教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 3 What animal is it-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:f0405).zip

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Exercise paper Class _ Name _ Mark_ 1.Match the passage with the photo. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A.The cheetahs live in Africa. They have long legs. They can run very fast, but they dont climb trees well. B. Zebras look like horses. They have beautiful stripes. They can run fast. They live in Africa. C. Kiwi are small birds. They only live in New Zealand. Kiwis wings arent big. They are very small. So they cant fly. D. The snake is long. It has no legs or feet. People dont like it. They think it is scary. E. The Ostriches are the biggest birds in the word. They cant fly, but they can run very fast. An ostrich can be 2.5 metres tall. F. The crocodile has a strong body with four short legs. Its mouth is big and strong. Its teeth are sharp. People are afraid of them. 2.Choose A or B and write your speech. A I love the _best in the park. It has_. It is _. It lives in _. It can _. It likes eating _. _ _. B I want to have the _ in the park. It has_. It is _. It lives in _. It can _. It likes eating _. _ . _. Module 2 Animals Period 2 What are animals like? Good news! Chimelong Safari Park needs tour guides(导游)! 1.who knows animals a lot. We need a tour guide 2.who is a good listener. 3.who is a careful reader. 4.who is a confident speaker. 1.Do you know animals a lot? Lets play games. animals lion kangaroo panda giraffe monkey elephant tiger tortoise mouse horse starfish frog pig animals lion kangaroo panda giraffe monkey elephant tiger tortoise mouse horse starfish frog pig animals Guessing-game It eats_. It is_. It can _. It lives _. It has_. It looks like_. animals It eats_. It is_. It can _. It lives _. It has_. It looks like_. appearance ability place food Make a riddle A: It is a _ animal. B: It is _ in color. C: It lives in_. D: It eats _. Example: A: It is a lovely animal. B: It is black and white in color. C: It lives in China. D: It eats bamboo. 1. who knows animals a lot. We need a tour guide 2. who is a good listener. 3. who is a careful reader. 4. who is a confident speaker. Are you a good listener? Welcome to the animals show. Listen and number the animals. tortoiseelephant 12 345 6 1. Listen and number. 4.A:What does it like eating? 1. a big body, a long nose and two big ears 2.work for people 3.Asia and Africa 1.A:What does the look like? 2. A: What can it do? 3.A: Where does it live? 4. plantstortoiseelephant 2. Role-play A: a visitor B: a tour guide B:It is./ It has/ It looks like B: It can/It is good at. B: It lives in. B: It likes eating. 3. Lets think Why do we say dogs are mans best friend? 1. who knows animals a lot. We need a tour guide 2.who is a good listener. 3. who is a careful reader. 4. who is a confident speaker. famous bigstrong fast bear animal leaves hours Kangaroo Appearance(外貌): a small head, two strong _ legs, a big and strong tail Place:in _ Ability:a good jumper Food: plants Others: _ on its tail Koala Appearance(外貌): lovely, looks like a bear, grey_. Place:in Australia, in a_ Ability:sleep Food:_ Others: a lazy animal Read and write. back Australia sits fur tree leaves A. The cheetahs live in Africa. They have long legs. They can run very fast, but they dont climb trees well. B. Zebras look like horses. They have beautiful stripes. They can run fast. They live in Africa. C. Kiwi are small birds. They only live in New Zealand. Kiwis wings arent big. They are very small. So they cant fly. D. The snake is long. It has no legs or feet. People dont like it because they think it is scary. E. The Ostriches are the biggest birds in the word. They cant fly, but they can run very fast. An ostrich can be 2.5 metres tall. F. The crocodile has a strong body with four short legs. Its mouth is big and strong. Its teeth are sharp. People are afraid of it. Lets know more. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B AED F C zebracheetahostrichsnakecrocodilekiwi Look and say 1. who knows animals a lot. We need a tour guide 2.who is a good listener. 3. who is a careful reader. 4. who is a confident speaker. 