- 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_二年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Seasons_Story Time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:b05e9)
- storytime.ppt--点击预览
- 教案b05e9.docx--点击预览
- 课堂练习题单.docx--点击预览
Warm up 1.Lets chant. 2.Woodman game. 3.Listen and do. Pre-reading seedseedsproutsproutbloombloomfruitfruit seedseed sproutsprout bloombloom fruitfruit Plants need time to grow up,Plants need time to grow up, So do us.So do us. No Pain No Gain Accept the Pain, Future will be Fruitful Dont feel the work you are doing is pain, because there will be always a reason for that pain or work. So face the pain, for the pain you face, there will be definitely happiness a head. All things happen for a reason.All things happen for a reason. 没有付出就没有收获,接受痛苦,未来就会变得更好; 不要认为现在在做的事情是痛苦的,因为总是有原因让你能接受这样的痛苦。 所以,大家都应正视痛苦,因为眼前的痛苦,会是你以后幸福的开始. 所有发生的事情都是有缘由的。 Lets discuss: Who can get the peanuts at the end? Cock or monkey? Why? While reading Read the story page by page. Its spring. Here are some peanuts for you. Thank you. Lets plant them. No, not me. I want to fly a kite. Its summer. Lets water the peanuts. Not me. I want to swim. Its autumn. Lets pick the peanuts. Not me. I want to play football. Its winter. Lets eat them. No, not you. No pain, no gain. Its autumn. Lets pick the peanuts.( ) No, not you.( ) Lets plant them.( ) No, not me. I want to fly a kite. Its summer. Lets water the peanuts.( ) No, not me. I want to play football.( ) Its winter. Lets eat them.( ) No pain, no gain.( ) Its spring. Here are some peanuts for you .( ) Thank you.( ) No, not me. I want to swim.( ) Its _. _ for you. Thank you. Lets _. No, not me. I _. Its _. Lets _. Not me. _. Its _. _. Not me. _. Its _. _. No, not you. _. 教材分析: 1、本课是人教版教材每个单元的最后一个课时,旨在将每个单元的主要知识点以一个故事 为载体进行再理解和运用,因此故事内容我要求孩子能理解,产出部分我要求孩子能分角 色朗读或扮演故事; 2、这个故事主要讲述在春天小天使 Angel 给了小鸡 Rooster 和猴子 Monkey 一包花生种子, 在之后的四个季节里两个小动物截然不同的做法,最后引出“一份付出一份收获”的道理, 根据孩子的年段特点,在故事的讲解过程中我格外注意故事的趣味性,通过看图猜故事、 听音预测故事、分角色朗读故事等多个方式帮助孩子理解故事大意。 教学目标: 1、 (AB 层)能听懂故事,理解故事大意; 2、 (AB 层)能认、读、理解新词和谚语: plant,water,pick,peanut, No pain, no gain. 3、 (AB 层)明白“一份付出,一份收获”的道理; 4、能小组合作,朗读(B 层)或表演(A 层)出故事。 教具学具:PPT,paper sheet,cards 教学过程: 教学步骤设计意图 Warmer 1、Greetings 2、Game:I can. 3、Free talk: How many seasons in one year? Whats your favourite season? What can you do in this season? 复习旧知,营造轻松 氛围,帮助学生进入 英语课堂。 Presentation 1、Present the new key words by asking questions and PPT: plant, peanut (1) In spring,what can you do? SS:I can . T:And I can plant trees. Show PPT and present “plant” Teach plant trees and flowers (2)Look,what does the bear plant? SS:He plants . T:The bear plants peanuts. Present “peanuts” 2、Main idea guessing: (1)Picture one: Look,here come our friend, Who are they? What does Angel give to Rooster? (2)Picture two: What will happen?Can you guess? Chinese is OK,English is better. 