教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 4 We can save the animals-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:222be).zip

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Period 4 义务教育广州版小学英语教材六年级下册 Module 2 Unit 2 3 Revision pandatigerelephant lion giraffe koala turtle monkeysheep LETS WRITE TOGETHER (一起来写写) 作业展示: 请用五句或以上的句子来描写一种动物。 How to describe the animals(怎样描写动物): 1. (外形):body,colour 两方面来描写: It has . (body ) . It is . in colour . 2.生活地方: It lives in.(国家,区域) 3.本领或擅长于: It can .(动词词组) It is good at (名词或动词ing) 4.吃的或喜欢的食物 It eats . It likes eating . LETS PLAY A GAME: How many animals can you guess ?(你们可以猜出多少个动物呢? ) Quick response cut down the forests have no place to live in save animals stop polluting the earth pollute the oceans love animals live in a world with no animals disappear forever in danger love the earth buy things made from animals in danger plant trees If people animals will/can/may Read and match If we will not die the animals stop polluting the earth If we stop polluting the earth, the animals will not die. Read and match If the animals disappear forever have no place to live in they may If the animals have no place to live in, they may disappear forever. Read and match buy things made from animals in danger may be killed many animals If we If we buy things made from animals in danger, many animals may be killed. Read and match the animals may lost their homes If we cut down the forests If we cut down the forests, the animals may lost their homes. Read and match we can work together If we save animals If we work together, we can save animals Read and choose T or F ( )1. Pandas live in the ocean . ( )2. Tigers are yellow and live in Africa. ( ) 3.People cut down the forests, so the animals have place to live in. ( )4.The elephant has a long nose, two big ears andonly live in Africa . ( )5.If we all work together, we can still save the animals. F China T F no place to live in F T live in Africa and Asia. 4.Lions and tigers are dangerous animals. Kill them so they cant hurt us. 5.Cut down the forest so we have more places to build houses. 6.Build big roads through forests so we can travel easily. Lets check Wrong Wrong Wrong 1.Throw rubbish into rivers. The water will carry it away. 2.Do not eat meat from animals in danger. 3.Dont buy clothes made from animals in danger. Lets check Wrong Right Right 1. 预习Unit 5内容。 Period 4 义务教育广州版小学英语教材六年级下册 Module 2 Unit 2 3 Revision pandatigerelephant lion giraffe koala turtle monkeysheep LETS WRITE TOGETHER (一起来写写) 作业展示: 请用五句或以上的句子来描写一种动物。 How to describe the animals(怎样描写动物): 1. (外形):body,colour 两方面来描写: It has . (body ) . It is . in colour . 2.生活地方: It lives in.(国家,区域) 3.本领或擅长于: It can .(动词词组) It is good at (名词或动词ing) 4.吃的或喜欢的食物 It eats . It likes eating . LETS PLAY A GAME: How many animals can you guess ?(你们可以猜出多少个动物呢? ) Quick response cut down the forests have no place to live in save animals stop polluting the earth pollute the oceans love animals live in a world with no animals disappear forever in danger love the earth buy things made from animals in danger plant trees If people animals will/can/may Read and match If we will not die the animals stop polluting the earth If we stop polluting the earth, the animals will not die. Read and match If the animals disappear forever have no place to live in they may If the animals have no place to live in, they may disappear forever. Read and match buy things made from animals in danger may be killed many animals If we If we buy things made from animals in danger, many