教科版(广州)六下Module 4 Good manners-Unit 8 The magic words-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:95d1e).docx

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1、义务教育教科书英语六年级下册(三年级起点)Module 4 Good Manners 第第 6 课时课时 Good MannersAround the World 综合拓展课综合拓展课 教学设计教学设计 一、一、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课时是 Module 5 的第 6 课时,综合拓展课,本课时将通过 Mr G 的视频 和选自拓展读与写的两篇文本 No One Knows Us Here! 和 Good Manners 对学生 进行律己敬人的教育,从 Mr Gs bad day- Mr Gs trip to London -good manners in different countri

2、es 三个环节对 Mr G 的行为进行剖析和评论、对世界各地的文 明礼仪进行初步的感知。 本课将以 Mr G 为中心人物贯穿整个教学过程, 对 Mr G 的行为进行猜测和评价,让学生关注本模块的重点语言,有效帮助学生更好地理 解故事、文本内容和对整个模块的主题进行回顾和归纳,同时学会迁移到自己的 日常生活,养成严于律己、乐于助人的好品格。最终补全短文所缺的内容,写一 篇 Good Manners Around the World 短文。 让学生在研学活动的过程中不断对本模 块的语言进行听、说、读、写的强化训练,在综合运用语言中提升英语素养。 二、二、学情分析学情分析 六年级的学生年龄在 11-

3、12 岁之间,他们经过几年的英语学习,有一定的 自学能力,大部分学生的知识水平和实际运用能力较强,能从课外短文及视频或 其它资源中获取有用的信息;部分学生的知识水平和实际运用能力较强,同时也 掌握一定的阅读微技能,能从听说读写中提取有用的信息。 三、三、教学目标教学目标 (一)语言知识目标 1.知识与技能目标 三会学习单词:spill,sheet,have been here,instead, however, helpful,建 立 word building,学习更多以 ever,ful 为缀的课外单词。 在语境中学习、归纳和总结情态动词、感叹句、动名词作主语的使用规 律 :can/cou

4、ld do, must do, need do, should/ shouldnt do., will do, How (adj)!Doing. is.etc. 2.语用目标 (1)能巩固和运用本模块的动词词组和核心句型。 (2)能理解 Good Manners 文本内容,联系上下文猜测新单词的意思,写一篇短 文简单介绍 Good Manners Around the World. (二)学习能力目标(二)学习能力目标 1. 能用本核心句型描述人物的行为, 2. 能理解 No One Knows Us Here!故事内容,知道 Mr G 被罚款的原因。 3. 能理解 Good Manners

5、文本内容,初步了解文中提到的世界各地的传统的文明 礼仪。 (三)思维品质目标(三)思维品质目标 能根据不同的情景进行分析和判断,结合自己的实际能力帮助别人。 (四)文化品格目标(四)文化品格目标 学会律己敬人,懂得“入乡随俗” ,尊重不同的国家的文明礼仪。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 (一)教学重点(一)教学重点 运用本模块的重点句型在不同情景中描述人物行为,并评价或作出规劝。 (二)教学难点(二)教学难点 通过故事和阅读材料,提出自己对一些常见的社会现象的看法和做法。 五、五、教学理念及策略教学理念及策略 (一)让学生自由表达在不同情景中人物的行为,培养学生爱思考,敢评价的思 维方式。

6、 (二)把视频 Mr G Bad Day 与拓展读与写No One Knows Us 故事相结合, 使 Mr G 成为整节课的中心人物,把故事编辑成绘本故事,运用番禺区教研室小 学英语科“小学英语 IIO 课堂教学模式” 设计教学, 首先通过创设 Mr G Bad Day 情景为主线,让学生提出问题,带着问题观看视频,然后通过 No One Knows Us 故事介绍 Mr G 的不文明行为,设计任务链,了解 Mr G 的不文明行为并提出自 己的评价,从中学会在不同场景中如何律己敬人。学生在完成这些任务的过程中 自然而然地把语言技能发展成运用语言的能力, 这既遵循了学生的学习认知规律, 让学生

7、在输入中理解,在理解中体验,在活动中操练,在操练中内化,在输出中 运用,在运用中交际。 六、六、教学媒体教学媒体 1.课前准备:搜集世界各地文明礼仪的资料; 2.多媒体课件,绘本,音频材料,研学案等。 七、七、教学过程教学过程 I.Revision. I can talk. 1. Play a sharp eye game. Review the main activities they have learned. 2. Free talk. Ps talk about the pictures by using the main sentences of this module. 【设计意图

8、:通过游戏和看图说话复习本模块的重点动词词组和句型,把学生的 状态引入到课堂中来,为下面的教学环节做好铺垫。 】 . Leading in. I can ask and answer. 1. T shows the picture of Mr G, Ps ask the questions about what him by using where, when, how, what, did, was, etc. 2. Ps answer Is Mr G a man in good manners? Why? Evaluate his behavior. 【设计意图:让学生看图猜 Mr G 身

