握其意义、动词形式和用法。而本模块教学时,我注重引导学生 了解故事的结构,并以话题为线索,让学生大量阅读中外的寓言、故事,有意识 在每一课时渗透阅读策略和写作方法, 设计大量的复述、 改编、 创编等写作任务。 因此学生已积累了一定的语言基础和读写策略。基于以上的学情,希望通过本节 课的学习,

5、提高学生的英语学习能力。 三、教学理念及教学策略三、教学理念及教学策略 高效课堂必须具备三大特性: 主动性、 生动性、 生成性。 学生是课堂的主人, 解放学生,让学生充分读、看、想、说,提高英语综合运用能力是我一直以来的 追求。基于此,我采用如下教学策略: 1.王蔷教授在小学英语教学法教程中指出:“Involve the children as much as possible by asking and answering questions.Encourage Ss to think and challenge them with questions.”在这一理念的指导下,结合学与教的心

6、理学中学习动机理论和新英语课程标准培养学生综合人文素养这一目标要 求,教学中以“找鸡养鸡捉鸡放鸡” 为线索,设计一系列的问题,激 发阅读动机、发挥想象,在引导学生通过猜测、阅读、修正的过程中,通过看看、 猜猜、说说、读读、写写等方式,提升学生的综合人文素养。 2.采用 share-reading 的理念和方法,让学生在轻松、愉快的亲密气氛中阅 读故事,体验阅读的快乐,激发学生的阅读兴趣,培养学生良好的阅读习惯,掌 握良好的阅读技巧。 3.采用情境教学法。引导学生融入情境,代入故事角色,感受故事中狼大叔 的内心活动和思想变化。 四、教学目标四、教学目标 (一)语言知识与技能目标: 1.在故事阅读

7、中理解单词以及短语:braised hen, creep, crept, rush, 3 battercake, sweet ring, boil, asas, peek. 2.能理解故事内容,能用正确的语音语调读本故事。 3.能借助关键词复述故事,学习能力强的学生能发挥想象力,进行创造性写 作。 (二)情感态度目标: 1.学生通过阅读交流,感受到爱的力量是无穷的,爱与被爱都是幸福的。 2.通过阅读, 感受故事的趣味性, 提高学习的积极性, 体验阅读带来的乐趣, 养成爱读书的习惯。 (三)学习策略目标: 1.通过自主学习和小组合作学习,发展灵活运用英语的能力和创作能力。 2.学会阅读英文课外书

8、。 五、教学重、难点五、教学重、难点 1.理解故事内容。 2.复述和创编故事。 3.感受“狼大叔”的内心活动和思想变化,挖掘故事所蕴含的教育意义。 六、课型六、课型 读写课 七、设计思路七、设计思路 根据文本特点和学生学情,结合新英语课程标准培养学生综合人文素养 这一目标要求,采用 share-reading 和情境教学法,教学中以“找鸡养鸡 捉鸡放鸡” 为线索,设计一系列的问题,激发阅读动机、发挥想象,在引导 学生通过猜测、阅读、修正的过程中,通过看看、猜猜、说说、读读、写写等方 式,提升英语学习能力和综合人文素养。 八、教学准备八、教学准备 多媒体课件、单词卡片、学生学习材料 九、教学过程

9、九、教学过程 4 (一)(一)Warming up and leading in 1.Brain storming Pupils talk about some stories and fables with the teacher. 2.Leading in. Pupils talk about: How is the wolf in your mind? 设计意图:解放学生的思想,以 brain storming 的方式,快速回忆已学过 或熟悉的故事、寓言,为下面的学习作铺垫。 (二)(二)Pre-reading Predicting: Pupils look at the cover o

10、f the story book, talk about it and predict the story. 设计意图设计意图 :通过对封面的 picture-talk,让学生对故事内容有一个预测, 能激 发学和的兴趣与好奇心,激活学生的想象力,为孩子提供开口说英语的机会。使 学生对故事的学习充满了期待, 会促使他们带着好奇心迫不及待地听故事或读故 事。同时也指导了学生在看故事前,可以先从封面获取信息的方法。 (三)(三)While-reading I. First reading: Guided reading Step 1: To find a hen.(Page 14) Pupils r

11、ead P1,P2, P3 and P4 of the story, get to know the wolfs hobby and what he wanted to do. Give ideas to the wolf to make the hen fatter. 设计意图:设计意图:通过看图读文,引导学生观察,了解狼的喜好,对故事中的主 人翁有初步的认识。在这一引导过程中,创设情境,巧妙引导学生在观察中感受 狼想吃鸡,但却忍住了,没有马上吃的心理。并设下悬念:How to make the hen fatter?为后面的“喂鸡”作过渡,起到承上启下的作用。 Step 2: To fee