animals may be killed. Read and match the animals may lost their homes If we cut down the forests If we cut down the forests, the animals may lost their homes. Read and match we can work together If we save animals If we work together, we can save animals Read and choose T or F ( )1. Pandas live in the ocean . ( )2. Tigers are yellow and live in Africa. ( ) 3.People cut down the forests, so the animals have place to live in. ( )4.The elephant has a long nose, two big ears andonly live in Africa . ( )5.If we all work together, we can still save the animals. F China T F no place to live in F T live in Africa and Asia. 4.Lions and tigers are dangerous animals. Kill them so they cant hurt us. 5.Cut down the forest so we have more places to build houses. 6.Build big roads through forests so we can travel easily. Lets check Wrong Wrong Wrong 1.Throw rubbish into rivers. The water will carry it away. 2.Do not eat meat from animals in danger. 3.Dont buy clothes made from animals in danger. Lets check Wrong Right Right 1. 预习Unit 5内容。 Unit 2 and 3 Revision 教学设计教学设计 课文题目 Unit 2 and 3 Revision(复习)(复习) 所在单元Module 2 课时 1 课型新授课 教学目标1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1)词汇: Unit 2.3“四会”掌握单词和词组。 2)感知和理解课文意思。 2. 语言技能目标语言技能目标: 1)能运用句型进行语言交际活动和写作。 2)能根据图片和多媒体进行动物的描述,掌握描写动物的句型。 3. 学习策略:学习策略: 1)设置听、说、读、写的任务,层层递进地开展口语交际和写作的练习。 2.通过语言交际的训练,提高学生的口语交际能力。 4. 情感态度:情感态度:通过学习语言的过程中了解动物,知道动物的习性,培养学生热爱自然,懂得保护动物的意识。 教学重难点重点:重点:运用句型进行语言交际活动。 难点:难点:掌握描写动物的句型。 教学资源及策 略 1.图片、多媒体课件。 2. 通过生活图片,创设情景,给学生提供一个运用语言的平台,提高语言交际能力。 教学过程教学活动及具体的操作步骤学生学习活动设计意图 Warming up & revision 1. Sing a song: 2. Free talk: 1) What animal do you like best? 2)Are there some animals in danger now? What are they ? 3) What animal is it? It is/ It has/Its from. 1. Sing the song. 2. Answer the questions. 1.以歌曲激发兴趣,同时复习动 词的过去式单词,为新课学习作 铺垫。 2.在师生的交流中,很自然地引 出让学生初步感知本课的重点句 型。 Presentation and Practice 1.出示课件,学习句型出示课件,学习句型 1) T: What animal is it ? P: It is 2. LETS WRITE TOGETHER (一起来(一起来 写写)写写) 作业展示:作业展示: 3. How to describe the animals(怎样描写动怎样描写动 物):物): 请用五句或以上的句子来描写一种动请用五句或以上的句子来描写一种动 物。物。 1. (外形):(外形):body,colour 两方面来两方面来 描写:描写: It has . (body ) . It is . in colour . 2.生活地方:生活地方: It lives in.(国家,区域)国家,区域) 3.本领或擅长于:本领或擅长于: It can .(动词词组)动词词组) It is good at (名词或动词名词或动词 ing) 4.吃的或喜欢的食物吃的或喜欢的食物 It eats . It likes eating . 1.Remember animals words. 2. Practice the sentences. 3. Pair-work. 4. Say something about the animals . 5. Talk about the pictures. 6.Read the sentences together . 7. Practice the sentences. 8. Play the games and remember sentences. 1. 在课件中出示有关动物的图片, 引导学生描述动物及正确回答问 题。 2.复习动物单词,帮助学生记单 词,培养学生巧记单词的能力。 3.小组合作,通过大量的听说训 练,操练和巩固本课的语言知识, 引导学生大胆、主动开口说英语, 提高口语交际能力。 4. 朗读句子,理解句子意思,提 高学生理解和写作的能力。 5. 通过游戏、歌曲等激发学习兴 趣,调节课堂氛围,使学生在紧 张的学习中得到放松,同时还巩 固了对单词的记忆。 Talk about animals 4. LETS PLAY A GAME: How many animals can you guess ?(你你 们可以猜出多少个动物呢?)们可以猜出多少个动物呢?) 让一位学生通过描述动物的外貌特征和习性,让一位学生通过描述动物的外貌特征和习性, 让其他学生猜出动物让其他学生猜出动物。 5. Quick response(说出所看到的词组或短(说出所看到的词组或短 语)语) 让学生熟悉所学的动词词组和短语。让学生熟悉所学的动词词组和短语。 6. Think and say If people the animals will 7. Read and match. Eg:If we work together, we can save animals 8.Read and choose T or F Throw rubbish into the river. ( ) 9. Lets check . Summing up 1.小结所学内容 1. Think and talk with others. 2. Read and remember the words and. 进一步巩固了对动物单词、描述 动物的句型和课文的认识,培养 学生的英语交际能力。 Development & task Say and write: Talk about the animals. Talk about the animals.通过对动物的描述,培养口语交 际能力,提高综合运用语言的能 力。 Homework 1. Copy animals words 2. Writer :Talk about the animals , My favourite animal
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