新人教版九年级Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7(Section B 2a-2d)PPT课件(市优精品).pptx

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新人教版九年级Unit 14  I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7(Section B 2a-2d)PPT课件(市优精品).pptx_第1页
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1、Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7,,Ladies and gentlemen,Thank you for coming today to attend the graduation,ceremony at No.1 Railway Middle School.First of all,Id,like to congratulate all the students who are here today.I,remember meeting all of you when you were just starting,Grade 7

2、 at this school.You were all so full of energy and,thirsty for knowledge.And yes,some of you were a little,difficult to deal with!But today I see a room full of talented,young adults who are full of hope for the future.Youve all,grown up so much and Im so proud of you.,Although youve all worked very

3、 hard over the last three years,none of you could have succeeded by yourselves. I hope you will remember the important people in your lives who helped and supported you. your parents,your teachers and your friends.Please consider what theyve done for you and what they mean to you.Never fail to be th

4、ankful to the people around you.,Lastly,the end of junior high school is the beginning of a new life.I dont need to tell you that life in senior high school will be harder and that you have many difficult tasks ahead of you.Youll make mistakes along the way,but the key is to learn from your mistakes

5、 and never give up.But along with difficulties,there will also be many exciting things waiting for you.,Behind each door you open are chances to learn new things, and you have the ability to make your own choices.Choose wisely and be responsible for your decisions and actions. Although you have to g

6、o your separate ways now,I wish that in a few years time,youll come back to visit our school.As you set out on your new journey,you shouldnt forget where you came from.The future is yours.Good luck and hope to see you again sometime soon!,attend the graduation ceremonybe full of energy/hopebe thirst

7、y forbe thankful tothe beginning ofahead ofalong the wayalong with difficultieshave the ability to doseparate fromset outbe responsible for,参加毕业典礼,充满精力/希望,渴望,对.心存感激,.的开始,在.之前,沿途,伴随着困难,有能力做,把.分开,出发,对.负责,2d Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.,1. It is time to say goodbye

8、, but _ of us want to leave. 2. It is always hard to separate from those whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years. However, we are still excited to _on a new journey when we enter senior high school.,attend be thirsty for none set out be proud of,none,set out,3. The teacher can

9、 see in our eyes that we _ knowledge. She tells us that knowledge will give us wings to fly. 4. We will _ the junior high graduation ceremony tomorrow. It is a very special time for us. Our teachers and parents will _ us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves.,attend,are thirsty for,be proud of,Write a composition to recall the past,look to the future.,Homework,Thank you!,蚌埠铁中初三六班,Look forward to getting together!,U盘、电脑坏了?教学资料不见了?以前的资料没保存?每一届重复劳动?找不到精品课件、试题、教案反思?各大文库价格昂贵?来【163文库】吧,你可以:上传分享资料赚取零用钱;创建教学空间,分类收藏存储资料;方便下届使用;百万教学资源供你下载;【平台地址:】,


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