人教版(新起点)二年级下册-Unit 2 Weather-Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:209d6).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_二年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Weather_Story Time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:209d6)
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Unit 2 weather Free talkFree talk Whatsthe weatherlike in_? Its. Ican. Kang Bashi Harbin Bao Tou Shanghai Hang Zhou 1.Whatanimalscanyouseeinthispicture? 3.Wheredotheygo? 2.Whatstheweatherlike? 学法指导: 观看视频并回答下列问 题。 1.Whatanimalscanyouseeinthispicture? monkey penguin cat duck Itsrainyandcloudy. 2.Whatstheweatherlike? Doyoulikerain? Whatstheweatherlikenow? Whatdotheywanttodonow? Doesthepenguinlikesunnydays? Whatcantheydo? Dotheygotogether? Whatcanthepenguindo? Whathappenedtothemonkey?Why? cap hat Pointandread Lets show!Lets show! 下雪啦,大象和猫咪在说些什么呢下雪啦,大象和猫咪在说些什么呢 ? Homework 1.Imitatethestory,tellthestorytoyourparentsandsay whatyoulearntfromit. 模仿故事,把故事讲给爸爸妈妈听,告诉他们你学到了 什么。 2.Makeanewstoryandperformwithyourfriends. 新编小故事并和你的好朋友一起表演。 play football fly a kite make a snowman swim make a model plane ride a bike Ican. 1.Whatanimalscanyouseeinthispicture? Weshould loveand protectthe animals! penguin monkey cat duck fish dog lion tiger snake zebra 1.Whatstheweather like? 学法指导:观看 视频并回答下列问题。 2.Whatswrongwiththe monkey? cap一般刚好能罩着 头部,并且没有帽边, 但一般会有帽舌(如一 般的棒球帽); hat的形状就很多变 了,可能有帽边也可能 没有,但通常都比cap 要大。 cap hat Make a differenceMake a difference Imitateandpractise. Dub for the storyDub for the story Read and performRead and perform Summary Whatstheweatherlike? Its. Ican. Letsgo. WorldConsumerRightsDay ,每年的3月15日是“国际消费者权益日” 由国际消费 者联盟组织于1983年确定,目的在于扩大消费者权 益保护的宣传,使之在世界范围内得到重视,以促 进各国和地区消费者组织之间的合作与交往,在国 际范围内更好地保护消费者权益。 诚信友 善 我国于1922年开始纪念三八节。中国妇女第一次群众性的 纪念三八节活动是1924年在广州举行的。1949年12月,中 央人民政府政务院规定每年的3月8日为妇女节。 Respectwomen!Lovewomen! genderequality ThemeaningofWomensDay: 学习目标 评价任务 1. Ss can read the sentences with the help of the pictures and flash. 2. Ss can understand the meaning of the story. 3. Ss can try to show the story by groups. 1. Read the story by groups and show short dialogues in pairs. 2. Students read the story in proper tone. 3. Perform through the team cooperation. 重点Whats the weather like? Its cloudy. We can fly a kite. 难点Do you want to go to the park?. 主问题 设计 “Whats the weather like today?” 师生 准备 PPT,flash,English book,masks,word cards. 教学 环节 学习过程设计意图 Step I. warm-up 1.Chant together. 2.Talk about the weather and the activities you can do. II. Presentation 1. Watch the flash and answer the teachers questions. 2. Learn the key sentences in the story. 3. Compete to say “I dont like rain.” And “I love rain.” To review the words and sentences. To review Practice to express if you like it or not. 4. Read and show. 5. Look. Listen and learn. Practice to say “but, now” 6. Play a game to learn “Do you want to go to the park?” 7. Ask and answer to perform. Step III Practice 1. Play the flash and follow to read the story. 2. Read and understand. 8. Students work by groups to practice. 4. Show the story by a group of four. 5. Work with your friends to perform in a certain weather. Step IV Summary Whats the weather like? Its sunny. I can. Lets go to the park. Step V Homework 1. Tell the story to your parents and say what you learnt from it. 2. Remake the story and act it out with your friends. To practice To consolidate To practice 安全 教育 勤俭节约是美德,贪吃贪玩成恶习 环保保护树木,就是保护我们人类 教育 语言 文字 请讲普通话请写规范字。 板书设计 Unit 2 Weather Whats the weather like today? Its. cloudy rainy snowy windy sunny I can. 教学反思:
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