教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 3 What animal is it-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:a5450).zip

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Exercise 1 . Listen and choose “ T” or “ F” ( ) 1. A kangaroo has two strong front legs. ( ) 2. Kangaroos are from America. ( ) 3.The starfish looks like a star. ( ) 4.Tigers live in Africa. ( ) 5. The “King of the Animals” in Asia is the lion. Exercise 2. Make a riddle . Can you guess this animals name? It is_. It has _. It can_. It looks like_. Its from_. It lives in_. It eats_. Guess, guess. What animal is it? 义务教育广州版小学英语教材六年级 Module 2 Unit 3 What animal is it? Period 1 1. 掌握“四会”单词: frog, hair, kangaroo, difficult, ocean, starfish, panda, bamboo, elephant, Africa, Asia, lion, neck ,leaf (leaves) 2.学生能听说读以下短语:live in, from Asia King of the Animals 3.掌握运用句型: It has./ Its from/It looks like/ It eats /It lives 4.能理解课文并能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。 1. 5.能借助关键词和语言框架来描述动物。 本课时目 标 Free talk: Do you like animals? Whats your favourite animal? It has two strong back legs and a long tail. It has brown or grey hair. It can jump very far. What animal is it? kangaroo hair Lets Guess This animal looks like a star . It lives in the ocean. What animal is it? Can you guess this animals name? starfish ocea n live in Lets Guess It is a large cat. It loves eating meat. Its yellow. Its called the “King of the Animals ”. It lives in Africa. What is it? Lets Guess A tiger or a lion? Tigers live in Asia. Lions live in Africa. Its a lion. What animal is called the “King of the Animals” in Africa? giraffe This animal is very tall. It has a long neck and four long legs. It has yellow hair. Its from Africa. It eats leaves. What animal is it? lea f leaves neck Watch the vedio Lets know more Listen and choose Listen again and finish exercise Lets know more Listen and choose Listen and choose “ T” or “ F” ( ) 1. A kangaroo has two strong front legs. ( ) 2. Kangaroos are from America. ( ) 3.The starfish looks like a star. ( ) 4.Tigers live in Africa. ( ) 5. The “King of the Animals” in Asia is the lion. T F F F F back Australia. Asia. Africa Lets know more Listen and choose How to describe? 找出课文中描述动物的关键句。 It is a large cat. Appearance (外貌) Feature (特点) Place (地方) How to describe? It loves eating meat. It is yellow. It lives in Africa. It also called the “King of the Animals. Life habit (生活习性) Appearance (外貌) Feature (特点) Ability (能力) Life habit (生活习性) Appearance (外貌) Its . It has. Its . It has. It looks like. It likes v-ing. Its good at It can. anim al Place (地方) How to describe? Sum-up Its from. It lives. Can you guess this animals name? It is . It looks _. It lives in . It eats . What animal is it? black and white China bamboo How to describe? Make a riddle cute Can you guess this animals name? It is . It has . It can . It looks like . Its from . It lives in . It eats . Guess, guess. What animal is it? How to describe? Make a riddle 1. 抄写本课新词。 2. 熟读并背诵课文。 3. 运用本课掌握的句型描述自己喜欢的 一种动物。 Homework 六年级六年级 教学内容Unit 3 What animal is it? 教学时数The first lesson 教学目标 (一)语言能力目标 1掌握“四会”单词: frog, hair, kangaroo, difficult, ocean, starfish, panda, bamboo, elephant, Africa, Asia, lion, neck ,leaf (leaves) 2 能听、说、读以下短语并熟练运用在口头表达中:live in, from Asia, King of the Animals 3 能熟练运用以下语言知识来表达意义: It has./ Its from/It looks like./It eats /It lives 4 能理解词条并运用词条说出描述动物的短小篇章。 5. 在介绍动物的语境中,借助关键词和语言框架,能介绍所 学动物的特征和一些生活习性。 教学重难点 重点:理解课文并能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。 难点:借助关键词和语言框架来描述动物。 板书设计作业设计 It has /Its from Africa It looks likestarfish It eats It lives Homework 1.抄写本课新词。 2. 熟读并背诵课文。 3. 运用本课掌握的句型 描述自己喜欢的一种动 物。 教学流程 教学环节媒 体 手 教师行为学生行为设计意图 段 一、Pre- task PPT 1.Warming up (Free talk) Do you like animals? What is your favourite animal? 2.Brain-storming (animals) (让学生讲出 他们所知道和了解的 动物) 3.Enjoy the video. (呈现电影“我们诞生 在中国”片段,引出 主题。 1.talk with the teacher. 2.Play the Brain- storming 3. Enjoy the video. 1 通过电影的 呈现,吸引孩子 们的注意力,带 动孩子们的上课 情绪。 2. 通过头脑风暴, 唤起学生对旧知 识的回忆,为下 一步的学习做好 铺垫。 二、 While- task PPT VC D 1.Lets guess. “Whats the teachers favourite animal?” 2.Present the main sentences and present the new words.(边呈 现图片,边学习新单 词和句型) 3.Guess the classmates favourite animals in groups. Learn the words of the places.(小组讨论) 4.Watch the video and try to understand. (观看课文光碟,第 一次听对话,整体感 1.Play the guessing game. 2.Look at the pictures and learn. 3.Play the guessing game and learn the words. 4.watch the video and try to understand 5.listen and finish 1 通过给出有 关老师信息的问 题,引发孩子们 的兴趣。小组合 作学习,体现合 作精神。 2 通过复习和 呈现有关描述动 物的句型,帮助 学生温故而知新, 并同时学习到新 单词。 3. 通过观看和 听对话两次,理 解课文内容,培 养观察和思考能 力。 4.能找出本课的 重点句型,提现 知对话内容。 ) 5.Listen and finish t he exercise. (第二次听 并完成听力练习) 6.Try to underline the main sentences.(体 现自主学习,自行画 出文中的重点句型) 7.Read the dialogue.(能用正确的 语音、语调朗读课文) the exercise. 6.try to understand the main sentences. 7.read the dialogue. 以学生为主体的 学习策略。 5.教学中不断渗 透情感教育,争 做一名爱护和保 护动物的小学生, 培养良好的美德。 Post-task PPT1.Give a question: “How to describe an animal?” (小组讨 论) 2.Sum up. (小结本 节课的重点句型) 3.Make a riddle.(能 用学过的内容描述动 物,猜谜语) 1.Give a question: “How to describe an animal?” (小组 讨论) 2.Sum up 3.Make a riddle. 1. 小组合作,注 重差异教学。 2.互相讨论和欣 赏中,发挥孩子 们的思维能力, 体验用用英语做 事情。 特色亮点 或反思 1.本课的学习,会让学生了解到更多的动物以及他们的生活习性。 利用图片呈现新单词和新句型,获取更多的有关动物的信息。通过 猜谜语整合各句型,学会归纳总结,最终能用自己的语言来描述动 物,增强对动物的保护意识,培养地球小主人精神和社会责任感, 意识到爱护和保护动物是一种美德。 2.设计教学情境,努力做到词不离句,句不离段,通过提炼重难点, 设计语言的框架对重难点进行操练。
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