教科版(广州)六下Module 6 Let’s look back-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:e0bd9).zip

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How many stars can you get? Name : Go for it ! Little Light Bulb will travel to Africa with his two friends on summer holiday. One is called “ Congo”, The other is called “ Zimbabwe”. Congo Zimbabwe Little Light Bulb Where is Africa? China is in Asia Lets watch a video http:/ 67786245e6d42f0a16ae78560bb6076?vfm= bdvtx&frp=%2Fshow_intro%2F& bl=hb What do you think of Africa? Congo A.肯尼亚肯尼亚 B.刚果刚果 Zimbabwe A. 津巴布韦津巴布韦 B.赞比亚赞比亚 South Africa A.南非南非 B. 非洲的南部非洲的南部 Task 1 Congo B.刚果刚果 Zimbabwe A. 津巴比韦津巴比韦 South Africa A. 南非南非 P62 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 . Krunger National Park (South Africa) The home to many of Africas wild animals. See groups of lions hunt for food. Watch elephants play in the Lake and giraffes eat leaves from the tall trees. Youll Love it. Virunga National Park(Congo) Walk through the beautiful A trip to Africa How many parks are there in the trip? 30 秒 https:/ https:/ https:/ A trip to Africa 1. Kruger National Park 2. Virunga National Park 3. Victoria Falls National Park How many parks are there in the trip? There are 3 . 30 秒 Which park will you visit, Why? Park Country Attractions 1. Kruger National Park 2. Virunga National Park 3. Victoria Falls National Park is going to Park 2 in Congo. Because. Park 2 Country Attractions 2. Virunga National Park Congo See gorillas feeding, playing and taking care of their babies. Congo Task 2: I will visit Park in Because Park Country Attractions 1. Kruger National Park South Africa 2. Virunga National Park Congo 3. Victoria Falls National Park Zimbabwe Which park will you visit, Why? Park Country Attractions 1. Kruger National Park South Africa 2. Virunga National Park Congo 3. Victoria Falls National Park Zimbabwe See gorillas feeding, playing and taking care of their babies. See groups of lions hunt for food. Watch elephants play in the lake and griaffes eat leaves from the tall trees. See the worlds highest waterfall. Come and see the worlds highest waterfall. See the largest cave(岩洞) in Africa. Line 2-3 Line 9 Line 12-13 . . 1. See groups of lions hunt for food. 看群狮 _。 A. 争斗 B. 猎食猎食 2. Home of the African great gorillas. _的家园。A. 大猩猩们大猩猩们 B. 群猴群猴 3. Hike on the parks many trails and see A. 徒步在公园小径徒步在公园小径 B. 乘坐公园的观光车乘坐公园的观光车 4. 尝试给短文加上题目:尝试给短文加上题目: Task 3: 联系上下文或图片,理解联系上下文或图片,理解 Line 2-3 Line 9 Line 12-13 . . 1. See groups of lions hunt for food. 看群狮 _。B. 猎食猎食 2. Home of the African great gorillas. _的家园。A. 大猩猩们大猩猩们 3. Hike on the parks many trails and see A. 徒步在公园小径徒步在公园小径 4. 尝试给短文加上题目:尝试给短文加上题目: Task 3: 联系上下文或图片,理解 All they are _. gorillas Save the wild animals. Task 4: Write down your ideas? How can we save the wild animals? And How can they stay safe during travelling? Choose 1 only to talk about it. If they visit Park 2 ParkAttractions 1. Kruger National Park 2. Virunga National Park 3. Victoria Falls National Park See gorillas feeding, playing and taking care of their babies. Task 5: If they visit Park ParkAttractions 1. Kruger National Park See groups of lions hunt for food. 2. Virunga National Park 3. Victoria Falls National Park Come and see the worlds Highest waterfall. See gorillas feeding, playing and taking care of their babies. P64 Learn more about : should / shouldnt Group A. At the airport Group B. In the restaurant Group C.In the museum Group D.In the underground Homework 1. 