1、广州市教育科学出版社 义务教育教科书英语六年级下册 MODULE 2Animals(Revision)(3rdperiod) 【课型】复习课 【教材分析】本单元是六年级下册第二模块,该模块的主题是 Animals ,本课是一节以动物为主题的复习课。在教学 中,我利用濒危动物的视频短片,让学生说出认识的野 生动物。引导学生观察野生动物的外形特征和习性,激 起学生的学习兴趣,让学生谈论并描述对动物的喜好, 进而引发学生思考动物的生存状况并提出保护野生动 物的措施。在本课教学中,我以动物为主线,利用思维 导图引导学生对动物的名称、外形特征、习性、动物谚 语、保护濒危动物的措施等方面进行归纳总结,促进
2、了 学生对野生动物的进一步了解,培养学生热爱动物,学 会与动物和谐相处,保护生态平衡的环保意识。 【学情分析】六年级英语在小学英语教学中起着承上启下的作用, 既 是五年级的衍生又是初中一年级的铺垫。 学生学习缺乏 兴趣,主动性不强。学生能够掌握教材的短语和句子, 但对于知识的整合知识理解能力较弱, 阅读仍旧是学生 的薄弱环节。因而,在课堂教学中培养学生养成良好的 阅读习惯和阅读技能是至关重要的 。 【设计理念】本课的设计理念基于激发学生主动参与教学的积极性, 利用思维导图和网络素材, 使用各种教辅功能使学生逐 步掌握本课的知识点,并能综合地运用,从而达到通过 语言教学提高学生的综合能力 ,为学
3、生的终身学习和 发展打下良好基础的目的。 【教学目标】(一)语言能力 1、能熟练地运用本单元的单词和词组。 2、能总结并熟练运用本模块的句型。 3、能描述最喜欢的动物并提出保护意见。 4、知道字母组合的读法,并根据语音规则拼读新单词。 5、能用正确的语音、语调朗读短文; 6、能用英语流利地描述动物; (二)学习能力 1、鼓励学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并 与同伴分享成果。 2、鼓励学生主动练习所学的内容,积极参与实践,敢 于大胆地用英语思考和回答问题。 3、鼓励学生主动搜索、处理和加工信息。 (三)思维品质 1、通过课前收集信息,归类,对比、分析、运用等活 动发展学生的思维的敏捷性和
4、开放性。 2、通过思维导图贯穿整节课,将语言的碎片整合运用。 (四)文化品格 通过野生动物外形特征、习性和生存环境的进一步了 解,培养学生热爱动物,学会与动物和谐相处,保护生 态平衡的环保意识。 【重点与难点】教学重点 : 1.能正确理解并运用本课的动词短语。 2.能正确描述最喜欢的动物并提出保护措施。 教学难点:认识课外的动物名词并对该动物进行描述。 教学过程Teaching activity (教学活动) Purpose (设计意图) Pre-task观看动物生存状况的视频,提出问 题。 What do you want to learn from this topic. What ani
5、mals are in danger? What should we do ? 通过观看视频,引入动物 话题,为学习该主题做铺 垫。激发学生的学习兴 趣,为本课奠定情感基 调。 While-task1.听录音,写下关键词,猜谜语。 2. 分级阅读。 Teacher asks Students choose the passages that they like. Teacher asks Ss unerline the language items while reading . Students check the answers in theirgroupthenonestudent sh
6、owstheanswerstoallother students. 3.完成思维导图。 Teachershowthemindmapof describing animals. T asks the Students wordsto describe an animal,such as adj, places, food. abilities? 4. 创作动物谜语。 Writeariddleaccordingthe 1.通过谜语呈现动物的外 形特点,生活习性,让学 生记录核心词并说出动 物名称。 2.提供三篇动物题材的阅 读材料,让学生根据自己 的学习能力选择语篇进 行阅读。先要求学生在限 定时
7、间内独立完成阅读 材料,并在小组中校对答 案,再由一位同学公布答 案。 3.教师展示思维导图激发 学生头脑风暴,归纳总结 描述动物的词汇。 4.以思维导图为知识支 架,描写动物。 该活动的意图是促使学 生积极与他人合作,共同 完成学习任务,并与同伴 分享成果 mindmap. White-task1. 收集动物谚语。 Teacherasksstudentstellthe animals proverbs. 2. 看图片,讨论人类对待濒危动物 的做法是否正确,列举保护濒危动 物的措施。 T: Some animals are in danger. Some are disappearing qu
8、ickly. Do you know why? We should do. We shouldnt do 1. 根据动物的特征和习 性,收集有关动物的 谚语。理解谚语的含 义。 2.列举保护濒危动物的 措施,培养学生热爱 动物,学会与动物和 谐相处,保护生态平 衡的环保意识 Post-task小组讨论,以动物为主题,创作思 维导图。 Thislesson,wewentover vocabularies, the language items, and proverbs about animals. You can discuss in your group then make a mindma
9、p of animals. 通过思维导图对动物的 名称、外形特征、习性、 动物谚语、保护濒危动物 的措施等方面进行归纳 总结,既节省了时间,又 让学生对该主题的知识 点有了全面的了解。 Homework Dictation: names of Animals(new) Finish the mindmap. Write a passage of an animal 1.巩固新单词。 2. 完善思维导图, 将课堂 延伸至课外。 3.自选一种动物进行描 写。 板书设计:MODULE 2Animals(Revision) Word bank: Feature heavybig furry cute