12、d the hen.(Page 59) (1)Teacher shows P5 of the story,ask questions: What was the wolf going to do? (2)Pupils read P6.Then try to form the story of P7&8. (3)Pupils imitate the wolf saying with the proper tone. 设计意图:设计意图:由于这三个情节在内容和语言上是并列的,因此把它们放在一 起批量呈现。利用图片和问题的支持,让学生通过合作学习,让学生用自己的语 言建构 “喂鸡”这一故事环节,然后

13、对比原文,发现与建构的语言的不同之处, 5 而这些不同之处正好是学生要学习的语言。这样设计,既培养了学生看图说话的 学习能力,又可以让学生自主发现语言形式。既关注 meaning,又关注 form.采用 情境教学法,让学生代进角色模仿狼的语气中感受狼渴望鸡变肥,迫不及待想吃 鸡的心情。 并设下悬念: After eating so much food,how would the hen become now? 承上启下,激发往下阅读的动机。 Step 3: To catch the hen.(Page912) (1)Pupils read P9&10 of the story.Learn th

14、e new word”peek”.Get to know what was the wolf going to do? (2)Teacher shows P11 of the story: How did the hen feel when she saw the wolf? Why wasnt she afraid of him? How did the wolf feel when he saw the hen? What would the the wolf feel and what was he thinking? (3)Teacher shows P12、13 of the sto

15、ry.Pupils think about: What would the chickens say to the wolf? If you were the wolf, what would you think and how would you feel? Would you eat the hen now? Why? 设计意图设计意图:不同的人看同一个故事,他们会有不同的感受,因为他们的生 活经历不同,他们有不同的想象力。人的想象力是无穷的。王蔷教授在小学英 语教学法教程中也提到:If teachers want to involve children in a reading acti

16、vity, they should provide them with opportunities to guess and predict based on their experience or imagination.这个情节是本故事的高潮部分,也是本课教学的重难点 之一。 我继续采用 arrouse the childrens interests and motivation by asking questions 的方法,引导学生融入情境,用切身的感受,体会主人翁的情感变化,培养学生 的想象力,在不断的猜测、修正中,体验狼的心理活动和思想变化。 Step 4: To let the

17、hen go. Teacher shows P14&15 of the story. What was Uncle Wolf going to do tomorrow? How do you think of him? Whats the ending of the story? 设计意图:设计意图:A surprised ending,往往会给人留下深刻的印象。在故事的结局 6 部分,老师不提供任何语言提示,让学生用自己的话概括出本故事的结局,避免 局限了学生的表达空间,让学生有更多的思维碰撞,培养学生的语言表达能力。 II. Second reading: Independent read

18、ing. 1. Compare the wolfs change:From Big Bad Wolf to Uncle Wolf. 2.Pupils read the whole story with emotion. Find out:What made the wolf change? 设计意图设计意图:放手让学生阅读完整的故事,让他们对故事有更完整、更深刻 的印象。 借助图片对比狼前后的形象, 让学生自主发现本故事所蕴含的教育意义: 爱可以感动一切,爱的力量是无穷的。并让学生在谈谈生活中人和事让你感动、 温暖?在这不失时机的情感教育中,升华情感。体现了英语新课标倡导的英语教 学工具性与人

19、文性的统一。 (四)(四)Post-reading 1.Pupils retell the story with the key words. 2.Comprehensive writing: A. Suppose you were the wolf, please write a letter to your brother, and tell him what happened these days. B. Continue the story. 设计意图:设计意图:在理解的基础上,引导学生用概括性的语言复述故事内容,既 是对故事内容的消化、语言知识的内化和运用过程,也培养了学生的概括能力

20、和 口头表达能力,为后面的创造性写作作铺垫。设计为狼写信或续写的写作任务, 顺接故事内容,趣味性强,为学生提供了一个综合运用语言、发挥想象力、展示 和交流的平台,培养了学生的英语学习能力,为后继的学习打下基础。两种难度 任务的设计,既照顾了中下生“有话可写” ,又让学习能力较强的学生有创作的 空间。 (五)(五)Assigning homework .完成写信或故事续写。 .通过上网、读课外书等形式阅读更多英文故事。 (选做) 设计意图:设计意图:顺接本课的学习,设计开放性作业,培养学生的创造力。 7 十、附录材料十、附录材料 (一)板书设计 Module 4 Stories and Fabl

21、es Uncle Wolfs Braise Hen (注:板书部分内容以课堂生成为准。 ) (二)故事材料(英文翻译:凌倩华、韩展羽) (见下页) New wordsBig Bad Wolf bad cunning dangerous Uncle Wolf great happy kind good cook LOVE 8 狼大叔的红焖鸡狼大叔的红焖鸡 Mmm Whats for the next meal? Once, there was a wolf. He loved eating different kinds of food. He liked nothing but eating.

