教科版(广州)六下Module 5 Travel abroad-Unit 9 Where will you go-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:567ba).zip

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Unit9 Where will you go? If you can travel abroad, which country will you choose? Which country is it? What can you see in this country? South Africa flag bag nature n. France Wow! People in this country like kissing. Which country is it? France is a romantic country. Paris is the capital of France. People say that Paris is the food capital of the world! Sydney Opera House Harbour Bridge Let s play a game! Guess which country it is! Where do you want to travel? NameCountryCitywhy Ben / Janet Xiaoling Jiamin Listen and finish the table. Read Children! If you can travel abroad, where will you want to go? Homework Write a passage about which country you want to go and why. 教科版六年级下册 M5 Travel abroad Unit9 Where will you go?(the first period) 一、本节课整体设计思路: 本模块学习的话题是 Travel abroad,本课时是 Unit9 的第一课时,属 于新授课型,学生运用已学的一些国家知识,衔接本课新学的国家 知识,询问并表达自己喜欢去哪个国家旅游,并进一步扩展到如何 描述各个国家的理由。本课时的实际思路围绕多啦 A 梦带领大家去 到各个国家旅游作为主线,扩大学生的视野,激发其已有的体验进 行语言运用及交流,本课的设计层层深入,逐步递进的任务型教学 方式去实现教学目标。 二、教学内容 本课时是 U9 的第一课时,授课内容是 Lets talk。根据哆啦 A 梦带 领小伙伴到世界各国观光的视角,引申到询问课文小伙伴们想去哪 里旅游作为整课的主线,对本文作适当的重构,以便学生更全面的 了解世界各国的相关情况和风土人情。 三、教学对象分析 本节课的授课对象是六年级学生,通过六年的学习积累,他们已经 具备一定的语言积累,考虑到此年龄段学生的心理特征,教学中采 用多种学习策略和方法,调动学生学习的积极性,学生在教师的指 引下,在任务的带领下,能运用所学的英语进行交流,提高运用语 言的能力。在语言知识储备上,学生已经具有一些国家名称表达的 能力。 四、教学目标 1. 语言知识目标 熟记“四会”词汇:abroad, South Africa, nature, choose, Japan, France, capital, flag 理解“三会”词汇:Sydney, Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour bridge, Tokyo, Paris, Washingtonn D.C. 短语:the capital of 句型:Its a great place to go shopping. Paris is the food capital of the world. 2. 语言技能目标 能用正确的语音,语调朗读课文,理解课文并完成练习。 能用课文中的单词和句型表达喜欢去的国家。 3. 学习策略目标 前置性学习,让学生在预习本课内容的基础上选取自己喜欢的国 家做介绍。 通过思维导图,理清各种信息。 通过参与各种活动,提高语言交际能力。 4. 情感态度目标 拓展国际视野,了解各国文化。 在了解各国文化的基础上提升自己的内涵和抱负,也提高学习英 语兴趣。 五、教学重难点 本课单词较多,部分是三会单词。 利用思维导图表达各国的情况以及课文的内容。 理解这篇对话的文化内涵。 六、教学策略 1、通过已学的语言知识调动学生相关知识储备。 2、积极参与小组合作,共同完成学习任务,发展语言听说读写能力。 3、通过观察,分析,归纳思维导图,学会自主探究。 4、设计逐层递进的活动,让学生在活动中开拓思维,提高学习能力。 3. 增强学生的想象能力。 七、教学媒体 PPT 、视频、 单词卡、教具、worksheet 教学过程: (一)Pre-task 1、Sing a song(there are some cities in this song) (设计意图:六年级学生每周都会学习一首欧美流行歌曲,让他们 能够更加了解欧美的文化,同时也提高他们学习英语的兴趣,歌曲 的主题也尽可能贴近所谓的单元内容。 ) 2、Free talk(Talk about the countries they konw) (设计意图:让老师了解学生已掌握的一些国家,同时也可以引出 本节课的内容。 ) (二)While-task 1、Watch a video about south Africa and get some information about this country. (设计意图:观看了南非的视频之后,教师在提问过程中教授南非 国家的相关单词和信息,学生能够在直观的视频中更了解南非) 2、Watch some pictures about French culture and get to know more about France, including their food, capital and flag. (设计意图:先让法国特有的打招呼形式让学生猜这到了哪个国家, 即能引起学生的兴趣,也能让他们从文化习俗的角度理解这个国家。 ) 3、Watch a video about Japan and know more about Japan. (设计意图:从图片,声音,字幕多方面对日本有了一个大致形象 的了解。 ) 4、Read a passage about Australia and know more about Australia. (设计意图:从一篇小短文中了解澳大利亚的一些城市和著名景点, 学习 Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House 等。 ) 5、Read the names of the countries and cities as well as some places of interest and then play a guessing game. (设计意图:根据不同的国旗和景点猜测是哪个国家,复习刚才学 过的国家以及各国的相关信息。 ) 6、Jiamin, Xiaoling, Janet, and Ben also want to travel abroad. And they tell Doreamon which countries they want to go and the reasons. Students find out the places and reasons accroding to their description. (设计意图:一开始已为课文文本对话的开展铺设了一个背景,能 够更自然引出课本的小朋友描述自己想去的国家和原因。同时学生 通过听他们的描述完成思维导图。 ) 7、Read the dialogue together. 8、Read and retell it in groups. (设计意图:通过观看金太阳之后齐读,分组读等形式熟悉课文。 ) (三)Post-task 1. Retell the dialogue according to the mind map. (设计意图:能够利用思维导图对这篇课文进行复述。 ) 2. Students in groups introduce the country they would like to travel. (设计意图:学生根据前置性学习和小组性合作进行口头表达。 ) (四)Summary (五)Homework 1. Write a passage about which country you want to go and why. Blackboard Design: Unit9 Where will you go? abroad choose flag nature capital Australia Australia is the biggest country in Oceania(大洋洲). It has a population(人口) of more than 10 million(百万). Most of the people live in the east of the country by the sea. Australia is famous for animals. There are many different animals in it. Canberra(堪培拉), the capital of Australia, is a beautiful city. Sydney is the biggest city in Australia. It has many beautiful and famous places, such as Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge. Sydney Opera House is very famous all over the world. The 2000 Olympic Games were held(举行) in Sydney. Questions: 1. Which city is the biggest city in Australia? 2. Which city is the capital of Australia? 3. Which places are famouse in Australia? Part 2:Listen and finish the table. NameCountryCitywhy Ben/ Janet Xiaoling Jiamin Countries:Japan, Australia, America, South Africa, France, England Cities: Tokyo, Paris, Sydney Reason(原因):food, go shopping, nature, Sydney Opera House, Harbour Bridge
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