通过多种手段,激发 学生好奇心,同时引 入新知。 While-reading (1)Picture one: 逐图学习,通过多种 手段,帮助学生理解 Watch the story. Reading in roles. (2)Picture two: Look at the picture carefully, then guess: What season? What will Rooster do? What will Monkey do? Then watch the story, read in roles. (3)Picture three: Listen to the story, then answer: What season? What does Rooster do in Summer? What does Monkey do in Summer? Present “water”. Then watch the story, and read in roles. (4) Picture four: Read the story, discuss in pairs, then answer: What season? What will Rooster say? What will Monkey say? Present “pick”. Then watch the story, and read in roles. (5) Picture five: Watch the story, then answer: What season? What does Monkey want to do? What does Rooster say? Read in roles. (6) Picture six Who is coming? What will Angel say? No _, no _. Read together. Present “pain” and ”gain”. (7) Watch the story one more time. (8) Listen and repeat. 故事大意。 After-reading 1. Group work-Paper sheet. 2.Discuss: If Angel gave a bag of peanuts to you, what will you do? 3.Group work: Read in roles. 设置不同活动,帮助 学生巩固理解。 Homework Listen and repeat. 让学生巩固所学内容。 课后反思 经过此次青年教师赛课,我有如下收获: 一、 课堂英语化 尽量避免用母语进行教学,是进行外语课堂教学的原则之一。 语言是思维的工具。为了使小学生的思维尽快地与英语联系起来,在英语课堂组织教 学中要尽可能使用英语,做到课堂英语化,以排除对母语的依赖和母语的干扰。小学阶段 是学习英语的关键期之一。尽管他们刚涉及英语,掌握的单词和句型甚少,但我们应该从 第一节课起,坚持用英语组织教学。由于这时所学一般都是词义具体的单词和简单句子, 教师完全可以借助于直观手段来教,帮助学生尽快对内容的理解。在课堂中教师可以充分 运用眼神、手势、动作、表情等形式。以此来培养学生直接理解、直接学习和直接应用英 语的习惯,初步形成直接用英语的思维能力。 二、教学情景化 小学英语课堂教学必须尽最大限度地引起学生的学习兴趣,为学生提供足够的机会用 英语进行活动,让学生感受到运用所学语言成功地达到某种目的后的愉快。这是小学生的 年龄特点和英语学科的特殊性所决定的。要使小学生能够在 40 分钟的时间内保持良好的学 习状态,教师必须根据不同的教学内容创设各种情景,做到教学情景化。首先,坚持用英 语组织教学活动,教师应有计划地向学生传授课堂用语和日常用语。建立如 Daily talk 或 24 人一组的 Make dialogues 等制度,来加强英语课的语言氛围。其次,在课堂教学中尽 量利用实物、图片、幻灯、简笔画、课文插图等辅助手段创设情景。根据教学内容,要求 学生分角色进行模拟性交际,让学生在特定的语境中理解教学内容。再次,通过游戏活动 来表现情景。游戏活动能使抽象语言内容变成一种具体、形象的情景,具有直观性、趣味 性和竞争性等特点,能有效地激发他们学习的积极性。 三、步骤规范化 这里所说的步骤规范化,并非是一堂课的结构或教学的一种模式,而是指根据英语学 科内容本身的认知特点,在教学中应遵循的基本步骤。目前小学英语教学中最大的弊病就 是采取从形音义这样的步骤来完成教学内容。这是违反英语教学的基本程序的,是影 响英语教学质量进一步提高的重要原因之一。根据英语这种语言的特点,规范的教学应分 以下三步走。第一应是让学生形成音和义的联系;第二是形成音、义和形的联系;然后形 成音、形和义的联系。无论是单词还是句型教学,教师在课堂教学中应始终贯彻这一基本 思路。教师可以经过从视听感知模仿练习迁移运用综合交际这样的过程,能获得较 为理想的效果。 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将继续上下而求索。 Story time 1.What does Angel give to Rooster? A bag of coconuts A bag of peanuts 2. What does Rooster do in Spring? Plant the peanuts Fly a kite 3. What does Monkey do in Summer? Water the peanuts Swim 4. What does Rooster do in Autumn? Pick the peanuts Play football 5. What does Monkey do in Winter? Eat the peanuts Make a snowman 6. What does Angel say to Monkey? You are a good boy! No pain, no gain.