22、 He always thought: Whats for the next meal? One day, the wolf wanted to eat a braised hen very much. All day long, he went around the forest. And he was looking for a young fat hen. Finally, he found one. “Ah, it is good for braising!.” He thought. The wolf crept after the hen. He came nearer and n

23、earer. When he was going to catch it He had another idea! “If it was fatter, it would be more delicious”he thought. The wolf ran back home, rushed into the kitchen, began to prepare First,hemadeone hundreddelicious battercakes.Then,he putthebattercakesin front of the hens house quietly. “Eat them, e

24、at them, my lovely hen.To be fatter and fatter, and let me have a big delicious meal!” He said to himself. A few days later, he brought one hundred delicious sweet rings. “Eat them, eat them, my lovely hen.To be fatterandfatter, and let me have a big deliciousmeal!”He said to himself. 1 23 45 67 9 A

25、fewdayslater,he againbroughta one-hundred-pound sweet, delicious cake. “Eat them, eat them, my lovely hen.To be fatter and fatter, and let me have a big delicious meal!” He said to himself. 8 Well, everything was ready. That night was coming, the wolfs dream night! He boiled the water, then he start

26、ed for Mrs Hens house happily. “That hen must be as big as a ball now,” he thought, “let me have a look.” When he was going to peek inside the house Suddenly, the door opened. The hen shouted surprisedly, “Ah, its you! My dearest Uncle Wolf!” “Children, children! Come here quickly! The battercakes,

27、the sweet rings and the big delicious cakewere not from the Father Christmas! They were from Uncle Wolf!” shouted Mrs Hen. The chickens all jumped onto the wolf, and gave him one hundred kisses!“Oh,thank you, Uncle Wolf! You are the best and the greatest cook in the world!” “En why?” Uncle Wolf thou

28、ght on his way home. “Well, let me make one hundred little sweet cookies for these little guys tomorrow! ” That night,Uncle Wolf didnt have any braised hen. But Mrs Hen gave him a big dinner. 9 1011 1213 1415 10 (三)学生课堂学习材料 1.故事阅读材料: UncleWolfsBraisedHen B By y KeikoKeiko KaszaKasza ( (庆子凯萨兹) ) Once

29、, there was a wolf. He loved eating different kinds of food. He liked nothing but eating. He always thought: Whats for the next meal? One day, the wolf wanted to eat a braised hen very much.All day long, he went around the forest. And he was looking for a young fat hen. Finally, he found one. “Ah, i

30、t is good for braising!”he thought. The wolf crept after the hen. He came nearer and nearer. When he was going to catch it He had another idea! “If it was fatter, it would be more delicious”he thought. The wolf ran back home, rushed into the kitchen, began to prepare First, he made one hundred delic

31、ious battercakes. Then, he put the battercakes in front of the hens house quietly. “Eat them, eat them, my lovely hen.To be fatter and fatter, and let me have a big delicious meal!” he said to himself. A few days later, he brought one hundred delicious sweet rings. “Eat them, eat them, my lovely hen

32、.To be fatter and fatter, and let me have a big delicious meal!” he said to himself. A few days later, he again brought a one-hundred-pound sweet, delicious cake. “Eat them, eat them, my lovely hen. To be fatter and fatter, and let me have a big delicious meal!” he said to himself. 11 Well, everythi

33、ng was ready. That night was coming, the wolfs dream night! He boiled the water, then he started for Mrs Hens house happily. “That hen must be as big as a ball now,” he thought, “let me have a look.” When he was going to peek inside the house Suddenly, the door opened. The hen shouted surprisedly,”A

34、h, its you! My dearest Uncle Wolf!” “Children, children! Come here quickly! The battercakes, the sweet rings and the big delicious cakewere not from the Father Christmas! They were from Uncle Wolf!” shouted Mrs Hen. The chickens all jumped onto the wolf, and gave him one hundred kisses!“Oh,thank you

35、, Uncle Wolf! You are the best and the greatest cook in the world!” That night,Uncle Wolf didnt have any braised hen. But Mrs Hen gave him a big dinner. “En why?” Uncle Wolf thought on his way home. “Well, let me make one hundred little sweet cookies for these little guys tomorrow! ” NewNew words:wo

36、rds: braised hen/brezd/ 红焖鸡creep /kri:p/(过去式 crept)蹑手蹑脚地走 rush/r/冲进battercake/bt,kek/ 煎饼 sweet rings甜甜圈boil/bl/煮沸 as as像一样peek/pi:k/偷看 kiss吻 12 2.练习材料 创作天地创作天地( (二选一二选一) ): A. Suppose (假设假设)you were the wolf, please write a letter to your brother, and tell him what happened these days.(难度:) B. Continue(续写)(续写) the story(难度:) Tips(提示词): loved eating, braised hen, found , fatter, brought battercakes, sweet rings, big cake, was going to catch ,thanked,kisses, “Uncle Wolf”, changed, love Dear brother, From then on/The next day,


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