9、上发生了什么事,向教师和同学提出问题, 然后通过观看视频让学生评价 Mr G 的行为,既发挥了学生的想象力,又让学生 在观看视频中操练语言,学会对人物的行为进行评价。 】 . Input-Internalization-Output (Round 1). Story learning. 1.Ps watch the story and give the story a title. 2.Learn the new words by phonics: spill, sheet, have been here. 3.Ps read the story and then finish the exe

10、rcise-Choose the best answer. () 1. Mr G and May. Awere visiting LondonB lived in LondonC worked in London () 2. Mr G talked very loudly in the. AhotelB streetC restaurant () 3. Mr Gon the ground. AsatB spatC drew a picture () 4. Mr G wroteG and May have been here. Aon a bookB on a tableC on the wal

11、l () 5. Mr G had to pay(付款)more. A20 poundsB 120 poundsC 100 pounds 4.Ps understand why Mr G was fined. Evaluate his behavior. 5.T offers different situations, Ps ask If /When . What will you do? What do you need to do? What should/ shouldnt you do? etc then answer. 【设计意图:给短文一个题目,培养学生的理解概括能力;通过短文的学习

12、对 Mr G 的行为进行评价,从而迁移到自己身边的人和事,会在不同的情景中对有 需要的人提供合理的帮助和对不文明行为提出规劝,培养学生爱思考、敢评价的 思维方式,为下一环节的教学作好铺垫。 】 . Input-Internalization-Output (Round 2). Passage learning. 1.Ps read the passage Good Manners, find out the new words then try to understand them in groups. 2.Learn the new words by phonics: instead, ho

13、wever, helpful. Make a word building with ever and ful, like: whenever, whoever, wherever, careful, etc. 3.Listen to the record then fill in the blanks. 4.Read the passage with the record together. 【设计意图: 学生在小组内研读短文, 理解短文的同时利用 phonics 学习新单词, 并联系上下文猜测其中文意思,培养学生掌握阅读微技能,从听说读写中提取有 用的信息,通过学习新单词 however,

14、helpful 构建以“ever”和“ful”为缀的 更多的课外单词,帮助学生通过 word building 扩大词汇量,为学生持续的英语 学习打下良好的基础。 】 . Internalization-Output. I can write. 1.Ps talk about the good manners around the world in groups,. 2.Write down a passage on the paper. 3.Share in groups. 4.Show their passages to the classmates. 5.Know the proverb

15、 When in Rome, do as the Romes do. 6.Summary. 【设计意图:小组内讨论、分享他们所了解的世界各地的文明礼仪,学会律己敬 人,懂得“入乡随俗” ,尊重不同的国家的文明礼仪。 】 . Homework. 做一份介绍世界各地文明礼仪的海报。 . Self-assessment. 内容完成程度 【Task 1】I can talk.Excellent() Good () So so () 【Task 2】I can ask and answer.Excellent() Good () So so () 【Task 3】Story learning.Excel

16、lent() Good () So so () 【Task 4】Passage learning.Excellent() Good () So so () 【Task 5】I can write.Excellent() Good () So so () 八教学流程图八教学流程图 九、板书设计九、板书设计 附文本 1: No One Knows Us Mr G and his wife May were visiting London for the first time. In the restaurant, Mr G talked very loudly. May: G, please do

17、nt speak so loudly. The others are all looking at you. Mr G: Dont worry, no one knows us here. In the street, Mr G spat on the ground. May: G, you shouldnt do that! Mr G: Dont worry, no one sees us here! In the hotel room, Mr G ate in bed. May: Dont eat in bed, you may spill your juice on the sheet.

18、 Mr G: Dont worry, no one sees us! He wrote G and May have been here on the wall. The next morning, they are checking out of the hotel. Receptionist: Sorry, you should pay 120 pounds more. Mr G: Why? Receptionist: You spilled juice on the bed sheet, it will take 20 pounds to wash it. You wrote on th

19、e wall, it will take 100 pounds. 文本 2: Good Manners Everyone likes a person with good manners. But what are good manners? how do we know what we should do and should not do what trying to be a good-mannered person? Well, here are some examples. A person with good manners says Please when he asks for

20、 something. When he gets something, he says Thank you. He never laughs at people in trouble. Instead, he always tries to help. He waits for his turn in line and never pushes in. He does not talk loudly in public. If he is late , he says Im sorry. People in different countries may have different ideas about what are good manners. For example, in Britain, eating with loud noise is impolite. When in Japan, eating loudly means the food is delicious and that you are enjoying it. However, it is always right to be kind and helpful to others.


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