4. Are you a confident speaker? Share what animal you like best in the park, or what animal you want to have in our park. ability food place It is very clever. It is good at climbing trees. It likes eating bananas. It looks like a man. Lets share. It is brown in color. It has a long tail. It lives in the forest. It lives in Asia. others appearance I love the monkey best in the park. It has a long tail. It is brown in color. It looks like a man. It lives in Asia. It lives in the forest. It is good at climbing trees. It can move fast. It likes eating bananas. It is very clever . Lets share. A I love the _best in the park. It has_. It is _. It lives _. It can _. It likes eating _. _. _. B I want to have the _ in the park. It has_. It is _. It lives _. It can _. It likes eating _. _. _. Lets write and share. 1. who knows animals a lot. We need a tour guide 2.who is a good listener. 3. who is a careful reader. 4. who is a confident speaker. Homework 1.English Activity Book Ex 3-5 2. Try to recite Unit 3. Module 2 Animals Period 2 What are animals like? 一、一、 教学背景分析教学背景分析 本课的学习内容是课本 P16、 P17 的内容,是本单元的第二课时。 在第 一课时中,学生学习了从外貌、居住地、食物、能力等方面来描述动物。为了 让学生更好地掌握和使用语言,本课通过 sharp eyes, guessing games, make a riddle 等游戏,复习第一课时的内容。在此基础上,本课创设了一个竞选长隆 野生动物园导游的情景,通过成为动物园导游需要的完成四个条件,把本课时 的听说读写教学活动紧密串联在一起。学生通过听动物的介绍,阅读动物的文 本,向长隆野生动物园反馈自己喜爱的动物等环节,让学生有机会使用学过的 语言来进行创意的表达。本课利用思维的工具和搭建的语言框架,帮助学生进 一步整体感知和理解动物。 二、二、 教学目标教学目标 (一)语言能力目标 1能认读以下动物词汇:koala,cheetah, ostrich, zebra, snake, crocodile, kiwi。 2能熟练运用运用以下句型描述动物: What does the look like? It has./It is ./It looks like. Where does it live? Its from/It lives What does it like eating? It eats /It likes eating. What can it do? It can./It is good at. 3. 能借助关键词和语言框架,介绍自己喜欢的动物。 (二)思维品质目标 1. 通过头脑风暴,培养学生的发散思维能力; 2. 通过小组合作描述动物,促进学生应用、创新等思维能力的发展; 3. 通过阅读提高学生的分析、理解、思辨的能力。 (三)文化品格目标 通过阅读了解世界各地的动物,倡导喜爱动物,与动物做朋友。 (四)学习能力目标 1学会在语境中学新词的能力,在语言的环境中利用图片的线索和上下文的关 系推测和理解新学的单词; 2通过观察、小组合作、阅读和口头汇报等活动,培养合作学习意识以及分析 问题、整理信息的能力。 三、教学重点和难点三、教学重点和难点 教学重难点: 能够理解描述动物的篇章。并借助关键词和语言框架来描写动物,口头汇报 喜爱的动物。 四、教学过程设计四、教学过程设计 I. Pre-task 1. Lets watch. 创设情境,引入今天的学习任务。 通过问题“Where can you see the animals in Guangzhou?” 引入长隆野生动物 园。并观看长隆野生动物园介绍,创设招募导游的情境,介绍成为导游需要完 成四项任务。 【设计意图 创设招募导游的情景,调动学生学习的积极性,为下一步学习做 铺垫。 】 II. While-task Task 1:Do you know animals a lot? 1. Sharp eyes. 看图片快速说出动物名称。 2. Role-play 学生分角色扮演课文对话内容,复习课文对话。 3.Guessing-game. 猜测动物游戏。全班同学根据图片描述动物,一位同学猜测 动物。 【设计意图:通过游戏和小组合作,复习动物的名称,居住地,外貌,能力等内 容,激发学生的学习兴趣。 】 Task 2: Are you a good listener? 1. Listen and number. 创设观看动物表演的情境,听录音,写出动物表演的顺 序。 2.Role-play。学习描述动物的重点句型。 What does the look like? It has./It is ./It looks like. Where does it live? Its from/It lives What does it like eating? It eats /It likes eating. What can it do? It can./It is good at. 并通过创设游客与导游对话的情境,两两合作进行角色扮演 3.Lets discuss. 学生讨论“Why do we say dogs are mans best friends?” 培养学 生热爱动物。 【设计意图:归纳总结介绍动物介绍的句型,培养学生热爱动物。 】 Task 3: Are you a careful reader? 1. Read and write. 参观澳大利亚动物展示,阅读书本第 17 页 kangaroo 和 koala 的介绍,并补充短文。 2. Read and write. 通过完成 kangaroo 和 koala 的信息卡,加深学生对文本的理 解。 3. Read and match. 通过动物介绍与图片拼配的练习, 让学生了解更多的动物。 【设计意图:让学生阅读动物介绍的文章,了解更多的动物。 】 Task 4: Are you a confident speaker? 1. Lets share. 分享自己所带的动物的照片,在小组介绍自己最喜欢的长隆野生 动物园的动物,或希望长隆野生动物园里能够增加的一种动物。小组评选出最 佳 speaker,在全班进行介绍。 【设计意图:让学生口头介绍喜爱的动物,培养学生的英语表达能力。 】 III. Post-task 1 . Sum up. 总结本节课的重点内容,评选最佳导游。 IV. Homework 1. 完成手册 Unit 3 Exercise 3-5。 2. 背诵 Unit 3 课文。 五、板书设计和评价五、板书设计和评价 Module 2 Animals Period 2 What are animals like? What does the look like? It has./It is ./It looks like. Where does it live? Its from/It lives What does it like eating? It eats /It likes eating. What can it do? It can./It is good at. 6 6、重构文本及语言框架重构文本及语言框架 文本一文本一 Chimelong Safari Park is the biggest Safari park in Asia. In the park, you can see pandas, giraffes, white tigers, monkeys and many other animals. You can also see animal shows. Lets go and have a visit. 文本二文本二 A. The cheetahs live in Africa. They have long legs. They can run very fast, but they dont climb trees well. B. Zebras look like horses. They have beautiful stripes. They can run fast. They live in Africa. C. Kiwi are small birds. They only live in New Zealand. Kiwis wings arent big. They are very small. So they cant fly. D. The snake is long. It has no legs or feet. People dont like it. They think it is scary. E. The Ostriches are the biggest birds in the world. They cant fly, but they can run very fast. An ostrich can be 2.5 metres tall. F. The crocodile has a strong body with four short legs. Its mouth is big and strong. Its teeth are sharp. People are afraid of it. 文本三 A I love the _best in the park. It has_. It is _. It lives in _. It can _. It likes eating _. _ . B I want to have the _ in the park. It has_. It is _. It lives in _. It can _. It likes eating _. _.
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