完成 P64.4 (choose 1 only) 2. 短文默写: In the underground(at least 5) 1 1 教科版小学英语六年级下册教科版小学英语六年级下册 Module 6 Lets look back 教学设计教学设计 Topic 话题话题 A trip to Africa Period 课时课时 1 课课 Type of lesson 课型课型 阅读与阅读与 写作写作 Teaching Content Analysis 教学内容教学内容 分析分析 Module 6 是一个复习的单元。以 A trip to Africa 为话题而展开的一系列的阅读, 听力,口语,写作的练习。整合了 3 个模块 M2 Animals 和 M4 Good manners 和 M5 Travel abroad 的知识点 Learner Analysis 学生分析学生分析 (1) 学生阅读非洲的资料,初步了解非洲的风光;并对模块 2 野生动物的知识 进行复习 (2) :学生在 Modlule 4 Good manners 学习了 polite things and impolite things, 在此基础上运用 should / shouldnt 复习相关的劝说用语 (3)教学方式的转变,让学生积极的参与学习活动,自主学习,发现知识。 Objectives 教学目标教学目标 1. 语言能力语言能力 基本目标: (1)阅读理解 ,预到新单词,尝试联系上下文去意会 (2)模块 2 的复习:How can we save the wild animals? (1) 运用 should / shouldnt 复习相关的劝说用语 拓展目标。不同的场合, 不同相关的劝说用语。 2.学习能力:学习能力:增强用英语交流的自信,提高听说读写的综合能力;将学习内容与 自己的生活实际联系,提高学习英语的兴趣。 3. 思维品质思维品质: 培养学生用探究式,发现式,主动参与学习活动,自主独立思考, 但又乐意群体的合作学习等不同学习思维品质。 4.4.文化品格文化品格:懂得文明出行,不同的场合,不同的要求。遵守公共场所的秩 序。 2 2 Language Focused 教学重点教学重点 (1)P62.1 阅读理解,提取相应的信息 (2)正确运用劝说用语 Language Difficult Points 教学难点教学难点 (1) P62.1 阅读中会遇到的新单词/词组, 学生能否意会,或是联系上下文去理 解。 (2) 有些专用的地名单词的读音: Congo, Zimbabwe (3)降低难度: Park 1 Kruger National Park, Park 2Virunga National Park 3 = Victoria Falls National Park Teaching Strategies 教学策略教学策略 1.视频,活跃课堂气氛,调节学生情绪; 2.直观操作:调动学生的参与积极性; 3.学生的自主学习和合作学习 Teaching Aids/Media and Resource 教学资源与媒教学资源与媒 体体 PPT、 教学平台、 Preview Learning 前置性学习前置性学习 于 阅读技巧:标出行数,懂得从字里行间找答案,同时有利于检查校对; Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activities & Steps 教学活动及步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动 Purpose 设计意图 . Warming up Free Talk 出示世界地图,让学生指 出 Where is Africa? Where is South Africa? 学生要找出 Africa 及 South Africa 的位置,为学习 A trip to Africa 作铺垫。 热身。 . Presentation & Practice Activity1 : Watch a video 关于非洲的一段视频, 让学生带着小任务去观看 关于非洲的视频: What do you think of Africa when you saw the video? Activity2: Activity1:. 让学生带着小任务去观看关 于非洲的视频:What do you think of Africa when you saw the video? Activity2:学生自主学习 (1)激趣。 (2)从视觉上去感受非 洲原野的魅力。 . Activity 3 用探究式,发现式,主 3 3 初步感知非洲的另外 2 国 家的地理位置 Congo and Zimbabwe 然后通过阅读理解,了解 非洲其他国家的风物。 Activity3:快速阅读 How many parks are there? 阅读技巧:标出相应的行 数 Activity4:阅读理解 并提取相应的信息 Which park will you visit, Why? Choose your favourite park, and fill the information Activity5:联系上下文的 阅读理解 (1)联系上下文 (2)短文的题目 Activity6:If you visit Park A 通过话题的谈论,对 短文的另一角度的理解: Safety first. (2) How can we save the wild animals? 听音选词,并根据发音选择 中文 .Activity 3:快速阅读 30 How many parks are there? There are 3 Activity4:阅读理解 (1) 学生完成表格, (2) 选取你想去的公园, 并填出相应的信息 Activity 5: 通过学生总结的题目,使学 生对短文有一个总体的概括。 Activity6:学生谈论 (1)自选 Park 1, Park 2, Park 3 (2)写出自己的建议 动参与学习活动 Activity3: .