10、cruel lazy Ability run jump climb trees fly swim Where in water on land in the Food Fishgrass meatcorn cereal MyMindmap WORKSHEET Class:Name:No. Level 1Flying foxes A flying fox is not a fox at all. It is a bat. Butthis bat looks like a fox. A flying fox is very big. It likes to eat fruit. Sometimes
11、 the flying fox is called the “fruit bat.” The flying fox flies into fruit trees. Then the bat eats all the fruit,so fruit farmers do not like the flying fox. () (1) What is a flying fox?() (2) Which of these is NOT true? A. It is abird.A. A flying fox is a small fox. B. It is a fox.B. A flying fox
12、looks like a fox. C. It is a bat.C. A flying fox can fly. Level2Starfish A starfish looks like a star.Most of them have five arms.Some have even more.At the end of each arm is an eye.The starfish has as many eyes as it has arms! And if an arm of a starfish is lost,it grows a new one. If you cut a st
13、arfish in two,each piece will grow into a new starfish! Starfish are not real fish.They are not good to eat.Dry ones are very pretty.People take dry starfish home and decorate their houses with them. Questions:Choose the right answers to the questions. () 1.How many eyes does a starfish with five ar
14、ms have? A.TwoB.FiveC.Seven () 2.What will happen if you cut a starfish in two? A.It will die.B. It will dry up.C. It will become two starfish. Level3Elephants Elephants are the biggest land animals. A male elephant can be up to four metres talltaller than two people standing on top of each other! A
15、nd it can weigh up to 6.5 tons. Elephants eat grass and plants. Because they are so big, elephants need a lot of food. An elephant can eat up to 200kg of food a day, and they eat for 18 hours a day Elephants live in family groups. There are about 20 elephants in a family group-mums, aunts, sons, dau
16、ghters and cousins. The head of the family is usually a grandmother-the oldest female elephant. Adult male elephants usually do not live with the family. They live alone or with other male elephants. Elephants live in Africa and Asia. African elephants are larger than Asian elephants and they have b
17、igger ears, and they are more dangerous than their Asian cousins. They are more likely to attack people. Word Bank:female 雌性的 male 雄性的 up to 一直到 alone 单独的 likely 有可能的attack攻击 1.Choose the right answers.选择问题的正确答案。 () (1)How tall can a male elephants be? A. 6.5 tons.B. Four metres.C. Six metres. ()(2)
18、 What do elephants eat? A.Grass and plants.B. Meat.C.Fish ()(3)How many elephants are there in a family group? A. About 10.B. About 20.C. About 30. ()(4) Which are more dangerous, African elephants or Asian elephants? A. African elephants.B. Asian elephants.C. Both are dangerous. Level4Write a riddle(写一个动物谜语,描述动物的外观、颜 色、栖息地、习性和能力) This is a What animal is it ? Guess? Answer: