教科版(广州)六下Module 5 Travel abroad-Unit 9 Where will you go-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:6058d).zip

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Period2 本课教学目标本课教学目标 1 1、通过学习、通过学习Dialogue,Dialogue,巩固国家单词,认识新单词:巩固国家单词,认识新单词:nature,nature, choose,choose, abroad,abroad, capital.capital. 2 2、能用、能用WhereWhere willwill youyou go?go? I I willwill gogo toto /I/I willwill choose/choose/ IdId likelike toto /I/I wantwant toto 等句型进行询问等句型进行询问 和回答出游意愿。和回答出游意愿。 3 3、让学生对世界各国有初步的认识和了解。、让学生对世界各国有初步的认识和了解。 Letsenjoyasong. Brainstorm Whatcountriesdoyouknow? countries countrycapital ChinaBeijing countrycapital America theUSA WashingtonD.C. WhiteHouse countrycapital France Paris PeoplesaythatParisisthe foodcapitaloftheworld! TowerBridgeTowerBridge BigBen countrycapital theUK/Britain London countrycapital JapanTokyo agreatplacetogoshopping SydneyOpera House HarbourBridge IlovenatureandinSouthAfricaIcansee manybeautifulmountainsandforests. If you can travel abroad, where will you go ? If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you go ? Letslearn. Listen and answer 1、Where do they want to go? Japan/TokyoFrance/ParisAustralia/SydneySouthAfrica NameCountry/ District(地区) Cityreason Ben / / Janet Xiaoling Jiamin SouthAfrica lovenature seemountainsandforests I think I will go to South Africa. I love nature and in South Africa I can see many beautiful mountains and forests. NameCountry/ District(地区) Cityreason Ben / / Janet Xiaoling Jiamin SouthAfrica lovenature seemountainsandforests AustraliaSydney seetheSydneyOperaHouse andtheHarbourBridge I will choose Australia. I d like to see the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. NameCountry/ District(地区) Cityreason Ben / / Janet Xiaoling Jiamin SouthAfrica lovenature seemountainsandforests AustraliaSydney seetheSydneyOperaHouse andtheHarbourBridge JapanTokyo somodern goshopping buyarobot I want to go to Japan. Tokyo is so modern and its a great place to go shopping, too. Id like to buy a robot there. NameCountry/ District(地区) Cityreason Ben / / Janet Xiaoling Jiamin SouthAfrica lovenature seemountainsandforests AustraliaSydney seetheSydneyOperaHouse andtheHarbourBridge JapanTokyo somodern goshopping buyarobot France Paris lovefood thefoodcapitaloftheworld If I can travel abroad I will go to France, of course. I love food and people say that Paris is the food capital of the world. Iand inIcan seemanybeautiful . lovenature SouthAfrica mountainsandforests Fillintheblank. Iwillchoose. Idliketosee and ! Australia SydneyOperaHouse HarbourBridge Fillintheblank. Fillintheblank. Iwantto.Tokyo isandits togo shopping,too.Idliketo there. gotoJapan somodern agreatplace buyarobot Iwillgoto, ofcourse.I andpeoplesay that ! France love food Parisisthefood capitaloftheworld Fillintheblank. A:Ifyoucantravelabroad,wherewillyougo?Why? B:Iwillgoto/Iwillchoose/Idliketo/Iwant to Homework Askandanswer. Hello,Im.IfIcan traveltoanycountryinthe world, I Homework capital n. 首都 nature n.大自然大自然 abroad (adv).在国外;到国外 Homework 1.抄写并记忆所学单词。抄写并记忆所学单词。 2.听录音跟读课文对话听录音跟读课文对话3次。次。 六年级下册六年级下册 U9 Where will you go?教学设计教学设计 ModuleModule /Topic/Topic 模块及话题模块及话题 ModuleModule 5 5 Travel abroad UnitUnit 单元单元 9 9 TitleTitle 题目题目 Where will you go? PeriodPeriod 课时课时 2 2 TypeType ofof lessonlesson 课型课型 新授课新授课 教学内容分教学内容分 析:析: 本单元的课题是 Travel abroad(国外旅游)。本课时 Unit 9 学时的第二课 时,在第一课时,学生已经学习一些国家以及对应的著名建筑物、首都,这节课主 要是学习以及运用句型:Where will you go? I will go to/ I want to go to/ I will choose谈论自己的旅游意愿,并解释选择的原因。 旅游话题内容与学生的现实生活很贴近,很多学生都会利用周末,小假日,和 寒暑假去进行一些实践活动,而旅游就是孩子们最喜欢的活动,因此,旅游是一个 很受学生欢迎的话题。 因此 travel abroad(国外旅游)的话题学生会比较感兴趣,在上课前,已经 布置学生去上网了解有关国家的信息,然后课堂上再学习有关的国家、首都,并讨 论他们想去世界上任何一个想去旅游的国家以及想去的理由,就可以很好的把学习 内容和生活实际联系起来。 学习对象分学习对象分 析:析: 本课时信息量较多,涉及到一些外国的文化知识。因此,教师在课前就布置学 生查找相关信息, 并在教学过程中,注重让学生用自主构建的方式进行学习,并通 过图片、歌曲、游戏和比赛等形式来学习新知识。 六年级的学生学习兴趣浓厚,求知的欲望比较强烈,思维活跃,也掌握一定的 学习方法,自学能力也有所提高,因此教师在课堂上以活动为主要形式,设计丰富 多彩的教学活动,很好的把教学内容和学生的实际生活联系起来,让学生轻松愉快 的获取知识,从而达到完成教学目标的要求,提高教学效果和提高学生的学习热情 与积极性。 学习目标:学习目标: 1、 通过学习 Dialogue,巩固国家单词,认识新单词:nature, choose, abroad, capital. 2、 能用 Where will you go? I will go to /I will choose/ Id like to /I want to 等句型进行询问和回答出游意愿。 3、让学生对世界各国有初步的认识和了解。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1、 Learn the sentences. 2、 Master the new words. 3、 Can use the patterns: Where will you go? I will go to /I will choose/ Id like to /I want to 主要教学媒主要教学媒 体体 : 多媒体课件 PPT、金太阳光盘 教学资源教学资源: :配套的教学图片、歌曲视频、 学习过程学习过程: : Learning activity & Steps of the activity 学习活动及具体的活动操作步骤 (明确教学的每一个活动的设计,写清楚活动的具体操作步骤。 ) 1.Warm1.Warm upup 1、Enjoy the song : Countries of the world 2、Brainstorm: What countries do you know? 3、Play a game: Sharp eyes! 学生看一闪而过的国旗,猜出国家。 2.Pre-task2.Pre-task 1、学生通过 PPT 的图片、视频学习国家对应的国旗、首都、了解现实生活中世 界各国的著名建筑物。 2、创设情境并学习新句型:May Day is coming. If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you? 3、Practice the patterns in pairs. 4、Listen to the dialogue and do the exercise.(先听课文录音,再把人物 和他们想去的地方连线。 ) 5、Read the dialogue and fill in the blank.(学生阅读文章,了解 Ben、Janet、Xiaoling、 Jiamin 想去哪个国家以及理由,填写表格。 ) 6、Watch the CD-Rom of Unit 9. 7、Read the dialogue after the teacher and act out the dialogue. 8、 Try to recite the dialogue. 3.While-3.While- tasktask 1、(Group work) Look at the picture, use the patterns to ask and answer : If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you go? I will go to /I will choose/ Id like to /I want to 2、 Ask some groups to perform their dialogue. 4.4. Post-Post- tasktask 1、Write down the wish card.(学生写下愿望卡,告诉同学自己想去哪个国家 旅游以及原因。 ) 2、Ask some pupils to share their wish cards. 3、Sum up. HomeworkHomework 1、Write the new words. 2、Listen and read the dialogue 3 times. DesigningDesigning onon thethe boardboard: Unit 9 Where will you go? Q: If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you go? A: I will go to B: I will choose C: Id like to D: I want to go to NameCountryReason BenSouth Africalove nature see beautiful mountains and forests JanetAustraliasee the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge XiaolingJapanso modern go shopping buy a robot JiaminFrancelove food the food capital of the world
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