速读:初步了解短文 阅读技巧:标出相应的 行数,学会从字里行间 理解阅读 Activity 4:进一步了解 短文,并学会提取相应 的信息 Activity5:以总分总的 形式,学生对全文的总 体的理解 Activity6:以话题 引出 should/shouldnt 的 场景应用:同时对模块 2 的复习 . 拓展 Activity 7:should/shouldn t 的场景应用 (1) at the airport Activity 7:should/shouldnt 的场景应用: 分成 4 小组,分别各 1 个场 Activity 7 (1) 劝说用语的复习 不同场景,实际应用 4 4 (2) at the restaurant (3) at the museum in the underground 景, (1) 先让学生说, 写在表格上 . Homework 课后作业: 分层报置。学生可根据自 己的实际情况去完成。 学生明确自己的作业 要求。 1.用表格完成 P64.4(4 选 2,包括 in the undergroud) 2. 家听 M2 Animals (1) (2) (3) (4)第 4 按要求各举 1 例。 课后作业的分层报置 版书 A trip to Africa Congo Zimbabwe gorilla 1. Which park will you visit, why? I will visit Park.in Beacause 2. How can we save the wild animals? 3. How can they stay safe during travelling? If they visit Park 5 5 How many stars can you get? Name : Go for it ! Task 1、Listen, and choose the Chinese meaning. Africa Congo A.肯肯尼尼亚亚 B.刚刚果果 Zimbabwe A. 津津巴巴布布韦韦B.赞赞比比亚亚 South Africa A.南南非非 B. 非非洲洲的的南南部部 Task 1 Task 2: I will visit Park in Because Park Country Attractions 1.Kruger National Park South Africa 2. Virunga National Park Congo 3. Victoria Falls National Park Zimbabwe 6 6 Line 2-3 Line 9 Line 12-13 . . 1. See groups of lions hunt for food. 看群狮 _。 A. 争斗B. 猎猎食食 2. Home of the African great gorillas. _的家园。A. 大大猩猩猩猩们们B. 群群猴猴 3. Hike on the parks many trails and see A. 徒徒步步在在公公园园小小径径B. 乘乘坐坐公公园园的的观观光光车车 4. 尝尝试试给给短短文文加加上上题题目目: Task 3: 联联系系上上下下文文或或图图片片,理理解解 Task 4: Write down your ideas? How can we save the wild animals? How can they stay safe during travelling? Task 5: If they visit Park ParkAttractions 1.Kruger National Park See groups of lions hunt for food. 2. Virunga National Park 3. Victoria Falls National Park Come and see the worlds Highest waterfall. See gorillas feeding, playing and taking care of their babies. 7 7 拓展任务: Learn more about : should / shouldnt A.At the airport B.In the restaurant C.In the museum D.In the underground 1 1 教科版小学英语六年级下册教科版小学英语六年级下册 Module 6 Lets look back 练习设计练习设计 How many stars can you get? Name : Go for it ! Task 1、Listen, and choose the Chinese meaning. Africa Congo A.肯肯尼尼亚亚 B.刚刚果果 Zimbabwe A. 津津巴巴布布韦韦B.赞赞比比亚亚 South Africa A.南南非非 B. 非非洲洲的的南南部部 Task 1 2 2 Task 2: I will visit Park in Because Park Country Attractions 1.Kruger National Park South Africa 2. Virunga National Park Congo 3. Victoria Falls National Park Zimbabwe Line 2-3 Line 9 Line 12-13 . . 1. See groups of lions hunt for food. 看群狮 _。 A. 争斗B. 猎猎食食 2. Home of the African great gorillas. _的家园。A. 大大猩猩猩猩们们B. 群群猴猴 3. Hike on the parks many trails and see A. 徒徒步步在在公公园园小小径径B. 乘乘坐坐公公园园的的观观光光车车 4. 尝尝试试给给短短文文加加上上题题目目: Task 3: 联联系系上上下下文文或或图图片片,理理解解 Task 4: Write down your ideas? How can we save the wild animals? 3 3 How can they stay safe during travelling? Task 5: If they visit Park ParkAttractions 1.Kruger National Park See groups of lions hunt for food. 2. Virunga National Park 3. Victoria Falls National Park Come and see the worlds Highest waterfall. See gorillas feeding, playing and taking care of their babies. 拓展任务: Learn more about : should / shouldnt A.At the airport B.In the restaurant C.In the museum D.In the underground
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